
「記兵」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(7ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 306



The story of the duel was developed by added Ganryu's origin and detailed descriptions of the fight in "Honcho Bugei Shoden" (1716), "Heiho Taiso Bushu Genshin-ko Denrai" (1727), "Buko-den" (finished in 1755) and so on; and at last, Kagehide TOYOTA based on his father's book "Buko-den" to write "Niten-ki" and added many unreliable description including about Ganryu's origin, Ganryu's original name Kojiro SASAKI, Musashi's letter, the date of the duel April 13, 1612, the permission from lords, and the details of the duel.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It also states things as follows: after Bogo JANG returned to Silla first and got a higher ranking position (ambassador of Cheonghaejin), Jeongyeon, who lost his job, starving and frozen from cold, visited Jang and Jang welcomed him; as soon as Jang heard about the capital being in chaos after King Minae was killed in the middle of a party, Jang gave a force of 5,000 men to Jeongyeon, saying 'No one else apart from you can settle this distress', he let Jeongyeon killed the rebels to enthrone a new King; Jang was appointed as the Chancellor by the new King and that Jeongyeon took over the position of the ambassador of Cheonghaejin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Tang, he learned not only Confucianism, but also astronomy, music and military science, and brought back "Tokan Kanki" (historical records of Eastern Han Dynasty) to Japan, and offered to the Imperial Court many other books and materials, including Keisho (Confucianism documents [130 volumes of "Torai"]), an astronomical calendar book (one volume of "Taien Calendar" and 12 volumes of "Daienreki Ryusei"), a sun clock (Sokuei Kaneshaku), music instruments (Dorikkan, , 律管12), music theory books (ten volumes of "Gakusho Yoroku"), bows (arms) (馬上飲水1) and arrows (20 of Shakosen [square arrow] and 10 of Heishasen [flat arrow]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At first, Japan was demanding the cession of Geoje Island or Utsuryo Island, however, six days before the arrival of four warships and 1,500 soldiers led by Daitaicho (Battalion Chief) Masatake TERAUCHI, Qing had already subdued the rebellion and taken the initiative, and the United States of America had dispatched warships to put pressure on Japan, both of which led Yoshimoto HANABUSA, the Japanese Minister to Yi Dynasty Korea who was in charge of the negotiation, to change the original demands to the ones stipulated in the treaty, mediated by Jianzhong MA (a diplomatic secretary to Hung Chang LI, the captain of the army of Qing).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


上嶋家文書の真偽をめぐって学界では意見がわかれ、概ね否定的見解が主流であったが、後にその載内容を裏書きする古文書が庫県揖保郡揖保川町新在家の豪農であった永富家(元楠木同族会顧問 鹿島建設株式会社会長鹿島守之助の生家)から発見され、この系図は江戸後期の写しであっても、古本を書写したものであることが証明された。例文帳に追加

The credibility of this document has been a controversial issue in the society of Japanese history that majority of them viewed as false; however, an old document that was found in the house of a wealthy farmer, the Nagatomi family (the birthplace of Morinosuke KAJIMA who was the chairman of Kajima Corporation and the former advisor of the Kusunoki family council) in Shinzaike, Ibokawa-cho in Ibo-gun, Hyogo Prefecture and it was revealed that this geneology recorded in this manuscrit during the late Edo Period was actually copied from an old document.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The Governor in Council, if satisfied that an invention relating to any instrument or munition of war, described in any specified application for patent not assigned to the Minister of National Defence, is vital to the defence of Canada and that the publication of a patent therefor should be prevented in order to preserve the safety of the State, may order that the invention and application and all the documents relating thereto shall be treated for all purposes of this section as if the invention had been assigned or agreed to be assigned to the Minister of National Defence.  - 特許庁


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