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該当件数 : 27



We all admire his (immense) erudition.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


Everybody wonders at his erudition.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


Based on his profound knowledge, Gyokushu expanded the debate on the Southern Chinese style of painting.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) 出願人は,特許出願日から4月以内に,当該発明が実際に当該博覧会に展示されたことを記載する当該博覧会の責任機関が発行した証明書を提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The applicant shall, within 4 months from the day of filing the application, file a certificate, issued by the authority responsible for the exhibition, stating that the invention was in fact exhibited there. - 特許庁



Kokan Shiren was devoted to a life of study and gained a vast knowledge; studying 'Wen Xuan' ('Monzen' in Japanese) from SUGAWARA no Arisuke and the art of divination from Arifusa ROKUJO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



the opening date of the exhibition and, where the first disclosure of the invention did not take place on the opening date, the date of the first disclosure;  - 特許庁

商標局は, 当該博覧会の開会日から 6 月を超えない期間について当該商標に仮保護証明書を交付する。例文帳に追加

The Office shall issue the trademark a certificate of provisional protection for a period not exceeding six months from the opening date of said exhibition. - 特許庁


The applicant must produce within four months of the filing of the patent application the certificate referred to in Section 5.5(b) of the Law issued during the exhibition by the authority responsible for the protection of industrial property at that exhibition and confirming that the invention has actually been shown there.  - 特許庁

(3) 当該証明書にはまた,当該博覧会の開会日,及び当該発明の最初の開示が開会日に行われていない場合は,最初の開示の日を記載しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) The certificate shall also state the opening date of the exhibition and, where the first disclosure of the invention did not take place on the opening date, the date of first disclosure. - 特許庁



The certificate must additionally state the opening date of the exhibition and, where appropriate, that of first disclosure of the invention where those two dates are not the same.  - 特許庁



A claim of priority shall contain information concerning the exhibition at which the design has been displayed and the time at which the design was first displayed at the exhibition.  - 特許庁


Motohiro's diary was called "Motohiro koki" or "Oenmanin Kanpaku ki," which showed his extensive knowledge of the ancient practices here and there, as he recorded his editing of intellectual papers, the study of Emakimono picture scrolls and ancient paintings, and the recreation of methods to produce kimono and everyday goods.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A declaration by the responsible management of the exhibition stating that the exhibition is international and giving the date of the first presentation of the design at the exhibition will be accepted as evidence of priority. - 特許庁


Without prejudice to the requirements in Article 4 and Article 5, a patent application as referred to in paragraph (1) must be accompanied with a certified statement of participation in an exhibition which should include the time of such exhibition.  - 特許庁


The certificate shall also state the opening date of the exhibition and, where the first disclosure of the invention did not coincide with the opening date of the exhibition, the date of the first disclosure. - 特許庁


where the applicant wishes to take advantage of the priority of a previous application and he seeks to be granted the priority - a declaration of priority with the indication of at least the date at, and the country in, which the previous application was filed or the name, location and country of the exhibition and the date or dates at which the industrial design remained displayed at the exhibition in question; - 特許庁


If goods or services indicated in an application were displayed at an exhibition specified in subsection (3) of this section, designated by the same trade mark, and the application is filed with the Patent Office within six months after the date of display, priority may be established on the basis of the date of display at the exhibition.  - 特許庁

博覧会優先権を証明する書類とは,博覧会の管理者が発行した書類であって,当該博覧会が商標法第10条 (3)に規定される要件を満たしていること及び当該博覧会において当該商標が使用されたことを証明し,かつ,当該商標により指定された商品又はサービスを展示した者の名称,かかる商品及びサービスの一覧並びに博覧会におけるこれらの公の展示の日付を記載したものをいう。例文帳に追加

A document certifying exhibition priority is a document issued by the administration of an exhibition which certifies the compliance of the exhibition with the requirements provided for in subsection 10 (3) of the Trademark Act and the use of the trademark at the exhibition and which contains the name of the person who exhibited goods or services designated by the trademark, the list of such goods and services and the date of public display thereof at the exhibition.  - 特許庁


The applicant shall, within four months of the date of filing of the patent application, file the certificate referred to in section 12(1)(b) issued at the exhibition by the authority responsible for the protection of industrial property at that exhibition, and stating that the invention was in fact exhibited there. - 特許庁


To provide an index generating device of an image component block layout device, an index generating method of an image component block layout method, and a recording medium which can generate indexes of relative contents without decreasing the editing efficiency of an operator nor requiring a wide knowledge of booklets as to the index generation. - 特許庁


Where the applicant desires to take advantage of the priority of a previous application - a declaration of priority with the indication of at least the date at, and the country in, which the previous application was filed or the name, location and country of the exhibition and the date or dates at which the invention remained displayed at the exhibition in question; - 特許庁


The priority of the trade mark placed on exhibits of official or officially recognized international exhibitions, organized on territory of one of the states - participants of the Paris Convention on Protection of Industrial Property, can be established by the date of the beginning of open display of an exhibit at an exhibition (an exhibition priority) if the application is sent to the patent body within six months from the specified date.  - 特許庁

(2) (1)に基づいて付与される仮保護は出願人が主張することのできる優先期間を延長するものではなく,仮保護の付与後に出願人が優先権を主張する場合も,優先期間は6月に留まる。ただし,優先期間は,当該商品又はサービスが当該博覧会に導入された日から開始する。例文帳に追加

(2) The temporary protection granted under subsection (1) shall not extend any period of priority claimed by an applicant and where a right of priority is claimed by an applicant subsequent to the temporary protection, the period of priority shall remain six months but the period shall commence from the date of the introduction of the goods or services into the exhibition. - 特許庁


The exhibition of an invention at an industrial or other exhibition to which the provisions of this section have been extended by the Government by notification in the official Gazette, or the publication of any description of the invention during the period of the holding of the exhibition, or the use of the invention for the purpose of the exhibition in the place where the exhibition is held, or the use of the invention or the publication of any description thereof, during or after the period of the holding of the exhibition, by any person elsewhere without the privity or consent of the inventor or the reading of a paper by an inventor before a learned society, or the publication of that paper in the society's transactions shall not prejudice the right of the inventor to apply for and obtain a patent in respect of the invention, or the validity of any patent granted on the application:  - 特許庁


I will seek experts' opinions from the Financial System Council, which comprises people with broad experiences and various practical experiences. However, as political leadership is the basis of administration, we will establish subcommittees by theme and select members from among experts as necessary. I would like to operate this council in such a flexible manner.  - 金融庁


The exhibition of a design, or of any article to which a design is applied, at an industrial or other exhibition to which the provisions of this section have been extended by the Government by notification in the official Gazette, or the publication of a description of the design, during the period of the holding of the exhibition, or the exhibition of the design or the article or the publication of a description of the design by any person elsewhere during or after the period of the holding of the exhibition, without the privity or consent of the proprietor, shall not prevent the design from being registered or invalidate the registration thereof:  - 特許庁



An applicant who has, under the trademark, exhibited goods or services, for which the registration of this trademark has been applied, at an official or officially recognized international exhibition in Latvia or in any country which is a country of the Paris Union, is entitled to claim a right of priority, within the meaning of Paragraph 7 of this Article, from the date of the first display of these goods or services on the said exhibition, if the application for the respective trademark is filed within six months from that date. - 特許庁


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