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And Paul shrugged his shoulders and strolled off down the briar-rose path.  - JACK LONDON『影と光』


Hitachi-Omiya Station, located in Hitachi Omiya City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is a station on the Suigun Line of East Japan Railway Company (JR East).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(The sections managed by the Ibaraki Office include Meishin Highway Kyoto Higashi IC - Suita JC, Entire Daini-Keihan-doro Bypass, Kyoto Prefecture area Keinawa Jidoshado Expressway.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Testing of Toyota Motor Corporation's Winglet started on public roads in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, on July 23. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



Therefore, the east end of Tokaido was Kitaibaraki City in the Ritsuryo era and the special word (Edo) in the Edo era and later.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



(Today, as for the OIKAWA family name, thirteen percent of it is in Hokkaido, seven percent in Tokyo and some of it is in the prefectures of Ibaragi, Saitama and Shizuoka).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(Roadways managed by West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, Kansai Branch, Ibaraki Office, include the Kyoto Higashi Interchange - Suita Junction section of the Meishin Highway, the Daini-Keihan-Doro Bypass, and Kyoto areas of the Keinawa Jidoshado Expressway.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Similar examples include Kanazawa curry of Kanazawa City in Ishikawa Prefecture, Zeppelin curry of Tsuchiura City in Ibaraki Prefecture, Furano curry of Furano City in Hokkaido, and Jindai curry of Senboku City, Akita Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Ibaragi-Osaka section became a quadruple-track section, two tracks on the side became exclusive for urban electric trains (administered by the Railway Bureau) while two tracks on the outer side became exclusive for long distance trains (administered by the head office) - when the section was double-track section, local trains ran on the outer track and express trains ran on the outer track.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



President Susumu Saito says, “The company has survived until now by maintaining the offensive with the decisiveness to tread a thorny path and the iron spirit to never give up. I could only see a dark future if FISA did not expand outside Japan.”  - 経済産業省



In 1880, Tokyo, Hokkaido and all the prefectures were ordered to establish baby-sitter schools in order to solve the problem, and in 1883, Kaju WATANABE opened the first baby-sitter school in Koyama-mura, Sashima-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was also worshipped as Sobin myojin (a gracious deity of perspicacity) according to Shinto religious honors; there are the Sobin-jinja Shrine in the precincts of the Fukuyama Hachiman-gu Shrine to the north of the Fukuyama-jo Castle and Sobin-sha Shrine at the side of the site of Yuki-jo Castle in Ibaraki Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


October, 684: The title of 'Mahito' was given to 13 clans, such as Moriyama no kimi, Michi no kimi, Takahashi no kimi, Mikuni no kimi, Tagima no kimi, Ubaraki no kimi, Tajihi no kimi, Ina no kimi, Sakata no kimi, Okinaga no kimi, Hata no kimi, Sakahito no kimi, and Yamaji no kimi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition the family name 'Kikuchi' written as 菊池 can be also found in present Nishimera-son, Koyu-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture, Kitasengi-cho and Minamisengi-cho, Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Hokkaido, and Tokyo Metropolis.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

イ 東日本電信電話株式会社にあつては、北海、青森県、岩手県、宮城県、秋田県、山形県、福島県、城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、新潟県、山梨県及び長野県例文帳に追加

(a) As for East Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Hokkaido Prefecture, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo Metropolis, Kanagawa Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

放射性ヨウ素が100 Bq/kg を超過したため乳児による水水の摂取制限及び広報の要請が行われた水事業者等は、福島県、城県、千葉県、東京都、栃木県の計5都県内の20 水事業者等であった(現在、乳児摂取制限が実施されているのは1 カ所のみ)。その他の府県において、水水の摂取制限及び広報の要請は実施されていない(4 月22 日時点)。例文帳に追加

Of all the water supply utilities, the intake restriction and public announcement were requested only at one small-scale water supply utility in Fukushima prefecture by MHLW, as the level of radioactive iodine exceeded 300 Bq/kg. (This intake restriction and public announcement on it were cancelled on 1 April.) - 厚生労働省


