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rest of the countryの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 20


The man lived in the country for the rest of his life.例文帳に追加

その人は余生を田舎で送った - Eゲイト英和辞典

When I retire, I'd like to spend the rest of my life in the country.例文帳に追加

引退したら余生を田舎で過ごしたいんだ。 - Tatoeba例文

When I retire, I'd like to spend the rest of my life in the country. 例文帳に追加

引退したら余生を田舎で過ごしたい。 - Tanaka Corpus

The agricultural workers face an advancing aging crisis which mirrors the rest of the country. 例文帳に追加

全国と同じく農業就労者の高齢化も進んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"but come, let the rest of us launch our swift ships, and return each to our own country." 例文帳に追加

さあ、残りし我ら、速き船を浮かべ、互いに故国へと戻ろうではないか。」 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』


a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year 例文帳に追加

年間の自国と外国間の経済取引の内容の全てを記録するシステム - 日本語WordNet

Ending up with being called a "measles exporting country" by the rest of the world, something that you could take as insult or truth.例文帳に追加

世界からは【麻疹輸出国】と嫌味とも本音ともとれることをいわれている始末。 - Tatoeba例文

Ending up with being called a "measles exporting country" by the rest of the world, something that you could take as insult or truth. 例文帳に追加

世界からは【麻疹輸出国】と嫌味とも本音ともとれることをいわれている始末。 - Tanaka Corpus

In October of the same year, he became the mayor of the same ward, and KONO set up a local assembly ahead of the rest of the country, and deliberated the civil administration of the ward. 例文帳に追加

同10月には同区の戸長になり、河野は地元で全国に率先して民会を興し、区内の民政について審議せしめた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Japan and the rest of the world should make constant efforts to reach a successful conclusion by the end of 2008, as this country can benefit from the success of the Round.例文帳に追加

我が国及び世界がラウンドの成功により得るものは大きく、年内妥結を目指して、ねばり強く取り組んでいく。 - 経済産業省


a historical plateau region in northwestern Romania that is separated from the rest of the country by the Transylvanian Alps 例文帳に追加

トランシルバニアアルプスによって国の残り部分と切り離されているルーマニア北西部の歴史的な高原地帯 - 日本語WordNet

It has imported or used recycled water to satisfy the rest of the demand. Against this backdrop, efficiently securing and managing water has been a strategic goal for the country.例文帳に追加

残りは輸入や再利用に依存してきたため、同国では水の効率的な確保と管理が国家の戦略的目標となってきた。 - 経済産業省

Firstly, he understands the needs of the customers, and let the company staff know that people in the rest of the world does not always understand a common sense of Japanese, as it is important because parties they negotiate with are non-Japanese. He serves as a bridge connecting to overseas country.例文帳に追加

同氏は、まず顧客のニーズをつかみ、そして、交渉相手が海外であるだけに、日本での常識が必ずしも世界の常識ではないことを社内に理解させるなど、海外との架け橋となっている。 - 経済産業省

While the Japanese version excluded the Taoistic elements which were not practiced in the country, it incorporated the rest without distinguishing the 'ritsu' elements that had the nature of criminal code from the 'ryo' portion that pertained to administrative law. 例文帳に追加

そこから日本では行われていない道教の要素は排除されたものの、刑法典的な「律」の要素と行政法的な「令」の要素が分離されないまま令として編入された - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Our ancestors, from the past, wore armor, roamed through mountains and rivers, and without a days rest, conquered fifty-five regions of the Emishi (one of natives in Japan) in the East, conquered sixty-six regions of Shui (one of natives in Japan) in the West, went overseas and conquered ninety-five regions in the North crossing the sea, and established a powerful country. 例文帳に追加

昔からわが祖先は、みずから甲冑をつらぬき、山川を跋渉し、安んじる日もなく、東は毛人を征すること五十五国、西は衆夷を服すること六十六国、北のかた海を渡って、平らげること九十五国に及び、強大な一国家を作りあげました。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If every part of the business of society which required organized concert, or large and comprehensive views, were in the hands of the government, and if government offices were universally filled by the ablest men, all the enlarged culture and practised intelligence in the country, except the purely speculative, would be concentrated in a numerous bureaucracy, to whom alone the rest of the community would look for all things: 例文帳に追加

組織だった協力や大規模で包括的な見通しを必要とする社会的業務のあらゆる分野が政府の手中にあり、政府官庁がいたるところもっとも有能な人で満たされるなら、純粋に思弁的なものを除き、国中の広汎な文化と実際的知性は、巨大な官僚制度に集中して、共同体の残りの人たちは、なにを探すにもそこを頼るしかなくなります。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

