
「技術委員会」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 148



2.2.2 CRYPTREC Evaluation Committee  - 経済産業省


5.2.2 Cryptographic Technique Monitoring Subcommittee  - 経済産業省


"Commission" means the Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission.  - 特許庁


SOM Steering Committee on ECOTECH  - 経済産業省


(ロ) 調査WGは、監視委員委員、従来の暗号技術評価委員委員、共通鍵暗号評価小委員委員及び公開鍵暗号評価小委員委員等を元に構成される。例文帳に追加

ii) The Investigation WG is composed of Monitoring Subcommittee members, Evaluation Committee members, Symmetric-Key/Public-Key Cryptography Subcommittee members, and others.  - 経済産業省



The committee consists of scientists and engineers.  - Tanaka Corpus


The committee consists of scientists and engineers. - Tatoeba例文


The Ethics Committee shall be organised as a committee under the National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT). - 特許庁


The Cryptographic Technique Monitoring Subcommittee (referred to as the Monitoring Subcommittee hereafter), consists of specialistsand is responsible for the following items:  - 経済産業省


この委員はISO/IEC JTC1である(現在"1"を越える共同技術委員会は他にない)。例文帳に追加

This committee is ISO/IEC JTC1 (there are currently no other joint technical committees beyond "1").  - コンピューター用語辞典



an organization which deliberates on the technical standards of telegraph and telephone communications  - EDR日英対訳辞書

(イ) 暗号技術調査WGは、技術的観点から、監視委員に対して助言を行う。例文帳に追加

i) The Investigation WG offers advice/suggestions to the Monitoring Subcommittee from technical viewpoints.  - 経済産業省


The existing Evaluation Committee will be merged into the Cryptographic Technique Monitoring Subcommittee, and the Public-key and Symmetric-key Cryptography Subcommittees are to be merged into the Cryptographic Technique Investigation WG.  - 経済産業省

2003 年度以降、当面の CRYPTREC の体制として、暗号技術検討は存続し、暗号技術検討の下に「暗号技術監視委員」及び「暗号モジュール委員」を設置する。また、暗号技術監視委員の下に「暗号技術調査 WG」を設置する(図 7:今後のCRYPTREC の体制図)。例文帳に追加

The organization of CRYPTREC will change in the following ways: the CRYPTREC Advisory Committee will continue in its current form. The ‘Cryptographic Technique Monitoring Subcommittee’ and ‘Cryptographic Module Subcommittee’ will now fall under the auspices of the Cryptography Advisory Committee. with the ‘Cryptographic Technique Investigation WGunder theCryptographic Technique Monitoring Subcommittee’ (see Fig. 7).  - 経済産業省


The committee should adopt the technology guidelines to stay current with trends in information technologies. - 経済産業省


The CRYPTREC Evaluation Committee (Evaluation Committee) conducted technical evaluations of cryptographic algorithms, reported the evaluation results and offered technical suggestions regarding ciphers to the CRYPTREC Advisory Committee.  - 経済産業省


With regard to the explanation of cryptographic algorithms and technical descriptions, we got great help from the Evaluation Committee and the Public-Key/Symmetric-Key Cryptography Subcommittees.  - 経済産業省

(2) OSIM内における担当の審査委員は,技術分野又は審査手続に応じて構成される。例文帳に追加

(2) The specialized examination boards within OSIM are constituted according to technical fields or to the examination procedure. - 特許庁

なお、2002 年度の CRYPTREC 活動のうち、詳細な技術的事項については、暗号技術評価委員並びに同委員の下に設置された共通鍵暗号評価小委員及び公開鍵暗号評価小委員における議論を踏まえて、IPA 及び TAO によってまとめられている「CRYPTREC Report 2002」を御参照頂きたい。例文帳に追加

For more information on detailed technical matters in the 2002 CRYPTREC activities, please refer to the CRYPTREC Report 2002 provided by IPA and TAO based on the discussions at the Symmetric-key Cryptography Subcommittee and the Public-key Cryptography Subcommittee established under CRYPTREC and the Committee.  - 経済産業省

二国間の協力関係としては、現在、米国(NIST:国国立国家標準・技術研究所)、EU(欧州委員企総局、CEN(欧州標準化委員)、CENLEC(欧州電気標準化委員))、韓国(KATS:韓国技術標準)、中国(SAC: 中国国家標準管理委員)、ASEAN(ACCAQ-METI)と定期協議を実施。例文帳に追加

Cooperation between two countries are as follows; the United States (NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology), EU (European Commission Directorate General Company, CEN (European Committee for Standardization), CENLEC (European Electrical Standards Committee)), South Korea, (KATS: Korean Agency for Technology and Standards), China (SAC: Commission of the Chinese national standard), ASEAN (ACCAQ-METI) and regular consultations have been conducted. - 経済産業省


