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英訳・英語 fire prevention facility

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「防火施設」の英訳



該当件数 : 12





To provide a transporting system having a fireproof door installed in a facility such as a factory or warehouse, which can reduce adverse effects on the transport performance of a carrier vehicle and segment the facility space by the fireproof door in the detection of crossing the rail. - 特許庁


To provide an emergency luminaire which can improve efficiency of maintenance work of the emergency luminaire, and improve safety of an entire facility to be protected from fire. - 特許庁


To provide a waterproof shutter device for preventing flooding in underground facility such as underground public facility, underground parking lot, underground restaurant, underground shopping district, etc., caused by increase of water due to heavy rain and concentrated heavy rain. - 特許庁

第八条の二の四 学校、病院、工場、事業場、興行場、百貨店、旅館、飲食店、地下街、複合用途防火対象物その他の防火対象物で政令で定めるものの管理について権原を有する者は、当該防火対象物の廊下、階段、避難口その他の避難上必要な施設について避難の支障になる物件が放置され、又はみだりに存置されないように管理し、かつ、防火戸についてその閉鎖の支障になる物件が放置され、又はみだりに存置されないように管理しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 8-2-4 A person who holds the title to manage a school, hospital, factory, workplace, entertainment facility, department store, hotel, restaurant, underground mall, multi-purpose property under fire prevention measures or any other property under fire prevention measures specified by Cabinet Order shall manage the corridors, staircases, escape exits and other facilities necessary for evacuation within the property under fire prevention measures so as to avoid any object that is likely to hinder evacuation from being left unaddressed or retained without due cause around these facilities, and also manage the fire doors within said property so as to avoid any object that is likely to hinder the closing of the doors from being left unaddressed or retained without due cause in front of the doors.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八条 学校、病院、工場、事業場、興行場、百貨店(これに準ずるものとして政令で定める大規模な小売店舗を含む。以下同じ。)、複合用途防火対象物(防火対象物で政令で定める二以上の用途に供されるものをいう。以下同じ。)その他多数の者が出入し、勤務し、又は居住する防火対象物で政令で定めるものの管理について権原を有する者は、政令で定める資格を有する者のうちから防火管理者を定め、当該防火対象物について消防計画の作成、当該消防計画に基づく消火、通報及び避難の訓練の実施、消防の用に供する設備、消防用水又は消火活動上必要な施設の点検及び整備、火気の使用又は取扱いに関する監督、避難又は防火上必要な構造及び設備の維持管理並びに収容人員の管理その他防火管理上必要な業務を行なわせなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 8 (1) A person who holds the title to manage a school, hospital, factory, workplace, entertainment facility, department store (including a large-scale retail store specified by Cabinet Order as being equivalent thereto; the same shall apply hereinafter), a multi-purpose property under fire prevention measures (meaning a property under fire prevention measures used for two or more intended purposes specified by Cabinet Order; the same shall apply hereinafter), or any other property under fire prevention measures to which a number of people have access or in which a number of people work or reside and which is specified by Cabinet Order, shall appoint a fire prevention manager from among qualified persons specified by Cabinet Order, and have him/her prepare a fire defense plan, conduct drills for fire extinguishing activities, reporting and evacuation, inspect and improve the equipment used for fire defense, water supply for fire defense or facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities, supervise the use or handling of fire, maintain and manage the structure and equipment necessary for evacuation or fire prevention, manage the capacity of the property at the appropriate level, and perform any other operations necessary for fire prevention management according to the fire defense plan with regard to said property under fire prevention measures.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


二 当該建築が、第十一条第三項の規定により都市計画施設の区域について都市施設を整備する立体的な範囲が定められている場合において、当該立体的な範囲外において行われ、かつ、当該都市計画施設を整備する上で著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがないと認められること。ただし、当該立体的な範囲が道路である都市施設を整備するものとして空間について定められているときは、安全上、防火上及び衛生上支障がないものとして政令で定める場合に限る。例文帳に追加

(ii) In cases where the multi-level scope for development of urban facilities in areas of city planning facilities is established pursuant to the provision of Article 11 paragraph (3), the relevant construction is recognized to be executed outside of said multi-level scope and not to cause any major hindrance to the development of said city planning facilities. However, in cases where the said multi-level scope is established for spaces in development of urban facilities, which are roads, this shall be limited to cases where Cabinet Order establishes the building construction as not causing hindrance in terms of safety, fire protection and public sanitation.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 12


