例文 (107件) |
branch of governmentの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方
該当件数 : 107件
the judicial branch (of government) 例文帳に追加
(政治の)司法府[部門]. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
a branch of the government, called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 例文帳に追加
外務省という機関 - EDR日英対訳辞書
a building that houses a branch of government 例文帳に追加
政府の支所を格納する建物 - 日本語WordNet
in Japan, branch office of the prefectural government 例文帳に追加
(都道府県庁の)支庁 - EDR日英対訳辞書
the executive branch of the United States federal government 例文帳に追加
アメリカ合衆国政府 - EDR日英対訳辞書
Similar regulations were adopted in the Rokuhara-fu (branch government office of the Kamakura bakufu in Kyoto) and the Chinzei-fu (local government office in Kyushu region). 例文帳に追加
同様の制度は六波羅府や鎮西府でも採用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
a federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States 例文帳に追加
米国政府の行政部内にある連邦機関 - 日本語WordNet
the branch of the United States government that has the power of legislating 例文帳に追加
米国政府の部門で、法律を制定する権限を持つ - 日本語WordNet
the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice 例文帳に追加
米国政府の支部で、司法の執行に責任を負う - 日本語WordNet
the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws 例文帳に追加
米国政府の部門で、法律の施行を担当する - 日本語WordNet
He was assigned as Dazai no gon no sochi (Provisional Director of Dazaifu (Kyushu branch government)) in 1628. 例文帳に追加
寛永5年(1628年)に太宰権帥に任官した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As he does not operate within any definable branch of government例文帳に追加
アイアンマンが政府のどの組織にも属さないため - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
As with the Daishogun-sha branch shrine, this branch shrine is said to have been built by Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, 6th shogun of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). 例文帳に追加
大将軍社とともに、室町幕府第6代将軍足利義教が造営したものという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
With the Palace and February Disturbances, the Nagoshi branch of the Hojo clan and other factions who opposed the Tokuso branch (the main lineage) were driven from the government. 例文帳に追加
宮騒動二月騒動などで得宗家に反抗する名越北条家などは排除された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government 例文帳に追加
裁判を執り行い、政府の司法府を構成する法廷制度 - 日本語WordNet
In the United States, an example of government officials in the Judicial branch is the aides to Representatives. 例文帳に追加
ちなみにアメリカの立法府は下院議員補佐官などの例がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He was the fourth son of 京極高庭 who had been a hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu, which was a form of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and was bestowed 1,000 koku in a branch family of Mineyama Domain. 例文帳に追加
峰山藩分家で1000石を領した旗本・京極高庭の四男。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A branch office (shicho) was an independent branch office of Karafuto-Cho, the duties of the central government office were divided within its jurisdiction. 例文帳に追加
支庁は樺太庁の独立出先機関とされており、管内において本庁の事務を分掌していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
of the Edo period in Japan, an occupational post of the {legal branch of government}, called {Chief Magistrate} 例文帳に追加
江戸時代,公事方勘定奉行という,裁判関係の事務を担当する役職 - EDR日英対訳辞書
during the Edo period in Japan, a person whose occupational post was that of {Chief Magistrate} of the {legal branch of the government} 例文帳に追加
江戸時代の,公事方勘定奉行という,裁判関係の事務を担当する役職の人 - EDR日英対訳辞書
Or he might be a governmental official responsible for practical works and left the capital as mokudai (deputy kokushi, or a deputy provincial governor) of any 'branch' (所) of kokuga (provincial government offices). 例文帳に追加
あるいは実務官僚で、国衙のいずれかの「所」の目代として下向したのかもしれない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Provides library services and establishes branch libraries in the Executive and Judicial agencies of the government and the Supreme Court of Japan. 例文帳に追加
各府省庁と最高裁判所に支部図書館を設置し、図書館サービスを行なう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security 例文帳に追加
大統領に外交、軍事で国家保安についての助言をする政府の行政府の委員会 - 日本語WordNet
