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Intensive Cooperation to Foster Innovative Growth - 経済産業省


It is imperative for Japan and America to achieve much closer cooperation in the economic sphere.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典

FATF に対し、国際基準を受け入れていない国・地域と緊密協力するよう強く求める。例文帳に追加

We urge the FATF to collaborate intensely with jurisdictions that have failed to recognize the international standards.  - 財務省


The mobility of students could be enhanced through closer cooperation on specific policies. - 経済産業省



Our efforts in financial cooperation are being complemented by closer cooperation in other areas as witnessed by an expanded scope of East Asia cooperation, such as trade, agriculture and tourism.  - 財務省


3 各主務大臣は、この節の規定の施行に当たっては、相互に緊密に連絡し、及び協力しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) Competent ministers shall maintain close liaison and cooperate with each other in implementing the provisions of this section.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

・ 三国で風評があった場合に、共同で対応し、三国保健大臣が共同声明を発表するなど三国で緊密な協力を行う。例文帳に追加

announce a Joint Statement under the names of the Health Ministers of the Participants for collaborative response to any rumors regarding the three countries and close cooperation among the three countries. - 厚生労働省


In 2011, we celebrated the public deployment of the Common Citation Document, which was born directly from the close collaboration with our users in industry.  - 特許庁


We instructed our respective officials to design and implement trade facilitation projects in close cooperation with these partner institutions. - 財務省


また、 JCCCの参加者は、税関及び貿易円滑化に係る事項における多国間レベルでの日本と EUとの間の緊密な協力への関与を再確認した。例文帳に追加

The delegations also reaffirmed their commitment to close cooperation between Japan and the EU at a multilateral level on customs and trade facilitation matters. - 財務省



The delegations also agreed to continue to cooperate closely in promoting joint interests at international level, such as strengthening the international financial architecture.  - 財務省


Japan hopes to make this conference successful and productive, through close cooperation with the World Bank and the participation of many people around the world.  - 財務省


Standing on a new starting point, we agreed to work more closely to explore the future priorities of regional financial cooperation.  - 財務省

IMF 及び世銀に対し、FATF との緊密な協力の継続を要請するとともに、FATFに対し、国際基準を認識していない国・地域と緊密に協働するよう慫慂。例文帳に追加

We call upon the IMF and World Bank to continue their close cooperation with the FATF, and we urge the FATF to collaborate intensively with jurisdictions that have failed to recognize international standards.  - 財務省


In current circumstances, therefore, they agreed to cooperate closely to foster stability of exchange rates around current levels.  - 財務省


We welcome the action the OECD has undertaken to work more closely with emerging and developing economies, international organisations and other international fora.  - 経済産業省


We pledge to enhance international cooperation to address the ongoing challenges in the global economy and world markets and maintain heightened close cooperation between Finance Ministries, Central Banks and regulators.  - 財務省

具体的には、技術協力、インフラの整備、緊密な政策対話による情報・経験の共有、APEC 等の地域的枠組みを利用した協力などが考えられる。例文帳に追加

Specific forms of cooperation might include technology cooperation, infrastructure creation, sharing of information and experiences through close policy dialogues, and cooperation using regional frameworks like APEC. - 経済産業省


In the "Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2005," Japan announced that, against the backdrop of closer economical relations with Asia, it would support examination or human resource development in Asian countries through bilateral or regional frameworks, towards the harmonization of patent systems and their implementation in Asia. - 経済産業省

第五十四条 内閣総理大臣及びこの法律の施行に関係する行政機関の長は、相互に緊密に連絡し、及び協力しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 54 The Prime Minister and the heads of the administrative organs involved in the enforecement of this Act shall maintain close liaison and cooperate with each other.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一時的な国際収支の問題と短期流動性への対応を目的とする CMIMは、ASEAN+3諸国の緊密な経済金融協力の主要な成果物。例文帳に追加

The CMIM, which aims at addressing balance of payment and short-term liquidity difficulties in the region, is a key achievement of the closer economic and financial cooperation of ASEAN+3 countries.  - 財務省


I believe that it is very important that the G-7 countries routinely have a close exchange of opinions on international financial and economic situations, and maintain appropriate cooperation with each other at various levels.  - 金融庁


Ministers supported the need for a closer cooperation among ASEM members to encourage the adoption of this effective financing arrangement in both regions.  - 財務省


Japan will be pleased to endeavor to work closely with the WBG under the new governance structure after the voice reform.  - 財務省


Japan intends to play a leading role in helping Myanmar’s development including the resolution of its arrears while cooperating closely with such international organizations as the World Bank and the Paris Club, and relevant countries.  - 財務省


In cooperation with Manshi KIYOZAWA, the first dean of the university, he devoted his energy to establishing modern research and educational institutes for Buddhist studies which were closely linked to related studies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In light of our special responsibility for the world economy, we pledge to continue close cooperation to foster worldwide economic growth.  - 財務省


Under the dual system, based on close cooperation between schools and enterprises, on-the-job training on company premises or at vocational training centers and textbook learning at vocational schools are conducted in parallel. - 経済産業省


