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該当件数 : 39件
the capital of Malaysia called Kuala Lumpur - EDR日英対訳辞書
第3-1-35図 クアラルンプール宣言の概要例文帳に追加
Figure 3.1.35 Overview of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration - 経済産業省
twin skyscrapers built in Kuala Lumpur in 1997 - 日本語WordNet
ニューヨークからクアラルンプールへの 飛行時間は どれぐらいでしょう?例文帳に追加
Should I bother asking how long a flight is from new york to kuala lumpur? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
But my answer is, "No, not as long as I'm living here in Kuala Lumpur." - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
The draw for the final round will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Dec. 19. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
At an IOC session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Beijing received 44 votes to Almaty's 40. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
A meeting of the Manila Framework Group was held on 7-8 November 1998 in Kuala Lumpur. - 財務省
(1) 本法の適用上,中央商標局を設置し,その所在地をクアラルンプールとする。例文帳に追加
(1) For the purposes of this Act there shall be established a Central Trade Marks Office which shall be located at Kuala Lumpur. - 特許庁
10. 大臣は、マレーシアのクアラルンプールでの専門家作業部会で策定された「医療機器分野倫理規約のAPEC原則」(クアラルンプール原則)の採択と実行を支持した。例文帳に追加
10. The Ministers endorsed the adoption and implementation of the Kuala Lumpur Principles Device Sector Codes of Ethics (the “KL Principles”), which were developed by an Expert Working Group in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - 経済産業省
Also, I hear that in a lecture given in Kuala Lumpur, the Minister for Financial Services (Yoshimi Watanabe) said in effect that a fundamental solution has not been achieved. - 金融庁
Normalization talks between Japan and North Korea were held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Oct. 29 and 30. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
In Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, you can shop at major Japanese supermarkets and department stores such as Jusco, Sogo, and Isetan. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
The drawing to decide matches for the final round of Asian qualifiers will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 9. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
In the capital, Kuala Lumpur, the degree of specialization rose from 4.99 in 1990 to 12.95 in 1999, while diversity held at 1.24 in both 1990 and 1999. - 経済産業省
- Rising wages in large coastal cities have caught up with those of other major Asian cities such as Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. - 経済産業省
1997年、アジア経済・通貨危機を契機として東アジアにおける政策協調の機運が高まったことを背景に、ASEAN側が日中韓の首脳を招待する形で、第1回ASEAN+3 首脳会議がクアラルンプールにて開催された。例文帳に追加
In response to the increased needs of policy coordination among East Asian countries after the Asian economic and currency crisis, ASEAN invited leaders of Japan, China and South Korea and held the first ASEAN+3 Leaders' Meeting in Kuala Lumpur in 1997. - 経済産業省
ASEAN+3 首脳会議での合意を受け、2005年12月、第1回東アジアサミット(EAS)がクアラルンプールで開催された。参加国は、ASEANと日中韓に加え、インド、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドの16カ国73である。例文帳に追加
According to the agreement made at the ASEAN+3 Leaders' Meeting, the first East Asia Summit (EAS) was held in December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur and was participated by a total of 16 countries, including India, Australia and New Zealand in addition to ASEAN countries, Japan, China and South Korea. - 経済産業省
その後、2004 年のASEAN+3 首脳会議において2005 年に東アジアサミットを開催することが合意され、2005 年 12月マレーシア・クアラルンプールにおいて第 1回東アジアサミットが開催された。例文帳に追加
At the ASEAN + 3 Summit of 2004, participating countries agreed on holding EAS in 2005, thus the First EAS was held in December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - 経済産業省
There is an imbalance in the reduction of the business cost distance in Asia. For example, Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur has become significantly closer to Japan, while Chongqing, Ho Chi Minh or Jakarta is still far in terms of business cost distance. - 経済産業省
At the Summit, Kuala Lumpur declaration was adopted, which included agreement on the annual holding of EAS, the "significant role" of the EAS in building the East Asian community and promotion of cooperation in economy, finance and energy (Figure 3-1-35). - 経済産業省
The total sample was 1,540 responses and there were 10 cities in total chosen for the survey: Tokyo (Japan), Beijing, Shanghai (China), the NIES: Taipei (Taiwan), Seoul (Korea), Singapore (Singapore), ASEAN4: Bangkok (Thailand), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Manila (Philippines), Jakarta (Indonesia). - 経済産業省
日系企業(製造業)の企業負担額を中国と近隣諸国で比較してみると、これら中国沿海部の都市の賃金は、既にジャカルタ、マニラ、ニューデリー等を上回っており、バンコク、クアラルンプールとほぼ同水準まで上昇していることが分かる(第1-4-2-6 図)。例文帳に追加
In comparison of the annual burden of Japanese affiliated companies (manufacturing industry) between China and neighbor countries, wages in such coastal cities have exceeded those in Jakarta, Manila and New Delhi, and have risen to the almost same level as those in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur (see Figure 1-4-2-6). - 経済産業省
Malaysia was comparatively quick to industrialize among the East Asian countries, particularly in the electrical and electronic machinery industry. The country features a relatively dispersed regional economic structure with growth centers not only in the capital, KualaLumpur, but also in Selangor, Johore, and Penang. - 経済産業省
