











該当件数 : 14


六 出来高制その他の請負制によつて定められた賃金については、その賃金算定期間(当該期間に出来高制その他の請負制によつて計算された賃金がない場合においては、当該期間前において出来高制その他の請負制によつて計算された賃金が支われた最賃金算定期間。以下同じ。)において出来高制その他の請負制によつて計算された賃金の総額を当該賃金算定期間における総労働時間数で除した金額に、当該賃金算定期間における一日平均所定労働時間数を乗じた金額例文帳に追加

(vi) When wages are determined at piece rates or on some other contract basis, they shall be calculated by multiplying the total amount for the wage calculation period concerned (when there exist no wages whose amount is calculated at a piece rate or on some other contract basis in the wage calculation period concerned, the amount of wages paid last time for the wage calculation period shall be adopted. Hereinafter the same shall apply.) divided by the total number of working hours in the wage calculation period concerned by the average daily prescribed working hours during the period subject to the wage calculation発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In case the workers intend to take compensatory leave after the extra wages including those increased by law have been paid - 厚生労働省


When an employer has workers work overtime or work during late-night (from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.), the employer shall pay extra wages at a rate of 25% higher than regular wages. - 厚生労働省


Payment of the extra wage calculated at the rate of 50% or higher must be made after reaching 60 overtime hours accumulated from the initial calculation date of one month. - 厚生労働省


When evening had come, the lord of the vineyard said to his manager, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first.’発音を聞く  - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 20:8』

3 使用者が、午十時から午前五時まで(厚生労働大臣が必要であると認める場合においては、その定める地域又は期間については午十一時から午前六時まで)の間において労働させた場合においては、その時間の労働については、通常の労働時間の賃金の計算額の二割五分以上の率で計算した割増賃金を支わなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) In the event that an employer has a worker work during the period between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. (or the period between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., in case that the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare admits the necessity of the application of those hours for a certain area or time of the year), the employer shall pay increased wages for work during such hours at a rate no less than 25 percent over the normal wage per working hour.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


二 新規学卒者の卒業当該新規学卒者を労働させ、賃金を支う旨を約し、又は通知した、当該新規学卒者が就業を開始することを予定する日までの間(次号において「内定期間」という。)に、これを取り消し、又は撤回するとき。例文帳に追加

(ii) If the commitment or notification that a new school graduate would be employed and the wages paid after the graduation is canceled or revoked after such commitment or notification and prior to the scheduled commencement date of the employment of such new school graduate (hereinafter referred to as "employment offering period" in the following item).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 14



However, as Shozo's widow, Chiyoko MAKINO, who was a head of the 'Main House of Makino', assumed the representative director of the company, there was 'double management,' between Chiyoko and the studio, leading to daily problems such as non-payment of wages and strikes, the company was dissolved two years after Shozo's death in 1931.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To propose a new business scheme by which a user can purchase an article or enjoy service in advance even when the user has no price to be paid at hand and the user can appropriate a wage for a prescribed work for a part or the entire of the price of the purchase, etc., after that. - 特許庁

第百十七条 口頭弁論終結前に生じた損害につき定期金による賠償を命じた確定判決について、口頭弁論終結に、遺障害の程度、賃金水準その他の損害額の算定の基礎となった事情に著しい変更が生じた場合には、その判決の変更を求める訴えを提起することができる。ただし、その訴えの提起の日以に支期限が到来する定期金に係る部分に限る。例文帳に追加