Abengoa believes that working closely with its suppliers is the best way to encourage broader GHG measurement and management and to calculate its scope 3 GHG inventory.  - 経済産業省


We instructed officials to finalize the Action Plan in close cooperation with relevant APEC fora and ABAC, and to develop APEC's measurable performance targets by November 2010.  - 経済産業省


The JMEPA will provide the basis for closer collaboration in the area of standards and conformance, including the establishment of a framework for the negotiation for possible mutual recognition arrangements.  - 経済産業省


Sarkozy and Merkel confirmed that the two countries would cooperate closely to settle problems in the European Union including the establishment of the European Constitution.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The JMEPA will mark a new era for Japan-Malaysia strategic partnership, by forging closer economic relations through cooperation, liberalization and facilitation in trade and investment between the two countries.  - 経済産業省


The two Prime Ministers stressed the close economic and strategic ties between the two countries that have been developed through fruitful co-operation over many years. - 経済産業省


The 3rd Tripartite Customs Heads Meeting will be held in China to continuously advance close ties of the Customs Authorities. - 財務省


Developing a system for surveillance of implementation of the codes and standards, built on the Article IV process of the IMF, involving close collaboration with the World Bank and the standard setting bodies.  - 財務省


They agreed to cooperate closely for formulating concrete mechanisms of the Chiang Mai Initiative, which was announced at the recent ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Republic of Korea) Finance Ministers Meeting on May 6.  - 財務省


This is an international consensus on exchange rate movement. It is also agreed among the G-7 authorities that coordinated intervention would be made when necessary, as was stated in the agreed terms of reference by the G-7 Ministers and Governors dated September 9, 2011: “We will consult closely in regard to actions in exchange markets and will cooperate as appropriate.”  - 財務省


In close cooperation with the World Bank, Japan will enhance support particularly for African and small island developing states that are vulnerable to climate change.  - 財務省


In this context, they welcomed the proposed Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, to be prepared by national authorities in close collaboration with Bank and Fund staff.  - 財務省


Japan and the Philippines have built a good relationship through trade, investment, exchanges of people and economic cooperation. The two countries' relationship has deepened further through such opportunities as the entry into force of a bilateral Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in 2008.  - 財務省

この一環して、金融活動作業部会(FATF)に、大量破壊兵器(WMD)の拡散行為への資金供与に含まれるリスクの検討を依頼FATF に対し、国際基準を受け入れていない国・地域と緊密協力するよう強く求める。例文帳に追加

To this end, we ask the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to examine the risks involved in weapons of mass destruction proliferation finance. We urge the FATF to collaborate intensely with jurisdictions that have failed to recognise the international standards.  - 財務省

また、2010年中に締結される見通しのECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement:両岸経済協力枠組取決め)により、両岸経済関係の更なる緊密化が予想されている(コラム第16-5表)。例文帳に追加

In addition, the ties between two countries are expected to become closer due to Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) which will likely be concluded within 2010 (see Column Table 16-5). - 経済産業省

2 国土交通大臣は、前項の措置を講ずるに際しては、関係行政機関の長及び国内定期航空運送事業者等と相互に緊密に連絡し、及び協力するものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism shall, in taking such measures set forth in the preceding paragraph, maintain close contact and coordination with heads of relevant administrative organ and domestic scheduled air transport service operators etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

この点に関し、関税局長・長官は、3か国税関が WCOと協力して IPRセミナーを開催するために緊密に連携していくべきであることを認識した。例文帳に追加

In this regard, they recognized that the three Customs should work closely to hold an IPR seminar in cooperation with the WCO. - 財務省


Ministers asked the Bank to work closely with its partners and prepare a report for the Committee's next meeting on progress with harmonization.  - 財務省


We also encouraged officials to enhance cooperation between authorities and stakeholders to strengthen intellectual property enforcement by holding public-private dialogues. - 経済産業省

2 人事管理官は、人事に関する部局の長となり、前項の機関の長を助け、人事に関する事務を掌る。この場合において、人事管理官は、中央人事行政機関との緊密な連絡及びこれに対する協力につとめなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The Personnel Manager shall be the head of the bureau in charge of personnel affairs, and assist the head of the government agency set forth in the preceding paragraph by taking charge of matters pertaining to personnel affairs. In this case, the Personnel Manager shall maintain close liaison and cooperate with the central personnel administrative agencies.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十七条 国は、第四条から第八条までの罪に係る行為の防止及び事件の適正かつ迅速な捜査のため、国際的な緊密な連携の確保、国際的な調査研究の推進その他の国際協力の推進に努めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 17 The national government shall endeavor to secure close international cooperation and promote international research and studies, in order to prevent the activities related to the crimes prescribed in Articles 4 to 8 and to exercise proper and prompt investigation in such cases.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



We are pleased with the overall progress achieved under the ASEAN+3 framework and reiterated our commitment towards forging closer financial and monetary cooperation in this region, including expediting the implementation of the above initiatives to ensure continued regional financial deepening and greater stability.  - 財務省


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