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These inventions of various shoji that divided internal space were a significant turning point which led to a change of living based on the definite separation between public and private matters (formal and private matters) in the Shinden-zukuri style residence. 例文帳に追加

このような内部空間を間仕切る多様な障子の発明は、寝殿造りの住宅の公と私の明確な分離に基づく、住まい方の変化をもたらした重大な転機となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is no existing building of Shinden-zukuri now, but it is said that Shishinden (formal place for ceremonies in the Dairi, Emperor's private spaces) and Seiryoden (literally "Limpid Cool Hall," an imperial summer palace) in Kyoto Gosho (Old Imperial Palace) recreated the style in the latter part of the Heian period. 例文帳に追加

寝殿造りの建物は、現存していないが、京都御所の紫宸殿と清涼殿は、平安時代後期の形式を再現しているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is interesting to note that in the historical process of development of Akari-shoji, the edge of lacquered Nuriko (thing to be coated with) was used in Shinden-zukuri house and considered as Shitsurai the same as Fusuma Shoji. 例文帳に追加

明かり障子の歴史的発展の過程で、漆の塗子の縁が寝殿造りに使用され、襖障子と同様な室礼としての位置付けがあった事は、興味深いことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was an aspect that it would touch the tradition of Shinden-zukuri style (architecture representative [characteristic] of a nobleman's residence in the Heian period) garden and the flow of rock arrangement (in Japanese landscape gardening) in Shoin (reception room) garden, and the garden in Katsura Imperial Villa exists as the example of such gardens. 例文帳に追加

ここには寝殿造風な庭園の伝統や書院庭の石組みの流れと触れあう面があったがこうした庭園の例としては桂離宮の庭園が現存する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kondo (Main Hall, National Treasure) _ The Seiden and the Shishinden from the old Imperial Palace built in 1613, were moved and remodeled in the Kan'ei years (1624-1644), and are valuable examples of the Shinden-zukuri style of the time. 例文帳に追加

金堂(国宝)-慶長18年(1613年)に建立された旧皇居の正殿・紫宸殿を寛永年間(1624年-1644年)に移築・改造したもので、近世の寝殿造遺構として貴重である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The ground floor, known as "Hossui-in," is rendered in the shinden-zukuri-style and in the center is a Hokan-Shaka-Nyorai-zo statue facing a portrait of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA depicted as a Buddhist priest (some sources claim the statue to be Amida Nyorai). 例文帳に追加

初層は寝殿造風で「法水院」(ほっすいいん)と称し、中央に宝冠釈迦如来像、向かって左に法体の足利義満像を安置する(安置仏像を「阿弥陀如来」とする資料もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the characteristic of the kaisho building itself, the origin is said to be the Kakutei (lodging) (Idei (guest room or the bedroom of the owner)), where the guest and master of the house met within the shinden zukuri (architecture representative of a residence of a nobleman in the Heian period). 例文帳に追加

まず会所の建物そのものの性格からいえば、平安時代、寝殿造りの建築にあった来客と主人が対面するところ、客亭(出居)が、その起源にあげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is characterized by the following: the prosperity of waka, diaries, chronicles, which occurred because description of ancient and medieval Japanese became easier following the invention of hiragana (Japanese syllabary characters) and katakana (one of the Japanese syllabaries); the appearance of Kan-i-sokutai (official uniform in aristocratic culture), and the appearance of Shinden-zukuri style (architecture representative [characteristic] of a nobleman's residence in the Heian period). 例文帳に追加

特徴としては、平仮名・片仮名の発明で中古日本語の表記が容易になったことによる、和歌・日記・物語文学の隆盛、官衣束帯の登場(官服の国風化)、寝殿造の登場などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the design of samurai houses in the Kamakura period is sometimes called 'bukezukuri,' accepted theory in architectural history says it is not an original style but a simplified version of shinden-zukuri. 例文帳に追加

