
「過酸化水素水溶液」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 過酸化水素水溶液に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 225



To provide a safe, easy and new method for producing a diepoxy compound by a rapid reaction of a diolefin with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide under a mild condition entirely without using a halogen compound at the epoxidation reaction. - 特許庁


A medical liquid containing nickel ions and formic acid, hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine are injected into a film forming solution flowing into a circulation pipeline and having a temperature range of 60 to 100°C (S3 to S5). - 特許庁


The acetate esters are produced by performing the oxidation reaction of the vinyl ethers with aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution in the presence of a mixed catalytic system containing (1) a palladium catalyst having a monodentate phosphine ligand and (2) amines. - 特許庁


The wiring board 11 is manufactured by first softly etching the copper marks 24 by using an etchant consisting of an aqueous solution consisting essentially of hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid. - 特許庁



This bleach composition for the teeth is characterized by containing a compound supplying hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous solution and a manganese group-coordinated complex and/or its precursor as a bleach-activating agent. - 特許庁



The peeling solution for nickel or a nickel alloy is an aqueous solution containing (a) hydrogen peroxide, (b) inorganic acid or fluoride, (c) quaternary ammonium salt, and (d) a thioamide compound having a structure shown by the formula (1). - 特許庁


A solution containing iron (II) ions and formic acid is injected into the film forming solution flowing into the circulation pipeline, containing nickel ions, formic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrazine and having the temperature range of 60 to 100°C (S6). - 特許庁


The surface of each graphite particle is made hydrophilic by dissociating functional groups by bringing an aqueous solution of at least either one of hydrogen peroxide and ozone into contact with the graphite particles. - 特許庁


At the time of etching a film formed on a lower substrate and composed of an aluminum oxide or aluminum silicate, an aqueous solution containing a fluorine compound, organic acid, hydrogen peroxide solution, and organic alkali is used as the etchant. - 特許庁



This detergent having high bulk density comprises (a) an anionic surfactant, (b) a particle releasing hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution, (c) sodium tripolyphosphate anhydride and (d) other alkali agent than the ingredient (c) each in a specific ratio. - 特許庁



Alternatively, an aqueous titanium salt solution is attached to a film-forming object having an alkali on the surface thereof and then thereto is attached a hydrogen peroxide solution to form a titanium oxide film. - 特許庁


To provide a novel electron-ion mixture conductive film and a chemical reaction apparatus using the same to produce a pure hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution by the apparatus. - 特許庁


This liquid for forming a titania film is prepared by mixing a polyester resin with a titania sol solution which is synthesized by reacting hydrogen peroxide with a hydroxylated titanium gel prepared from a basic substance and an aqueous solution of a titanium compound. - 特許庁


The cleaning agent for organic-inorganic stain is composed of an aqueous solution containing hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, peracetic acid, a nonionic surfactant and a cationic and/or amphoteric surfactant. - 特許庁


The peeling liquid for the coating of tin or the tin alloy comprises an aqueous solution including (a) hydrogen peroxide (b), ammonium acid fluoride (c), inorganic acid (d), amidosulfuric acid or amidosulfuric acid salt, and (e) a thioamide compound. - 特許庁


The silicon carbide having such a highly clean surface can be obtained by cleaning the surface with an aqueous solution containing hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide solution. - 特許庁


Thus, the nylon cake is treated with an aqueous solution containing 15-25 wt.%, based on the nylon cake, of 35% concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution at 70-75°C for 20-25 minutes to give the objective polyamide of high whiteness. - 特許庁


To prepare an aqueous solution for oxidation which permits highly efficient exhibition of oxidation actions of hydrogen peroxide and is effective for regeneration of a used ferric chloride etchant. - 特許庁


This etching agent consists of an aqueous solution containing hydrofluoric acid (HF) and a hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2), and materials reacted with a resist are not used, so that the resist is not eroded. - 特許庁


