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該当件数 : 19件
I have read a news article estimating the amount of outstanding loans provided by the three megabanks at 1.9 trillion yen, which is equivalent to 1% of their total loan amount.発音を聞く - 金融庁
The exiting face of the scattered light of a light-scattering light guide body 1 has a rugged region 2 to control the intensity-angle characteristics of the exiting scattered light, and a rod-like light source element (fluorescent lamp) 5 is disposed in the side of the body. - 特許庁
The crosslinked resin composition comprises super fine particles with a number average particle diameter of 0.5-50 nm dispersed therein and has a tensile strength of ≥1 MPa and has an average light transmittance of ≥70% per 1 mm of optical path length at the wave length of sodium D line and a minimal thickness of ≥0.1 mm. - 特許庁
Of the above 3 pillars, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) aims to enhance competitiveness for economic growth and development through closer economic integration, and proposes (1) accelerating integration processes for a single market and production base, (2) designating 11 priority fields for integration 70 , and (3) promoting the ASEAN investment area (AIA) through the liberalization, acceleration, and promotion of investment. It also includes schedules, etc. in order to eliminate tariffs in the ASEAN region in preparation for the AFTA. - 経済産業省
In this Message, the worst-ever budget deficit of US$1,645 billion was estimated for fiscal 2011(started from October, 2010). Obama government aims to control the accumulated budget deficit from fiscal 2012 to 2021 within US$7,200 billion by measures such as, changes in the revenue structure, reduction of obligatory expenditure and freezing discretionary spending for 5 years. - 経済産業省
Seeing Kohechi vertically, even the lowest point is about 200 meters above sea level except Hongu-cho (Tanabe City) near Kumano-gawa River, and the highest points are Obako Pass (1,220 meters) and Mt. Obako-dake (1,344 meters), therefore, 'distribution of plants by altitude' (Table 1) by the Nara Prefecture history editorial board positions the plants in Kohechi as the plant of hilly terrain, of highland, and of mountain.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to the IMF estimate, which was calculated somewhat mechanically based on certain assumptions, losses on financial assets in the United States will total 2.7 trillion dollars, an increase of 500 billion dollars from the previous estimate in January of 2.2 trillion dollars, reflecting a rise in the ratio of loan loss write-offs resulting from the deterioration of the real economy.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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該当件数 : 19件
The Tax Commission conducted its first and second rounds of assessment the other day and I have learned from newspaper articles and other sources that, as you have just pointed out, it has concluded that an extension of the reduced securities tax rate should not be approved. Considering, though, that the issue was discussed as one of the main topics at the November 11 Tax Commission meeting, with a decision that it should be further discussed, I have trouble understanding this disapproval of the proposed extension of the reduced tax rate.発音を聞く - 金融庁
1 2011 年4 月28 日、米連邦準備委員会(FRB)のバーナンキ議長は、連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)後の記者会見において、2010 年11 月から続けてきた6,000 億ドルの中長期米国債購入による資金供給プログラム(一般にQE2(Quantitative Easing 2)とも呼ばれる)を定どおり6 月末で完了すること、ただし、異例に低水準の政策金利が更に長期間継続される公算が高いこと、7 月以降もMBS 等の満期還金を中長期米国債に再投資することで、FRB のバランスシートはほぼ現状で一定に保たれるであろうことを示し、現状の緩和的な金政策を維持するスタンスを明示した。例文帳に追加
1 Bernanke, Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank clearly confirmed that the funds supply program (also generally known as Quantitative Easing (QE 2)) by purchasing US$600 billion long term US bonds continued from November 2010 would be terminated at the end of June as initially decided; however, odds increased to maintain the exceptionally low interest policy for long period; the balance sheet of FRB would be maintained at current level after July by reinvesting funds from MBS redemption of maturity and others to the medium and long term US bonds; and the stance to maintain the current monetary easing policy as declared at the press conference after the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on April 28,2011. - 経済産業省
In Nagoya, there are management teams of financial institutions and four SME organizations such as the Federation of Aichi Prefecture Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Yesterday, I exchanged opinions with the four SME organizations about the state of regional communities. I had the opportunity to work on SME policies for one year and three months under Minister of International Trade and Industry Eiichi Nakao while I served as the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry 20 years ago, when the Parliamentary Vice-Minister appointed from the House of Representatives was required to take charge of SMEs.発音を聞く - 金融庁
第六十七条 市町村は、保険給付を受けることができる第一号被保険者である要介護被保険者等が保険料を滞納しており、かつ、当該保険料の納期限から厚生労働省令で定める期間が経過するまでの間に当該保険料を納付しない場合においては、当該保険料の滞納につき災害その他の政令で定める特別の事情があると認める場合を除き、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、保険給付の全部又は一部の支払を一時差し止めるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 67 (1) A Municipality, when an Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., that is a Primary Insured Person that can receive an insurance benefit becomes a person delinquent in the payment of an insurance premium and fails to pay said insurance premium from the due date of payment of said insurance premium until the period as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare expires, shall temporarily suspend the payment of the whole or a part of an insurance benefit, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, except for a case when it is determined that said delinquency of payment of an insurance premium is due to a disaster or other special circumstance as determined by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
I am a doctor by profession, so since 29 years ago, I have been working all along on matters related to social insurance, medical care, welfare, pensions, and nursing care. I used to serve as chairman of an association of lawmakers aiming to dismantle the SIA at the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Looking back at the old days, around 1947-1948, Mr. Tatsuo Ozawa, who would later become an influential LDP lawmaker in matters related to social and labor issues, was serving as a director at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Mr. Kunikichi Saito was serving as a director at the Ministry of Labour. Around that time, in the years immediately after the end of the war, under the occupation of GHQ, there was much controversy over the system of assigning civil servants local government jobs, in short, over the treatment of SIA civil servants.発音を聞く - 金融庁
(1) 総督は,本条の規定により又はそれに基づいて制定される規定と実質的に同等の規定が何れかの条約国の法令に基づいて既に制定されており又は将来制定されることを納得するときは,第7条(2)ただし書に規定する期間が当該規則により定める期間内に満了する何れの場合においても,前記条約国において保護が出願された発明の特許について同条同項の規定に基づいて出願する期間を延長する権限を局長に与える規則を枢密院令により制定することができる。例文帳に追加
(1) If the Governor-General is satisfied that provision substantially equivalent to the provision to be made by or under this section has been or will be made under the law of any convention country, he may, by Order in Council, make regulations empowering the Commissioner to extend the time for making application under subsection (2) of section 7 of this Act for a patent for an invention in respect of which protection has been applied for in that country in any case where the period specified in the proviso to that subsection expires during a period prescribed by the regulations. - 特許庁
Sherbet ice accumulated in a sherbet ice storage tank 1 is sent in a dewatering tank 4 by a sherbet ice feed pump 3, and separated into dewatered sherbet 5 and a cold liquid 6, and the separated cold liquid 6 which has a high salt concentration is collected and diluted with water to adjust the salt concentration, so that the cold liquid is used as raw water for sherbet ice production. - 特許庁
In the organic photoreceptor, cylindricity of a cylindrical base body is 5 to 40 μm and there is a relation expressed by below-described formula 1 between average PWS of power spectrum values of regular reflection light intensity within a range of 0 to 2 mm^-1 spatial frequency measured at exposure wavelength λm of image exposure and average P of reflection light intensity at the measuring point. - 特許庁
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