



英和・和英辞典で「labor class」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「labor class」の部分一致の例文検索結果

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a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

給料のために肉体労働をする人々から成る社会的階級 - 日本語WordNet

a class of people who live on wages obtained from labor rather than production, called proletariat発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

生産手段を持たず労働の賃金によって生活する無産階級という階級 - EDR日英対訳辞書

Article 17 (1) The government shall, if it increases the general insurance premium rate, the Class I special enrollment insurance premium rate, the Class II special enrollment insurance premium rate or the Class III special enrollment insurance premium rate, additionally collect the relevant labor insurance premiums.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十七条 政府は、一般保険料率、第一種特別加入保険料率、第二種特別加入保険料率又は第三種特別加入保険料率の引上げを行つたときは、労働保険料を追加徴収する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

It requires less labor enabling to keep manufacturing cost at a low level, but, as there are certain limits for producing quality sake, it is understood as not suitable for high-class sake.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

手間がかからず生産コストは抑えられるが、できる酒質には限界があるので、高級酒には適さないとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nobles, powerful temples and shrines attempted to stabilize the management of the shoen by appointing a resident of an emerging wealthy class as a sho cho (administrator of a manor) and maintaining a labor force by accepting impoverished people who had run off due debts or escaped from their distributed assignments.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

有力寺社・貴族は労働力の確保のため、在地の新興富豪層を荘長に任じ、負債のため流亡した貧しい人や課役の追及を逃れた人を荘園に迎え入れることで、経営の安定化を図ろうとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To save labor and time for software management in the case of production by preventing mismatching of the class of a cover to be attached and operating software.例文帳に追加

取り付けられるカバーの種別と動作ソフトウェアとのアンマッチを防止できるようにし、これにより製造時のソフトウェア管理の手間を解消する。 - 特許庁

The connection class to execute the standby operation can automatically be set, and since a standby mode can automatically be set in this way, troublesome time and labor to set the standby mode can be saved.例文帳に追加

待受動作を実行する接続種別を自動的に設定することができ、このように、待受モードを自動的に設定できることから、待受モードを設定する面倒な手間を省略することができる。 - 特許庁

There are expectations that India will develop into a labor market that stably supplies outstanding human resources and into a promising consumption market in the future due to India’s expanding middle-class stratum, which has real purchasing power.例文帳に追加

優れた人材を安定的に供給する労働市場として、また将来は実質的な購買力を備えた中間層が拡大することで有望な消費市場として、発展が期待されている。 - 経済産業省

These nations were selected among competent emerging economies, which equipped with 4 or more factors out of 5 factors, namely, abundant natural resources, growing labor force, induction of foreign asset, stability of politics and rising middle-income class with strong purchasing power.例文帳に追加

豊富な天然資源、労働力の増加、外資の導入、政情の安定、購買力のある中産階級の台頭の5 つの条件のうち4 つ以上を兼ね備えている有力新興国から選定している。 - 経済産業省

The thought was that if merchants and artisans were allowed to freely pursuit profits, their wealth would threaten the ruling class and farmers would give up the hard labor of agriculture start new careers as sho or ko, decreasing agricultural output, leading to famine, and resulting in the collapse of the social order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

商人や職人に自由に利潤追求を許せば、その経済力によって支配階級が脅かされ、農民が重労働である農業を嫌って商工に転身する事により穀物の生産が減少して飢饉が発生し、ひいては社会秩序が崩壊すると考えたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In its background, there may be some factors such as labor shortage, the pay gap between the managerial class and farmer mechanics74 , the improvement of sense of rights for labors with the work contract law enforced in 2008, changes in the consciousness by the appearance of “the new generation of farmer mechanic” and rises in living costs as housing expense.例文帳に追加

背景には、労働力不足、管理職等と農民工間の報酬格差、2008年に施行された労働契約法等による労働者の権利意識の向上、「新世代農民工」の登場による意識の変化、住宅費等生活価格の上昇等が挙げられる。 - 経済産業省

(2) For businesses with a definite term, the business operator shall be required, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, to pay the following labor insurance premiums, with the declaration form describing the amount of such labor insurance premiums and other matters specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, within 20 days from the day on which the insurance relation is established (or, in case of the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums pertaining to a business for which the approval set forth in Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act is obtained on and after the day following the day on which such insurance relation is established, the day on which such approval is obtained).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 有期事業については、その事業主は、前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる労働保険料を、その労働保険料の額その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を記載した申告書に添えて、保険関係が成立した日(当該保険関係が成立した日の翌日以後に労災保険法第三十四条第一項の承認があつた事業に係る第一種特別加入保険料に関しては、当該承認があつた日)から二十日以内に納付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iv) The revised provision of Article 12, paragraph (3) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance in Article 3 (excluding the portion adding the term "(excluding the insurance benefits pertaining to persons deemed as entitled to receive the insurance benefit pursuant to the provision of Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act (hereinafter referred to as the "insured of Class III special enrollment"))" following the term "the insurance benefits pertaining to employment injury", and the portion adding the term "after deducting the amount of the portion corresponding to the rate of commuting injury" following the term "the amount of the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums"), and the provision of Article 11 of the Supplementary Provisions: December 31, 1976発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