Suitably, the obtained FDCA is dissolved in an aqueous solution of an alkali metal hydroxide, thereafter treated with sodium hypochlorite and/or hydrogen peroxide, then subjected to acid deposition, and is recovered. - 特許庁


Hydrogen peroxide solution is sprayed after 1-8 minutes, and brushing, water spraying and water absorbing are performed after 1-8 minutes, finally drying by air blowing. - 特許庁


Polluted soil is cleaned by pretreating the polluted soil due to a pollutant using an aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution and, subsequently, pollutant decomposing bacteria and/or pollutant decomposing enzyme are allowed to act on the pretreated soil. - 特許庁


This method for producing the carboxylic acid is characterized by reacting an aldehyde oily solution with a hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution in the presence of a catalyst containing a polymer having sulfonic groups on side chains in a heterogeneous solution system. - 特許庁


To provide an endoscope disinfectant which is one comprising an aqueous solution containing acetic acid, peracetic acid, and hydrogen peroxide and can be stably used for a long term and to provide a kit containing the endoscope disinfectant. - 特許庁


The disinfectant mist containing hydrogen peroxide is fed inside a vessel 1 to be sterilized, an inner surface of the vessel is brought into contact with the disinfectant, and aqueous solution of catalase as a decomposer to the disinfectant is introduced in the vessel 1. - 特許庁


A tooth bleaching material characteristically contains titanium dioxide which exhibits photocatalytic activity through the radiation of light, a compound which generates hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous solution, an organic thickener, phosphoric acid and a condensed phosphate. - 特許庁


This is a liquid column type excited oxygen generation unit for an iodine laser unit, and an alkaline hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution is ejected down perpendicularly from a plurarity of liquid column nozzles 2, and a liquid column flow 5 is formed. - 特許庁


The hard film removal agent consists of an alkaline aqueous solution containing hydrogen peroxide of 1 to 60 mass%, and a surfactant, preferably, a nonionic surfactant of 0.05 to 5 mass%, and having a pH of 7.5 to 12. - 特許庁


To provide a novel substance that is excellent in solubility and stability in an aqueous solution corresponding to a biological fluid sample and is suitably used as a clinical reagent for the quantitative measurement of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of peroxidase. - 特許庁


The conveying order is decided in advance, and a surface washing processing of a substrate W with SC2 (hydrochloric hydrogen preoxide mixed water solution) is conducted before a surface processing with hydrofluoric acid. - 特許庁


This silicon board cleaning process SW is formed by carrying out an immersion treatment of the silicon board which is the base material of the solar cell in mixed solution of hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen peroxide, and by removing the metal stuck on the silicon board. - 特許庁


In succession, after the main surface of a substrate 1 has been wet-cleaned, by using a neutral or mildly alkaline water solution that does not practically contain hydrogen peroxide, impurities are ion-implanted to the main surface of the substrate 1. - 特許庁


To provide a method for efficiently regenerating a synthetic adsorbent the removing capacity of which is lowered without generating an organic solvent waste liquid, in a process for removing organic impurities by bringing a hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution into contact with the synthetic adsorbent. - 特許庁


After the nickel metal film is formed, the film forming aqueous solution containing iron(II) ion, formic acid, nickel ion, hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine is supplied to the water feed piping (S5 to S7). - 特許庁


The method for treating the lignocellulose-based biomass includes the process for crushing the lignocellulose-based biomass to obtain the powder and the process for irradiating the powder with electron beams in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. - 特許庁


The disinfecting solution has a pH of from 0.6 to 7 and comprises (a) hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of from 0.01 to 6 mass% and (b) benzylalcohol in a concentration of from 0.01 to 8 mass%, all based on the total weight of the solution. - 特許庁


A copper foil 132 with a thickness of 12 μm that is applied on both surfaces of a double-sided copper clad laminate 130A is etched with a sulfuric acid/hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution to make the thickness to 5 μm (step (B)). - 特許庁