第十七条 学校、病院、工場、事業場、興行場、百貨店、旅館、飲食店、地下街、複合用途防火対象物その他の防火対象物で政令で定めるものの関係者は、政令で定める消防の用に供する設備、消防用水及び消火活動上必要な施設(以下「消防用設備等」という。)について消火、避難その他の消防の活動のために必要とされる性能を有するように、政令で定める技術上の基準に従つて、設置し、及び維持しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 17 (1) A person concerned with a school, hospital, factory, workplace, entertainment facility, department store, hotel, restaurant, underground mall, multi-purpose property under fire prevention measures or any other property under fire prevention measures specified by Cabinet Order shall install and maintain equipment used for fire defense, a water supply for fire defense, and facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities (hereinafter referred to as "fire defense equipment, etc.") specified by Cabinet Order, in accordance with the technical standards specified by Cabinet Order so that said equipment, etc. will perform as required for fire extinguishing activities, evacuation and other fire defense activities.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八条の二の二 第八条第一項の防火対象物のうち火災の予防上必要があるものとして政令で定めるものの管理について権原を有する者は、総務省令で定めるところにより、定期に、防火対象物における火災の予防に関する専門的知識を有する者で総務省令で定める資格を有するもの(次項、次条第一項及び第三十六条第三項において「防火対象物点検資格者」という。)に、当該防火対象物における防火管理上必要な業務、消防の用に供する設備、消防用水又は消火活動上必要な施設の設置及び維持その他火災の予防上必要な事項(次項、次条第一項及び第三十六条第三項において「点検対象事項」という。)がこの法律又はこの法律に基づく命令に規定する事項に関し総務省令で定める基準(次項、次条第一項及び第三十六条第三項において「点検基準」という。)に適合しているかどうかを点検させ、その結果を消防長又は消防署長に報告しなければならない。ただし、第十七条の三の三の規定による点検及び報告の対象となる事項については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 8-2-2 (1) A person who holds the title to manage a property under fire prevention measures as set forth in Article 8, paragraph (1) specified by Cabinet Order as one for which inspection is necessary from a fire prevention perspective shall, as provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, have a person who has expert knowledge on the prevention of fire within a property under fire prevention measures and has a qualification specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (hereinafter referred to as a "qualified inspector of property under fire prevention measures" in the following paragraph, paragraph (1) of the following Article and Article 36, paragraph (3)) inspect, periodically, whether or not the operations necessary for fire prevention management within the property under fire prevention measures, the installation and maintenance of equipment used for fire defense, supply of water for fire defense or facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities and other matters necessary for the prevention of fire (referred to as the "matters subject to inspection" in the following paragraph, paragraph (1) of the following Article and Article 36, paragraph (3)) conform to the standards specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications regarding the matters provided for in this Act or any order under this Act (referred to as the "inspection standards" in the following paragraph, paragraph (1) of the following Article and Article 36, paragraph (3)), and report the inspection results to a fire chief or fire station chief; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the matters subject to the inspection and reporting under the provision of Article 17-3-3.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