四 第三条中労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律第十二条第三項の改正規定(「業務災害に関する保険給付」の下に「(労災保険法第三十条第一項の規定により保険給付を受けることができることとされた者(以下「第三種特別加入者」という。)に係る保険給付を除く。)」を加える部分及び「第一種特別加入保険料の額」の下に「から通勤災害に係る率に応ずる部分の額を減じた額」を加える部分を除く。)及び附則第十一条の規定 昭和五十一年十二月三十一日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) The revised provision of Article 12, paragraph (3) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (excluding the portions replacing the term "(in Article 20, paragraph (1)" with "(in Article 20, paragraph (1), item (i)" and the term " "the adjustment rate" " with " "the Class I adjustment rate" ") and the revised provision of Article 13 of the same Act in Article 2, and the provision of Article 9 of the Supplementary Provisions: March 31, 1987発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 第二条中労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律第十二条第三項の改正規定(「第二十条第一項」を「(第二十条第一項第一号」に、「「調整率」」を「「第一種調整率」」に改める部分を除く。)及び同法第十三条の改正規定並びに附則第九条の規定 昭和六十二年三月三十一日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Furthermore, based on predictions, India’s population will increase in the mid and long-term, there are great expectations that India can become a labor market that stably supplies outstanding human resources as well as develop into a promising consumption market in the future due to the country’s expanding so-called middle-class strata, in other words, consumers with real purchasing power.例文帳に追加

また、同国では中長期にわたり人口増が見込まれていることから、優れた人材を安定的に供給する労働市場になり得るとともに、将来は、実質的な購買力を備えた消費者層、いわゆる中間層が拡大することで、有望な消費市場として発展することに大きな期待が寄せられている。 - 経済産業省

Article 15 (1) Business operators shall pay every insurance year the following labor insurance premiums, with the declaration form describing the amount of such labor insurance premiums and other matters specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, within 40 days from June 1 of such insurance year (or, in case of the business in respect of which the insurance relation is established in the midst of an insurance year, within 50 days from the day on which such insurance relation is established (or, for the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums pertaining to businesses which have obtained the approval set forth in Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act in the midst of an insurance year and the Class III special enrollment insurance premiums pertaining to businesses which have obtained the approval set forth in Article 36, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act in the midst of an insurance year, the day on which such approval is obtained, respectively)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十五条 事業主は、保険年度ごとに、次に掲げる労働保険料を、その労働保険料の額その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を記載した申告書に添えて、その保険年度の六月一日から四十日以内(保険年度の中途に保険関係が成立したものについては、当該保険関係が成立した日(保険年度の中途に労災保険法第三十四条第一項の承認があつた事業に係る第一種特別加入保険料及び保険年度の中途に労災保険法第三十六条第一項の承認があつた事業に係る第三種特別加入保険料に関しては、それぞれ当該承認があつた日)から五十日以内)に納付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) For businesses with a definite term, the business operator shall be required, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, to submit the declaration form describing the amount of the following labor insurance premiums and other matters specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare within 50 days from the day on which the insurance relation becomes extinct (or, in case of the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums pertaining to a business for which the approval prescribed by Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act is revoked prior to the day on which such insurance relation becomes extinct, the day on which such approval is revoked; the same shall apply in the following paragraph).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 有期事業については、その事業主は、前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる労働保険料の額その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を記載した申告書を、保険関係が消滅した日(当該保険関係が消滅した日前に労災保険法第三十四条第一項の承認が取り消された事業に係る第一種特別加入保険料に関しては、当該承認が取り消された日。次項において同じ。)から五十日以内に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

There are some companies that provide services of fare-paying conveyance of passengers without a Class II driver license, but with the permission of the motor vehicle official by interpreting the Article 80 of the Road Transportation Act beyond the realm of its original scope, which is so-called 'Article 80 authorized vehicle' (see abolished substitution bus Article 80 bus); however, many ordinary taxi operators have broken the force of an objection to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism saying that what those companies are doing is a Shiro-taku operation, which has somehow reached an understanding between these two types of companies through negotiations with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

