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On September 3, 1785, Nobuyuki was born as the first son of Tsunetaka MATSUDAIRA, the branch family of the lord of the Kameyama Domain, Tanba Province and Taishin hatamoto (a greater vassal).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The incentive server 4 finds a view incentive charge for viewing the contents by the user of the user terminal 7 and a provision incentive charge for the provision of the contents by the contents provider, which are viewed by the user of the user terminal 7, in accordance with the viewing status information transmitted from the user terminal 7, and then executes billing processing for the incentive charge. - 特許庁


Dean Konishi was forced to resign and with the appointment of Motooki MATSUI as dean (D.Sc., later Ritsumeikan University dean), the incident quickly headed towards a conclusion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(7) ハンガリー特許庁は,出願日の付与から第3月の末日において利用可能な明細書,クレーム及び図面に基づいて意見書を付した調査報告を作成し,付与された出願日から6月以内にこれを出願人に送付するものとする。例文帳に追加

(7) The Hungarian Patent Office shall draw up the search report supplemented with a written opinion on the basis of the description, claims and drawings at its disposal on the last day of the third month from the accorded filing date and shall send it to the applicant within six months from the accorded filing date. - 特許庁



The audience inputs evaluation based upon the viewing to evaluation items matching characteristics of the respective media through a PC6 or portable communication terminal device 7. - 特許庁



The "Kanjincho" that was performed during the early Showa Period - with Koshiro MATSUMOTO the Seventh cast as Benkei, Kikugoro ONOUE the Sixth as Yoshitsune, and Uzaemon ICHIMURA the Fifteenth as Togashi - in particular was considered a masterpiece, and the performance was also recorded on film.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Emperor Shoko became critical again in August and September 1428, the sixth Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA protected Sadafusa's biological son, Prince Hikohito, and asked the Retired Emperor Gokomatsu to appoint a new Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The correction value adjustment circuit 7 adjusts the correction value of the frequency characteristic by the correction circuit 6 so that deviation in a reception level within a band at a terminal of a reception side will become small, based on the preset frequency characteristic of the transmission loss regarding each of transmission terminals 1B, 1C, 1D,..., which are communication partners. - 特許庁


The server 4 calculates an incentive charge to the content provider of the content of the content ID transmitted from the terminal 7 and an incentive charge to the user who watches the content and the advertisement page, and pays these incentive charges from the advertisement charge which is collected from the advertisement provider who provides the advertisement page of the URL transmitted from the terminal 7. - 特許庁



When he was young, he learned the forms of kabuki and kyogen from excellent actors such as Koshiro MATSUMOTO VII, Chusha ICHIKAWA VII, Hazaemon ICHIMURA XV and Enjaku MINOKAWA II in addition to his father; this was an important asset not only for Nizaemon (XIII) but also for kabuki society as a whole.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Furthermore, during the time when the Limited Express "Towada" (later replaced by "Hakkoda"), which ran from Ueno Station to Aomori Station, was in regular service, the timetable was set to give a rather long standing time for the downtrain (departing from Ueno Station) at Morioka Station during 6:50 and 7:00 in the morning to wait to be overtaken by the successive train, an overnight train service; accordingly, harakomeshi was sometimes sold out when there were many passengers buying the ekiben for breakfast.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A terminal device 7 as the lumen image processing device comprises a characteristic quantity computing process for computing a prescribed characteristic quantity from one or a plurality of intraluminal images of the alimentary canal, a detecting process for detecting the border of the alimentary canal based on the computed characteristic quantity, and a determining process for determining that the intraluminal image is the image related to the region from the esophagus to the cardia. - 特許庁

