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exchange studentの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方
該当件数 : 69件
Frequently changing jobs which included being a shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties) of Yukichi FUKUZAWA, Kawakami became a political activist of the anti-government Liberal Party (Japan) which was suppressed by the government. 例文帳に追加
福澤諭吉の書生など職を転々としながら、反政府の自由党_(日本)の壮士となり、政府から弾圧される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He studied at a school of Nakatsu City, Buzen Province and he moved to Tokyo in 1877 to become shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties) of Yukichi FUKUZAWA. 例文帳に追加
豊前国中津市の学校で学を修め、明治10年(1877年)に上京して福澤諭吉の書生となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To smoothly exchange information between a teacher and a student in a lecture unit in an educational institution such as a university.例文帳に追加
大学等の教育機関における教員と学生との間の情報交換を講義単位で円滑に行なえるようにする。 - 特許庁
He studied at Niigata Prefectural Nagaoka High School, and then at Keio University, and moreover, he went to the Department of Philosophy at Tokyo Imperial University for the first time as a in-country exchange student from Nishi Hongan-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加
新潟県立長岡高等学校、慶應義塾大学に学び、西本願寺からの内地留学生として初めて東京帝大哲学科に学んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ABE accompanied Kentoshi as an exchange student who, having studied hard, successfully taking Kakyo/Keju (examinations for Chinese state bureaucrats) climbed to a high-ranking official in Tang but never returned to Japan. 例文帳に追加
奈良時代の遣唐使に留学生として随行し、猛勉強して唐の科挙(上級官吏候補の公務員試験に相当)に合格し、唐の高官にまで登ったが、日本への帰国を果たすことはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He became a boarding shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties) of a clinic of his relatives (younger brother of his grandfather) when he went to Tokyo after graduating from high school in 1919 and commuted to Meiji Pharmaceutical School. 例文帳に追加
1919年、高等小学校卒業後、上京して親戚(祖父の弟)の家系の医院に住み込み書生となり、明治薬学校に通う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
From the time when this "Machi no Tejinashi" was being shot to around the time this movie started to show, he invited Sotoji KIMURA to his house in Tojiin as shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties), and headhunt Eiji NAKANO from Nikkatsu Baseball Team to employ him for Haiyubu (Actors Department). 例文帳に追加
この『街の手品師』撮影・封切前後は木村荘十二を等持院の自宅の書生に招き、日活野球部にいた中野英治を俳優部に採用している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He entered the school as a Ministry of Education exchange student; he took piano lessons and learned counterpoint, but after only two months, he caught tuberculosis and had to return to Japan one year after entering the school. 例文帳に追加
文部省外国留学生として入学、ピアノや対位法などを学ぶが、わずか2ヶ月後に肺結核を発病し、1年で帰国を余儀なくされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is believed that because he was an exchange student with the Kentoshi (Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China), which was highly respected in the society at that time, he was able to avoid execution, and was instead exiled to Oki Province. 例文帳に追加
刷雄本人は若い時から禅行を修めていた(当時の社会で重んじられていた遣唐使留学生だった経歴が考慮されたものとも)として死を免れ、隠岐国に配流された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He firstly became a shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties) of Ochi FUKUCHI, and after working as a Nipposha's press reporter for two years, he became a probation writer at Kabuki-za Theater, of which Ochi was involved in the foundation and was working as the principal play writer attached to the theater. 例文帳に追加
福地桜痴の書生となり、日報社の新聞記者として働いた後、桜痴が創設に関わり立作者を務めていた歌舞伎座で2年後には見習い作家となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When Yasukazu was Daisanji of Isawa Prefecture, he favored Shinpei GOTO and Makoto SAITO as shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties), and when he was Fukushima Kenrei after Iwakura Mission returned to Japan, he introduced Shinpei GOTO to Fukushima Yogakko (Fukushima School of Western Studies) and Sukagawa Igakko (Sukagawa School of Medical Science). 例文帳に追加
胆沢県大参事時代に後藤新平、斎藤実を書生として引き立て、岩倉使節団帰国後の福島県令時代には、後藤新平を、福島洋学校、須賀川医学校に紹介。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Signatures on some letters show that it was read by intellectuals such as government official, students, shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties), village officer, former warrior class, wealthy farmer and wealthy merchants. 例文帳に追加
