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processionalの学習レベル | レベル:22 |
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Wiktionary英語版での「processional」の意味 |
procession + -al
processional (not comparable)
- Of, pertaining to, or used during a procession, particularly at the start of a religious ceremony or wedding.
- 1672, Elias Ashmole, The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, London: Nathanael Brooke, Chapter 20, Section 3, p. 517,[1]
- The publick Processional-way to the Chapter-house at Windesor, used time out of mind, led from the Presence-Chamber, down through the Cloister, and the great Gate of the Kings Lodging, into the upper Ward of the Castle, thence through the middle Ward, and part of the lower, to and through the passage, between the East-end of the Chappel, and Tomb-house, and thence into the Chapter-house, situate at the North-East Corner of St. George’s Chappel.
- 1799, Isaac D’Israeli, Mejnoun and Leila, the Arabian Petrarch and Laura, Book 4, in Romances, London: Cadell and Davies et al., pp. 170-171,[2]
- 1855, Henry Hart Milman, History of Latin Christianity, London: John Murray, Volume 6, Book 14, Chapter 8, pp. 591-592,[3]
- The mediæval hierarchical services did not rise to their full majesty and impressiveness till celebrated under a Gothic cathedral. […] The enormous height more than compensated for the contracted breadth. Nothing could be more finely arranged for the processional services; and the processional services became more frequent, more imposing.
- 1921, John Dos Passos, Three Soldiers, New York: Modern Library, 1932, Part 2, Chapter 1, p. 70,[4]
- 1993, Vikram Seth, A Suitable Boy, Boston: Little, Brown, Part Fourteen, 14.4, p. 965,[5]
- 1672, Elias Ashmole, The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, London: Nathanael Brooke, Chapter 20, Section 3, p. 517,[1]
processional (複数形 processionals)
- A hymn or other music used during a procession; prosodion.
- 1922, Emily Post, Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home, New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1923, Chapter 21, pp. 338-9,[6]
- A perfectly drilled wedding procession, like a military one, should move forward in perfect step, rising and falling in a block or unit. To secure perfection of detail, the bars of the processional may be counted so that the music comes to an end at precisely the moment the bride and groom stand side by side at the chancel steps.
- 1989, John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meaney, Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, Chapter 6, p. 250,[7]
- […] a rainy Palm Sunday. […] At Grace Church on-the-Hill, the children and the acolytes stood huddled in the narthex; holding their palm fronds, they resembled tourists who’d landed in the tropics on an unseasonably cold day. The organist chose Brahms for the processional—“O Welt ich muss dich lassen”; “O world I must leave you.”
- 1922, Emily Post, Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home, New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1923, Chapter 21, pp. 338-9,[6]
- A group of people or things moving along in an orderly, stately, or solemn manner.
- 1914, Sinclair Lewis, Our Mr. Wrenn, New York: Grosset & Dunlap, Chapter 3, p. 46,[8]
- 1929, Thomas Wolfe, Look Homeward, Angel, New York: Modern Library, Chapter 22, p. 300,[9]
- 1973, Peter De Vries, Forever Panting, Boston: Little, Brown, Chapter 6, p. 111,[10]
- 2005, E. L. Doctorow, The March, New York: Random House, Chapter , pp. 9-10,[11]
- (Roman Catholicism) A service book relating to ecclesiastical processions.
- 1559, Iniunctions geven by the Quenes Maiestie anno Domini MD.LIX, the fyrst yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth, London,[12]
- [47] Item that the Churchwardens of euery paryshe shall delyuer vnto our visitours the inuentories of vestmentes, copes, and other ornamentes, plate, bookes, and specyallye of Grayles, Couchers, Legendes, Processionalles, Hymnalles, Manuelles, Portuesses, and suche lyke apperteynyng to theyr Church.
- c. 1640s, John Gregory, “Episcopus Puerorum In Die Innocentium: Or, A Discovery of an Ancient Custom in the Church of Sarum, making an Anniversary Bishop among the Choristers” in The Works of the Reverend and Learned Mr. John Gregory, London: R. Royston and T. Williams, 1671, p. 114,[13]
- 1559, Iniunctions geven by the Quenes Maiestie anno Domini MD.LIX, the fyrst yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth, London,[12]
- processionalist
該当件数 : 8件
Terminal equipment reads ID of respective parts, executes an arithmetic processional when the parts are operated, stores them and transmits data on the parts to the management device.例文帳に追加
端末装置は、各パーツのIDを読み出し、パーツが動作したときは演算処理を行い、これを格納し、パーツのデータを管理装置に送信する。 - 特許庁
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