That made it possible to establish a branch family without losing its omote-daka (face value of kokudaka assessed by the feudal government). 例文帳に追加
これにより、本家の表高を減少させずに分家を創設する事が出来る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
She was from one of the branch lines of Kaju-ji Temple line (one of the 13 families designated as "meike" (one of the court noble family ranks designated to assume a certain official post in government) branched out from the Takafuji line of the Northern House of Fujiwara clan); her Father was Yorishige UESUGI. 例文帳に追加
勧修寺流の一流である上杉氏の出身で、父は上杉頼重。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As similar government officials, Shudensho (Housekeeping office) of Togubo (Crown Prince's Quarters), Tonomorizukasa (housekeeping branch of the Imperial Household Ministry) of Kokyu (empress's residence), Tonomoribe no tsukasa of Saiguryo (the Bureau of the High Priestess of Ise) and so on existed. 例文帳に追加
同様の官司として春宮坊の主殿署、後宮の殿司、斎宮寮の殿部司などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
While Jusanmi was equivalent to Chunagon (a vice-councilor of state), Konoe no daisho (Major Captain of the Palace Guards) as well as Dazai-no-sotsu (Director of Dazaifu [Kyushu branch government]), Shosanmi was the equivalent of Dainagon (a chief councilor of state). 例文帳に追加
従三位が中納言や近衛大将、太宰帥などと官位相当であるのに対し、正三位は大納言相当とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Since the territory was divided into pieces for the descendants after the death of Mototsuna, the main branch family survived as hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu, which is a form of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) of kotaiyoriai (alternate yoriai, a family status of samurai warriors in the Edo period). 例文帳に追加
元綱の死後、領土は子孫に分割されたため嫡流は交代寄合の旗本として存続した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Under the control of the Mandokoro (the administrative and financial branch of the government), powerful gokenin who held a hereditary position on the Hyojoshu (the Council of State of the Kamakura period) held this post. 例文帳に追加
政所の管轄下、代々評定衆に補せられている有力御家人を以ってあてられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On September 4 of the same year, Imperial Prince Atsuyasu celebrated his coming of age ceremony, presided over by Michinaga acting, and was appointed as Dazai no sochi (Governor-General of the Dazai-fu, Kyushu branch government) at Sanbon (the third rank of an Imperial prince) 例文帳に追加
同年7月17日、親王は道長の加冠により元服し、三品太宰帥に任ぜられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Because of that, during the Pacific War the Ji sect cooperated with the government through various activities including organizing Jishu Hokokukai (Patriot Association of the Ji Sect) and establishing a branch temple of yugyo temple at Fengtian, Manchuria. 例文帳に追加
これに対し、太平洋戦争中は時宗報国会を組織し、満州の奉天に遊行寺別院を設けるなど協力した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Shibukawa clan was a branch family of the Ashikaga clan, and additionally, the lawful wife of Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, the second Shogun of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), was from this clan. 例文帳に追加
渋川氏は足利氏の支流であるばかりでなく、室町幕府2代将軍足利義詮の正室の生家でもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government 例文帳に追加
印刷業務と製本業務を国会と立法府の機関と国務省に提供する連邦政府の機関 - 日本語WordNet
an extraordinary power exercised (usually by the executive branch) in the prosecution of a war and involving an extension of the powers that the government normally has in peacetime 例文帳に追加
戦争の実行に役割を果たし、政府が平時に持つ権力を拡大に関する特別な権力 - 日本語WordNet
Recognized as being second only to the Shiza Ichiryu (a general term for all schools of the art of Noh [Kanze, Konparu, Kongo, Hosho and Kita] in the Edo period), the branch also obtained a qualification to perform in Noh plays staged for the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). 例文帳に追加
