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該当件数 : 12



An intellectual property information storing part 201 is stored with information for specifying a quotation intellectual property, a quoted intellectual property and a corresponding market for each intellectual property. - 特許庁


A method that the conductor is grounded as a shielding means for preventing electrical interference is recognized as common general knowledge in the electricity-related field, and it is presumed that a person skilled in the art may understand as a matter of course that the shield plate for the switch disclosed in the examples is intended to be connected to the earth, regardless of the absence of the such examples in the document.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


In another embodiment, a customer can select a discount other than cash, for example, miles of an airline, points or other rewards, and in this case, a reward of an amount proportional to the discount is given to the customer. - 特許庁


Within five days following its receipt, the communication referred to in Section 18 of the Law shall be submitted to the applicant, who shall have ten days within which to comment on anticipations cited and reply to any other observations regarding the application.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The claims may be amended by canceling particular claims, by presenting new claims or by amending the language of particular new claims (such amended claims being in effect new claims). In presenting new or amended claims, the applicant must point out how they avoid any reference or ground of rejection of record which may be pertinent. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the processing of the examination of the application, the applicant shall indicate in his response which form part in the original disclosure constitutes the basis of the amendments. - 特許庁


Within 15 days following expiry of the period specified in Section 13 of the Law, the applicant shall be informed of the anticipations cited, grounds for opposition put forward and any other observations made on the subject of the registration of the trademark, together with a copy of the instrument of opposition, which shall specify the date of its filing.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


(a)発明が如何なる点でも特許性がないとみなされた場合は,審査官は,すべてのクレームを拒絶する。発明が,一定のクレームにおいては特許性があるが,他のクレームにおいては特許性がないとされた場合は,後者のクレームは拒絶されるが,結果として拒絶されなかったクレームのみに限定することを条件として特許が付与されることにはならない。 (b)新規性の欠如又は進歩性の欠如のためにクレームを拒絶するに際しては,審査官は,当該発明に最も関連する引例を挙げなければならない。引例が複雑である場合,又は出願人がクレームしている以外の発明を提示又は記述している場合は,依拠する特定部分をできる限り厳密に指定しなければならない。各引例との関係が明らかでない場合は,これについて明確に説明し,かつ,拒絶した各クレームを特定しなければならない。 (c)クレームは,IP法第35条(35.1)及び第36条(36.1)を遵守しない場合も拒絶されること がある。例文帳に追加

(a) If the invention is not considered patentable, in any manner, all the claims will be rejected by the Examiner. If the invention is considered patentable as claimed in certain of the claims, but unpatentable as claimed in other claims, the latter claims will be rejected but will not result in the refusal to grant a patent provided it is limited only to claims that have not been rejected. (b) In rejecting claims for want of novelty or for want of inventive step, the Examiner must cite the references most relevant to the invention. When a reference is complex or shows or describes inventions other than that claimed by the applicant, the particular part relied on must be designated as nearly as practicable. The pertinence of each reference, if not obvious, must be clearly explained and each rejected claim specified. (c) Claims may be rejected for non-compliance with Sec. 35.1 and Sec. 36.1, IP CODE. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 12



A preliminary rejection by the Examiner is never to be taken literally. An applicant should remember that the Examiner may not be actually rejecting his application. The Examiner may in fact be quite prepared to admit the application, and is only trying to give the applicant a chance to explain away some reference or some difficulty rather than have him wait until the registration is granted and become involved in a litigation, when it may then be difficult for him to make the explanation. - 特許庁

審査官による拒絶は,決して文字通りに解釈してはならない。出願人は,審査官がその発明を実際に拒絶しようとしているのではないかもしれないことを忘れてはならない。実際のところ審査官は,先行技術を参照して発明を承認する用意を概ねしている可能性がある。審査官は,出願人のクレーム,すなわち,出願人による発明の表現方法を拒絶しているのみかもしれない。 審査官は,出願人の助けになるように,先行技術を参照して包括的に拒絶することがよくある。これは,出願人にとって特許付与後に訴訟になれば,釈明することが手遅れになることがあるので,それを待たせるよりはむしろ,引例を回避するために釈明し,かつ,拒絶を回避するためにクレームを変更する機会を与えようとしているのである。例文帳に追加

A rejection by the Examiner is never to be taken literally. An applicant should remember that the Examiner may not be actually rejecting his invention. The Examiner may in fact be quite prepared to admit the invention over the references to the prior art. He may be merely rejecting the applicant’s claims, that is, the way in which the applicant has expressed his invention. An Examiner will frequently make a blanket rejection on some reference to the prior art just to be helpful to the applicant - just to give the applicant a chance to explain away some reference and make a change in his claims to avoid it, rather than to wait until the patent is granted and is involved in a litigation, when it may be too late to make the explanation. - 特許庁