(2) 第36A条(10)の適用上,第36A条(1)(c)に基づいて特許の存続期間の延長を求める申請は, (a) 次に従い,特許様式54により行う。 (i) 次の何れか遅い方の日から6月以内 (A) 当該特許の付与の日,又は (B) 販売承認を取得した日 (ii) 第36条(1)にいう20年の期間の末日の6月前以前,かつ (iii) 何れの場合も,当該特許が効力を有する間 また (b) 次を添える。 (i) 所定の手数料 (ii) 第36A条(7)に基づく証明書 (iii) 当該申請を裏付けるために申請人が依拠しようとする他のすべての証拠書類例文帳に追加

(2) For the purposes of section 36A(10), an application to extend the term of a patent under section 36A(1)(c) shall be -- (a) made on Patents Form 54 -- (i) within 6 months from -- (A) the date of the grant of the patent; or (B) the date marketing approval was obtained, whichever is the later; (ii) not later than 6 months before the end of the period of 20 years referred to in section 36(1); and (iii) in any case, while the patent is still in force; and (b) accompanied by -- (i) the prescribed fee; (ii) a certificate under section 36A(7); (iii) all other documentary evidence which the applicant wishes to rely on to support the application. - 特許庁


Especially in Kaga Province, Shoko-ji Temple of the 3rd son Renko, Kokyo-ji Temple of the 4th son Rensei, and Honsen-ji Temple of the 7th son Rengo (the first chief priest was the second son Renjo)--'Gashu Sanka-ji Temples (Kaga Sanzan) [Three Temples in Kaga Province]'--were placed at the top as local representatives of hoshu and required to direct the temples and followers in the province (this system was especially called the 'ryogozan' (two temples) system because of the two virtually highest executive temples, Shoko-ji Temple and Honsen-ji Temple).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1975, he passed on the name Kansai FUJIMA (II) to his eldest son Tatsunosuke, who became the fifth head of the style, however in 1987 Tatsunosuke, on whom his father had pinned his hopes, passed away, and in Shoroku's later years he cannot be said to have had an abundance of successors (although his students included Kikugoro ONOE (VII) and Matsusuke ONOE (VI), and in particular Kikugoro (VII) took on the lead roles after Tatsunosuke's death).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the conference due to be held in Shimonoseki was cancelled by Saigo just before its start, the six-article alliance for defeating the shogunate was concluded on March 7 (some say on March 8) with the mediation of Sakamoto at Kiyotada KOMATSU's residence in Kyoto (in the present Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City) between the Satsuma representatives (Takamori SAIGO, Toshimichi OKUBO and Kiyotada KOMOTSU [the clan's chief retainer]) and the Choshu counterpart Takayoshi KIDO (called Kogoro KATSURA at that time).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

1 2011 年4 月28 日、米連邦準備委員会(FRB)のバーナンキ議長は、連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)後の記者会見において、2010 年11 月から続けてきた6,000 億ドルの中長期米国債購入による資金供給プログラム(一般にQE2(Quantitative Easing 2)とも呼ばれる)を定どおり6 月末で完了すること、ただし、異例に低水準の政策金利が更に長期間継続される公算が高いこと、7 月以降もMBS 等の満期還金を中長期米国債に再投資することで、FRB のバランスシートはほぼ現状で一定に保たれるであろうことを示し、現状の緩和的な金政策を維持するスタンスを明示した。例文帳に追加

1 Bernanke, Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank clearly confirmed that the funds supply program (also generally known as Quantitative Easing (QE 2)) by purchasing US$600 billion long term US bonds continued from November 2010 would be terminated at the end of June as initially decided; however, odds increased to maintain the exceptionally low interest policy for long period; the balance sheet of FRB would be maintained at current level after July by reinvesting funds from MBS redemption of maturity and others to the medium and long term US bonds; and the stance to maintain the current monetary easing policy as declared at the press conference after the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on April 28,2011. - 経済産業省



The main control part 1 successively retrieves the inside parts of a memory 1A arranged inside the main control part, a memory card 7 inserted into an extended slot 6, and a communicable management computer 10 based on the maker identification code and version received from each terminal control part, and obtains the suitable control program from among them. - 特許庁


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