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該当件数 : 23



calling of loan claims  - 法令用語日英標準対訳辞書


When the guarantee company cannot complete collecting of the credit when the arrearage becomes the fixed amount, the guarantee contract is finished in principle. - 特許庁


An extremely high proportion of enterprises that establish operations in China complain of difficulties collecting payment (receivables) locally.  - 経済産業省


Next, the bill to partially amend the Deposit Insurance Act is intended to implement measures to smoothly wind down the collection of loans provided by jusens (specialized housing loan companies) based on the Act on the Liquidation of Jusens in light of the deadline of the end of December this year for the collection of such debts that was set by Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC) and to review the functions of RCC following the end of the loan collection.  - 金融庁


2 前項第一号の資金の貸付けは、当該資金の貸付けに係る貸付金債権の回収が確実であると認められることその他の内閣府令・財務省令で定める要件を満たすものでなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The loan of funds of item (i) of the preceding paragraph shall comply with the requirement that the calling of loan claims pertaining to the loan of funds is found to be certain and with other requirements specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Of the secondary losses that arose in the process of collecting jusen loans, which totaled around 1,390 billion yen, the government shouldered around 690 billion yen, as I remember it. At that time, I was a Diet member of the ruling party and there was a sit-in protest in the Budget Committee.  - 金融庁


Such information shall include information that is relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters.  - 財務省


Such information shall include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters.  - 財務省


To provide a remittance request data preparation device capable of preparing remittance request data having a proper remittance destination such that risk related to collection of a credit can be reduced. - 特許庁



The result data of the judgment of the qualification of the respective credits obtained by the judging process are stored in a data base (6), and respectively collated with the collected result data of the credits and analyzed. - 特許庁



For instance, possible reasons behind the large appraisal loss recorded in 1999 are foreign currency losses triggered by the Asian currency and economic crises, appraisal loss of securities, and unrecoverable credited loans. - 経済産業省


Such information shall include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters  - 財務省


Next, the control computer 21 matches acquired account money receiving information with sale credit details of a trust object, and indicates a remittance to a trust bank when confirming receipt of collecting money of the sale credit set in the trust. - 特許庁


To provide a money collection method, based not only on acceptance of dual business of a servicer performing recovery of credit (card) claims but also on recovery of credits which exceeds the limit of the Interest Limitation Law from a business partner by cashing. - 特許庁


When some section owner is in arrears of the management fee etc. for a fixed period, a storage manager of the management fee etc. informs the guaranty company of the arrears online, and the guaranty company insures the same amount of money as it to the management association, and collects the management fee etc. in arrears, that is a credit. - 特許庁


The Business Safety Mutual Relief System for the Prevention of Bankruptcies of SMEs is a system for the provision of interest-free, unsecured, unguaranteed mutual relief money to SMEs, determined according to the amount of past premiums made, in the case of difficulty collecting amounts receivable due to the bankruptcy of a business partner.  - 経済産業省


The continuation or end of the recovery procedure of the small-scale credit is determined by referring to the credit evaluation table by the credit evaluation means, so that it is possible to reduce wasteful recovery procedures, and to finally minimize the credit management costs, and therefore it is possible to centralize the credit management costs to the small-scale credit which should be originally recovered, and to improve the recovery ratio. - 特許庁


As long as this is kept to a problem of individual banks, the impact on the real economy is minor. But if there is a shortage of equity capital across the whole banking sector, then financial institutions will frequently tighten their lending standards, be reluctant to lend, and recover loans; and concerns of a credit crunch will grow. - 経済産業省


I know from press coverage that Japanese Bankers Association Chairman Oku did make such a statement, but it is currently up in the air how to dispose of the secondary losses from the jusen loan claims. Accordingly, we would like to proceed as we discuss the matter fully with stakeholders The Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC) is, in accordance with statutory requirements, in the process of drawing up a disposal plan designed to complete the collection and other actions regarding the jusen loan claims by December 2011, which reflects the RCC's ongoing effort to collect debts so as to minimize the burden on taxpayers and also in consideration of the circumstances on the part of debtors.  - 金融庁

2 機構は、基盤法改正法第一条の規定による改正前の基盤法第三十一条第一項第一号、基盤法改正法第二条の規定による改正前の基盤法第三十一条第一号及び基盤法改正法附則第十四条第二項の規定により貸し付けられた資金に係る債権(附則第二条第一項の規定により承継したものに限る。)並びに次項の規定により貸し付けられた資金に係る債権の回収が終了するまでの間、第十五条に規定する業務のほか、当該債権の管理及び回収並びにこれらに附帯する業務を行う。例文帳に追加

(2) In addition to the functions prescribed in Article 15, NEDO shall perform functions to manage and collect claims on funds lent pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Basic Technology Act prior to its revision under Article 1 and Article 2 of the Revised Basic Technology Act, funds lent pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Revised Basic Technology Act (limited to claims to which NEDO has succeeded under Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions), and funds lent pursuant to the provisions of the following paragraph, and other functions incidental thereto, until the collection of said claims has been completed.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I have a stark memory of the circumstances around jusen loan claimswell, I am sure that all of you know that the RCC (Resolution and Collection Corporation) is in the process of developing a disposal plan designed to complete the debt collection and other related procedures by December 2011 in accordance with law. The RCC is currently working hard to collect debts to minimize the burden on taxpayers, taking into account, at the same time, the circumstances of debtors, and the FSA is also examining ways how to eventually close the RCC's jusen account.  - 金融庁

(2) 下請建設企業又は資材業者の経営及び雇用の安定、連鎖倒産の防止等を図るため、下請建設企業等が元請建設企業に対して有する工事請負代金債権等に係る債権の支払をファクタリング会社が保証する場合に、下請建設企業等の保証料負担を軽減するとともに、保証された債権の回収が困難となった際の保証債務の履行のため、ファクタリング会社に発生する債権を保証することにより、下請建設企業等の有する債権の保全を促進する下請債権保全支援事業を実施した。例文帳に追加

(2) The Subcontracting Receivables Protection Support Program was implemented to assist the protection of receivables held by building subcontractors and similar enterprises. The main purpose of this program is to stabilize management and employment at building subcontractors and materials suppliers and to prevent chain bankruptcies. This is achieved as follows: (1) when a receivable payable to a building subcontractor by a main building contractor for subcontracted building work is guaranteed by a factoring company, the guarantee fee payable by the building subcontractor is reduced, and (2) claims arising against factoring companies are guaranteed to ensure performance of guarantee obligations in the event that a guaranteed receivable cannot be recovered.  - 経済産業省



That is a very good question. The Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC) is preparing a disposal plan for the collection of jusen debts and other such matters based on the laws with the view to complete the plan in December 2011. RCC is currently endeavoring to collect the debts to minimize the public burden while giving consideration to the circumstances of creditors. The FSA is also conducting studies on such topics as how to close RCC’s jusen accounts in the future. Nevertheless, I cannot say anything for certain at this time on the prospects for such matters as the disposal method of secondary losses associated with jusen debts. We will conduct studies while engaging in extensive discussions with interested parties.  - 金融庁


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