意味 | 例文 (10件) |
Go for it, Japan!とは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 がんばれ、日本!
「Go for it, Japan!」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
Would it be faster for me to go to Mexico, or for you to come to Japan?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
私がメキシコに行くのと、あなたが日本に来るのでは、どちらが早いでしょうか? - Weblio Email例文集
It is convenient for many of these priests to come and go on board merchant ships that carried on trade between Japan and Yuan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
これらの禅僧の往来の多くは、日元間を交易する商船に便乗することが都合良かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
For example; 'This year things go better, eejanaika (it's good)' (Awaji Province), 'Japan's better condition, eejanaika, I'm very happy with Honen Dance (dance praying for a year of good harvest)' (Awa Province), 'Luckily good, yoijanaika (it's good), don't care anything, yoijanaika, put a slip of paper on omako (vulgar dialect of pubes), put it again if it comes off, yoijanaika,' (applause for sexual liberation: Awaji Province), 'Choshu (a domain advocating the imperial rule) took the capital, things become cheap, ejanaika (it's good)' (Nishinomiya City), 'Choshu people go up to the capital, ejanaika, Cho (Choshu) and Dai (Daigo area, Fujimi, Kyoto meaning the center of Kyoto), ejanaika' (Bingo).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
例えば、今年は世直りええじゃないか(淡路)、日本国の世直りはええじゃないか、豊年踊はお目出たい(阿波)、御かげでよいじゃないか、何んでもよいじゃないか、おまこに紙張れ、へげたら又はれ、よいじゃないか(淡路)という性の解放、長州がのぼた、物が安うなる、えじゃないか(西宮)、長州さんの御登り、えじゃないか、長と醍と、えじゃないか(備後)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Karaage is a popular food in Japan, and people eat it on a variety of occasions, for example, as a side dish in a boxed lunch, a side dish to go with alcohol and as a dish at a children's birthday party.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
唐揚げは日本で人気の高い料理の一つであり、弁当のおかずから酒の肴、子供の誕生日会のおかず等、幅広い場で食べられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He was the last of kentoshi to study in China but, since he was shoyakuso (a monk who stayed in Tang for a short period), he was not given a travel permit to Mt. Tiantai (perhaps because it was considered impossible due to his limited schedule) and he had no choice but to go back to Japan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
最後の遣唐使として唐に留学するが、もともと請益僧(短期の入唐僧)であったため目指す天台山へは旅行許可が下りず(短期の入唐僧の為日程的に無理と判断されたか)、空しく帰国せねばならない事態に陥った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
For that reason, I have asked several times whether it would be possible to use the funds of Japan Post Bank to lend to local businesses or micro-enterprises or individuals to make a flow of funds so that money should go to those with the greatest financial needs. The answer that I got was that he was putting much thought into the subject, the conclusion being that it would be fairly difficult, but he was hoping to come up with ways to somehow create a structure that makes it possible to accommodate financing to local businesses or micro-enterprises at low, appropriate interest rates, rather than having them turn to consumer lenders charging high interest rates. He also touched on the idea of micro finance, among other things.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
そこで、ゆうちょの資金を何らかの形で地方、あるいは零細業者、個人に貸し付けていく、そして、資金を求めているところに資金が行き渡るようにする、そういう流れができないのでしょうかというご質問を何回かさせていただいたことがあって、いろいろ考えているのだけれども、なかなか難しい。だけれども、地方とか零細業者とかに必ずしも高金利消費者金融ではなく、低利の適切な金利の貸し出しができるような仕組みが何とかつくれないかなと思っていると。マイクロファイナンスなどという名前の話もされておりました。 - 金融庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
「Go for it, Japan!」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
While a consensus was reached on some issues at the Seoul summit, the financial system is integrated. As a broad framework of the global economy is important in that sense, I, as the head of an administrative agency, would like to listen to various opinions from the officials involved in policy-making decisions. I will listen to them about what they are going to do while looking them in the eye and watching how they look. For Japan, the financial sector has been a very significant destabilizing factor for the past few years in particular. In this sense, I will go to Europe with a resolve to perform my duties as the head of an administrative agency-although I hear that it is very cold in Europe.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
金融というのは一つのものでございますから、ソウルサミットで纏まるところは纏まりましたけれども、そういった意味できちんと、世界経済の大きな体制といいますか、大事なところでございますから、行政(機関)の長として、まさに政策を決める当事者本人に色々な意見を聞かせていただき、私に言わせれば、目を見ながら、きちんと顔色を見ながら、どういうことをやるのかということをきちんと(聞かせて頂こうと思っております)。日本は、特にこの2~3年、金融が非常に大きな不安定要因でもございますから、そういった意味できちんと行政(機関)の長として責任を果たしたいという気持ちで、ヨーロッパは大変寒いという話でございますが、行かせていただきます。 - 金融庁
