
「divisions」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(9ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > divisionsの意味・解説 > divisionsに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1363


A. Employees of the internal control division, etc. are prohibited from concurrently holding office at the sales division or other divisions using non-disclosure information for their operations, and vice versa. 例文帳に追加

イ.内部管理部門等と、営業部門その他の非公開情報を利用して業務を行う部門の職員との間で、兼務を認めないこと。 - 金融庁

(iv) Whether the securities company, etc., has the function of examining and evaluating possible conflicts of interest between the underwriting division and other divisions. 例文帳に追加

④ 引受けを行うに当たり、社内の他の部署との利益相反を検証・評価する機能を有しているか。 - 金融庁

(i) Whether the division that executes transactions regarding the said agreement is clearly separated from the divisions that receive and execute orders for other brokerage transactions. 例文帳に追加

① 当該契約に係る取引を執行する部門と他の委託取引を受託・執行する部門が明確に分離されていること。 - 金融庁

D. Whether the foreign securities company has arrangements and procedures to ensure that checks by the internal control division on the sales and other divisions function properly. 例文帳に追加

ニ.内部管理部門から営業部門等に対し、適切に牽制が働く体制が整備されているか。 - 金融庁


(i)Whether the securities finance company has allocated personnel necessary for conducting the business specified under Article 156-24(1) of the FIEA (hereinafter referred to as “debt-credit transaction business”) to individual divisions. 例文帳に追加

① 金商法第156条の24第1項に掲げる業務(以下「貸借取引業務」という。)の遂行に必要な人員が各部門に配置されているか。 - 金融庁


(iv) Have policies been adopted to prevent credit ratings from being determined without complying with the policies and processes for determining ratings, such as blocking undue approaches made by the officers, employees, etc. of sales divisions toward the process for determining credit ratings? 例文帳に追加

格付付与方針等に基づかない恣意的なデータを使用するなど不適切な行為を行っていないか。 - 金融庁

(iv) Does the Board of Directors keep the Internal Audit Division independent from divisions subject to audits and secure the function of a check-and-balance system? 例文帳に追加

(ⅳ)取締役会は、内部監査部門について、被監査部門からの独立性を確保し、牽制機能が働く体制を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

Does the Board of Directors provide a system to enable the Internal Audit Division to implement audits without being unduly restricted by divisions audited, etc.? 例文帳に追加

また、取締役会は、内部監査部門が、被監査部門等から不当な制約を受けることなく監査業務を実施できる態勢を確保しているか。 - 金融庁

Does the Internal Audit Division appropriately check the status of improvement at divisions subject to internal audits and reflect its findings in subsequent Internal Audit Plans? 例文帳に追加

また、内部監査部門は、被監査部門等の改善状況を適切に確認し、その後の内部監査計画に反映させているか。 - 金融庁


Does the Board of Directors provide for measures to have operational divisions and departments cooperate with external auditors to enable effective audits? 例文帳に追加

取締役会は、外部監査人が実効的な監査を実施することができるよう、社内の各部門・部署等に協力させるための措置を講じているか。 - 金融庁


f. Procedures for communicating to related divisions the information on consultations and requests regarding new finance and loan condition changes, etc. 例文帳に追加

ヘ.新規融資や貸付条件の変更等の相談・申込みについての情報を関連する部門へ伝達するための手続 - 金融庁

In particular, does the division collect information in close coordination with persons in charge of compliance allocated to operation divisions and sales branches, etc? 例文帳に追加

特に、各業務部門及び営業店等におけるコンプライアンス担当者との密接な連携を図り、情報収集を行っているか。 - 金融庁

(i) Does the institution build a database of cases of suspicious transactions and disseminate the obtained results throughout the relevant divisions by compiling reference casebook depicting examples of suspicious transactions, for example? 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)疑わしい取引の傾向について事例の蓄積を図り、その成果を参考事例集を作成する等して各部門への周知を図っているか。 - 金融庁

(ii) Does the Comprehensive Risk Management Division determine the validity of the risk assessment and measurement techniques used by the Risk Management Divisions and the assumptions thereof? 例文帳に追加

(ⅱ)統合的リスク管理部門は、各リスク評価・計測手法、前提条件等の妥当性について検討しているか。 - 金融庁

(iii) Does the institution provide necessary education and guidance to divisions in charge of conducting first- and second-stage self-assessments? 例文帳に追加

(ⅲ)第一次査定部門及び第二次査定部門等の自己査定実施部門に関し、必要な教育・指導が行われているか。 - 金融庁

(iii) Does the institution provide necessary education and guidance to divisions in charge of calculating the write-off and loan loss provision amounts? 例文帳に追加

(ⅲ)償却・引当額の算定を行う部門等に対して、必要な教育・指導が行われているか。 - 金融庁

Has the Board of Directors developed strategic objectives for the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions that are consistent with the institution-wide strategic objectives and disseminated them throughout the institution? 例文帳に追加