Healthcare Prevention Division, Ibaraki Prefecture (Tel: 029-301-3220) Moreover, because the provision of dialysis treatment became extremely difficult in the affected areas, MHLW, in cooperation with the Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians, requested all Prefectural Governments that they cooperate in setting up a system for and coordinating the acceptance of dialysis patients outside the affected areas. - 厚生労働省


According to Kojiki, it is the soshin of Kawachi no kuninomiyatsuko, Nukatabe no yue no muraji, Ibaraki no kuninomiyatsuko, Nakanao OWADA, Yamashiro no kuninomiyatsuko, Umakuta no kuninomiyatsuko, Michinoshirinokihe no kuninomiyatsuko, Suwa no kuninomiyatsuko, Yamato no Amuchi no miyatsuko, Takechi agatanonushi, Gamo inagi, Sakikusabe no miyatsuko, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

出張相談実績労働局 岩手 宮城 福島 その他1,770回 1,544回 1,800回 595回出張相談(1) (2)6,127件 7,115件 4,272件 5,472件1:平成24年2月29日現在2:北海、青森、秋田、山形、城、栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉、東京、神奈川、新潟、富山、福井、山梨、長野、岐阜、滋賀、京都、大阪例文帳に追加

Actual records of on-site counseling services offered Labour Bureaus Iwate Miyagi Fukushima Other On-site counseling services (*1) 1,770 times 1,544 times 1,800 times 595 times (*2) 6,127 cases 7,115 cases 4,272 cases 5,472 cases *1: As of February 29, 2012*2: Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, Yamagata, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Niigata, Toyama, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu, Shiga, Kyoto, and Osaka - 厚生労働省


Much like Shuten Doji (known in his boyhood as "Gedomaru," meaning "Apostate Boy"), who was famous for his good looks and received huge numbers of love-letters from the girls in the neighborhood, Ibaraki Doji was also said to be a very handsome youth, wooed by many young ladies in his area, leading his mother, anxious over his spiritual future, to send him off to Yahiko-jinja Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prefectural Labour Bureaus, Fukushima Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, and Tochigi Prefecture were notified of the points to consider when sewage sludge is treated at the sewage treatment plants within Fukushima Prefecture and facilities accepted the sewage sludge as cement raw materials. (May 17, 2011) - 厚生労働省


The MHLW implements monitoring focused on water supply utilities in Fukushima prefecture and its neighboring regions (Miyagi prefecture, Yamagata prefecture, Niigata prefecture, Ibaraki prefecture, Tochigi prefecture, Gunma prefecture, Saitama prefecture, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Kanagawa prefecture, and Chiba prefecture), in reference to the inspection results on radioactive materials in tap water and in the atmosphere, and the distance from the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant. - 厚生労働省


According to an article appeared in November 684 in the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), 'Following 13 clans should be given the kabane of Mahito; Moriyama no Kimi, Michi no Kimi, Takahashi no Kimi, the Mikuni clan, Taima clan, Umara no Kimi, Tajihi no Kimi, Ina no Kimi, Sakata no Kimi, Hata no Kimi, Okinaga no Kimi, Sakahito no Kimi, Yamaji no Kimi' and these Kimi kabane clans are probably the descendants of Emperor Ojin and those from Emperor Keitai to Emperor Yomei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

