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The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.とは 意味・読み方・使い方

「The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 2件
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.例文帳に追加
市議会は具体的な問題にもっと焦点をあてるべきだ。 - Tatoeba例文
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
市議会は具体的な問題にもっと焦点をあてるべきだ。 - Tanaka Corpus
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Weblio例文辞書での「The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.」に類似した例文 |
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.
a motion calling for an immediate vote on the main question under discussion by a deliberative assembly
The city authorities have taken a big step toward the solution of the problem.
Ensure that all necessary agenda items are addressed.
a United Nations General Assembly that is held in order to hold an emergency investigation of a special subject
in public organization, a meeting to hear from well-informed concerned people when deciding an important issue
the position of spokesperson for an organisation
The mayor decided to change course on some issues.
The city government once thought of doing away with that rule.
We must debate the question with the rest of the members.
the action of meeting in conference and discussing all matters of relevance
dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion)
to bring up a matter for discussion
意味 | 例文 (2件) |
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The mumps have been vaccinated.
the Munich Handbook of Necromancy
The municipal council all but ignored the gravity of the pollution.
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.
The Municipal Court staff wishes you a very Happy New Year!
The municipal government is at their wits' end concerning the garbage problem.
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