A committee shall be formed of three law specialists and two technicalexperts whose grade shall not be lower than grade twelve. - 特許庁

暗号技術評価委員から報告された暗号技術評価結果に基づき、第 4 回検討合(平成 14 年 11 月 27 日)において、電子政府推奨暗号リスト案を作成した。例文帳に追加

In the fourth meeting (November 27, 2002), a draft of e-Government recommended ciphers list was created using the cryptographic technique evaluation results reported by the Evaluation Committee.  - 経済産業省


The scope of the Web Services Business Process Execution Language Technical Committee is the support of process mechanisms in the following areas:  - コンピューター用語辞典


In a nuclear emergency, the NSC convenes with the “Technical Advisory Organization in an Emergencythat is composed of commissioners and the Advisors for Emergency Response. The Organization gives technical advice to the Prime Minister; - 経済産業省


The Subcommittee is also responsible for investigation/examination focusing on cipher implementation related techniques for maintaining the security and reliability of e-Government recommended ciphers, while liaising with the Monitoring Subcommittee.  - 経済産業省


The XACML Technical Committee will define a core XML schema for representing authorization and entitlement policies, also called XACML.  - コンピューター用語辞典


In October 2007, the European Commission proposed the “Blue Card Directivein an attempt to attract skilled human resources into the EU countries93. - 経済産業省


The Emergency Technical Advisory Body is composed of the commissioners of the NSC and the commissioners on the Emergency Technical Advisory Body who are also appointed by the Prime Minister from persons of knowledge and experience. - 経済産業省

(a)3人委員 高度に技術的な争点に関する事件の場合は,局長は,何れかの当事者の申立に基づいて,局長を委員長とし,取消が求められている特許が関連する技術分野に経験又は専門知識を有する者の2を委員とする委員が申請について聴聞し,決定するよう命じることができる。例文帳に追加

(a) The Committee of Three. -- In cases involving highly technical issues, on motion of any party, the Director may order that the petition be heard and decided by a committee composed of the Director as chairman and two members who have the experience or expertise in the field of technology to which the patent sought to be cancelled relates. - 特許庁

3 文部科学大臣は、技術士試験の執行ごとに、技術士試験の執行について必要な学識経験のある者のうちから、科学技術・学術審議の推薦に基づき技術士試験委員候補者を選定する。例文帳に追加

(3) The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology shall select, for each execution of the professional engineer examination, the examiner candidates from among persons with relevant knowledge and experience necessary for execution of the professional engineer examinations, based on recommendation by the Council for Science and Technology.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Drills planned by the NSCThe NSC conducts notification drills several times a year using automatic simultaneous notification equipment, and a drill for nuclear disaster per year from the viewpoint of maintaining and improving the nuclear emergency response capabilities of the Commissioners, the members of the Emergency Technical Advisory Body, the personnel of the Secretariat, etc. - 経済産業省


In February 1999 its parent organisations, the Basle Committee, IOSCO and IAIS endorsed and released a package of papers dealing with, among other things, techniques for:  - 財務省

国際パターン認識連盟・第13技術委員会の関心問題は, 主として洗練された画像解析とパターン認識の手法などであり, ...例文帳に追加

Topics of interest for IAPR-TC13 mainly concern sophisticated image analysis and pattern recognition methods,...  - コンピューター用語辞典


Reflecting the results of the discussion in the Emergency Technical Advisory Body, the NSC determines the recommendation items for an emergency. - 経済産業省


ii) The Monitoring Subcommittee prepares a preliminary draft describing whether any modification (deletion, etc.) of e-Government recommended ciphers is necessary or not, based on the advice/suggestions from the WG, and then reports the preliminary draft to the CRYPTREC Advisory Committee.  - 経済産業省

3 試験委員は、技術士試験の執行ごとに、技術士試験の執行について必要な学識経験のある者のうちから、科学技術・学術審議の推薦に基づき、文部科学大臣が任命する。例文帳に追加

(3) The examiner shall be appointed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology from among the persons with relevant knowledge and experience necessary for execution of the professional engineer examinations, based on recommendation by the Council for Science and Technology.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

IAPR(国際パターン認識連盟)・第13技術委員会の関心問題は, 主として洗練された画像解析とパターン認識の手法などであり, ...例文帳に追加

Topics of interest for IAPR-TC13 mainly concern sophisticated image analysis and pattern recognition methods,...  - コンピューター用語辞典


Revision of the regulatory guides undergoes examination and deliberation by the experts with the Nuclear Safety Commission taking into consideration the development of the science and technology. - 経済産業省