薬事食品衛生審議会から、基準値案を了承する答申(平成24年2月24日)≪検査結果の公表≫ (直近発表過去10回分)[第332報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、厚生労働科学研究費補助金による測定結果、北海、青森県、秋田県、山形県、岩手県、宮城県、栃木県、群馬県、城県、千葉県、埼玉県、東京都、神奈川県、新潟県、愛知県、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県、島根県、徳島県、愛媛県、高知県、横浜市、藤沢市、金沢市、静岡市、江東区、港区(平成24年2月24日)[第333報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、青森市、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、城県、栃木県、群馬県、千葉県、神奈川県、相模原市、新潟県、静岡県、滋賀県、京都市、徳島県、愛媛県(平成24年2月27日)[第334報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、札幌市、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、城県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、豊島区、神奈川県、横須賀市、藤沢市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、大津市、京都市、大阪府(平成24年2月28日)[第335報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海、青森県、岩手県、宮城県、山形県、いわき市、群馬県、柏市、東京都、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、長野県、山梨県、愛知県、名古屋市、大阪市、神戸市、鳥取県、島根県(平成24年2月29日)[第336報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、城県、栃木県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、富山県、静岡県、浜松市、京都市(平成24年3月1日)[第337報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海、岩手県、宮城県、山形県、城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、川崎市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、姫路市、鳥取県、徳島県(平成24年3月2日)[第338報]札幌市、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、城県、群馬県、港区、神奈川県、横浜市、相模原市、新潟県、兵庫県、鳥取県、島根県、愛媛県(平成24年3月5日)[第339報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海、山形県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、横須賀市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、名古屋市、京都市、大阪府、島根県(平成24年3月6日)[第340報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、山形県、いわき市、群馬県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、新潟市、金沢市、静岡県、愛知県、大阪府、大阪市、鳥取県(平成24年3月7日)[第341報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、仙台市、山形県、城県、神奈川県、新潟県、新潟市、山梨県、大阪府、鳥取県、島根県(平成24年3月8日)【検査実施状況】検査件数121,415件、うち暫定規制値超過1,168件(平成24年3月8日現在)例文帳に追加

The Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council reported in response to the Minister's consultation by approving the proposed standard limits (February 24, 2012) <<Public announcement of survey results>> (10 most recent data announced)[332rd announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; results of measurements subsidized by the Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant; Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Yokohama-shi (city), Fujisawa-shi (city), Kanazawa-shi (city), Shizuoka-shi (city), Koto-ku (ward)/Tokyo, and Minato-ku (ward)/Tokyo (February 24, 2012) [333rd announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Aomori-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Sagamihara-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto-shi (city), Tokushima Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture (February 27, 2012) [334th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Sapporo-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Toshima-ku (ward)/Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokosuka-shi (city), Fujisawa-shi (city), ― 45Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Otsu-shi (city), Kyoto-shi (city), and Osaka Prefecture (February 28, 2012)[335th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwaki-shi (city), Gunma Prefecture, Kashiwa-shi (city), Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya-shi (city), Osaka-shi (city), Kobe-shi (city), Tottori Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (February 29, 2012)[336th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Hamamatsu-shi (city), and Kyoto-shi (city) (March 1, 2012)[337th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Himeji-shi (city), Tottori Prefecture and Tokushima Prefecture (March 2, 2012)[338th announcement] Sapporo-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Minato-ku (ward)/Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama-shi (city), Sagamihara-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture (March 5, 2012) [339th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Yamagata Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Yokosuka-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Nagoya-shi (city), Kyoto-shi (city), Osaka Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (March 6, 2012) [340th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Iwate Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwaki-shi (city), Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Niigata-shi (city), Kanazawa-shi (city), Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Osaka-shi (city), and Tottori Prefecture (March7, 2012)[341st announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Niigata-shi (city), Yamanashi Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (March 8, 2012)【The implementation status of surveys】 121,415 survey cases, out of which 1,168 cases exceeded the provisional regulation values (as of March 8, 2012) - 厚生労働省



The General Insurance Association of Japan provided active cooperation in this respect. As I have mentioned several times, the assessment of the extent of damage is critical to the non-life insurance business. As many houses were swept away by the tsunami, a non-life insurance company belonging to the association took the very flexible step of conducting area-by-area damage assessment based on aerial photographs. As has been reported by newspapers and other media, earthquake insurance claims totaling 1.13 trillion yen have already been paid in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region and Ibaraki Prefecture.  - 金融庁


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