取締役会は、金融機関全体の戦略目標と整合的な市場部門の戦略目標を策定し、組織内に周知させているか。 - 金融庁

Do the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions conduct market activities appropriately in accordance with the strategic objectives, the Market Risk Management Policy, the Market Risk Management Rules, etc.? 例文帳に追加

市場部門は、戦略目標、市場リスク管理方針、市場リスク管理規程等に基づき、適切な市場業務運営を行っているか。 - 金融庁

Does the Market Risk Management Division check whether the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions are conducting transactions at fair prices by using deviations from market rate as a basis for its judgment? 例文帳に追加

市場リスク管理部門は、市場実勢からの乖離度を基準にして、市場部門が適正な価格で取引を行っているかを確認しているか。 - 金融庁

Do the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions provide all information concerning market risks without delay and accurately to the Market Risk Management Division? 例文帳に追加

市場部門は、市場リスクに関する全ての情報を、迅速かつ正確に市場リスク管理部門に伝達しているか。 - 金融庁

(iii) Does the ALM Committee, etc. make effective use of the results analyzed by divisions involved in interest and foreign exchange rate forecasts, risk measurement, and hedging transactions in their analysis and examination? 例文帳に追加

(ⅲ)ALM委員会等は、金利及び為替予測、リスク把握、ヘッジ取引等の関連部門の分析・検討データを有効に利用しているか。 - 金融庁

(i) Is there an arrangement to ensure that important information related to the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions is provided to the ALM Committee, etc. in a timely and appropriate manner? 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)市場部門等での重要情報は、ALM委員会等に適時適切に報告される体制となっているか。 - 金融庁

(ii) Do the directors and Managers in charge of the relevant divisions attend all meetings of the ALM Committee, etc. and involve themselves in deliberations? 例文帳に追加

(ⅱ)関連部門の担当取締役や管理者は、ALM委員会等に毎回出席し、検討を行っているか。 - 金融庁

Does the institution have the Market Risk Management Division in charge of designing and operating the market risk management system established independently from the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions? 例文帳に追加

市場リスク管理態勢の設計・運営に責任を負う市場リスク管理部門を、市場部門から独立して設置しているか。 - 金融庁

In the case where the institution is subject to market risk capital requirement, is the same director not in charge of the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions and the Market Risk Management Division? 例文帳に追加

また、マーケット・リスク規制対象金融機関の場合、同一の取締役が、市場部門及び市場リスク管理部門を担当していないか。 - 金融庁

(ii) Has the Market Risk Management Division fully disseminated the internal rules and detailed operational procedures, etc. that must be observed to all of the relevant divisions? 例文帳に追加

(ⅱ)市場リスク管理部門は、遵守すべき内部規程・業務細則等を関連部門全てに周知徹底しているか。 - 金融庁

(ii) Is consistency secured between the systems used by the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions, the Market Risk Management Division and the Back-Office Division? 例文帳に追加

(ⅱ)市場部門、市場リスク管理部門及び事務管理部門のシステムの整合性を確保しているか。 - 金融庁

Are divisions in charge of market trading and the calculation of market values separately established in order to secure fairness in market value calculation? 例文帳に追加

時価算定の方法の公正性を確保する観点から、市場部門と時価算定を担当する部門が異なっているか。 - 金融庁

Aren’t the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions intervening in the Market Value Calculation Division in a way to undermine the objectivity of the calculation. 例文帳に追加

時価算定を担当する部門が、市場部門から算定の客観性を損なうような関与を受けていないか。 - 金融庁

a. Framework of segregated trading book (definition oftrading for the segregated trading purpose,” specific products eligible for segregated trading, organizational divisions, etc.) 例文帳に追加

イ.特定取引勘定の枠組み(「特定取引目的の取引」の定義、具体的な対象商品、組織区分等) - 金融庁

1 When the liquidity risk management division and the funds management division are not established as independent divisions (e.g. when divisions in charge of other business also take charge of liquidity risk management and funds management operations or when Managers, instead of divisions or departments take charge of liquidity risk management and funds management), the inspector shall review whether or not such a system is sufficiently reasonable and provides the same functions as in the case of establishing independent divisions commensurate with the scales and natures of the institution and its risk profile. 例文帳に追加

1流動性リスク管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、他の業務と兼担する部署が流動性リスク管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなく責任者が流動性リスク管理を担当する場合等)には、当該金融機関の規模・特性及びリスク・プロファイルに応じ、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。 - 金融庁

Do the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions make investments with due consideration for the size and depth of the market and liquidity for each product? 例文帳に追加

市場部門は、商品毎に市場の規模・厚み及び流動性を勘案した運用を行っているか。 - 金融庁

Is there a system to ensure that important information related to the Funds Management Division and the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions is provided to the ALM Committee, etc. in a timely and appropriate manner? 例文帳に追加