数々の投書にある署名からして、官吏や学生、書生、村役人、旧士族、豪農、豪商など知識人層に読まれていたことが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As we saw in Chapter 2, intra-regional student exchange is becoming increasingly active in East Asia, but at the same time it can be seen that an increasing number of students are going to Europe and North America (Figure 2-5-1 as noted earlier).例文帳に追加
第2章で見たように、東アジアにおいて、域内における留学生交流の活発化が進んでいるが、同時に、欧米への留学生が増加していることが分かる(前掲第2-5-1図)。 - 経済産業省
The important achievements of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, University Mobility in the Asia Pacific, and the ASEAN University Network in creating bilateral and multi-lateral partnerships and fostering student and researcher exchange was also recognized.例文帳に追加
二国間及び多国間の連携を創設し,学生及び研究者の交流を推進することにおける環太平洋大学協会,アジア太平洋大学交流機構,及びアセアン大学連合の重要な成果もまた,認識された。 - 経済産業省
Although it is not unusual for politicians in not only his time but also today, to have mistresses, even those who opposed him could not help acknowledging his cleanliness in this respect and it is said that he was affectionate to everyone in his household, including shosei (a student who is given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties). 例文帳に追加
彼の存命中はもとより現代の政治家でも妾を持つことは珍しいことではないが、女性関係の潔癖さは彼を非難している側でさえも認めざるを得ず、また、家中にいる者は書生を含めて愛情を持って接したと伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In order to encourage acceptance of IT technicians, exchange students who majored in information processing, possess IT credentials equivalent to Master’s level and can earn more than 180,000 francs annually, are allowed to avoid the regular requirement to return to their home country and to newly apply as an employed person, and instead change the status of their provisional residence permit from one as exchange student to one with work permit.例文帳に追加
また、IT技術者の受入れ促進のため、情報処理学科を卒業した留学生のうち、修士レベルに相当するIT資格を有し、かつ年収18万フラン以上を得られるものについては、通常は一旦帰国して改めて被雇用者として申請する必要があるが、この場合は留学生資格の臨時滞在許可証から労働許可付の臨時滞在許可証への資格変更を認めている)。 - 経済産業省
Koyu SONODA claims that "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicles of Japan II) has false information for the following reason: In the year 758, it would have been extremely unusual for FUJIWARA no Yoshio as an exchange student Kentoshi to be promoted to Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) from no rank, for this would mean that he was promoted ahead of his four older brothers (The older brothers were promoted one rank from Shorokuinojo [Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade] to Jugoinoge). 例文帳に追加
薗田香融は『続日本紀』にある天平宝字2年の無位から従五位下とする記述は当時の遣唐留学生の叙位としては異例なだけではなく、当時健在であった4人の兄の位階の昇進の例(いずれも正六位上から従五位下に昇進している)を越してしまう事を指摘してこの記事には誤りが含まれているとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(iii) In cases where the applicant is to study at an upper secondary school, he/she must be 20 years of age or under and must have studied the Japanese language or have studied in the Japanese language for at least 1 year at an educational institution, however, this shall not apply to cases where he/she is accepted for study based on a student exchange program or other equivalent international exchange program of the national government, a local government, incorporated administrative agency, educational foundation or public interest corporation. 例文帳に追加
三 申請人が高等学校において教育を受けようとする場合は、年齢が二十歳以下であり、かつ、教育機関において一年以上の日本語の教育又は日本語による教育を受けていること。ただし、我が国の国若しくは地方公共団体の機関、独立行政法人、学校法人又は公益法人の策定した学生交換計画その他これに準ずる国際交流計画に基づき生徒として受け入れられて教育を受けようとする場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
After going from being a film fan to being a film journalist, Bansho KANAMORI became a shosei (a student given room and board in exchange for performing domestic duties) of Shozo MAKINO, whom he had interviewed as a journalist, and then he became a film director at the Mikado Company, which Makino had initially established; Bancho was such a dyed-in-the-wool Makino devotee that he stayed at Makino Production until the very end in 1931, continuing to work there even after Makino passed away in 1929, and directed the company's last film; after that, he established 'Kyoritsu Eiga Production' with the remaining members of Makino Production after the latter went bankrupt. 例文帳に追加
映画ファンから映画記者になり、取材先の牧野省三の書生になって、1919年(大正8年)、牧野が最初に興したミカド商会で映画監督になり、1929年(昭和4年)の牧野が死去し、1931年(昭和6年)の最後の最後までマキノ・プロダクションに残り、同社の最終作品の監督をつとめた生粋のマキノ人・金森万象が、同社の倒産後に、マキノの残党をかきあつめて設立したのが、この「協立映画プロダクション」である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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