意味 | 例文 (29件) |

該当件数 : 29件
(2) 申請は, (a) 完全明細書が公衆の閲覧に供された後いつでも,かつ (b) 名義人又は特許権者が,その発明の実施がクレームに対する侵害になる旨の主張をしているか否かに拘らず, 行うことができる。例文帳に追加
(2) An application may be made: (a) at any time after the complete specification has become open to public inspection; and (b) whether or not the nominated person or patentee has made any assertion to the effect that the exploitation of the invention would infringe the claim.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The period prescribed for the purposes of section 23(6) and (7) shall be two months, calculated from the date on which the Office sends out notification to the applicant that the drawing or part of a description has been filed, later than the date which is, by virtue of section 23(1), to be treated as the date of filing of the application or, as the case may be, that it has not been filed. - 特許庁
(2) 優先権が主張されている場合は,実体審査官は,先の出願において開示された意匠が出願した意匠と一致するか否かについて検査する。一致が証明されない場合は,出願人は,優先権主張に根拠がない旨を通知され,これに応答するために3月の猶予を与えられる。例文帳に追加
(2) Where priority is claimed, the substantive examiner checks whether the design disclosed in the earlier application corresponds to the design applied for. If no correspondence is established, the applicant is informed of his priority claim being groundless and allowed three months within which to respond.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Other than these two persons, twenty-three participated in the event including Yoshimoto's son Moroyoshi NIJO and Morotsugu NIJO, his adopted son Yoshinari YOTSUTSUJI, his uncle Yoshifuyu IMAKOJI, Tamekuni GOJO, Tadatsugu MATSUDONO, Sadayo IMAGAWA, Kanehiro YOSHIDA, Tamekuni REIZEI (Tamehide's son), Nagatsuna HIGASHIBOJO and his son Hidenaga HIGASHIBOJO, Sokyu, Tona and his son Keiken, Munetoki ABE, Munenobu HABUCHI, Tsuunaga TANBA, Morinaga TANBA, Tadayori TAKATSUKASA, Ietada TSUKINOWA, Tonjo (Toshiaki NAKAMIKADO) and Onken (Tamenori MUTO).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To enable the long-term continuous drying of the wet powders (A) without causing the clogging of the loop tube (2). - 特許庁
A click button 2 and a mouse movement sensing part 3 are arranged in an under face of a mouse main body 1, and a fixing support tool 4 is grasped by a hand to be fixed in a form where the face is directed substantially downwards in the use. - 特許庁
Where an application is filed by one or more applicants and it subsequently appears that one or more further applicants should have been joined, the further applicant or applicants may be joined on satisfying the Commissioner that he or they should be so joined, and that the omission of the further applicant or applicants had been by inadvertence or mistake and was not for the purpose of delay.発音を聞く - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 29件
2 特許庁長官は、前項第一号から第五号までに掲げる書類、ひな形又は見本について、同項本文の請求を認めるときは、当該書類、ひな形又は見本を提出した者に対し、その旨及びその理由を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) Where the Commissioner of the Patent Office approves of the request under the main clause of the preceding paragraph with regard to the documents, model or specimen as provided in items (i) to (v) of the said paragraph, the Commissioner of the Patent Office shall notify the person who submitted the said documents, model or specimen thereof and reasons therefor.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(2) 裁判所の判決により特許権者が当該信義誠実の原則に違反した旨宣言される場合,実施権者は,発明の実施に関し履行されなかった義務の重要性に応じて当該ライセンスに定められたロイヤルティの減額を産業財産登録庁に請求することができる。例文帳に追加
(2) Where a legal decision declares that the owner of the patent has violated that principle, the licensee may request the Registry to reduce the royalties fixed for the license in proportion to the importance of the unfulfilled obligation for working the invention. - 特許庁
第20 条(2),(5) 及び(6) 並びに第21 条(2) にいう場合を除き, 出願の審査及び登録手続中に出願人が所定の期間内に特許庁の要求に応答せず又は関連する国家手数料を納付せず, かつ, 当該期間の延長を求めなかった場合は, 出願は, 取り下げられたものとみなされ, 出願人は, その旨の通知を書面で受ける。例文帳に追加
