
「private monopoly」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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private monopolyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 12


Before a tobacco monopoly was implemented, private tobacco shops manufactured and sold individual shredded tobacco. 例文帳に追加

専売制が実施される前は個人経営のタバコ店がそれぞれの刻みタバコを製造販売していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some sources point out that state enterprises bring pressure on private firms by their efficiency, monopoly on the market, and advantageous access to capital, resources and orders (the state advances, the private sector retreats).例文帳に追加

国有企業は、その効率性、市場の独占や資本・資源・受注への有利なアクセスで民間企業を圧迫している(「国進民退」)等の指摘がある。 - 経済産業省

Moreover, the ranks of the nobility involved in military affairs had been greatly thinned by the recent wars and rebellions, which allowed the Taira clan to achieve a monopoly over the vital roles of preserving the peace in Kyoto, suppressing revolts in the provinces, and protecting and managing the shoen (private estates), and they also held de facto power as the sole police authorities throughout the country. 例文帳に追加

さらに多くの軍事貴族が戦乱で淘汰されたため、京都の治安維持・地方反乱の鎮圧・荘園の管理の役割も平氏の独占するところとなり、国家的な軍事・警察権も事実上掌握した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because of the economies of scale and network externality elements of telecommunications, the industry was long considered to have a strong tendency toward natural monopoly, and services were provided in many countries by private-sector monopolies or state run enterprises.例文帳に追加

電気通信事業は、規模の経済やネットワーク外部性が存在することから、「自然独占」性の強い産業と長らく考えられ、多くの国において民間の独占企業または国営企業によるサービスの提供が行われてきた。 - 経済産業省


At this point, the Joseon dynasty wanted to cull society of its multiethnic character, which had been the norm during the Goryeo period (918 - 1392), and achieve a monopoly over trade profits by bringing trade under government control, so they requested that the Muromachi bakufu, the tandai (military commissioner) of Kyushu, and Sadashige SO, the de facto ruler of Tsushima island, bring both Wako activity and private trade under control. 例文帳に追加

そこで李氏朝鮮は高麗時代からの民族雑居状態の解消と、官営貿易で利益を独占する事を望み、室町幕府や九州探題、対馬の実質的な支配者である宗貞茂に対して倭寇および私貿易の取締りを要求した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On January 21, 1897, the Sotoku-fu issued the Taiwan Opium Edict mandating a government monopoly of opium trade and prohibiting private sales of opium, and allowed opium addicts to smoke opium for their lifetime by issuing opium smoking permits without producing new permits to eliminate opium over time. 例文帳に追加

1897年1月21日、総督府により『台湾阿片令』が公布されると、総督府は阿片を専売対象品目とし民間の販売を禁止し、また習慣的な吸引者には一代限定の吸引免許を発行し、新規免許の発行を行わないことで時間をかけた阿片撲滅を図った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For many years, Japan has emphasized that private sector development is not a monopoly of the Private Sector Department of the Bank or the IIC. Rather, the whole IDB Group, including the public sector departments, should promote departmental collaboration based on comprehensive strategies, focusing on the strengthening of competitiveness and improvement of business environments. 例文帳に追加

我が国は、以前より民間部門開発への取組は、民間部門局や米州投資公社だけが取り組むべきものではなく、公的部門局も含めIDBグループ全体が、競争力強化及びビジネス環境の改善に焦点を当てながら、包括的な戦略に基づいて各部門相互の連携を強化していくことの重要性を強調してまいりました。 - 財務省

The steep price rise of salt caused by the enactment of the Salt Monopoly Law evoked public opinions, inviting many criticisms, and after 1906, the possibility of abolition of the law was debated at each meeting of the Diet, but the government never accepted it but worked hard to improve the law and virtually abolished private profitalism in 1918, and, by adopting public profitalism, tried to adjust the balance of demand and supply and to protect the salt industry, and then the criticisms subsided. 例文帳に追加

塩専売法実施による塩価の急激な高騰は世論を喚起し、非難は少なくなく、明治39年以後議会ごとに廃止論議が行われたが、政府はこれを肯んじることなく、改善に努めるとともに大正7年ついに収益主義を事実上廃し、公益主義を採って需給調節と塩業保護を目的とするようになり非難はおさまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When an important public service in a local community is managed by a private operator, or when such a service is provided under monopoly, the business is regulated on the premise of a sort of "service-providing responsibilities" as a public utility business as regards energy supply business and communication business according to a judgment that such activities cannot be left to the economic principles. 例文帳に追加

民間事業者が地域の重要な公共サービスを担う場合や更にはそのサービス供給が独占的に行われる場合においては、その活動を経済原理に任せることができないという判断から、エネルギー供給事業や通信事業においては公益事業として、ある種の「サービス供給責任」を前提とした事業規制を行っている。 - 経済産業省


(Note 1) "Financial Holding Company" means a holding company which falls under one or more of the following categories of holding companies: "Bank Holding Company" set forth in Article 2, paragraph 13 of the Banking Law; "Long-term Credit Bank Holding Company" set forth in Article 16-4 of the Long-term Credit Bank Law; "Insurance Holding Company" set forth in Article 2, paragraph 16 of the Insurance Business Law or a holding company owning, as its subsidiary, a securities firm set forth in Article 59, paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law (a holding company set forth in Article 9, paragraph 5, item 1 of the Law relating to Prohibition of Private Monopoly and Methods of Preserving Fair Trade; hereinafter referred to as a "Securities Holding Company" ) and which owns, as its subsidiaries, financial institutions engaged in more than one type of the following businesses: banks (including long-term credit banks), insurance companies, securities firms, etc. (securities firms, securities investment advisers and investment trust management companies). 例文帳に追加

(注1)「金融持株会社」とは、銀行法第2条第13項に定める「銀行持株会社」、長期信用銀行法16条の4に定める「長期信用銀行持株会社」、保険業法第2条第16項に定める「保険持株会社」、又は証券取引法第59条第1項に定める証券会社を子会社とする持株会社(私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律第9条第5項第1号に規定する持株会社。以下「証券持株会社」という。)の複数に該当する持株会社又はこれらのいずれかであって、銀行(長期信用銀行含む)、保険会社、証券会社等(証券会社、証券投資顧問業者又は投資信託委託業者)のうち、2以上の異なる業態の金融機関を子会社とする会社をいう。 - 金融庁


Upon the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, two private companies came forward to build the Transcontinental Railroad. As we are talking about the United States here, they engaged in cut-throat price competition. This resulted in the bankruptcy of one of the companies. As train fares increased subsequently due to the adverse effects of monopoly, a riot broke out among farmers in Chicago, in Illinois, one of the Midwestern states where agriculture is a prominent industry. Farmers had to sell their produce in the cities, but the train fares had become higher and higher. This caused a mass riot. As you know, executive power is weaker in the United States than in Japan. 例文帳に追加

そうしますと、大陸間横断鉄道というのをつくったのです。そうすると、2社、民間企業が大陸間横断鉄道の建設に参入しましたら、アメリカのことですから、すさまじい値下げ競争をする。そうすると、相手の1社はつぶれたのです。そうしたら、今度はじわじわと独占の弊害といいますか、汽車の運賃を上げてまいりまして、今度は中西部のシカゴ、あの一番農業の盛んなところですから、あの辺の農民が暴動を起こしたのです。つくった農作物を都市に出さなきゃならない、その運賃がどんどん上がってきた。それで大変な大きな確か暴動が起きて、アメリカというのは行政権がご存じのように日本よりは弱いのです。 - 金融庁


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