
「リレー回路」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(5ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > リレー回路の意味・解説 > リレー回路に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1430



Driver circuit parts 26, 27 are provided in an electricity passage between an electric power source control part 15 and IG1 relay 22 and IG2 relay 23. - 特許庁


To avoid inoperative of a system caused by a foreign matter caught in a relay contact of a motor relay circuit. - 特許庁


When a gas amount measured by the gas flow rate measuring instrument 27 is decreased to a value lower than a specified value, a relay drive circuit 26 brings a relay coil into a non-excited state. - 特許庁


To provide a relay circuit device for emergency use excellent in reliability for its operation although an open relay is integrated in it. - 特許庁



To provide a power unit capable of protecting a pre-charge circuit when a semiconductor relay is used for a pre-charge relay. - 特許庁



A common relay circuit 14, including a relay 16 for controlling the operations of peripheral devices such as for conveying workpieces of machine tools, is provided. - 特許庁


To obtain a semiconductor relay circuit that offers ease of control, in place of a conventional mechanical reed relay that conducts or shuts off a signal transmission line. - 特許庁


This relay contact protecting circuit 10, which is used in the electromagnetic relay 12, inputs a relay driving signal RL', and outputs the control signal RL at the zero crossing point of the ac voltage P based on the relay driving signal RL'. - 特許庁


Then, a compressor relay 11, a four-way valve relay 12, an outdoor blower relay 13 and an indoor blower relay 14 are closed by the microcomputer control circuit 9, and operation is started. - 特許庁



Before the semiconductor relays S1-S4 are turned on and then off, the mechanical relays M1-M8 are turned off, delayed onset trailing of the semiconductor relays S1-S4 is eliminated, and a switching time of the relay selection circuit can be reduced. - 特許庁



A relay lens actuator for correcting the spherical aberrations is formed by a first relay lens fixing section 2, the holder section 3, the magnetic circuit section 5, and a second relay lens section 4 so as to move the first reley lens fixing section 2 to an optical axis. - 特許庁


To provide a relay protection circuit and a relay driving method which inhibit rush current flowing when turning on a relay from flowing into a contact of the relay while achieving inexpensive cost, space-saving, and weight-saving implementation. - 特許庁


Since a timer relay TM1 operates with the power failure detection signal Sbo, to close a timer relay switch Sw, the relay circuit of a switching relay MC1 is closed. - 特許庁


A relay abnormality detecting circuit 130 detects an input cutoff relay 121 being abnormal on the basis of a relay control signal Relay-ON from a total control circuit 110 performing sequence control over the image forming apparatus and a signal from an input voltage detecting circuit 128. - 特許庁


Parallel to a relay circuit 58a arranged on a feed line between the trunk station 30 and a branch station 34, a resistor 86a for adjusting the threshold current of a relay operation to a fixed value is connected to a circuit having a series normally-closed switch 88a to be opened at the time of the operation of the relay circuit 58a. - 特許庁


Parallel to the relay circuit 58b arranged on the feed line between the trunk station 32 and the branch station 34, the circuit for which the resistor 86b for adjusting the threshold current of the relay operation to the fixed value and the normally-closed switch 88b to be opened at the time of the operation of the relay circuit 58b are serially connected is connected. - 特許庁


A relay module 1 has a semiconductor relay 12, a control circuit that drives the semiconductor relay 12, and a busbar 11 that can connect to external equipment and also connect the external equipment to the semiconductor relay 12 and the control circuit. - 特許庁


This is a relay type non-contact output circuit which carries out non-contact output of an output signal in parallel by using a plurality of relays of the number corresponding to the non-contact output number, and comprises a relay control and drive circuit for controlling and driving each relay so as to carry out switching operation at different timing. - 特許庁


The battery charger device is constituted of the battery charger 28, the control circuit part 48, a filter circuit 51 and the main relay 36. - 特許庁


The relay circuit 5 selects whether a capacitor 3 is to be inserted between GND (SG) of the circuit substrate 7 and GND (FG) of the casing. - 特許庁


The control circuit 30 controls the circuit operating part 28 based on the kind signal 16 and also sends a plurality of signals to the relay circuit 32. - 特許庁


The main rectification circuit 22 is downstream of the relay 5 to rectify an AC voltage from the external power supply 20 before input to the main power circuit 4. - 特許庁


