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Wiktionary英語版での「unreason」の意味 |
From Middle English unreson; equivalent to un- + reason.
unreason (usually uncountable, 複数形 unreasons)
- Lack of reason or rationality; unreasonableness; irrationality.
- c. 1566, John Knox, The Historie of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland, Book I, London: 1644,[1]
- Another day the same Frier made another Sermon of the Abbot of Unreason, unto whom, and whose Laws, he compareth Prelats of that age; for they were subject to no Laws, no more than was the Abbot of Unreason.
- 1820, Walter Scott, The Abbot, Chapter 14,[2]
- […] it was long ere these scandalous and immoral sports could be abrogated;—the rude multitude continued attached to their favourite pastimes, and, both in England and Scotland, the mitre of the Catholic—the rochet of the reformed bishop—and the cloak and band of the Calvinistic divine—were, in turn, compelled to give place to those jocular personages, the Pope of Fools, the Boy-Bishop, and the Abbot of Unreason.
- 1864, James Russell Lowell, “Abraham Lincoln” in My Study Windows, London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 4th edition, 1871, p. 120,[3]
- What is called the great popular heart was awakened, that indefinable something which may be, according to circumstances, the highest reason or the most brutish unreason.
- 1937, Robert Byron, The Road to Oxiana, “Shiraz, 18 February,”[4]
- Of all the foreigners I have met in this country, diplomats, business men, and archaeologists of many nationalities and varying terms of residence, Christopher is the only one who likes its inhabitants, sympathizes with their nationalist growing-pains, and consistently upholds their virtues, sometimes to the point of unreason.
- 1971, John T. Elson, “Doing the Thing You Do Best,” Time, 22 March, 1971,[5]
- Traditionally, black American dance students have been consistently steered away from classical ballet and toward the supposedly more “suitable” fields of modern, ethnic or Broadway-chorus dancing. The Harlem Dance Theater performances showed beyond doubt that the practice was based not on rhyme but on prejudiced unreason.
- 2014, Garry Wills, “Obamacare: The Hate Can’t Be Cured,” New York Review of Books, 22 April, 2014,[6]
- 2021 February 2, Katharine Murphy, The Guardian[7]:
- Kelly, who specialised in implacable unreason about climate change before his conversion to stubborn contrarianism about various Covid remedies [...] speaks to a constituency the Coalition wants to court: a group of voters tempted to vote for rightwing protest parties rather than the Liberals and the Nationals.
- c. 1566, John Knox, The Historie of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland, Book I, London: 1644,[1]
- Nonsense; folly; absurdity.
unreason (三人称単数 現在形 unreasons, 現在分詞 unreasoning, 過去形および過去分詞形 unreasoned)
- (transitive, rare) To prove to be unreasonable; disprove by argument.
- 1796, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Tobias George Smollett: translator), The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote:
- The reason of the unreasonable usage my reason has met with, so unreasons my reason, that I have reason to complain of your beauty :" and how did he enjoy the following flower of composition ! "
- (rare) To apply false logic or think without logic.
- 2005, Andrew Cutrofello, Continental Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction, →ISBN, page 88:
- (rare) To make unreasonable; to deprive of reason.
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