該当件数 : 27件
He identifies himself with the State. - 斎藤和英大辞典
If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
a person who has responsibility for a performance group - EDR日英対訳辞書
If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know. - Tatoeba例文
If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know. - Tanaka Corpus
6ヵ月も 立たなかったのに 800人の前で おっ立つの? !例文帳に追加
You can't get it up in six months and now you want to fuck me in front of 800 strangers? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
私の役目は この和家を 背負って立つ婿養子をとる事。例文帳に追加
I have the responsibility to have a husband who is able to carry the household. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
I'm afraid of discord arising with my husband so I'm turning a blind eye to his mistress. - Tatoeba例文
Then the cut piece is folded until the sheet partially stands vertically from the base sheet. - 特許庁
a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and serving to abduct and flex and extend and rotate the arm - 日本語WordNet
The guidelines are followed step-by-step to demonstrate how the guidelines can aid in design of a field study. - 英語論文検索例文集
The guidelines are followed step-by-step to demonstrate how the guidelines can aid in design of a field study. - 英語論文検索例文集
The secondary fuel passageway (232) acts as a resonator tube to help reduce oscillations in the fuel flowing through the primary fuel passageway. - 特許庁
SAMUKAWA no Ama's visit to Yoritomo led the armed groups belonging to the Oyama clan holding the fort to take Yoritomo's side because of the custom in those days: while the family head is away, his wife is authorized to handle all affairs of the clan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The first light signals pass from the first light source through an LCC helpful also as a substrate, signals for operating the component of the engine may be the first light signals or the signals outputted after the first light signals are generated. - 特許庁
Thus, the pit is constructed in advance by using a simple lining earth retaining material realized from a combination of a lining material and an earth retaining material capable of preventing deformation and collapse by covering the excavation surface peripheral edge ground with a steel plate. - 特許庁
Morofusa and Takako maintained a good husband-wife relationship for over 50 years, and also, their two sons were appointed to Sadaijin (Minister of the Left) and Udaijin (Minister of the Right) after Morofusa's death; therefore, they had a happier married life than any of Michinaga's daughters who were less fortunate due to their own or their husband's deaths. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, some scholars pointed out that a prior theory of dynasty by the conquering horseback races, which was announced by Namio EGAMI in 1948 and included in the change of dynasties theories in the broad sense, affected the Mizuno's theory since both focused on the imperial line starting from Emperor Sujjn. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To inexpensively provide a fire extinguisher cover which a fire extinguisher can quickly and easily be taken out when a fire occurs, and which covers the entire fire extinguisher to prevent the fire extinguisher from being soiled or to prevent an operation part of the fire extinguisher from being tempered. - 特許庁
The brush 34 is constituted by weaving a plurality of pile yarns 37 in a regularly arranged standing condition so as to form a W shape on a base cloth 36 constituted by weaving a plurality of warp yarns and a plurality of weft yarns and bending the base cloth 36 such that free ends of each of pile yarns 37 may turn outside. - 特許庁
Since the indoor upper rail 37A is not provided on the part outside of the moving range of the indoor window sash, it is not necessary to provide a large-sized cover to project downward covering the rail, and since there is no prominent cover, the design nature can be improved. - 特許庁
An electrode core material in which a surface of conductive core material is covered with a plurality of short non-conductive fibers by grafting a shortly cut resinous non-conductive fiber in a high density on the surface of the conductive core material prior to coating or charging the conductive core material with a paste. - 特許庁
A combine is provided with a main shifting system having three stages for forward moving and one stage for backward moving on a crawler transmission system by selectively engaging hydraulic clutches interposed to each gear system having a different transmission, and an accumulator 51 which releases braking of a brake 91 to the crawler when pressure is in existence and actuates the brake 91 to brake when the pressure is not in existence. - 特許庁
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved. 「斎藤和英大辞典」斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編 |
Tanaka Corpusのコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France. |
Copyright (c) 1995-2024 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. |
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Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved. |
Tatoebaのコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France |
©Copyright 2001~2024 , GIHODO SHUPPAN Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. |
日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved. WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License |
JESC: Japanese-English Subtitle Corpus映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書のコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
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