(a)審査官による処分後,その処分が何れかの点において出願人に不利であった場合において,出願人がその特許出願を続行しようとするときは,出願人は,当該処分に応答した上で,補正して又は補正することなく再審査又は再審理を請求することができる。 (b)再審査又は再審理の権利を得るためには,出願人は,書面によりこれを請求しなければならず,審査官による処分の過誤と考えられる点を明瞭かつ詳細に指摘しなければならない。出願人は,審査官による以前の処分における異論及び拒絶の理由の何れにも応答しなければならない(ただし,クレームの更なる検討には関係しない方式についての異論又は要求を,クレームが許容されるまで保留にするように求める請求をすることができる)。また,出願人の行為は,一貫して,出願を最終処分まで進めるための善意の試みであることを示すものでなければならない。審査官が過誤を犯した旨の単なる主張は,再審査又は再審理の適切な理由として認められない。 (c)拒絶に応答して出願を補正するに際し,出願人は,引例によって開示された技術水準又は申し立てられた異論を考慮して,クレームが提示していると考える特許可能な発明性及び新規性を明瞭に指摘しなければならない。出願人は,当該補正が当該引例又は異論をどのように回避するかも示さなければならない。例文帳に追加

(a) After the action of the Examiner, if the same be adverse in any respect, the applicant, if he persists in his application for a patent, must reply thereto and may request re-examination or reconsideration, with or without amendment. (b) In order to be entitled to re-examination or reconsideration, the applicant must make a request therefor in writing, and he must distinctly and specifically point out the supposed errors in the Examiner’s action; the applicant must respond to every ground of objection and rejection in the prior Examiner’s action (except that request may be made that objections or requirements as to form, not necessary to further consideration of the claims, be held in abeyance until a claim is allowed), and the applicant’s action must appear throughout to be a bona fide attempt to advance the case to final action. The mere allegation that the Examiner has erred will not be received as a proper reason for such reexamination or reconsideration. (c) In amending an application in response to a rejection, the applicant must clearly point out the patentable inventiveness and novelty which he thinks the claims present, in view of the state of the art disclosed by the references cited or the objections made. He must also show how the amendments avoid such references or objections. - 特許庁

① 利益相反管理方針(金商業等府令第 70条の3第1項第3号に規定する方針をいう。以下同じ。)は、証券会社等及びその親金融機関等又は子金融機関等の業務の内容・特性・規模等を勘案した上で、利益相反のおそれのある取引の類型、主な取引例及び当該取引の特定のプロセス、利益相反管理の方法(利益相反管理の水準・深度に差異を設ける場合は、その内容及び理由を含む。)、利益相反管理体制(利益相反のおそれのある取引の特定及び利益相反管理に関する全社的な管理体制を統括する者(以下「利益相反管理統括者」という。)の職責及びその独立性並びに利益相反のおそれのある取引の特定及び利益相反管理の方法についての検証体制)並びに利益相反管理の対象となる会社の範囲を記載したものとなっているか。例文帳に追加

(i) Whether the securities company, etc. has formulated a conflict of interest management policy (referring to the policy prescribed in Article 70-3(1)(iii) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance; the same shall apply hereinafter), while taking into consideration the contents, characteristics, scales, etc. of the securities company, etc. and its parent/subsidiary financial institutions, and whether such policy specifies the following matters: the types of transactions with the risk of conflict of interest; major examples and the identification process of such transactions; the methods of conflict of interest management (if conflict of interest management is conducted at different levels and to different extents, the content of and reasons for such difference); the conflict of interest management system (including the responsibility and independence of the person who controls the company-wide management system for identifying transactions involving the risk of conflict of interest and conducting conflict of interest management (hereinafter referred to as the “conflict of interest manager”), as well as the review system for the methods of identifying transactions involving the risk of conflict of interest and conducting conflict of interest management); and the scope of companies subject to conflict of interest management.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


出願において及び審査官が参照した引例において明らかにされた事実並びに適用法(制定法及び判例法)に基づき特許出願を認めるべきか又は拒絶すべきかを決定する職務は,準司法的な職務であり,司法裁量権の行使を伴う。 従って,当該職務に関しては,局長は,審査官に対して直接的な管理,指揮及び監督を合法的に行うことはできず,特許付与及びその他の処分について審査官によってされる勧告の検討を通じて,また,申請又は不服申立に基づき審査官がなした不利な決定の検討を通じて統括的な監督のみを行うことができる。例文帳に追加

The function of determining whether or not an application for grant of patent should be allowed or denied under the facts disclosed in the application and in the references consulted by the Examiner and under the applicable law (statutory and decisional), is a quasi-judicial function and involves the exercise of judicial discretion. Thus, with respect to such function, the Director cannot lawfully exercise direct control, direction and supervision over the Examiners but only general supervision, exercised through a review of the recommendation they may make for the grant of patent and of other actions, and through a review of their adverse decisions by petition or appeal. - 特許庁


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