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Population ageingの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 22


1. Activities to help small and medium retailers cope with, for example, the declining birthrate and ageing population例文帳に追加

1.少子高齢化等対応中小商業活性化事業 - 経済産業省

We discussed the impact of an ageing population on economic growth, social security, and financial and labor markets. 例文帳に追加

移民送金が、移民の母国において、経済発展と貧困削減に多大な貢献をしたことを認識。 - 財務省

The ageing of the population raises the risks of a decline in the working population, a drop in the savings rate and an increase in pressure on government finances due to pension payments and medical expenses. 例文帳に追加

高齢化により、労働人口の減少、貯蓄率の低下、年金や医療負担増に伴う財政への圧力等が懸念されます。 - 財務省

We noted population-ageing has become a serious global challenge that requires comprehensive research. 例文帳に追加

人口高齢化が、経済成長、社会保障及び金融・労働市場に対して与える影響について議論。 - 財務省


In the fiscal policy area, the challenges posed by the rising government debt and the ageing population were discussed. 例文帳に追加

財政政策の分野においては、増加する政府債務と高齢化によってもたらされる課題について議論が行われた。 - 財務省


Also, structural fiscal deficits and government debt accumulation associated with an ageing population have thrown down difficult challenges to many advanced economies. 例文帳に追加

また、高齢化に伴う構造的な財政赤字と債務累積は、多くの先進各国に大きな課題を投げかけている。 - 財務省

Further policy efforts are required to achieve sustainable public finances in the medium term, particularly in the context of population ageing. 例文帳に追加

特に人口の高齢化という文脈において,中期的に持続可能な財政を達成するためには,更なる政策努力が必要である。 - 財務省

In addition, whereas the population of young people is expected to grow in South Asia, ageing is expected to accelerate rapidly in East Asia. 例文帳に追加

また、南アジアでは若年層の人口増加が見込まれますが、東アジア等では今後急速に高齢化が進む見込みです。 - 財務省

Against such a backdrop, we will introduce in this section the "FINPAW: Finnish National Program for Ageing Workers" of Finland that has been assessed to have achieved a certain level of results, such as recording an increase in the employment rate of the aged population by 13.4 points between the years 1998 and 2003 through conducting comprehensive measures to improve the said rate (Figure 3.2.10).例文帳に追加

その中で、高齢者就業率向上のために総合的な取組を行い、1998年~2003年の高齢者就業率が13.4ポイントの伸びを達成する等、一定の成果を収めたと評価されているフィンランドの「フィンランド高齢就業者全国プログラム(FINPAW:National Program for Ageing Workers, Finland)」を紹介する(第3-2-10図)。 - 経済産業省


We are committed to strengthening the monitoring of economic challenges of an ageing population and surveillance of respective policies and call on the IMF to regularly include, e.g. every four years, in the context of its Article IV consultations a thorough and integrated analysis of these long-term challenges and policy responses. 例文帳に追加

IMFに対し、4条協議において定期的に、人口問題がもたらす長期的な課題及び政策的対応についての詳細かつ包括的な分析を含めることを要請。 - 財務省


How will the rapid ageing of the population, observed in several of the advanced countries, affect their public finance over the long-term? How should these countries prepare for it?In my view, the IMF should offer candid policy recommendations on these and other challenges. 例文帳に追加

先進国の高齢化に伴う財政への長期的影響及びその影響にどのように備えるか等々であり、こうした問題意識から関係国に対して率直な政策提言をしていくことが重要ではないでしょうか。 - 財務省

There is provided a new multipotent cell population of adult origin that can be used to treat ageing and disease, particularly by transplantation to site of cellular damage.例文帳に追加

本発明は、特に細胞の損傷部位への移植によって、老化及び疾患を治療するために使用され得る成体由来の新規の多能性細胞集団を提供する。 - 特許庁

While there is variation in the extent of recovery by individual regional economies, with the advancement in declining birthrate and ageing population and increasingly restrictive national finances, the environment surrounding regional economies is changing.例文帳に追加