In view of the change in the energy situation as mentioned above, China has been reinforcing efforts to ensure a stable supply of energy. But the country has faced a host of energy-related problems that have given great impact both on its own country and the rest of the world. Among these problems are 1) the outbreak of a large number of coal-mine accidents amid increasing coal production, 2) the emergence of trade frictions in the course of stepped-up efforts to explore natural resources overseas and 3) a situation in which international energy prices, with which China has imported energy from overseas markets, have not been fully translated into domestic energy prices, preventing domestic energy demand from being curbed and leading to hikes in global energy prices.例文帳に追加

こうした情勢の変化から、中国では、エネルギー安定供給に向けた取組を進めているが、他方、①石炭増産の裏側での炭鉱事故の多発、②海外資源獲得強化に伴う摩擦の顕在化、③エネルギー純輸入国でありながらも、国内のエネルギー販売価格に国際市況が十分に反映されておらず、旺盛なエネルギー需要が抑制されないこと(世界のエネルギー価格の上昇につながること)、等国内外に大きな影響を与えている。 - 経済産業省

The first two versions of the Guide to Support Measures for Small and Medium Enterprises, which provides an accessible introduction to the various financial, employment, and tax measures available to SMEs affected by the earthquake, was followed by a third version, which incorporates details of the funding allocated for purposes such as restoration and development of business facilities under the first fiscal 2011 supplementary budget. This had a total print run of 443,000. 400,000 leaflets summarizing enhancements to support under the first fiscal 2011 supplementary budget were also produced, and these were distributed to SME support providers and financial institutions in the affected areas and the rest of the country to bring them to the attention of SMEs in general. 例文帳に追加

被災した中小企業者向けの資金繰り、雇用、税制等の各種支援策を分かりやすくまとめた「中小企業向け支援策ガイドブック」をver1、ver2 に続き、事業用施設の復旧・整備支援等、平成23 年度1 次補正予算事業を盛り込んだver3(総印刷部数44 万3,000 部)と平成23 年度1 次補正予算で拡充・強化された支援内容を1枚にまとめたチラシ(40 万枚)を作成し、被災地域を始め全国の中小企業支援機関、金融機関等に配布し、広く中小企業者に周知した。 - 経済産業省

The "Asian Economic and Environmental Community" is designed to take utmost advantage of Japan's strength as an Asian country in contributing to the development of Asia and to the growth of Japan in tandem with the rest of Asia. The goals for the initiative are ""Asia with Economic Development in harmony with the Environment," "Asia as leader to Growth," "Asia of Middle Class," and "Asia with Global Openness". Its purpose is to promote broader and deeper regional integration and to establish the abundant and prosperous "Asian Economic and Environmental Community" while promoting cooperation with the United States, Europe, and such multilateral frameworks as the WTO and APEC. The "Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform 2008" compiled in June 2008 positions the initiative as part of Japan's global strategy.例文帳に追加

「アジア経済・環境共同体」構想は、アジアに立地するという我が国の強みを最大限に活かし、アジアの発展に貢献し、アジアとともに成長すべく、『環境と共生しつつ発展するアジア』、『成長をリードするアジア』、『中産階級のアジア』、『開かれたアジア』を目標として、より広く、より深い地域統合を推進し、米欧やWTO・APEC等多国間の枠組との協力も深めながら、豊かで繁栄した「アジア経済・環境共同体」の実現を目指す構想であり、2008年6月に策定された「経済財政改革の基本方針2008」において、グローバル戦略の一環として位置づけられた1。 - 経済産業省


For the past two years and eight months since the change of government, he has been doing his part behind the scenes as senior vice minister without any grumbles, and he is a man of reputation. When I recommended him to Prime Minister Noda as my successor, the prime minister said, “I know of him well.He is a man of reputation among experts. While he may lack glamour, I place firm confidence in him. It is important to gain the people's confidence and to have a broad perspective as minister for financial services in a democratic country. Regarding the international perspective and technical matters, it is necessary to seek the support of civil servants. However, he knows well what should be looked at from a broad perspective and what should be looked at from the technical perspective. Therefore, I believe that we may rest assured about him. 例文帳に追加

また、(政権交代後の)2年8か月、ここのところずっと、言うなれば、副大臣ということで、縁の下の力持ち的なことを不平も一つも言わずやってきて、大変評価の高い人間でございます。野田総理に言った時も、「そうですか、あの人はよく知っていますよ。」と、何かプロ筋には非常に評判のいい人でございまして、一見華やかではないですけれども、そういった意味で、私は彼に万全の信頼を持っておりますし、非常にきちんと国民の信頼を得て、民主主義国家における金融担当大臣として、大所高所が大事ですから、国際的な目とか、技術的なことは、それは色々、みんな官僚の方に助けていただくことも必要ですけれども、彼はどこが技術的で、どこが大局かというのをよく分かっている人間でございますから、そういう意味では私は安心して見ておれる方だというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


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原題:”On Liberty”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2001 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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