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該当件数 : 17件
ABC's stock is regarded as a middle-sized stock because it is a middle-sized company with long-term good performance and financial health. - Weblio英語基本例文集
Residuals resulting from the difference between the estimates and actual measurements are analyzed for robust indications of incipient health issues. - 特許庁
Solid governance is the source whereby a corporate value is created and a company's market value is augmented, and outward looking governance is the source whereby the appropriateness of financial institution management is warranted and the soundness is augmented.発音を聞く - 金融庁
In any event, my recognition is that for a bank that has benefited from a public funds injection, it is critical to formulate and steadily put into practice a robust management reconstruction plan that also covers the salary scale determination.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Even though concerns remain over a slowdown in emerging economies, including Asian economies, we recognize that these economies are generally solid, supported by strong domestic demand and sound macroeconomic management.発音を聞く - 財務省
Thus, we successfully implemented our policy of maintaining and strengthening fiscal discipline in the draft budget for FY2006, thereby further advancing efforts toward fiscal consolidation and establishing a foundation to discuss the "expenditure-revenue reforms." - 財務省
We reaffirm our strong and shared commitment to protect the integrity of the international financial system and facilitate liquid, smooth functioning markets, which are essential for supporting the health of the world economy.発音を聞く - 財務省
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該当件数 : 17件
Georgia has solid economic fundamentals as a result of economic reforms and sound policies, and we are committed to helping Georgia continue on this path.発音を聞く - 財務省
To provide a hair dye safely dying the hair more easily on stable conditions against the conventional hair dyes weak in fastness and giving unpreferable effect on human body health aspects and environments. - 特許庁
Zen style calligraphy, the calligraphic style in Song, indicates the calligraphic works of Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, and Sokushi CHO that became popular among Zen priests in China, and with free and strong natures freed from codes and traditions in the Jin and Tang eras, the style was totally different from that of Wang Xizhi, employed during the Nara period and later, which used soft lines.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In our fiscal management that has been a challenge faced by Japan for a long time, we will stick to the targets of the Fiscal Management Strategy we developed before the earthquake.We will endeavor to recover fiscal soundness through eliminating unnecessary expenditures, securing resources for earthquake reconstruction, and promoting a comprehensive reform of social security and tax.発音を聞く - 財務省
This calls for perseverance by individual economies to adhere to sound policies that promote sustainable growth, including continued efforts by the crisis-affected countries to pursue structural reforms and by industrialised countries to sustain and create conditions for strong domestic demand-led growth.発音を聞く - 財務省
The sleeping part defined on the inside of the outer circumference spring structure provides the softness of the foam sleeping surface and other health improving effect, while the hard outer circumference element using the spring provides the rigidity necessary for the comfortable sitting quality and friction resistance. - 特許庁
平成二十年度予算編成に当たっては、これまでの財政健全化の努力を緩めることなく、社会保障や公共事業など各分野において「経済財政運営と構造改革に関する基本方針二 ○○六」、いわゆる「基本方針二 ○○六」で定められた歳出改革を、その二年目においても着実に実現し、歳出改革路線を堅持しております。例文帳に追加
In formulating the draft budget for FY2008, we have avoided letting up our ongoing efforts toward restoring fiscal health, and maintained the policy of pursuing expenditure reform that was set forth in "Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform 2006," known as "Basic Policies 2006," by ensuring the implementation of necessary reform measures in areas such as social security and public works in the second year of this reform. - 財務省
I think that there are social needs for money lending, which is a familiar business that should be sound, steady and reassuring for all people. The burden of the refunding of interest overpayments, which was determined by the Supreme Court, continues to weigh heavily on money lending companies, posing a huge challenge for their management. We fully put into force the amended Money Lending Business Act in June last year, and two days or so later, I established a follow-up team under my strong leadership.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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