Ministers called on the medical device sector industry associations and their member companies to adopt and implement codes of business ethics consistent with the KL Principles and encouraged capacity building initiatives so that these measures are fully implemented. - 経済産業省
第 1回東アジアサミットでは、「東アジア首脳に関するクアラルンプール宣言」が採択され、主に、①東アジアサミットの毎年の開催、②「東アジア共同体」形成に向けてサミットが「重要な役割」を果たすこと、③経済・金融・エネルギーといった分野別で協力を進めていくこと、などが確認された。例文帳に追加
The First EAS adopted the Kuala Lumpur Declaration for the East Asia Summit, while member countries confirmed to: a) hold EAS annually; b) have EAS “play an important role” in forming an “East Asian Community”; and c) promote cooperation by sector such as economy, finance and energy. - 経済産業省
The “Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the Establishment of the ASEAN Charter71” was adopted at the ASEAN summit meeting in December 2005. The meeting, which comprised eminent persons and experts from all ASEAN nations, was held in order to discuss the basic rules that must be contained in the ASEAN Charter as well as the concept of the Charter. - 経済産業省
This is based on the view that economic development in the countries and regions of East Asia is simultaneously creating an "urban middle class" that shares commonalities in terms of lifestyles and tastes in the large cities of East Asia, including Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong, Manila, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Jakarta. It is therefore hypothesized that cultural commonalities are increasingly found among this "urban middle class." - 経済産業省
ASEAN域内の相互依存関係が深まるにつれ、各国間の協力関係から一つの共同体としてのASEANの構築が意識されるようになり、これを受けた1997年の第2回ASEAN非公式首脳会議(クアラルンプール)で2020年68までにASEAN共同体を構築することを展望するという目標が初めて明記された「ASEAN ビジョン2020」が採択された。例文帳に追加
With the increase in interdependency among ASEAN nations, the perception of ASEAN has shifted from cooperative relations among member states to that of a single community. Upon such a change in perception, the second unofficial summit meeting of ASEAN in 1997 (in Kuala Lumpur) adopted the “ASEAN Vision 202068,” which, for the first time, clearly defined the goal of envisioning the establishment of an ASEAN Community by 202069. - 経済産業省
In parallel with the World Economic Forum on East Asia, which you mentioned, a meeting of the G-8 Finance Ministers was held in Osaka and an ASEM meeting (meeting of the Finance Ministers of Asia and Europe) was held in South Korea. At these meetings, I understand that a consensus was formed regarding matters such as inflation, the surging prices of primary products, and exchange rate issues such as the weakness of the dollar. What are your views on these matters? Also, as a result of your exchange of views with officials from various countries in Kuala Lumpur, do you think that there is a widespread consensus regarding these matters? - 金融庁
1. 日本の外務大臣、財務大臣、農林水産大臣及び経済産業大臣、並びにマレーシアの国際貿易産業大臣は、2006年7月13日、東京において、経済上の連携に関する日本国政府とマレーシア政府との間の協定に基づき設置された合同委員会の第1回会合を開催した。この協定は、2005年12月13日、クアラルンプールにおいて、両国の首脳により署名され、その後、日本・マレーシアそれぞれの所要の国内法上の手続を完了し、本日発効した。例文帳に追加
1. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Minister of Finance of Japan, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, and the Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia, met on 13 July 2006 in Tokyo to hold the first meeting of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Malaysia for an Economic Partnership (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”). The Agreement was signed on 13 December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur by the Prime Ministers of both countries and, after the completion of the respective necessary legal procedures, entered into force today. - 経済産業省
例えば、中国においては、先に述べたとおり北京首都国際空港、上海浦東国際空港、広州白雲国際空港と、華北、華中、華南の3大ハブ空港の整備が進められており、タイにおいても、スワンナプーム国際空港が2006 年9月に開港している。この他、韓国の仁川、マレーシアのクアラルンプール空港においても滑走路の新規増設が予定されており、旺盛な輸送需要に対応すべく、東アジア各国において空港整備が進展している(第2-2-57 表、第2-2-58 表)。例文帳に追加
For example, in China work is underway on the aforementioned Beijing Capital International Airport, the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, and the Guangzhou International Airport, the three hub airports for the northern, central, and southern regions of China. In Thailand, the Suvarnabhumi International Airport opened in September 2006, and South Korea’s Incheon Airport and Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Airport plan to add new runways. Thus, many countries in East Asia are promoting airport development in order to meet booming transportation demand (Table 2-2-57 and 2-2-58). - 経済産業省
I have questions about the remarks made by Minister for Financial Services Watanabe during his trip to Kuala Lumpur and reported by newspapers. I understand that the minister indicated his intention to call for the U.S. and European authorities to take prompt actions regarding major financial institutions that face capital shortages, including the injection of public funds, from the viewpoint of ensuring their soundness. What is your thinking in this regard? Also, I hear that Minister Watanabe indicated a plan under which the Japanese authorities will provide financial support for such actions. Could you tell me about your views on this plan, including whether there is a scheme for the provision of such support? - 金融庁
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