Prior to the heat treatment, a pre-heat cleaning is more preferably carried out by continuously passing the woven fabric through a heating furnace at 350-550°C or bringing the woven fabric into contact with an aqueous solution of an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide. - 特許庁


The spray sterilizing apparatus is equipped with a spraying member for spraying a mist of sterilizing agent such as a hydrogen peroxide water solution, an electrode core provided near this spraying member and electrostatically charging the mist of sterilizing agent, and a grounding electrode plate provided below the packaging material. - 特許庁

容器メーカでプリフォーム1 を作製し、そのプリフォーム1 の内面に、過酸化水素水溶液を揮発性溶剤で希釈したH_2O_2 溶液11を滴下し、これをコンテナ3 に入れて蓋4 で密閉して食品メーカに搬入する。例文帳に追加

A preform 1 is manufactured by a container manufacturer, H2O2 solution 11 that the aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is diluted with a volatile solvent is dripped on an inner surface of the preform 1, the preform is placed in a solution 3, sealed by a lid 4, and carried in a food manufacturer. - 特許庁


This method for producing pyridine N-oxides is provided by performing the reaction of an oily solution of the pyridines with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide preferably without the presence of the acid and organic solvent, in the presence of a periodic table group 6 metal acid catalyst under a non-homogeneous system. - 特許庁


Diluted hydrofluoric acid or a hydrogen peroxide solution is dropped onto the surface of the wafer, of which the outer circumference is dipped in diluted hydrofluoric acid, and the moving area in which the dropping liquid moves on the surface of the wafer is quantified. - 特許庁


This method for producing the carbonyl compound is characterized by reacting the water-insoluble aliphatic alcohol oily solution with the aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution in the presence of a catalyst containing an 8 to 10 group metal in the periodic table in a heterogeneous solution system. - 特許庁


This polyvinylidene fluoride-based resin porous membrane is treated with a base and is then treated with an aqueous solution containing hydrogen peroxide or ozone and is further treated with an aqueous solution containing at least one kind of salt selected from perchlorate, perbromate and periodate. - 特許庁


A small amount of the aqueous solution containing the hydrogen peroxide and a surfactant is rubbed by fingers onto the surface of the contact lens and the lens is immersed into the above aqueous solution during the time sufficient for removing the protein, lipid and other deposits loosened by the described above rubbing. - 特許庁


The bleaching material comprises two liquids, an aqueous mixed liquid of titanium dioxide which generates photocatalytic action by an inorganic thickener and with light irradiation, and a mixed liquid of a compound generating hydrogen peroxide in a water solution with a phosphoric aid and a condensed phosphoric salt. - 特許庁


The surface treatment agent is composed of an aqueous solution comprising, based on the mass of an aqueous solution, 1 to 5% hydrogen peroxide, 3 to 15% sulfuric acid, 0.01 to 1.5% 5-amino-1H-tetrazole and 0.05 to 5.0% cyclohexylamine. - 特許庁


Sodium stearate or sodium oleate is added and an aqueous alkaline solution containing silver ions and an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide are allowed to react with each other to manufacture the silver particles having 400-600 Å crystallite size, ≥5 g/cm^3 tap density and ≤0.15 m^2/g specific surface area. - 特許庁


This method for manufacturing high purity colloidal silica comprises the first step to obtain silica aqueous solution by adding an acid and hydrogen peroxide to water glass while the pH of the water glass is kept to be10 and subjecting the mixed solution to cation exchange treatment and the second step to mix the obtained silica aqueous solution with ammono alkali, which is then formed into colloidal silica. - 特許庁



To enhance bleaching performances and serviceability of a two-agent type bleaching agent for clothing or housing comprising an agent A comprised of an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and an agent B comprised of an aqueous solution of an alkali agent, which are separately accommodated and simultaneously ejected when used. - 特許庁


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