地域経済の回復度合にバラツキが見られる中、少子高齢化の進展、国の財政制約の高まりなど、地域経済を取り巻く環境は変化している。 - 経済産業省

A rapidly dwindling birthrate and ageing population, new social disparities and anxieties, constraints related to natural resources and the environment, and a social system that has become obsolete ? these are the challenges that we must overcome.例文帳に追加

急速な少子高齢化、新たな格差や不安、資源や環境の制約。そして、時代にそぐわなくなった社会のシステム。これらは乗り越えなければならない課題であります。 - 経済産業省

This means the pace of ageing has been more moderate in ASEAN4 than the pace in China. Therefore, the population of production-age people and the number of production-age people per one aged person are unlikely to decline sharply in ASEAN4.例文帳に追加

このためASEAN4の少子高齢化の進展スピードは、中国に比べれば緩やかなものとなっており、生産年齢人口及び高齢者層一人当たりの生産年齢人口の減少は急激なものとはならないと見込まれている。 - 経済産業省

In addition to a worldwide decrease in demand, if you see the current state of our country, stagnation of domestic demand due to restriction of public expenditure caused by increasing fiscal deficit and the ageing population is a concern.例文帳に追加

世界的な需要低迷に加え、我が国の現状を見ても、経済対策の結果増大した財政赤字による公的支出の制約や少子高齢化等による内需伸び悩みの懸念もある。 - 経済産業省

Especially, it aims at demand creation to respond to the problem of the environment and population ageing. Domestic demand and employment can be stimulated, and the aim should be national problem solving that contributes to the world and develops together.例文帳に追加

特に環境や少子高齢化等の問題に対応するような需要の創造を目指し、内需と雇用を促進し、世界に貢献しつつ共に発展する課題解決型国家を目指していくべきである。 - 経済産業省

Moreover, regarding the shopping districts of the entire nation, support will be provided to establish facilities in commercial infrastructure that deal with the declining birthrate and ageing population, etc., and to establish and operate childcare facilities and facilities for social exchange among senior citizens utilizing vacant stores, thereby supporting the aspirations of small and medium retailers.例文帳に追加

また、全国の商店街に対して、少子高齢化等の課題に対応する商業基盤施設の整備や空き店舗を活用した託児施設・高齢者交流施設の設置・運営等を支援することを通じて、中小小売商業者の意欲的な取組を支援する。 - 経済産業省

Against such a backdrop, we will introduce in this section the "FINPAW: Finnish National Program for Ageing Workers" of Finland that has been assessed to have achieved a certain level of results, such as recording an increase in the employment rate of the aged population by 13.4 points between the years 1998 and 2003 through conducting comprehensive measures to improve the said rate (Figure 3.2.10).例文帳に追加

その中で、高齢者就業率向上のために総合的な取組を行い、1998年~2003年の高齢者就業率が13.4ポイントの伸びを達成する等、一定の成果を収めたと評価されているフィンランドの「フィンランド高齢就業者全国プログラム(FINPAW:NationalProgramforAgeingWorkers,Finland)」を紹介する(第3-2-10図)。 - 経済産業省

Amidst the maturation of Japan's economy and changes in demographic structure such as the rapid advancement of the declining birthrate and ageing population, Japan's environment for consumption is seeing great change. Given this environment, support will be provided to shopping districts and small and medium retailers that continually "begin with the consumer in mind" and eagerly endeavor to expand their businesses into the service industry to create new demand and to increase competitiveness, etc., through collaborations with small and medium-sized retail and wholesale dealers.例文帳に追加

我が国経済の成熟化や急速な少子高齢化の進展による人口構成の変化等により、我が国の消費環境が大きく変化する中、常に「消費者起点」にたち、新たな需要創造を図るサービス業への進出や中小卸・流通業との連携による競争力強化等に意欲的に取り組む商店街、中小小売商業者に対する支援を行う。 - 経済産業省

