例文 (24件) |
該当件数 : 24件
建設中の一つの建物には 完全に破壊されました。例文帳に追加
One building under construction was completely levelled in this disaster. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
街は眠れど 建物はずっと 建設中さ例文帳に追加
Its buildings are always under construction - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To reduce a construction cost in a middle corridor type building. - 特許庁
To evaluate earthquake damage at each stage in the construction of a building. - 特許庁
To provide an inexpensively constructible base-isolated structure for an intermediate story of a building, and the building with multistory parking equipment. - 特許庁
To provide a constructing device and an execution method of a building suitable to use for a long building in a ridge direction wherein application of a temporary roof frame is enabled for a medium or small scale building. - 特許庁
To provide a structurally simple drainage system which can be inexpensively manufactured and can gravitationally drain rainwater flowing into a building under construction. - 特許庁
To provide a method for laying a temporary lighting cable in a multistory building under construction without using any supporting member or the like. - 特許庁
To provide a curing apparatus that can prevent a landing door device from being contaminated, which is installed beforehand in a building in construction. - 特許庁
To provide a method of quickly, continuously, and collectively constructing a parking device in a void without being largely affected by the progress of construction work for a building skeleton. - 特許庁
第六条 前条に規定するもののほか、政府は、研究所の成立の時において現に建設中の建物等(建物及びその建物に附属する工作物をいう。次項において同じ。)で政令で定めるものを研究所に追加して出資するものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 6 (1) In addition to what is provided in the preceding Article, buildings, etc. (buildings and auxiliary structures of such buildings; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph) that are actually in the process of being constructed at the time of establishment of the Institute and that are specified by Cabinet Order shall be deemed as additional contributions to the Institute by the government. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide a structure of an underground section of a building capable of using an underground wall having a function for an earth retaining wall when the underground section of the building is constructed as an exterior wall in the ground of the building, at the same time, also using it as a bearing pile and reducing a construction cost. - 特許庁
To provide a double-sided corrugated board type floor curing material regenerable into paper used for a paperboard after use, in the curing material for protecting a floor surface of a building under construction, particularly, a woody floor surface such as woody flooring. - 特許庁
A building (generally of two-story configuration) is divided into two parts at the midpoint, and one of the walls of each of the two parts, as in a row house, is shared by adjoining dwellings, thus economizing on land usage and the cost of construction. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an economical soil heat utilization system that prevents a heating medium from leaking without having to construct a characteristic heat-conducting pipe for utilizing soil heat by utilizing a foundation pillar which is buried in the earth as the heat-conducting pipe, when a building is constructed. - 特許庁
A post construction part to be constructed later is provided in a part inside a building under construction, a plurality of floor units manufactured beforehand on a first floor level are disposed in the vertical direction inside the post construction part (step S1), and they are lifted altogether (step S2) and installed at prescribed positions (step S3). - 特許庁
同社には、都会の環境に田舎の生活を取り入れたいと思う中流階級の都会人の間に数多くの支持者がおり、最高経営責任者のByron Coxによると、「住宅設計や建設は弊社のような企業にとって当然の結果だ。弊社のお客様は、彼らが所有するPatioの商品と調和する建物を求めている」とのことだ。例文帳に追加
The company has a large following among middle-class urbanites who want to incorporate country living in an urban environment, and according to CEO Byron Cox, “home design and construction is the natural outcome for a company like ours. Our customers want a structure in tune with the Patio products they own.” - Weblio英語基本例文集
Danchi developments provide a solution to population increases caused by several reasons including urban sprawl and doughnut phenomena because, as opposed to sparsely spaced individual dwellings of low population density per unit area such as single houses, concentrated dwellings provide more efficient public transport system as buses and trains and more effective road maintenance and improvement service to these areas; thus danchi development leads to better consequences in terms of convenience. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the same time, there is also the fact that the construction business is extremely important. Earthquake-resistant construction work for municipal elementary schools nationwide is for the most part contracted to local businesses, not major contractors. This also means that money changes hands nationwide. Considering the safety of elementary and junior high school children – your own children or grandchildren – in the face of an earthquake and the resultant risk of their school buildings collapsing, earthquake-resistant construction is imperative, a point that we, the Cabinet, gave weight with respect to this issue as well. - 金融庁
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