I take it that you are asking about the proposed amendment to the Insurance Business Act that has been passed to the current session for continued deliberation. I assume that you are questioning the appropriateness of a mutual aid business of a public interest corporation or the arrangement in which a mutual aid business of a given public interest corporation is to be supervised by the former competent authorities, with an implication that the FSA should be responsible for supervision. Well, the fact is that the respective authorities, having the experience of supervising public interest corporations for a long time, are well-versed with specifics of their operation. On the subject of this Act, I believe that I named several examples the other day, such as the Japan Medical Association, which has always been supervised by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare since the Meiji era, including the years of supervision by its predecessor, the Health and Medical Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. While circumstances vary from authority to authority, they know very extensively about internal affairs of those corporations and have exercised thorough supervision and, in that sense, have a set of knowledge of their operation and other information accumulated in the course of the work of supervision in the past, which accordingly makes them presumably capable of delivering more fine-tuned supervision than the FSA would be. Since the most important thing is policyholder protection, we believe that, from such a perspective, having the former authorities supervise them is an appropriate way to go. It is also in comprehensive consideration of overall circumstances, including the fact that this exemption of the Act is a provisional step, that we find it appropriate to have the former authorities continue to supervise those corporations.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
継続審議となっている保険業法の改正案のことだと思いますけれども、公益法人の共済事業あるいは旧主務官庁が監督することになっていますが、それはいかがなものかと、金融庁として監督すべきではないかという質問かと思いますけれども、公益法人というのは、それぞれの官庁が長い間、公益法人の監督をしてきたわけでございますから、その業務に関しては、各監督官庁が事情をよく知っており、この法律については、幾つかこの前も申し上げたと思いますが、例えば、日本医師会は確か明治以来、厚生省、当時の内務省衛生局が、ずっと監督官庁でございまして、各省色々ありますけれども、内部のことを非常によく知っており、各主務官庁がきめ細かい監督を行っていますから、そういった意味で、その業務に関する知見やこれまでの監督について蓄積している情報がございますので、金融庁に比べてより細かな監督を行うことができると考えられまして、契約者保護ということが一番大事ではございますが、そういった観点から(旧主務官庁が監督することが)適当というふうに考えております。そして、この法律の特例は当分の間という措置でございますので、そういったことを総合的に勘案して、引き続き旧主務官庁が監督することが適切だと考えております。 - 金融庁
I made a comment at the informal ministerial gathering today, which was obviously not a comment from the head of the administration, but I am Vice-Chief of the People's New Party (PNP), and the current government is, as you know, a coalition of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and the PNP. Accordingly, Prime Minister Kan, right after he assumed office, met with (PNP) Chief Shizuka Kamei to discuss how the two parties would cooperate in policymaking, at which meeting I was also present as the PNP Secretary-General at that time. Under the three-party coalition that preceded the current one, there was a committee called the Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies, which was set up as a forum for the parties to coordinate or match their policies, but then the Social Democratic Party left the coalition. That is why how the remaining parties should cooperate in policymaking afterwards was a subject of discussion at the party leader meeting right after Prime Minister Kan became the new Prime Minister, during which both leaders agreed to go about it properly. Then as it turned out, as you know, we had a House of Councilors election and the same subject also just came up again during the recent meeting of the two party leaders, who supposedly agreed to "do it (policy cooperation)." That is why I decided to make an elaborate comment on this subject to Prime Minister Kan at today's informal ministerial gathering, to which Prime Minister Kan responded by telling Mr. Gemba, who is a state minister and is also DPJ's Policy Research Committee Chair, to work on policy cooperation with the PNP in the proper way - therefore, Policy Research Committee Chair Gemba and I proceeded to discuss how it should be done, a task that I presume will basically be handled mainly by policy research committee chairs.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
今日、閣僚懇で、私はこれは行政の長としての発言ではございませんけれども、国民新党の副代表でもございますし、両党、民主党と国民新党のご存じのように連立内閣でございますから、両党間の政策協議をどうするのかということは、実は菅総理がなられた後、すぐ亀井静香(国民新党)代表と話をされまして、当時私は幹事長でございましたから、同席をいたしまして、前の3党連立内閣のときは、基本政策閣僚委員会というのがございまして、ここで政策を整合性を図る、あるいはすり合わせをするということでございましたが、社民党さんが連立を離脱されましたので、その後の政策協力をどうするかということが当時菅総理が実現した後のすぐの党首会談でのテーマで、しっかりやりましょうという話でございましたが、ご存じのように参議院選挙になりましたので、またこの前も両党首会談でそのことが議題になって、「(政策協力を)やろう」ということでございましたから、今日閣僚懇で菅総理に相当申し上げまして、ちょうど玄葉さんが民主党の国務大臣兼政調会長でございますから、菅総理からもきちっと国民新党のほうとの政策協議をするようにということでございまして、玄葉政調会長と私ともどういうふうにするのかと、基本的に政調会長中心だというふうに思いますけれども、そのことを打ち合わせをさせていただいたわけでございます。 - 金融庁
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