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Wiktionary英語版での「circi」の意味 |
- (rare) plural of circus
- 1823, Pinnock’s Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith’s Abridgment of the History of Rome; […], 8th edition, London: […] G[eorge Byrom] & W[illiam] B[udd] Whittaker, […], page li:
- The places where these shows were exhibited, are supposed to have resembled the circi in shape, having a sufficient depth of water for the largest vessels to ride in safety.
- 1990 September 7, Joseph Brennan, “Re: Circus Train”, in rec.railroad (Usenet), message-ID <1990Sep7.035705.15285@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>:
- There are two circuses (circi ?), the red and blue, that's why there are two trains. They don't make a big deal of having two shows, but it's not a secret either. In the color posters you can usually detect which one is coming to town from the colors. I think in many places where the circus comes every year, they alternate the two shows every other year.
- 1997 September 29, Red, “Re: House Republicans”, in alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater (Usenet), message-ID <Bleu-2909972200420001@anx-lkf2055.deltanet.com>:
- McCain is trying to pass campaign finance reform that puts a government bueaurocracy[sic] in charge of our elections. Not just the presidential circus but all the little circi across the fruited plain.
- 1999 August 4, ligh...@mindspring.com, “Re: Don't want it that way.”, in misc.writing (Usenet), message-ID <7o7q07$afh$1@nntp9.atl.mindspring.net>:
- It sounds to me (notice the auditory tie-in) like you're just gonna have to tough it out until the young'ns[sic] run away and join the circus or you lose your hearing, whichever comes first. Or, of course, YOU could run away and join the circus but circuses (circi?) have worse music than you're listening to now.
- 2001 May 21, Seldiy B, “Anyone want some Zippo's circus tickets (Wallington, Croydon, Surrey) for Friday”, in uk.rec.competitions (Usenet), message-ID <qrfO6.4978$eJ4.736822@news1.cableinet.net>:
- In case anyone is in the least interested, I have two tickets for Zippos Circus, Beddington Park, Croydon Road (A232). Each one admits 2 adults BUT "on purchase of one £3 souvenir brochure". It has to be for Friday, so if anyone wants one or both, email me with your address and I'll post them on to you - or draw if lots of peeps interested (which I doubt!) / Personally I loathe circi, but I guess if you have kids they might enjoy the clowns larking about.
- 2001 July 6, Klaas Bil, “Re: Unicycle synonyms”, in rec.sport.unicycling (Usenet), message-ID <3b4642a3.2250237@newszilla.xs4all.nl>:
- I don't know what exactly you mean by standard. EENWIELFIETS is best understood by the general public, because EENWIELER could be interpreted as a broader term, to include pizza cutters, curvimeters or in general anything with but one wheel. EENWIELER, on the other hand, is the most used term in circles of unicyclists, at least the ones I am part of. Amazingly, my Dutch dictionary (Van Dale comprehensive edition 1976) gives neither term. CIRCUSFIETS is also not included, rightfully so IMHO; it seems to be just used (occasionally) because it reminds people of circuses (circi?).
- 2005 January 7, Norman, “Re: Happy New Year”, in soc.culture.south-africa (Usenet), message-ID <1105117097.827637.72070@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com>:
- Have you noticed that, generally speaking, the only people still smoking are the less well off? Perhaps Nero & the rest just used human nature when giving the people their circus (circi?)
- 2008 April 13, Douglas A. Tutty, “Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]”, in linux.debian.user (Usenet), message-ID <aid67-65A-7@gated-at.bofh.it>:
- > >>>> I loved Flying Circus! / > >>> No, you didn't! / > >> Well, now you're just contradicting. / > > No, he's not! / > Yes, I am! / While you may be, he says your[sic] are not, yet if you are not then you cannot be to argue that you are, and his arguement[sic] comes to naught. While one can argue that another is not, by his very declaration, the other declares themselves to be. / As to flying circi, while the cloth is held aloft by poles and contain the heat of the enclosed, and their gaseous eminations,[sic] yet the pegs which hold the walls upright and keep the wind from intruding, conspire to affix firmly the circus to the ground. Ergo, no flying. / Therefore, if circi do not fly, you could not have loved it.
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