
「3 寸」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









3 寸の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1382



The Tomozume and Kamazume each come in two sizes, one being approximately 39 cm long for fabric with a standard width and the other being approximately 80 cm long for fabric with a double width.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Its overall height is about 215 cm because three pillars about 203 cm in height are set on a foundation called 'tsuchii' laid on each of the four corners.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A protrusion 5 having a larger protrusion size than the thickness of the flexible wiring board 2 is provided on the wiring board 3 integrally with the same. - 特許庁


The foamed synthetic resin-made container 1 comprises the lid 2 having a width and/or a length smaller than a width and/or a length of the body 3. - 特許庁



A width 5A of the pole member 5 is greater than a width 3A of a tooth edge portion of each of the rack teeth 3b of the piston 3. - 特許庁



The coping receiver 3 is provided with a base member 5 having a coping width direction dimension corresponding to the width direction dimension of the coping. - 特許庁


A flange 3 is formed in a state that a dimension A between opposite end portions is smaller than a dimension B between opposite end portions orthogonal thereto. - 特許庁


A maximum width dimension 9A of a shaft part 91 of the pole retainer 9 is set larger than a width dimension 3A of an addendum part of the rack tooth 3b of the piston 3. - 特許庁


The inner packaging part 3 is stored in the outer container 2 and has a smaller longitudinal size than that of the outer container 2. - 特許庁



A ball part 4 of a ball stud 3 is formed to have the outside diameter D3 smaller than an inside diameter D1 of a small opening 13 of a socket 2. - 特許庁



Each of the two end plates 5 is thicker than the electromagnetic steel plate and the outside diameter of the end plate 5 is smaller than the outside diameter of the laminated core 3. - 特許庁


A depth dimension H of the recess 11 is set larger than a thickness dimension L1 of the IC chip 3. - 特許庁


The horizontal dimension (W) of the base cloth 4 is 1/2 to 1/3 of the horizontal dimension (A) of the mat 3 of the bed 2. - 特許庁


It is favorable that the size of the conductor plate 3 is λ or larger and that the size of the opening 7 is λ/2 or larger and λ or smaller. - 特許庁


The size of the opening, formed in the outer peripheral surface of the piston 15, of the flow passage 3 is larger than that of the opening, formed in the internal part of the cylinder 12, of the flow passage 1. - 特許庁


In the construction method of the eaves gutter attaching structure, the measurements of the cutting size of the eaves gutter 3 are taken by making the side 7 of the fascia board curved member 1B a reference. - 特許庁


A dimension in the width direction of the heat insulating materials 3 is formed in integer times of a dimension in the width direction of the external facing materials 4. - 特許庁


The width W_in of the opening portion 3 of the outer box body 2 is set to be the same or slightly larger than the depth dimension d_out of the inner box body 4. - 特許庁


Additionally, dimensions h1 in the axial direction of the inner ring member 2 on the holding part side is made larger than dimensions h2 of the inner ring member 3 on the fastening part side. - 特許庁


A ratio of a lateral size of the display unit 2 to a longitudinal size of the display unit 2 including the arms 22 is set to be 3:4 or over. - 特許庁


The crystal diaphragm 3 with a longer side size of 2.2 mm or less and a shorter side size of 1.5 mm or less is employed. - 特許庁


The inside dimensions A of the retainers 2, 3 between plate-like parts 21, 31 are smaller than the dimension B of the body 1 between the end faces. - 特許庁

また、最大外径法D_MAX は、セパレータ4の外周部が内側案内部材2に接触する外形法としてボール3の安定化を図る。例文帳に追加

Additionally, the maximum outside diametrical dimensions DMAX stabilizes the balls 3 by making it outline dimensions that an outer peripheral part of the separator 4 makes contact with an inside guide member 2. - 特許庁


The thickness of the corner part 7 of the bubble generating part 3 is made smaller than that of the central part 8. - 特許庁


The outline dimensions M, N of the inner case 2 are made larger than the outline dimensions m, n of the outer case 3. - 特許庁


In 1855 Awaji no kami WAKISAKA measured the tomb and noted that the dromos was '11 ken (about 1.8 meters) 3 shaku (about 30 centimeters) 4 sun (about 3 centimeters)'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this door body 1 having substantially prescribed thickness, the core member 2 includes relatively large thickness and high strength and rigidity thanks to the kenaf board 3 having small thickness. - 特許庁


In an embodiment, a substrate unit 3 comprises an electronic circuit substrate 10 having a first width dimension portion 15 and a second width dimension portion 16 continuing to a front direction side of the first width dimension portion 15. - 特許庁


The width W2 of the L-shaped cushioning material 2 is greater than WA of the L-shaped member A, and almost equal to the width W3 of the box 3. - 特許庁