四座一流に次ぐ地位を認められ、幕府の演能にも出演する資格を得る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There was a possibility that Yoshifuji helped the uprising because Shigeuji ASHIKAGA, Koga kubo, a branch family of the Ashikaga clan that was in charge of the Kamakura Government, might have asked Yoshifuji to help the uprising. 例文帳に追加
古河公方足利成氏からの働きかけで義藤が一揆蜂起の支援をした可能性は無いとは言えない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Although it was a branch of the Ise-Heishi clan, the term 'Heike' (Taira family) specifically refers to TAIRA no Kiyomori, who established the so-called Heishi government, and members of his family. 例文帳に追加
その伊勢平氏の傍流であったが、いわゆる平氏政権を打ち立てた平清盛とその一族を特に“平家”(へいけ)と呼ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yasutoki HOJO set up an office of administration for the soryo (government) family and laid down provisions for governing so that he could take up the reins of the Hojo clan, which had continued to set up branch families. 例文帳に追加
北条泰時は分家を重ねた北条一門を統率する為、惣領家の家政機関を置き、家政運営のための条文を定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Head Office of the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks shall be in Dhaka; and there may be established branch office or offices at such other place or places as the Government may determine. 例文帳に追加
特許意匠商標庁の本庁はダッカに置き政府が定める場所に支庁を置く。 - 特許庁
but besides this, there would be, in each department of local affairs, a central superintendence, forming a branch of the general government. 例文帳に追加
その一方で、地方の業務の各部署には、中央政府の出先として作られた中央監督機関があることになるでしょう。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
The chief librarians of the branch libraries of the Executive and Judicial agencies are appointed from among the administrative and technical officers, but the position of appointment is given to the chief librarian of the NDL, who is a staff of the Legislative branch of the government. 例文帳に追加
行政・司法各部門支部図書館の館長はそれぞれの事務官・技官から任命されるが、その任命権は立法府の職員である国立国会図書館長に与えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Jikaku (status of a Buddhist temple), which was originated from Honmatsu-seido (the government-enforced main-branch temple system) in the Edo period, was dissolved in 1941 and does not exist now. 例文帳に追加
江戸時代の本末制度に始まる寺格は昭和16年の本末解体で消滅し実態はない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Saigo was guarded by Shiro IKEGAMI and arrived at the army office (the Government branch office of Miyazaki) where Toshiaki KIRINO was based on May 31. 例文帳に追加
西郷は池上四郎に護衛され、5月31日、桐野利秋が新たな根拠地としていた軍務所(もと宮崎支庁舎)に着いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
His son, Sanetoshi SAIONJI, was then appointed to 'bukeshisso (an intermediary between the Northern Court and the Ashikaga government)' for the Muromachi bakufu; his descendants went on to become the main branch of the Saionji family. 例文帳に追加
このため、公宗の息子西園寺実俊が室町幕府の「武家執奏」に任じられて以後その子孫が西園寺家の嫡流となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1453, on his second trip to China, he served as a government official aboard a ship jointly arranged by Tonomine-dera and Hase-dera Temples, both branch temples of Kofuku-ji Temple, and had his son Mototsugu also join the crew. 例文帳に追加
享徳2年(1453年)二度目の渡明では、興福寺末寺の多武峰寺・長谷寺共同の船の外官となり、息子元次を同行させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This private school became as successful as branch(es) had to be built, however, when his son, Seijiro was employed as a grand council of state to serve the national government, he accompanied his son and moved back to Tokyo. 例文帳に追加
分校が出来るほど盛況となったが、その後息子の清二郎が太政官出仕となり共に再び上京。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After the Meiji Restoration, both the Iwamatsu clan and the Yura clan returned to a family name of Nitta, and competed over the main branch of the Nitta clan, then the Iwamatsu clan was recognized its achievement of Nitta kinnoto (loyalist clique of Nitta) by the new government, and was regarded as the main branch and conferred a title of baron. 例文帳に追加
明治維新後、岩松氏、由良氏ともに新田姓に復し新田氏嫡流をめぐって争い、岩松氏が新政府から新田勤皇党の功績を認められて嫡流とされ男爵に叙された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
例文 (107件) |
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