



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 日英固有名詞辞典 > しもかわらや3ちょうめの解説 









英語 Shimokawaraya 3-chome



該当件数 : 12



On January 3, 1871, the conscription regulation was enacted based on Aritomo YAMAGATA's plan, which stipulated to recruit five people for every one million koku in each domain irrespective of shizoku (person with samurai ancestors), low ranking samurai or commoner.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Further, the quantity of protrusions is changed according to the width of the roof tile to adjust behavior in a length direction and provide strength to a load from the surface side of the roof tile body (3). - 特許庁


In this manner irrespective of the length of the floor beams 3, 6, the vibration control devices 10 are arranged on antinodes of vibrations, and therefore vibration control action is effectively exerted to the entire floor surface. - 特許庁


A tile seat 4 for forming the gradient of a roof material 5 and a covering member 6 for covering at least the bottom face of the tile seat 4 and the side face of an eaves are integrally arranged between the water- proof sheet 3 and the roof material 5, and the covering member 6 has a protruded portion 6b formed on a bottom member 6a. - 特許庁


With reference to paragraph 5 of Article 26 of the Convention: (a) In order to obtain the information held by a bank, other financial institution, trust, foundation, nominee or person acting in an agency or a fiduciary capacity or relating to ownership interests in a person, the tax authorities of Belgium shall have the power to enforce the disclosure of such information and to conduct examinations and hearings, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of that Article or any contrary provisions in its domestic laws.発音を聞く  - 財務省

経営支援を受けたことのある中小企業のうち、「担当者や上司が替わっても取組態度は変わらない」と回答する割合が過半を占めているものの、「担当者が替わると取組態度が変わる」、「支店長等の上司が替わると取組態度が変わる」と回答する割合を合わせると、3 割に上る。例文帳に追加

Although a majority of recipients of business support respond that they experienceno change in attitude to support even if staff or superiors change,” “attitude to support changes when staff change” and “attitude to support changes when superiors such as branch manager changetogether account for as much as 30% of the total.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省



In 1336, his father Norifusa died in a battle at Shijo Gawara in Kyoto when fighting against Yoshitada NITTA and Akiie KITABATAKE of the Southern Court so as to make Takauji flee from Kyoto to the west, in addition, his oldest brother, Norifuji UESUGI died in a battle against Akiie in 1338 in Settsu Province; therefore he had to take over his father's place (Yamanouchi-Uesugi Family).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 12


(e) 前述の事項にかかわらず,当該事項が極めて急を要するもので申請人が深刻な不正義及び回復不能の損害を受ける場合,聴聞官は,局長又はその不在時は副局長の承認を得て,さらに長官又はその不在時はIPO 担当副長官の同意を得て,発布から72 時間に限り有効な保全命令を一方的に出すことができる。しかし,召喚状及びそれと共に送達される文書については,先の各項及び本規則の第3 条の規定に速やかに従うものとする。保全命令では,両当事者に対し,72 時間の期間が終了する前に,予備的差止命令を求める申請を審理できるまで保例文帳に追加

(e)Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the matter is of extreme urgency and the applicant will suffer grave injustice and irreparable injury, the Hearing Officer, and as approved by the Director, or in his/her absence, the Assistant Director, and with the concurrence of the Director General, or in his/her absence, the Deputy Director General-in-Charge of the IPO, may issue ex parte a temporary restraining order effective for only seventy-two(72)hours from issuance, but shall immediately comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs and Section 3 hereof, as to service of summons and the documents to be served therewith. - 特許庁


Notwithstanding Article 60, any natural person resident in Belgium or in a Member State of the European Communities who can prove that he was entered on the list of professional representatives before the European Patent Office on the date of entry into force of this Article may, at his request and following an opinion by the Commission referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, be entered by the Minister in the Register of Professional Representatives without having to meet conditions other than to have been entered in the aforementioned list as a result of a request under Article 163 of the European Patent Convention and insofar as the request was accompanied by a certificate furnished by the relevant Belgian authority.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