道路運送法第80条を拡大解釈し、普通二種運転免許を持たずとも陸運局の認可を受ければ旅客を有償運送できる、いわゆる「80条許可車両」(詳細は廃止代替バス80条バス参照)があるが、タクシー業界から「完全な白タクではないか」との強い異議が国土交通省に寄せられ、厚生労働省との折衝で現時点ではなんとか折り合いがつけられている状態である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 19 (1) Business operators shall submit every insurance year the declaration form describing the amount of the following labor insurance premiums and other matters specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare within 40 days from June 1 of the following insurance year (or, in case of extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year, within 50 days from the day on which such insurance relation becomes extinct (or, in case of the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums pertaining to the businesses for which the approval set forth in Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act is revoked in the midst of an insurance year and the Class III special enrollment insurance premiums pertaining to the businesses for which the approval set forth in Article 36, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act is revoked in the midst of an insurance year, the day on which such approval is revoked, respectively; the same shall apply in paragraph (3))).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十九条 事業主は、保険年度ごとに、次に掲げる労働保険料の額その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を記載した申告書を、次の保険年度の六月一日から四十日以内(保険年度の中途に保険関係が消滅したものについては、当該保険関係が消滅した日(保険年度の中途に労災保険法第三十四条第一項の承認が取り消された事業に係る第一種特別加入保険料及び保険年度の中途に労災保険法第三十六条第一項の承認が取り消された事業に係る第三種特別加入保険料に関しては、それぞれ当該承認が取り消された日。第三項において同じ。)から五十日以内)に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 7 (1) With regard to the application of the provision of Article 12, paragraph (3) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (hereinafter referred to as the "Collection Act") as revised by the provision of Article 2 to the businesses in respect of which the insurance relation of labor insurance pertaining to the industrial accident insurance prescribed by Article 3 of the Collection Act has been established as of December 31, 1980, the term "the lump sum compensation for surviving family" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the lump sum compensation for surviving family (limited to the case where the cause for such payment occurs after December 31, 1980)", the term "(hereinafter referred to as the "insurance benefits pertaining to persons afflicted with a specific disease" in this paragraph and in Article 20, paragraph (1))" with "(hereinafter referred to as the "insurance benefits pertaining to persons afflicted with a specific disease" in this paragraph; limited to the insurance benefits other than the insurance benefits paid as pension pertaining to the period after the same date and the insurance benefits paid as pension the cause for payment of which occurs after the same date)", the term "the amount obtained by multiplying...referred to as the "Class I adjustment rate")" with "the amount obtained by multiplying ...referred to as the "Class I adjustment rate") (or, if any period on or before the same date exists during the period being the basis of calculation of the general insurance premiums or the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums, the aggregate of the amount of the general insurance premiums after deducting the amount of the portion corresponding to the rate pertaining to commuting injury and the amount of the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums after deducting the amount of the portion corresponding to the rate pertaining to commuting injury, both pertaining to the period on or before the same date, plus the amount obtained by multiplying the aggregate of the amount of the general insurance premiums after deducting the amount of the portion corresponding to the rate pertaining to commuting injury and the amount of the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums after deducting the amount of the portion corresponding to the rate pertaining to commuting injury, both pertaining to the period after the same date, by the adjustment rate)", and the term "the same date" with "December 31".発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第七条 昭和五十五年十二月三十一日において、労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律(以下「徴収等」という。)第三条に規定する労災保険に係る労働保険の保険関係が成立している事業に関する第二条の規定による改正後の徴収法第十二条第三項の規定の適用については、同項中「遺族補償一時金」とあるのは「遺族補償一時金(昭和五十五年十二月三十一日後に支給すべき事由が生じたものに限る。)」と、「(以下この項及び第二十条第一項において「特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付」という。)」とあるのは「(以下この項において「特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付」といい、同日後の期間に係る年金たる保険給付及び同日後に支給すべき事由が生じた年金たる保険給付以外の保険給付に限る。)」と、「乗じて得た額」とあるのは「乗じて得た額(一般保険料又は第一種特別加入保険料の額の算定の基礎となつた期間のうちに同日以前の期間がある場合には、同日以前の期間に係る一般保険料の額から通勤災害に係る率に応ずる部分の額を減じた額と第一種特別加入保険料の額から通勤災害に係る率に応ずる部分の額を減じた額とを合算した額に同日後の期間に係る一般保険料の額から通勤災害に係る率に応ずる部分の額を減じた額と第一種特別加入保険料の額から通勤災害に係る率に応ずる部分の額を減じた額とを合算した額に調整率を乗じて得た額を加えた額)」と、「同日を」とあるのは「十二月三十一日を」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) The proviso to Article 7, paragraph (3) and the revised provision of Article 14 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the revised provision adding an Article following the same Article, and the revised provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (2) and Article 25, paragraph (1) of the same Act in Article 1; the revised provision adding an Article following Article 4 of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance, the revised provision of Article 12, paragraph (3) (limited to the portions replacing the term "(in Article 20, paragraph (1)" with "(in Article 20, paragraph (1), item (i)" and the term " "the adjustment rate" " with " "the Class I adjustment rate" ") and the revised provision of Article 20, paragraph (1) of the same Act in Article 2; and the provisions of the following Article, Articles 5 to 8 inclusive and 10 of the Supplementary Provisions: April 1, 1987発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