If during the procedure of examination and registration of and application, with the exception of the cases referred to in Section 20, Paragraph two, five and six and Section 21, Paragraph two of this Law, the applicant has failed within the specified period of time to reply to the request of the Patent Office or to pay the relevant State fee, and has not asked for an extension of the term, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn and the applicant shall be notified thereof in writing. - 特許庁
意匠が第4条,第9条2)及び4)若しくは第10条 (1)若しくは(2)の要件の何れかに違反している場合,登録出願が第19条及び第33条 (3)に規定する実体及び方式の要件を遵守していない場合,又は出願人が第31条 (3)に定める通知に応じて登録出願における不備の除去若しくは説明の提出をしなかった若しくは不十分な説明を提供した場合は,特許庁は,意匠登録を拒絶する旨の決定をし,出願人にその旨を書面をもって通知するものとする。例文帳に追加
If an industrial design is contrary to any of the requirements of § 4, clauses 9 2) and 4) or subsection 10 (1) or (2) of this Act, or the registration application fails to comply with the substantive and formal requirements provided for in § 19 and subsection 33 (3) of this Act or the applicant, upon responding to the notification specified in subsection 31 (3), has failed to eliminate the deficiencies in the registration application or to provide explanations or provides insufficient explanations, the Patent Office shall make a decision to refuse registration of the industrial design and shall notify the applicant thereof in writing.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(6) 方式審査官が優先権主張は意匠法第35条(1)及び(2)の要件に適合しないと認める場合,出願に優先権証明書が付されていないと認める場合及び/又は所定の優先権手数料が支払われなかったと認める場合は,同審査官は,出願人にその旨を告げ,(3)にいう期間内に瑕疵を補正するよう出願人に促す。例文帳に追加
(6) Where the formal examiner finds out that the priority claim does not suit the requirements of Art. 35(1) and (2) of the Law on Industrial Designs, and/or the application is not accompanied by a priority certificate, and/or no payment of the prescribed priority fee was effected, he notifies the applicant accordingly inviting him to remedy the deficiencies within the term as per paragraph (3).発音を聞く - 特許庁
登録出願が第5条 (2),第6条若しくは第17条の規定を遵守していない場合又は出願人が登録出願書類の方式上若しくは実体上の不備を除去しなかったか若しくは説明を提出しなかった場合は,特許庁は,その実用新案の登録を拒絶し,登録出願を却下する決定を行い,また,その旨を出願人に書面をもって通知するものとする。例文帳に追加
If a registration application is not in compliance with the provisions of subsection 5 (2) or § 6 or § 17 of this Act or the applicant does not eliminate the formal or substantive deficiencies of the registration application documents or does not provide explanations, the Patent Office shall refuse to register the utility model, shall make a decision to reject the registration application and shall notify the applicant thereof in writing.発音を聞く - 特許庁
本発明は、 - 化粧品として許容しうる媒体および少なくとも1つのチキソトロピー性のある増粘剤を含むネイルワニス組成物を含む容器(3)であって、前記組成物が25℃で少なくとも0.6Pa.sの粘度を有する、容器(3)、 - 容器の中に含まれる製品を取り出し、かつ製品を爪に適用するための、適用面(15)を規定するフレキシブルなブレード(6)を含むアプリケータ(2)、を含む調節および適用用アセンブリ(1)に関する。例文帳に追加
Provided is a preparation and application assembly 1 which includes a container 3 containing a nail varnish composition including a cosmetically acceptable medium and at least one thixotropic thickener, wherein the composition has a viscosity of at least 0.6 Pa.s at 25°C, and an applicator 2 containing a flexible blade 6 defining an application face 15, taking up the product contained in the container 3 and applying it to the nails. - 特許庁
(2) 受理官庁が,国際出願に対して出願日を認定することを拒絶した場合,又は出願若しくはルーマニアの指定は取下とみなす旨の決定した場合において,出願人から請求があったときは,OSIMは国内経路による手続を遂行する目的で,決定が正当であるか否かを確認するために,その決定を分析し,また,適切なときは,再検討する。例文帳に追加
(2) If a receiving office refused to accord a filing date to an international application or decided that the application or the designation of Romania is deemed to be withdrawn, OSIM shall, upon request by the applicant, analyze the decision in order to establish whether it is justified, with a view to carrying out the procedures by the national route, and shall review it, where appropriate. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (29件) |
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