これに先立ち、2000 年度、経済産業省(旧通商産業省)からの委託を受けて、情報処理振興事業協(IPA)は電子政府で利用可能な暗号技術を安全性および実装性など技術的な面から評価することを目的とした暗号技術評価委員を設置するとともに同委員の事務局を務めた。例文帳に追加

Prior to this decision, the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA) established the CRYPTREC Evaluation Committee (referred to asEvaluation Committeehereafter) to evaluate the security and implementability of cryptographic techniques available for e-Government. IPA also undertook administrative responsibilities for CRYPTREC in 2000, in response to a request from the METI (former Ministry of International Trade and Industry).  - 経済産業省

また、2001 年度には、暗号技術評価委員に加えて、総務省大臣官房技術総括審議官及び経済産業省商務情報政策局長が、暗号技術の利用に関し政策的な観点から検討を行うことを目的として、暗号技術検討(以下、本検討)を設置した。例文帳に追加

The CRYPTREC Advisory Committee (referred to as the Committee hereafter) was established in 2001 by the Director-General for Technology Policy Coordination, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications (referred to as MPHPT hereafter) and by the Director-General of Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, METI. The purpose of this committee is, to have discussions on the usage of cryptographic techniques from a policy perspective.  - 経済産業省


In accordance with this law, the “Committee for the Protection of Industrial Technologycomposed of relevant government departments and experts from the private sector (1) designates the national critical technologies; (2) develops the basic plan for the outflow prevention and protection of industrial technology; and (3) develops the guidelines for the protection of industrial technology. - 経済産業省


Prescribed academic or technological meetings refer to those organized or held by the competent authorities under the State Council or national academic organizations, excluding those heldbelow the provincial level or with the entrustment or in the name of the departments under the State Council or national academic organizations.  - 特許庁

申請届出や調達など行政手続の電子化を実現する電子政府の機能をより安心して利用できるようにするためには、電子政府で利用可能な暗号技術を評価することが重要であり、2000 年度から暗号技術評価委員を設置して、暗号技術の公募や委員による評価対象暗号技術の選定及び評価を進めてきた。例文帳に追加

In order to make computerized administrative procedures for applications, notifications and procurements available with ease, it is very important to evaluate cryptographic techniques that are useful to the e-Government. Therefore, the CRYPTREC Evaluation Committee, which was established in 2000, has proceeded with a public invitation of cryptographic techniques, selection of cryptographic techniques, and has evaluated them.  - 経済産業省


Both Governments determine what technologies, products, etc should be included in the eligibility criteria through the approval process of the JCM methodologies by the Joint Committee.  - 経済産業省

CRYPTREC とはCryptography Research and Evaluation Committeesの略であり、総務省及び経済産業省が共同で開催する暗号技術検討(座長:今井秀樹東京大学教授)と、通信・放送機構(TAO)及び情報処理振興事業協(IPA)が共同で開催する暗号技術評価委員委員長:今井秀樹東京大学教授)による暗号技術評価プロジェクトを指す(CRYPTREC の体制図は図1参照)。例文帳に追加

CRYPTREC, an abbreviation of Cryptography Research and Evaluation Committees, is a cryptographic technique evaluation project undertaken by the CRYPTREC Advisory Committee (chaired by Hideki Imai, professor of University of Tokyo) convened by MPHPT and METI, and by the CRYPTREC Evaluation Committee (also chaired by Hideki Imai) convened by TAO and IPA (see Fig. 1 for the CRYPTREC organization).  - 経済産業省


To act jointly with the Department of Technological Information and with the Legal Counsel of the INSTITUTE to appropriately apply international conventions in the area.  - 特許庁


Employees of the Directorate and members of the Committee shall notdisclose technical information relating to the protection applicationsof which they become cognizant in their capacity to any person. - 特許庁


One-third of the members of the board of examiners shall be patent agents, one-third shall be employees of the Office, and one-third shall be technical or legal experts who are not members of the circle of patent agents and employees of the Office. - 特許庁


The compensation per session of the Chairman, the Director General of O.B.I., the Vice-Chairman, the members and the Secretary of the Administrative Council is to be determined by joint decision of the Minister of Industry, Energy, and Technology and the Minister of Finance.  - 特許庁


第64条 3人委員 高度に技術的な事項に関する事案の場合は,法律局長は,何れかの当事者の申立に基づいて,委員長としての法律局長及び取消が求められている特許が属する技術分野において経験又は専門知識を有する者の2からなる委員が請求について聴聞し,及び決定することを命じることができる。委員の決定については,長官に不服申立をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Sec.64 Committee of Three In cases involving highly technical issues, on motion of any party, the Director of Legal Affairs may order that the petition be heard and decided by a committee composed of the Director of Legal Affairs as chairman and two members who have the experience or expertise in the field of technology to which the patent sought to be cancelled relates. The decision of the committee shall be appealable to the Director General. - 特許庁

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Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved.
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