なお、鎌倉時代の武家住宅の様式を「武家造」と呼ぶことがあるが、寝殿造を簡略化したもので独自の様式ではないとするのが建築史の通説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the general theory in the architectural history is that since the samurai were originally from the aristocratic class, the style of their residences was a simplified version of Shinden-zukuri style and hence not considered an original style of their own (refer to "An introduction to the architectural history in Japan" by Hakutaro OTA). 例文帳に追加

しかし、武家も元は貴族の出自を持ち、その邸宅も寝殿造を簡素化したもので、独自の様式とは捉えないのが、建築史(住宅史)の通説になっている(参考:太田博太郎「日本建築史序説」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Traditional shinden-zukuri style could not fill the needs of the samurai of this era because of typical samurai activity such as fighting, entertaining guests and taimen events (meetings to confirm the relationship between lord and retainer). 例文帳に追加

この時代の武士特有の活動に戦闘があり、また客を迎えてもてなす接客や対面の行事もあったため従来どおりの寝殿造では対応しきれないところがあったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to research by Seiroku OTA, the Izumi-dono residence was much smaller than Shinden-zukuri style residences built before then. 例文帳に追加

平忠盛、平清盛らの居館となった泉殿は、太田静六の研究によると、それ以前の寝殿造に較べて極端に小さいものであったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, although the details of samurai residences are still not clear to this day, a typical residence consisted of the following up until the Muromachi period: In one building or a building with annexes, various rooms, such as a tosaburai (tosamurai), where samurai gathered, a shinden and taimen-jo (meeting place), where the samurai spent their days, Dei (Idei) as a guest room, Kumonjo (Office of Administration) and a living room, were placed with strong walls and moats surrounding the buildings, and the garden are was also smaller in comparison with Shinden-zukuri style, matching the smaller-sized buildings, and a front garden with a Chumon gate and entranceway was placed instead of the large garden typical of Shinden-zukuri style, and inside courtyard was divided into smaller sections mainly for viewing. 例文帳に追加

そのほか、武家住宅の実態は今日でも十分解明されているとはいい難いが、およそは一棟あるいは棟続きの家屋の中に武士の詰所である遠侍や表座敷としての寝殿、対面所、客間として出居、公文所、居間などの諸室を配して周囲には堅固な塀や堀をめぐらすほか、小規模な家屋に対座して庭空間も寝殿造に比して小面積で、中門や車寄せの前庭が寝殿造の広庭にとってかわり、内庭が分化して鑑賞本位になっているとみられ、この基本構成は室町まで踏襲されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The third Shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA built a magnificent villa in Kitayama, Kyoto; an architectural style of a golden pavilion constructed there is a blend of traditional Shinden-zukuri style (the palace style characteristic of Fujiwara period architecture) and Zen temple style, embodying a distinctive feature of this period; hence the name "Kitayama culture." 例文帳に追加

3代将軍義満は京都の北山に壮麗な山荘をつくったが、そこに建てられた金閣の建築様式が、伝統的な寝殿造風と禅宗寺院における禅宗様を折衷したものであり、時代の特徴をよくあらわしているので、この時代の文化を北山文化とよんでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that originally it was the residence of Imperial Prince Kaya of Emperor Kanmu, though the owner changed many times and finally in the early 11th century, Sessho (a regent) FUJIWARA no Yorimichi loved the place very much, owned, enlarged the premises to double in length to approx. 436m and constructed a gorgeous Shinden-zukuri (architecture representative of a nobleman's residence during the Heian period) buildings. 例文帳に追加

元は桓武天皇の皇子・賀陽親王の邸宅であったとされ、その後所有者は転々としたが、11世紀初頭に摂政藤原頼通は、この地を大いに気に入って敷地を倍の4町に広げて豪華な寝殿造の建物を造営した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Originally, the lecture was given in Sanin-tei, a study of the head of the Sugawara clan, but as the number of students increased, the lecture began to take place in the hallway (chumonro - covered entrance arcade) of Shinden-zukuri style - architecture representative of a nobleman's residence during the Heian period) -- That was why the lecture was called Kanke Roka (the hallway of Sugawara's house) and remembered in later ages. 例文帳に追加

