例文 (547件) |
該当件数 : 547件
If you're thinking about it in terms of islands - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
history that concentrates upon the social, intellectual, and artistic aspects of a people or nation, called cultural history - EDR日英対訳辞書
And we have to think much more in terms of narratives - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
As a technical advance in science - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
しかし 情報という観点から 考えたらどうでしょう例文帳に追加
Or, maybe, we can think of it from an information point of view. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
A layout area of a fill-in column 23 of a first point of view corresponding to the point of view corresponding to the point of view of the 'knowledge and understanding' is largest in fill-in columns 23 to 25 according to the point of the point of view corresponding to the respective essential evaluating points of view. - 特許庁
デザインという観点から言うと とてもユニークな機会でした例文帳に追加
And that's a unique opportunity, I would say, in design. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
データという観点からは 祖父が母を抱いた写真と同様の情報で例文帳に追加
This is like the photograph of my granddad holding my mom - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Let us consider as an example adaptation to markets in terms of changes in enterprise size. - 経済産業省
そして自分たちの作物が 市場において 付加価値という観点で例文帳に追加
And they come to the market knowing what grades their products - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
It has the common feature with hanami in that the both events are an annual event whose main purpose is to hold a banquet. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In terms of the age and sex of main target readers, comics are classified as follows. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The classification of fue shown below was made from several viewpoints since the coverage of the term fue is rather wide. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
We will check the state of their management from this viewpoint. - 金融庁
Moreover, it is desirable that they are a material having transparency from the viewpoint of a medical tube. - 特許庁
Furthermore, it is necessary to keep in mind that Japan must make efforts so that it does not lag behind in the intensifying worldwide competition. - 経済産業省
As stated above, we discussed the current situation of Japanese enterprises' overseas activities from the viewpoint of the spread of business base. - 経済産業省
Is how we deal with this from a public standpoint. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
but for this there is ample compensation even in the point of view of human development. - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
The implication is more of an interest in saving on electric bills than on protecting the environment. - 経済産業省
The standpoints on the processed articles are, e.g., based on the desire to know the appearances of the processed articles to be sold and the standpoints on the raw materials are, e.g., based on the desire to know the main applications of the raw materials to be processed. - 特許庁
To provide a method for manufacturing fiber realized from the viewpoint of preventing a substance such as an oil solution from adhering onto a roller device differently from the conventional viewpoint of removing a stain adhered to the roller device. - 特許庁
At the same time, from the viewpoint of keeping the stability of the credit system and enabling the exercise of the financial intermediary function, it is essential that private-sector financial institutions maintain sound financial conditions. - 金融庁
There is possibility for an invention to be qualified as statutory where the invention is made not from a viewpoint of a method of doing business or playing a game but from a viewpoint of computer software-related inventions such as software used in doing business or in playing a game. - 特許庁
APEC provides for economic stability and sustained growth in the Asia-Pacific region to further advance the efforts of social issues from the perspective, not only in terms of economic issues, but also of social issues. - 経済産業省
The current distribution of quotas is inappropriate, not only in terms of governance, but also in reflecting the economic size of members and the scale of their possible balance of payments need. - 財務省
What about criteria or viewpoints to be used as a reference by the FSA when it makes judgment after receiving explanations regarding the requests? - 金融庁
Could you tell us about your view on the state of banks’ capital? - 金融庁
These issues are related to the very foundation of the IMF and are also crucial from the standpoint of accountability to its shareholders. - 財務省
An aero cushion is comparatively safe from the viewpoint that a circumferential part is the curved surface of a doughnut shape and it has not a hard support body. - 特許庁
As shown above, there is a significant gap between Japan and the US in terms of the amount of IT investment as a percentage of the total amount of investment. - 経済産業省
Instinctively, I understand that the restrictions are necessary from the viewpoint of protecting customers, but could you elaborate further on why they are necessary despite the principle that customers should make transactions on their own responsibility? - 金融庁
On the comprehensive exchange that you mentioned earlier, in light of the fact that the upsurge in prices of commodities has become a major challenge, there may be calls for market intervention from the viewpoint of agricultural and industrial policies. What is your view on this? - 金融庁
電子政府推奨暗号は、現時点において、今後 10 年間は安心して利用できるという観点から選定された暗号である。例文帳に追加
The e-Government recommended ciphers were selected based on the concept that they can be used with ease for 10 years. - 経済産業省
It is one of the Kyoso Hanjaku (evaluations of sutras) classified by Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect, from the perspective of the superiority of Esoteric Buddhism. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The use of a processed skin product among the tubers of the plant of the family Araceae is most suitable from the viewpoint of getting in high efficiency and activity. - 特許庁
In terms of a “shortage of teaching hours,” many pointed out duplication or redundancy between entrepreneurship and career education. - 経済産業省
Here it can be seen that proximity is important to finding partners for business collaboration. - 経済産業省
女性の経済面での参画が経済成長を促すという観点から、APEC では、2011 年 9 月、「女性と経済サミット」を開催した。例文帳に追加
From the viewpoint that women’s economic participation will promote economic growth, APEC held in September 2011 the Women and the Economy Summit. - 経済産業省
We also conclude that the above-mentioned two viewpoints complement each other and both need to be met. - 厚生労働省
As for priority, while there wasno clear comparison between major and regional cities, it tends to be relatively high from theperspective of facility development. - 厚生労働省
iii) When examining the entry into the list, it shall be done from the perspective that the cipher is secure enough for 10 years or more. - 経済産業省
When a guided branch point belongs to the loop-like link path, the display of the map can be realized from a point of view of 'display the whole of the loop-like link path containing the guided branch point in a proper size', in stead of 'display the peripheral area of the guided branch point'. - 特許庁
紛争の迅速な解決という観点からは、第一次的 な審理を行う仲裁廷又は締約国の代表者から成る 機関における手続で判断が確定する方が望まし い。一方で、より慎重に事実を検討できるという観 点からは必要に応じて上訴できる仕組みが必要と なる。例文帳に追加
While it is desirable for either the relevant arbitral tribunal or the relevant council body consisting of representatives of the contracting parties to render a final and conclusive decision over disputes for the expeditious resolution thereof at first instance, the need for a more discreet examination of certain matters may require that an appeal against an award be filed, if necessary. - 経済産業省
Classification by type is a classification from the point of view of what form the cost price occurred in the production of products. - Weblio英語基本例文集
I would like to put special emphasis on the concept that social ecology is the second school of contemporary environmentalism. - Tatoeba例文
例文 (547件) |
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