二 第一条中労働者災害補償保険法第七条第三項ただし書及び第十四条の改正規定、同条の次に一条を加える改正規定並びに同法第二十二条の二第二項及び第二十五条第一項の改正規定、第二条中労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律第四条の次に一条を加える改正規定、同法第十二条第三項の改正規定(「(第二十条第一項」を「(第二十条第一項第一号」に、「「調整率」」を「「第一種調整率」」に改める部分に限る。)及び同法第二十条第一項の改正規定並びに次条、附則第五条から第八条まで及び第十条の規定 昭和六十二年四月一日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) The provisions of the Collection Act (excluding the provisions of Article 4 and Articles 22 through 25) shall apply to the collection of the labor insurance premiums pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph. In such case, the term "and labor welfare services" in Paragraph 2, Article 12 of the Collection Act shall be deemed to be replaced with ", labor welfare services and the payment of the special survivor benefit set forth in Paragraph 1, Article 59 (hereinafter referred to as "the special survivor benefit") of the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief (hereinafter referred to as "the Asbestos Relief Act");" the term "the amount of the expense," with "the amount of the expense, the amount of the expense required for the payment of the special survivor benefit;" the term "shall be ... . The same shall apply in Paragraph 1, Article 20)" in Paragraph 3 of the same article, with "shall be ... . The same shall apply to Paragraph 1, Article 20) and the amount of the special survivor benefit (excluding the special survivor lump sum payment paid in the case of Item 2, Article 62 of the Asbestos Relief Act, the special survivor benefit pertaining to a person suffering from any of the diseases caused by engaging in specific activities for a long period of time and prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (limited to a person prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for each business prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, considering the employment period, etc. in the said business) (this special survivor benefit shall be referred to as "the special survivor benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease"), and the special survivor benefit pertaining to the class 3 special insured person) (The amount of the special survivor pension set forth in Paragraph 2, Article 59 of the Asbestos Relief Act shall be calculated as prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare);" and the term ", the expense required for the insurance benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease," with ", the expense required for the insurance benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease, the expense required for the payment of the special survivor pension of Particle 2, Article 59 of the Asbestos Relief Act, the expense required for the payment of the special survivor benefit pertaining to a person afflicted with a specified disease," and the other necessary replacement of technical terms shall be as prescribed in the Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項の規定による労働保険料の徴収については、徴収法の規定(第四条及び第二十二条から第二十五条までの規定を除く。)を適用する。この場合において、徴収法第十二条第二項中「及び労働福祉事業」とあるのは「、労働福祉事業及び石綿による健康被害の救済に関する法律(以下「石綿健康被害救済法」という。)第五十九条第一項の特別遺族給付金(以下「特別遺族給付金」という。)の支給」と、「費用の額」とあるのは「費用の額、特別遺族給付金の支給に要する費用の額」と、同条第三項中「とする。第二十条第一項において同じ。)」とあるのは「とする。第二十条第一項において同じ。)と特別遺族給付金(石綿健康被害救済法第六十二条第二号の場合に支給される特別遺族一時金、特定の業務に長期間従事することにより発生する疾病であつて厚生労働省令で定めるものにかかつた者(厚生労働省令で定める事業の種類ごとに、当該事業における就労期間等を考慮して厚生労働省令で定める者に限る。)に係る特別遺族給付金(以下この項において「特定疾病にかかつた者に係る特別遺族給付金」という。)及び第三種特別加入者に係る特別遺族給付金を除く。)の額(石綿健康被害救済法第五十九条第二項の特別遺族年金については、その額は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより算定するものとする。)」と、「、特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付に要する費用」とあるのは「、特定疾病にかかつた者に係る保険給付に要する費用、石綿健康被害救済法第五十九条第二項の特別遺族年金の支給に要する費用、特定疾病にかかつた者に係る特別遺族給付金に要する費用」とするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム






labor chargeの意味を調べる

labor chargesの意味を調べる

labor coachの意味を調べる


「labor class」に近いキーワードやフレーズ



「labor class」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






labor /léɪbɚ/
(賃金を得るための)労働, 勤労
class /klˈæs/
(共通の性質を有する)部類, 種類

「labor class」を解説文の中に含む見出し語


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