The nation will directly support efforts by Japan's small and medium retailers in accordance with national policy issues such as the declining birthrate and ageing population, safety/security, and support for those who are renewing their efforts-including those who intend to make a "U-turn" (Japanese term for the movement of people who were born in rural areas, who then relocated to a city for either school or work, and eventually returned to their home town.) or an "I-turn" (Japanese term for the movement of people who were born and raised in a city and who later relocated to rural areas.)and those who left their previous jobs-bringing liveliness to city centers and promoting its revitalization.(continuation) (\\2,972 million budget)例文帳に追加

全国の中小小売商業者が行う、少子高齢化、安全・安心、I・Uターン志向者や離職者等の再チャレンジ支援等の国家政策的課題に対応する取組に対して、国が直接支援することで、商店街等ににぎわいを創出しその活性化を図る。(継続)(予算額2,972百万円) - 経済産業省


We, the participants representing health, social welfare and labour sectors of the ASEAN plus 3 countries at the 11th ASEAN & Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies (hereafter referred to as the Meeting) held in Tokyo, Japan, on 3-5 December 2013, which carried the themeActive Aging”;Remembering that this year marks the 40th year since the relations between ASEAN and the Japanese Government began, and that we have kept cordial relationships throughout this time, aiming to further enhance our cooperations and build strategic partnerships in the future;Acknowledging with appreciation the initiative of the Government of Japan to convene the ASEAN-Japan High-level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies since 2003, particularly this 11th Meeting as an effective platform of information sharing and exchange of views on the health, social welfare and labour aspects ofActive Aging”;Also, acknowledging with appreciation the active initiatives by the Government of Japan for holding the “ASEAN-Japan Seminar, The Regional Cooperation for the Aging Societyin Jakarta this November, with hopes that these efforts will continue and promote further collaborations in the future;Noting that aging is progressing worldwide, and by 2050 the population of age 60 years and over will reach 2 billion;Recognizing that ASEAN countries will experience rapid aging in years to come, and face new challenges such as maintaining health, responding to welfare and social security needs, prevention of isolation and poverty of the elderly that require urgent attention;Considering that the current situation of aging in the health, labour and welfare sector and the promotion of measures related to aging in ASEAN countries vary, and that cultural and social backgrounds differ between ASEAN member states and Japan, therefore the current issues that are faced by each country may not be the same;Also, noting the results of the discussions made by the “Study Group for Japan’s International Contributions to Active Aging.”例文帳に追加

「Active Aging1」をテーマに2013年12月3日から5日まで東京において開催された第11回ASEAN・日本社会保障ハイレベル会合で、ASEAN+3各国の保健、社会福祉及び労働分野の参加者は、今年がASEAN日本友好40周年であり、我が国とASEAN各国の間でこれまでの友好的な関係を想起し、今後のさらなる協力関係の強化と戦略的なパートナーシップを目指し、ASEAN・日本社会保障ハイレベル会合を2003年より開催している日本政府のイニシアティブに感謝するとともに、第11回会合は、保健、社会福祉及び労働分野におけるActive Agingに関する情報共有と意見交換のための有効な場であることを認識し、また、本年11月に日本政府がジャカルタにおいてASEAN地域における高齢化に係る国際貢献に関する講演会(ASEAN-Japan Seminar, The Regional Cooperation for the Aging Society)が行われたことを評価しつつ、地域協力に関する努力の継続とさらなる連携の促進を期待し、世界の高齢化は急速に進行しており、2050年には60歳以上の人口が20億人に達することを留意し、ASEAN諸国においては今後急速に高齢化が進み、高齢者の健康保持や、福祉及び社会保障ニーズへの対応、高齢者の孤立・貧困防止などの対策が急務であることを認識し、保健・福祉・労働分野における高齢化の現状及び対策の推進に際して、ASEAN諸国は多様であり、また、ASEAN諸国と日本では置かれている状況や文化・社会的背景が異なること、それゆえ現在直面している課題が異なることを考慮し、さらに、「国際的なActive Ageingにおける日本の貢献に関する検討会」での議論成果に留意する。 - 厚生労働省


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