意味 | 例文 (17件) |

英訳・英語 I knew it!
該当件数 : 17件
だがね どんな立派な決断を下そうと それが間違った決断なら やっぱり間違った決断なんだ例文帳に追加
But, you know, even a good decision , if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision . - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
It's still an abstraction of territoriality, and (like other forms of property) based in territorial instincts evolved to assist conflict resolution.発音を聞く - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 17件
On top of that, from the perspective that, in an era of increasing globalization, corporate governance systems should be harmonized between countries, the Companies Act was amended to create the external board member system – this is how I understand what happened.発音を聞く - 金融庁
That said, the absence of a certain level of control by public authorities would inevitably generate a gap between the rich and the poor, or ups and downs of the economy. As you see, it was from this sort of thought that Keynesian economics emerged. On that account, I believe that how to achieve harmonization between markets and democratic authorities elected by the people is indeed a very complex but extremely important modern-day challenge.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Generally speaking, it is appropriate that main creditor banks grasp the situation properly. Even so, as corporate governance has become a very prominent issue now and we have implemented such measures as J-SOX (Japanese version of the Sarbanes Oxley Act), which has reformed the governance system, I believe that companies should make specific efforts regarding information disclosure.発音を聞く - 金融庁
It was JBA Chairman Masayuki Oku who brought up moral hazard. Financial discipline is important, as I have repeatedly stated at press conferences here. Lending money and having it paid back with interest is fundamental to financial businesses, so in that sense, it is not surprising that moral hazard has been brought up.発音を聞く - 金融庁
ただし、今の問題意識は私も持っておりまして、やはりフォローアップチームを作っておりまして、そこら辺も非常に金融業の基本にかかわるところでございまして、やっぱりどういうふうな、私は率直に言えば改正貸金業法をやらせていただいたのですが、そういったことは非常に、やっぱり金融は、まさにバーゼル III で世界的な視野でも銀行の健全性、そしてなおかつ、私は何度も申しますように、持続可能な企業、あるいは持続可能な経済の発展のために、健全で強力な銀行が必要だと、こういうことを私は何回も申し上げましたように、同時にやっぱり政治ですから、私は鳥の目と虫の目が必要だということを私は基本的に思っておりまして、そういった世界的な、世界のグローバルな銀行の健全性も大事だけれども、一人ひとりの虫の目、生活に関する、やはりどうしても、私なんかは中小零細企業の町の北九州出身ですから、小さい零細企業は倒産して、年末のボーナスのお金が入ってこなくなったから、もう本当にぜひつなぎ資金が必要だというニーズがあるということをよく知っていますし、よく経験させていただいていますから、そういった虫の目も考えて、しっかりそこら辺を補完的にきちっと、非常に私は金融政策のそれが大事なことだと思います。例文帳に追加
However, I am aware of the current problems, which is why I created the Follow-up Team. It is because the problems affect the very core of financial businesses. I have repeatedly stated that in the financial sector, the soundness of banks is - that is, sound and robust banks are - required for the progress of sustainable companies and a sustainable economy from a global perspective as reflected in Basel III. At the same time, we are talking about politics here, so I believe it is necessary to have both a bird's-eye view as well as a bug's-eye view. While the soundness of global banks is important, a bug's-eye view of everyday life at the individual level is equally important. As I am from a town in Kitakyushu, which is home to many SMEs and microenterprises, I am well aware of and know first-hand how desperately emergency funds are needed when there is no income to pay for year-end bonuses due to the bankruptcy of a microenterprise. I believe it is extremely important for monetary policy to adopt such a bug's-eye view and fill the gap.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Such people tend to suffer from insomnia and become narrow-minded although they may seem fine in the eyes of other people, and as I am a doctor by profession, I have the frequent experience of being consulted by people suffering from such problems. So, I have instructed that TV ad spots be used as part of government public relations. We will provide such carefully-thought-out support from the standpoint of people in the disaster areas.発音を聞く - 金融庁
It is more than 10 years since the enactment of the current BOJ Act, which has incorporated the internationally accepted idea that monetary policy management should be separated from politics. This arrangement has functioned well until now.発音を聞く - 金融庁
That being the case, the volume of public works is, as is evident from the state of the housing construction sector, for example, no longer as plentiful as in the past. Thanks to the SME Financing Facilitation Act, which was enacted when the effect of the largesse, in a sense, given by the LDP administration in its last days was gradually running out, the construction industry has managed to survive. Given the nation's debt that now amounts to 9 trillion (yen), however, I believe that no matter which political party takes the reins, it would just not be feasible to go with any policy measure involving a large increase in public works spending at the levels seen in the past.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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