The circuit plate 1', 3' are bus bar circuit plates, and terminals 7 of the relays 2, 4 are connected to bus bars 6, 13. - 特許庁

(イ)タイマー回路1に、並列に点滅回路2 および リレーのNC(ノーマルクローズ)端子6を接続する。例文帳に追加

A flashing circuit 2 and an NC(normal close) terminal 6 of a relay are connected to a timer circuit 1 in parallel. - 特許庁


One end of the photo MOS relay is connected to an electrical power source for circuit via a resistor of a current control circuit, and the other end is grounded via the transistor. - 特許庁


The differential signal and the integration signal are synthesized by an OR circuit 38, and the synthesized signal is input to a relay limiter control circuit 40. - 特許庁


Also, an interlocking relay circuit 13 is provided between the charging battery plug 8 and the input side of a control circuit 3. - 特許庁


An electric connection box 1 has a fuse 2 and a relay 3, a circuit block 4 constituting a control circuit, and a box case 5. - 特許庁


The circuit plates 1', 3' are vertically arranged, and the relays 2, 4 installed to the circuit plates are arranged in the vertical direction, or in the lateral direction or in parallel. - 特許庁


By a single relay, both of a first circuit wiring and a second circuit wiring can be cut off simultaneously. - 特許庁


When the relay 109b is closed, power is supplied to the lighting circuit 111b, which lights up the lighting device 500b. - 特許庁


When the relay 109a is closed, power is supplied to the lighting circuit 111a, which lights up the lighting device 500a. - 特許庁


The current carrying circuit of the starter motor 1 is provided with a relay 2 in a short-circuit 8 to short-circuit the first field coil 6. - 特許庁


An existing outdoor machine control circuit 15E and a substitution indoor machine control circuit 13G are interconnected through a relay 20 by operation/stop signal transmission line 20. - 特許庁


The darkness automatic lighting device is constructed of a voltage comparator 3, a pulse comparator 3, an OR circuit 2, a relay circuit 5, one LED 6, and a power source 7. - 特許庁


When a component failure is generated in the circuit, the OLR relay 26 is deenergized, and the motor current is shut off by the separator circuit 14. - 特許庁


The power supply 1 comprises a power circuit 10, a control IC 30, and a relay 111 provided between a battery 102 and the power circuit 10. - 特許庁


Thus the main circuit is prevented from being switched to OFF state before the relay circuit is switched completely to OFF state. - 特許庁


An auxiliary battery 112 feeds power to the equalization circuit 40 via a relay-type switch 110 and makes the equalization circuit 40 operate. - 特許庁


To reduce stand-by electric power in a power supply supply circuit for driving an AC relay and a circuit for stabilizing its voltage. - 特許庁


An increased signal pulse is fed via a PCD, an SCR or an electromagnetic relay to separate a signal circuit from a power control circuit. - 特許庁


To enable the manual steering even when any abnormality of a power element occurs by a small circuit disconnecting means in place of a relay for circuit disconnection. - 特許庁


The NAND circuit 38 is then put on an L-level if the turn signal switch is turned off, and rapid electric discharge of the left integrating circuit is performed to turn the left relay off. - 特許庁


Fans 11 and 12 are provided with relay contact circuits 13 and 14 for switching the power supply voltage of the fans, and resistance circuits 15 and 16 for voltage regulation. - 特許庁


A circuit component 43 is constituted, by mounting a relay 13 on one side of a circuit board 42 and bonding a bus bar 24 on the other side. - 特許庁


The power circuit 500 includes a full-wave rectifier circuit 220, smoothing capacitors 271 and 272, a comparator 230, and relays 261 and 262. - 特許庁


The flow switch 1 is installed on the side of an operation circuit, and a contactless relay 3 is installed at the contact on the side of the main circuit to feed the current to the heater 4. - 特許庁


A battery ECU 114 then switches the relay-type switch 110 into an off-state, according to a circuit stop condition, and makes the operation of the equalization circuit stop. - 特許庁


A rectifier circuit 30 is connected to the side of an AC power more than the relay S, and a voltage is applied to the electrolytic capacitor Cs via the rectifying circuit 30. - 特許庁



To reduce a circuit size of a power supply controller that performs on/off control of a main power supply circuit by performing on/off control of a plurality of relay switches. - 特許庁


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