ALM委員会等は、適時適切に資金繰り管理部門、市場部門等での重要情報を受ける体制となっているか。 - 金融庁

If this is not the case, does the institution comprehend the differences between the models used by the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions and the Market Risk Management Division? 例文帳に追加

モデル、プライシング・モデル、リスク・ファクター算出方法等)を使用することが望ましいが、同一でない場合には、その差異を把握しているか。 - 金融庁

1 When the liquidity risk management division and the funds management division are not established as independent divisions (e.g. when divisions in charge of other business also take charge of liquidity risk management and funds management operations or when Managers, instead of divisions or departments take charge of liquidity risk management and funds management), the inspector shall review whether or not such a system is sufficiently reasonable and provides the same functions as in the case of establishing independent divisions commensurate with the scale and nature of the institution and its risk profile. 例文帳に追加

1 流動性リスク管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、他の業務と兼担する部署が流動性リスク管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなく責任者が流動性リスク管理を担当する場合等)には、当該金融機関の規模・特性及びリスク・プロファイルに応じ、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。 - 金融庁

Is there a system to ensure that important information related to the Funds Management Division and the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions is provided to the ALM Committee, etc. in a timely and appropriate manner? 例文帳に追加

ALM委員会等は、適時適切に資金繰り管理部門、市場部門等での重要情報を受ける体制となっているか - 金融庁

(iv) Does the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors secure a check-and-balance system of the Administrative Risk Management Division against operational divisions? 例文帳に追加

(ⅳ)取締役会等は、事務リスク管理部門から各業務部門に対する牽制機能が発揮される態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

(iv) Does the Administrative Supervisory Division provide for measures to consistently check the administrative risk management system at operational divisions and sales branches, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅳ)事務統括部門は、各業務部門及び営業店等の事務管理態勢を常時チェックする措置を講じているか。 - 金融庁

(v) Does the Administrative Supervisory Division provide a system to prevent the Managers of operational divisions and the heads of sales branches from concealing violation of Laws? 例文帳に追加

(ⅴ)事務統括部門は、各業務部門の管理者及び営業店長が、不正なことを隠蔽しないような態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

(vii) Does the Administrative Supervisory Division receive reports on the results of self-inspections by operational divisions and sales branches, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅶ)事務統括部門は、各業務部門及び営業店等において実施した自店検査結果の報告を受けているか。 - 金融庁

(i) Does the Administrative Guidance Division provide guidance and training to ensure appropriate administrative processes at operational divisions and sales branches, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)事務指導部門は、各業務部門及び営業店等において事務処理が適切に行われるよう事務指導及び研修を行っているか。 - 金融庁

(ii) Does the Administrative Guidance Division utilize the results of auditing by the Internal Audit Division to enhance the level of administrative work at operational divisions and sales branches, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅱ)事務指導部門は、内部監査部門の監査結果を活用して、各業務部門及び営業店等の事務水準の向上を図っているか。 - 金融庁

(iii) Does the Administrative Guidance Division promptly and accurately respond to inquiries from operational divisions and sales branches, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅲ)事務指導部門は、事務処理に係る各業務部門及び営業店等からの問い合わせ等に迅速かつ正確に対応しているか。 - 金融庁

(iv) have a grasp on problems related to administrative processes at the operational divisions or sales branches of which they are in charge and make improvements? 例文帳に追加

(ⅳ)担当する各業務部門又は営業店等の事務処理上の問題点を把握し、改善しているか。 - 金融庁

(vi) handle cases not covered by the administrative rules in a responsible manner in coordination with the Administrative Supervisory Division and the relevant operational divisions? 例文帳に追加

(ⅵ)事務規程外の取扱いを行う場合については、事務統括部門及び関係業務部門と連携のうえ責任をもって処理をしているか。 - 金融庁

(iv) Does the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors secure a check-and-balance system of the Information Technology Risk Management Division against operational divisions? 例文帳に追加

(ⅳ)取締役会等は、システムリスク管理部門から各業務部門に対する牽制機能が発揮される態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

Does the institution have system development and operation divisions established separately with separate responsibilities in order to prevent personal mistakes and malicious acts? 例文帳に追加

個人のミス及び悪意を持った行為を排除するため、システム開発部門と運用部門の分離分担を行っているか。 - 金融庁

(ii) Does the institution develop system transition plans? Has it assigned clear roles and responsibilities to the system development and operation, user divisions, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅱ)システムの移行計画を策定し、システム開発部門、システム運用部門、ユーザー部門等の役割と責任を明確にしているか。 - 金融庁

(iv) Are the results of the post-system transition review reported to the Managers of the system development division and user divisions, etc? 例文帳に追加

(ⅳ)移行後のレビュー結果は、システム開発部門及びユーザー部門等の責任者へ報告されているか。 - 金融庁


(v) Does the institution have user divisions conduct sample checks as necessary after news products and arrangements are introduced? 例文帳に追加

(ⅴ)新しい商品や仕組みの導入後、ユーザー部門に対し、必要に応じてサンプルチェック等を実施させているか。 - 金融庁


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