The belt-shaped pendent attachment pieces 2, 3 are longer in a depth direction, and its dimension h1 is about twice as much as the dimension h2 of each of the rigid closed pieces 4, 5 in a depth direction. - 特許庁


The battery case 1 is formed into a flat rectangular shape having a longitudinal width smaller than its vertical height and lateral length, wherein the left and right side walls 3 and 5 are circularly swollen outward in the left and right directions, respectively. - 特許庁


The height dimension H of a refrigerator 3, in which the BIB2 is installed, is smaller than the width dimension W of the refrigerator so that the BIB2 can be installed in a state long from side to side and the refrigerator is mounted on the upper part of the syrup dispensing unit 9. - 特許庁


A dimension between the light receiving part and a base position of the reflector comprising the protruding rows is set at an aspect ratio about 1/(2√3) with respect to a dimension between facing light receiving parts. - 特許庁


A lower-side part 214 of the frame part 21 comprises a size regulating member 4 for regulating a size H for accommodating the game board 3, wherein the member 4 is detachable to the retaining frame 2. - 特許庁


The sectional size of the space is such that the tire radial size is 10 to 40% of the tire sectional height and the tire axial size is 3 to 10 mm. - 特許庁


In the house, the overhang dimension L1 of the roof part 21 of the semi-outdoor space 2 is defined as 2000 mm, the width dimension W of the opening 3 is defined as at least 4000 mm, and the height dimension H is defined as at least 2000 mm. - 特許庁


A graduated end strip 3 placed at the boundary portion of the ceiling surface or wall surface 2 or the like of a building to cover the boundary portion has graduations 4 longitudinally extended to indicated dimensions. - 特許庁


This is a baseboard 3 having graduation and is installed at boudary portions such as those between a floor surface and a wall surface for covering the boundary portions of a building, and the baseboard has graduations 4 marked and extended in the length direction. - 特許庁


The grinding machine 1 includes a main body 2, a sizing device 3 to measure a dimension of a part to be ground and generate a sizing signal, a thermal stability determination section 4 to determine whether or not the main body 2 is thermally stable, and a control section 5. - 特許庁


Width dimension A of each suction hole 25a-25c, 26a-26c, width dimension B of each abutting surface 21, 22, and width dimension C of each abutting surface 21, 22 in a suction nozzle 3 satisfy following relations: A≥B; and A≥2C. - 特許庁


Its dimensions are set so that relation of W1≤W2 is satisfied in the case that an outer diameter of the cutting edge 7 is W1 and a thread root diameter of the male screw 3 is W2. - 特許庁


An iron core is set to the table 4, and a dimension of the rail part 2 is adjusted in matching with a dimension shape of the iron core, whereby the dimension of the chain part 3 is adjusted. - 特許庁


To regulate the increasing lengths of shinai, the Kobusho (a military academy set up by the Edo Shogunate) declared in 1856 that, 'shinai longer than 3 jaku 8 sun (about 95cm) are not acceptable' and this became the set length.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A thickness dimension T1 of the plate member 3 is smaller than a thickness dimension T2 of the cabinet body 2, and the sound emitting hole 31 penetrating from the front to rear of the plate member 3 is formed in the plate member 3. - 特許庁


The pedestal 2 and the background plate 3 are composed of stone and dimensions of the pedestal 2 and the background plate 3 are set to the same and the pedestal 2 and the background plate 3 are detachably assembled. - 特許庁


Both ends are in a dimensional relation that a row width W1 of the inner ring 3, including dimensional tolerances of the inner ring 3, outer ring 2, and a play between the annular projection 8 of the inner ring 3 and the ball 6 is within a width W2 of the outer ring 2. - 特許庁


In the transformer provided with a coil using a plurality of copper or aluminum sheets 2 and 3 in the widthwise direction of the sheets 2 and 3, the widths of the sheets 2 and 3 are made narrower than the linear width of the coil lead-out section 11. - 特許庁


Each cooling tower array 3 is installed in a state of satisfying Y/X>1 where a longitudinal dimension of each cooling tower array 3 is Y, and an interval between the cooling tower arrays 3 is X. - 特許庁


From the cross-sectional view in the axial direction of the valve element 3, an axial chamfer dimension (a) and a radial chamfer dimension (b) of the seat face 21 are 0.1 mm or less, and the ratio a/b of the axial chamfer dimension (a) to the radial chamfer dimension (b) is a/b<1. - 特許庁



The groove 8 is formed so that the space (a) of the upper edges 9a and 9b of the inside walls 9 is 15 to 30 times as large as the board thickness of the thin plate W, and the depth (c) of the deepest part 11 of the groove 8 is 1 to 3 times as large as the board thickness of the thin plate W. - 特許庁


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