第九条の二の三 事業協同組合及び事業協同小組合は、その所有する施設を用いて行つている事業について、組合員の脱退その他のやむを得ない事由により組合員の利用が減少し、当該事業の運営に著しい支障が生ずる場合において、主務省令で定めるところにより、第九条の二第三項ただし書に規定する限度を超えて組合員以外の者に当該事業を利用させることが当該事業の運営の適正化を図るために必要かつ適切なものとして、期間を定めて行政庁の認可を受けたときは、同項ただし書の規定にかかわらず、一事業年度における組合員以外の者の事業の利用分量の総額の当該事業年度における組合員の利用分量の総額に対する割合が百分の二百を超えない範囲内において、組合員以外の者に当該事業を利用させることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 9-2-3 (1) A business cooperative or a minor business cooperative may, when the administration of services that are provided using its own facility is hindered to a extreme degree due to a decrease in the utilize of said services by its partner resulting from the withdrawal of partner or any other unavoidable circumstances, have non-partner utilize said services to the extent that the total value of the amount of utilize of services by non-partner during a single business year shall not exceed two hundred percent of the total value of the amount of utilize by its partner during said business year, notwithstanding the provisions of the proviso to Article 9-2, paragraph (3), if it has specified a period and obtained the approval of an administrative agency that it is necessary and appropriate for achieving normalization of the administration of said services to have non-partner utilize said services in excess of the limit prescribed in the proviso to the same paragraph, pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance of the competent ministry.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(3) If the business operator has, pursuant to the provisions of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, installed a stamp insurance premiums payment register (meaning an instrument designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare pursuant to the provisions of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as having no problem in preserving the stamp insurance premiums and equipped with a stamp that should produce an imprint in the form specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the "payment stamp" ; the same shall apply hereinafter) subject to approval of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, such business operator may pay the stamp insurance premiums by way of imprinting the payment stamp, with clear indication of the amount equal to the amount of the stamp insurance premiums payable, on the insurance book for daily work insured person held by the daily work insured person by using such stamp insurance premiums payment register.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十条 意匠登録出願人は、自己の意匠登録出願に係る意匠又は自己の登録意匠のうちから選択した一の意匠(以下「本意匠」という。)に類似する意匠(以下「関連意匠」という。)については、当該関連意匠の意匠登録出願の日(第十五条において準用する特許法(昭和三十四年法律第百二十一号)第四十三条第一項又は第四十三条の二第一項若しくは第二項の規定による優先権の主張を伴う意匠登録出願にあつては、最初の出願若しくは千九百年十二月十四日にブラッセルで、千九百十一年六月二日にワシントンで、千九百二十五年十一月六日にヘーグで、千九百三十四年六月二日にロンドンで、千九百五十八年十月三十一日にリスボンで及び千九百六十七年七月十四日にストックホルムで改正された工業所有権の保護に関する千八百八十三年三月二十日のパリ条約第四条C(4)の規定により最初の出願とみなされた出願又は同条A(2)の規定により最初の出願と認められた出願の日。以下この項において同じ。)がその本意匠の意匠登録出願の日以後であつて、第二十条第三項の規定によりその本意匠の意匠登録出願が掲載された意匠公報(同条第四項の規定により同条第三項第四号に掲げる事項が掲載されたものを除く。)の発行の日前である場合に限り、第九条第一項又は第二項の規定にかかわらず、意匠登録を受けることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 10 (1) Notwithstanding Article 9(1) or (2), an applicant for design registration may obtain design registration of a design that is similar to another design selected from the applicant's own designs either for which an application for design registration has been filed or for which design registration has been granted (hereinafter the selected design is referred to as the "Principal Design" and a design similar to it is referred to as a "Related Design"), if the filing date of the application for design registration of the Related Design (or when the application for design registration of the Related Design contains a priority claim under Article 43(1), 43-2(1) or 43-2(2) of the Patent Act (Act No. 121 of 1959) as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 15 of this Act, the filing date of the earliest application, the filing date of an application that is deemed to be the earliest application under Article 4.C(4) of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900, at Washington on June 2, 1911, at Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, at Lisbon on October 31, 1958, and at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, or the filing date of an application that is recognized as the earliest application under Article 4.(A)2 of the Paris Convention, hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) is on or after the filing date of the application for design registration of the Principal Design and before the date when the design bulletin in which the application for design registration of the Principal Design is published under Article 20(3) (except for a design bulletin in which the matters listed in Article 20(3)(iv) were published under Article 20(4)) is issued.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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