元来は菅原氏当主の書斎であった山陰亭で講義が行われていたが、生徒の増大につれて廊下(寝殿造の中門廊)で講義が行われたことから、菅家廊下(かんけろうか)と呼ばれて後世に知られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was constructed in kirizuma-zukuri style (an architectural style with a gabled roof); the roof of hirairi (the entrance to a building constructed parallel to the ridge of the roof, usually on the long side of the building) was sheeted, and an eave was attached to the front of the moya (the central space under the main roof of the shinden hall) of the main housing to make the front side longer, and it was a shrine regarded as chinju (local Shinto deity) of Byodo-in Temple. 例文帳に追加

切妻造・平入の屋根を葺きおろし、母屋もやの前方に庇を付けて前側の流れを長くした形式である流造によって建造されており、平等院の鎮守とされた神社である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Inside Shinden-zukuri is one room with no separating structures, so portable partitions such as kicho, byobu and tsuitate were used, but as the outer sides of the building have no walls and the interior and exterior become one space when the shitomido are raised, there is a panoramic view of the whole garden. 例文帳に追加

寝殿造りの室内は1室住居で間仕切はなく、移動家具である几帳・屏風・衝立などを使っての軽い仕切のみで建物の外周に壁はなく、蔀戸を跳ね上げればまったく開放されて室内外は一体となり、庭全体はパノラマのように見渡すことができた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Higashi Sanjoden of the FUJIWARA family, known as a typical shinden-zukuri of a very wealthy family, had a spring called 'senkan izumi,' around which rocks were arranged, and the corridors floored with boards on the north and the south sides of the spring were called izumiro. 例文帳に追加

こんこんと湧き出る泉はたとえば藤原代々の氏の長者屋敷として知られる東三条殿は寝殿造りの代表的なもので「千貫泉」と呼ばれる泉があり、周囲に立石が施され、泉の南北の廊は板敷となって泉廊と呼ばれていたことがわかっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this era, the basic architecture of samurai residences was based on Shinden-zukuri style buildings, which were the main living space of nobles during the Heian period, but it seems that since the lifestyle of samurai differed from Court nobles and tenjobito (high-ranking courtiers allowed into the Imperial Palace), the style of residences was changed accordingly. 例文帳に追加

この時代の武士はその住宅建築の基本は平安貴族の生活の舞台であった寝殿造においていたが、生活活動内容は公家や殿上人などとは異なるものであるので、当然住居もそれに相応して変革が加えられているとみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Considering from the layout and look of the buildings, the painting shows that as shinden-zukuri style was followed, but also depicts aspects typical of a samurai residence such as earth on flat board roofs on top of mud walls, metal clasps used for the gate doors and guards placed around the residence for defence. 例文帳に追加

ほか、建物の配置や様子からは寝殿造を踏襲しているとみられること、武家の邸宅らしく築地の上に板屋根をのせて盛り土をし、門扉にも金具が打たれていること、屋敷周辺には警護の者が控えているなど防衛のための手立てがなされていることが描かれてもいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the descriptions of the residence of the Kamakura shogun in Azuma Kagami (The Mirror of the East), the residence consisted of a shrine, Kogosho (the residence of the shogun's heir), Tsune no gosho (a room for the Shogun), Nitogosho (the main place consisting of two halls), a tsuridono (fishing pavilion) and Samurai-dokoro, which shows that it inherited the characteristics shinden-zukuri style architecture while adding distinctive samurai aspects and the existence of a tsuridono suggests that there was Chisen garden (Japanese style garden with a central pond and spring). 例文帳に追加

鎌倉将軍邸について吾妻鏡に記録がありそれによると神殿・小御所・常御所・二棟御所・釣殿・侍所などでの構成がわかっていて、寝殿造の構成を引き継ぎながらも武家独自の空間構成がとられていることが伺えるし、釣殿の存在は、池泉庭園が造られていたのではないかと推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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