They were also built in the Middle Ages together with tradesmen's houses (merchant's houses), and in modern times, with the arrival of firearms, lime plaster stud wall techniques were also used on castles for fire-proofing and bullet-proofing, and mud walls over 30 centimeters thick as Dozo-zukuri style were extensively used on defensive structures such as guard towers and turrets keep from the late Azuchi-Momoyama period to around the Edo period.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第八条の二 高層建築物(高さ三十一メートルを超える建築物をいう。第八条の三第一項において同じ。)その他政令で定める防火対象物で、その管理について権原が分かれているもの又は地下街(地下の工作物内に設けられた店舗、事務所その他これらに類する施設で、連続して地下道に面して設けられたものと当該地下道とを合わせたものをいう。以下同じ。)でその管理について権原が分かれているもののうち消防長若しくは消防署長が指定するものの管理について権原を有する者は、これらの防火対象物について、消防計画の作成その他の防火管理上必要な業務に関する事項で総務省令で定めるものを、協議して、定めておかなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 8-2 (1) With regard to a high-rise building (meaning a building with a height of 31 meters or more; the same shall apply in Article 8-3, paragraph (1)) or other property under fire prevention measures specified by Cabinet Order, which is subject to management under separate titles, or an underground mall (meaning a combination of an underground passage and a set of stores, offices and other similar facilities established within an underground structure which stand in a row facing said underground passage; the same shall apply hereinafter), which is subject to management under separate titles, if such property is designated by a fire chief or fire station chief, those persons who hold the titles shall, through consultation, prepare a fire defense plan and specify other matters concerning the operations necessary for fire prevention management, which are specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第三十六条 第八条から第八条の二の三までの規定は、火災以外の災害で政令で定めるものによる被害の軽減のため特に必要がある建築物その他の工作物として政令で定めるものについて準用する。この場合において、第八条第一項から第四項までの規定中「防火管理者」とあるのは「防災管理者」と、同条第一項中、「政令」とあるのは、「火災その他の災害の被害の軽減に関する知識を有する者で政令」と、「消火、通報及び避難の訓練の実施、消防の用に供する設備、消防用水又は消火活動上必要な施設の点検及び整備、火気の使用又は取扱いに関する監督、避難又は防火上必要な構造及び設備の維持管理並びに収容人員の管理その他防火管理上」とあるのは「避難の訓練の実施その他防災管理上」と、同条第四項、第八条の二第一項及び第八条の二の二第一項中「防火管理上」とあるのは「防災管理上」と、同項中「火災の予防に」とあるのは「火災以外の災害で政令で定めるものによる被害の軽減に」と、「、消防の用に供する設備、消防用水又は消火活動上必要な施設の設置及び維持その他火災の予防上」とあるのは「その他火災以外の災害で政令で定めるものによる被害の軽減のために」と、同項、同条第二項及び第八条の二の三第一項第二号ニ中「防火対象物点検資格者」とあるのは「防災管理点検資格者」と、同号イ及び同条第六項第二号中「又は第十七条の四第一項若しくは第二項」とあるのは、「、第十七条の四第一項若しくは第二項又は第三十六条第一項において準用する第八条三項若しくは第四項」と読み替えるもとのする。例文帳に追加

Article 36 (1) The provisions of Article 8 to Article 8-2-3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a building or another structure specified by Cabinet Order as one for which the respective measures set forth in these provisions are particularly necessary in order to mitigate any damage arising from disasters, other than fires, specified by Cabinet Order. In this case: in Article 8, paragraph (1) to paragraph (4), the term "fire prevention manager" shall be deemed to be replaced with "disaster prevention manager"; in Article 8, paragraph (1), the phrase "qualified persons specified by Cabinet Order" shall be deemed to be replaced with "qualified persons who have knowledge of the mitigation of the damage arising from fires and other disasters and who are specified by Cabinet Order," and the phrase "conduct drills for fire extinguishing activities, reporting and evacuation, inspect and improve the equipment used for fire defense, water supply for fire defense or facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities, supervise the use or handling of fire, maintain and manage the structure and equipment necessary for evacuation or fire prevention, manage the capacity of the property at the appropriate level, and perform any other operations necessary for fire prevention management" shall be deemed to be replaced with "conduct drills for evacuation and perform any other operations necessary for disaster prevention management"; in Article 8, paragraph (4), Article 8-2, paragraph (1) and Article 8-2-2, paragraph (1), the phrase "for fire prevention management" shall be deemed to be replaced with "for disaster prevention management"; in Article 8-2-2, paragraph (1), the phrase "on the prevention of fire" shall be deemed to be replaced with "on the mitigation of the damage arising from disasters, other than fires, specified by Cabinet Order," and the phrase "the installation and maintenance of equipment used for fire defense, water supply for fire defense or facilities necessary for fire extinguishing activities and other matters necessary for prevention of fire" shall be deemed to be replaced with "and other matters necessary for the mitigation of the damage arising from disasters, other than fires, specified by Cabinet Order"; in Article 8-2-2, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) and Article 8-2-3, paragraph (1), item (ii)(d), the term "qualified inspector of property under fire prevention measures" shall be deemed to be replaced with "qualified inspector for disaster prevention management"; in Article 8-2-3, paragraph (1), item (ii)(a), and paragraph (6), item (ii) of said Article, the phrase "or Article 17-4, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)" shall be deemed to be replaced with ", Article 17-4, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), or Article 8, paragraph (3) or paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 36, paragraph (1)."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


fire prevention facility 英和専門語辞典

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