Article 117 (1) Where, with regard to a final and binding judgment ordering compensation by periodic payments for the damage that arose prior to the conclusion of oral argument, any significant change has occurred to the severity of residual disability, wage standards or any other circumstances that were used as the basis for calculation of the amount of damages, an action to seek a modification of the judgment may be filed; provided, however, that this shall apply only to the part of the judgment which pertains to the periodic payments that will become due after the date of filing of the action.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十条 法第三十三条又は法第三十六条第一項の規定によつて延長した労働時間が午十時から午前五時(厚生労働大臣が必要であると認める場合は、その定める地域又は期間については午十一時から午前六時)までの間に及ぶ場合においては、使用者はその時間の労働については、前条第一項各号の金額にその労働時間数を乗じた金額の五割以上の率で計算した割増賃金を支わなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 20 (1) When working hours extended pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 or paragraph (1) of Article 36 of the Act fall between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. (or the period between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. when the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary, in areas or during periods that are specified by the Minister), the employer shall pay premium wages for work during such hours at a rate no lower than 50 percent over the amount calculated by multiplying the amount stipulated in items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article by the number of working hours.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 法第三十三条又は法第三十六条第一項の規定による休日の労働時間が午十時から午前五時(厚生労働大臣が必要であると認める場合は、その定める地域又は期間については午十一時から午前六時)までの間に及ぶ場合においては、使用者はその時間の労働については、前条第一項各号の金額にその労働時間数を乗じた金額の六割以上の率で計算した割増賃金を支わなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) When working hours on days off pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 or paragraph (1) of Article 36 of the Act fall between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. on a rest day (or the period between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. when the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary, in areas or during periods that are specified by the Minister), the employer shall pay premium wages for work during such hours at a rate no lower than 60 percent over the amount calculated by multiplying the amount stipulated in items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article by the number of working hours.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 法第三十二条の三第二項の厚生労働省令で定めるときは、芸能家(放送番組(広告放送を含む。)、映画、寄席、劇場等において音楽、演芸その他の芸能の提供を行う者)若しくはモデル(商品展示等のため、ファッションショーその他の催事に出席し、若しくは新聞、雑誌等に用いられる写真等の制作の題材となる者又は絵画、彫刻その他の美術品の創作の題材となる者)の職業に紹介した求職者又は科学技術者(高度の科学的、専門的な知識及び手段を応用し、研究を行い、又は生産その他の事業活動に関する技術的事項の企画、管理、指導等を行う者)、経営管理者(会社その他の団体の経営に関する高度の専門的知識及び経験を有し、会社その他の団体の経営のための管理的職務を行う者)若しくは熟練技能者(職業能力開発促進法(昭和四十四年法律第六十四号)第四十四条第一項に規定する技能検定のうち特級若しくは一級の技能検定に合格した者が有する技能又はこれに相当する技能を有し、生産その他の事業活動において当該技能を活用した業務を行う者)の職業に紹介した求職者(当該紹介により就いた職業の賃金の額が厚生労働大臣の定める額を超える者に限る。)から、就職六箇月以内に支われた賃金の百分の十・五(免税事業者にあつては、百分の十・二)に相当する額以下の手数料を徴収するときとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The cases specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as provided by Article 32-3, paragraph 2 of the Act shall be the cases under which a fee equivalent to or less than ten-point-five hundredths (10.5/100) (or ten-point-two hundredths (10.2/100) in case of a tax-exempt business provider) of the wages paid during the six-month period after the employment is collected from the job seeker who had been introduced to an occupation of entertainer (who provides entertainment such as music, theatrical entertainment or other performance art in broadcasting programs (including commercial broadcasting), movies, vaudeville, theaters, etc.) or modeling (who appears at fashion shows or other events or serves as a material for a creation of photographs, etc. used for newspapers, magazines, etc. for demonstrating commercial goods, or who serves as a material for a creation of painting, carving or other works of art), or the job seeker who had been introduced to an occupation of scientist (who engages in researches and studies by applying highly scientific and specialized knowledge and means, or the planning, management, instruction, etc. of technical matters for production or other business activities), management executive (who has highly specialized knowledge and experience for the management of a company or other association and provides management businesses for the management of a company or other association) or skilled worker (who has the skill of a person having passed the technical skill test provided by Article 44, paragraph 1 of the Human Resources Development Promotion Act (Act No. 64 of 1969) for the special grade or the first grade or any corresponding skill, and provides businesses utilizing such skill for production or other business activities) (limited to the persons whose wages for the jobs, obtained by them through such introduction, exceed the amount determined by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 使用者は、前項の規定により休業補償を行つている労働者と同一の事業場における同種の労働者に対して所定労働時間労働した場合に支われる通常の賃金の、一月から三月まで、四月から六月まで、七月から九月まで及び十月から十二月までの各区分による期間(以下四半期という。)ごとの一箇月一人当り平均額(常時百人未満の労働者を使用する事業場については、厚生労働省において作成する毎月勤労統計における当該事業場の属する産業に係る毎月きまつて支給する給与の四半期の労働者一人当りの一箇月平均額。以下平均給与額という。)が、当該労働者が業務上負傷し、又は疾病にかかつた日の属する四半期における平均給与額の百分の百二十をこえ、又は百分の八十を下るに至つた場合においては、使用者は、その上昇し又は低下した比率に応じて、その上昇し又は低下するに至つた四半期の次の次の四半期において、前項の規定により当該労働者に対して行つている休業補償の額を改訂し、その改訂をした四半期に属する最初の月から改訂された額により休業補償を行わなければならない。改訂の休業補償の額の改訂についてもこれに準ずる。例文帳に追加

(2) In the event that the per capita average monthly amount of ordinary wages payable in the period of January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December, respectively (any such period being referred to hereinafter as a "quarter"), for the number of the prescribed working hours for a worker at the same workplace and engaged in the same type of work as the worker receiving compensation for absence from work pursuant to the preceding paragraph (or, for a workplace where less than 100 workers are ordinarily employed, the average monthly amount during the quarter per worker of compensation paid every month in the industry to which that workplace belongs, as provided in the Monthly Labor Survey compiled by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; hereinafter whichever amount applies shall be referred to as the "average compensation amount") exceeds 120 percent of the average compensation amount during the quarter in which the worker in question suffered the injury or illness in the engagement of the employment, or falls below 80 percent of that same amount, the employer shall adjust the amount of compensation for absence from work which is payable to the worker in question pursuant to the preceding paragraph in accordance with such rate of increase or decrease in the second quarter following the quarter in which the increase or decrease occurred; and the employer shall make compensation for absence from work of such adjusted amount from the first month of the quarter in which such adjustment takes effect. Thereafter, adjustment to the previously adjusted amount of compensation for absence from work shall be made in the same manner.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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