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該当件数 : 26



harmonious cooperation  - 斎藤和英大辞典


Army and navy worked in harmony to attain the object.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


Army and navy worked in harmony to attain the object.  - 斎藤和英大辞典

2010 年11 月の日加首脳会談において日加間の経済連携に前向きに対処することで一致したことを受け、2011 年2 月の日本・カナダ次官級経済協議にて共同研究開始に一致例文帳に追加

Following the November 2010 summit meeting where the two countriesleaders agree to positively consider promotion of economic partnership, the two sides discussed the issue at a vice-minister level economic meeting in February 2011 and agreed to launch a joint study. - 経済産業省



What is consistent with the habitual course of action is consistent with the habitual line of thought, and gives the definitive ground of knowledge as well as the conventional standard of complacency or approval in any community.  - Thorstein Veblen『ワークマンシップの本能と労働の煩わしさ』


これを受け、2010年 5 月から日中韓 FTA 産官学共同研究が開催され、2011 年 12 月に共同研究を完了し、2012 年 5 月の日中韓サミットでは、日中韓 FTA の年内交渉開始につき一致した。例文帳に追加

In response to this decision, the China-Japan-South Korea industry-government-academia joint study toward an FTA was initiated from May 2010, and the joint study was completed in December 2011; the three countries agreed at the China-Japan-South Korea Summit in May 2012 that negotiation toward the FTA would be initiated within the same year. - 経済産業省


Re-examination of the principles of "consensus" and "non-intervention," which so far has resulted in the characterization of the ASEAN as a loose association, is now becoming an issue. The ASEAN, therefore, may undergo a change in character as a regional community. - 経済産業省


Moreover, in case of the application by multiple applicants (joint application), the applicant of the earlier application and the applicant of the later application shall be completely the same.  - 特許庁


To eliminate the occurrence of no coincidence in the displayed result of contents operated on respective sharing terminals in a picture sharing system for cooperatively performing work by sharing a picture among plural computers connected through a network. - 特許庁



The EU Patent System has not been adopted due to the disagreement of opinions on translation requirements, roles of patent offices of respective countries, etc. - 経済産業省


こうした動きを背景に、2010 年4 月の日EU定期首脳協議において、日EU両首脳は、「合同ハイレベル・グループ」を設置し、日EU経済関係を包括的に強化、統合するための方策について共同検討作業を行うことで一致した。例文帳に追加

Behind these moves, in the April 2010 Japan-EU Summit, the two leaders established the "Joint High Level Group", strengthening and integrating comprehensive economic Japan-EU ties and agreed to work jointly in investigation. - 経済産業省

東アジア地域では、日中韓 3 か国の FTA 構想もあり、2011 年 12 月に産官学の共同研究を完了し、2012年 5 月の日中韓サミットにて年内の交渉開始につき一致した。例文帳に追加

In the East Asia region, China, Japan and South Korea completed in December 2011 their industry-government-academia joint study on a FTA framework between the three countries, and they agreed at the China-Japan-South Korea summit held in May 2012 to initiate negotiation within the year. - 経済産業省

共同研究の報告書をうけ、2012 年 3 月の首脳会談において、互恵的かつ相互補完的な経済関係の構築に向けて、日・モンゴル経済連携協定(EPA)交渉を開始することで一致した。例文帳に追加

In response to the joint study report, the both countries agreed at the top-level meeting in March 2012 to initiate Japan-Mongol EPA negotiation toward establishment of mutually beneficial and mutually complementary economic relationship. - 経済産業省

共同研究の報告書をうけ、2012 年 3 月の首脳会談において、両国の実質的な経済的利益に道を開く二国間 EPA の交渉を開始することで一致した。例文帳に追加

In response to the joint study report, it was agreed at the top-level meeting held in March 2012 to initiate negotiation toward a bilateral EPA, which will open the path to substantial economic benefits of both countries. - 経済産業省


We are clarifying our position as to which derivatives are conflict minerals, which appears consistent with the views of various stakeholders,76 including at least one co-sponsor of the legislation and other members of Congress. - 経済産業省


When receiving a cooperative work analysis request, a cooperative work determination means 2 compares the individual work logs of two individual worker, and if a work time zone is overlapped and other work information partially coincide, the work shown by the compared individual work logs are determined as cooperative work. - 特許庁


In all of the robots for jointly conveying an object to be conveyed, rudder angles of steering means are controlled so that the centers of turning of the robots substantially coincide with one another and that moving directions of all moving means are substantially perpendicular with respect to the center of rotation. - 特許庁


It was agreed at the ASEAN+3 Summit Meeting that the East Asian Community should be developed as "open regionalism" rather than as a regional bloc, but consensus has not been reached on how to define the relationship with countries from outside the ASEAN region in the East Asia Summit. - 経済産業省

さらに2011 年5 月21 ~ 22 日に開催された日中韓サミットでは、「2012 年のサミット前に研究を終了させるよう努める」との当初の目標を前倒しして、共同研究を年内に終了すべく作業を加速化することで一致した。例文帳に追加

And, at the Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit held on May 21/22, 2011, the three countriesleaders agreed to accelerate the Joint Study on a trilateral FTA so that the study will be concluded within this year, moving up the initial goal of completing it before the trilateral summit of 2012. - 経済産業省


Subject to any agreement subsisting between the parties, a registered user may institute proceedings for infringement in his own name as if he were the registered proprietor, making the registered proprietor a defendant and the rights and obligations of such registered user in such case being concurrent with those of the registered proprietor.  - 特許庁

デリー・ムンバイ間産業大動脈構想(DMIC)においては、2011 年12 月、野田総理大臣がインドを訪問し、日印首脳会談における共同声明において、日本は今後5 年間で45 億ドル規模の官民資金を利用可能にする旨を表明するとともに、DMIC 構想の実現に向け、日本企業の参加を促進していくことで一致した。例文帳に追加

For the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project (DMIC), in December 2011 Prime Minister Noda visited India and declared, in a joint statement of the top-level meeting between Japan and India, that public and private funds worth of U.S. $4.5 billion would be available for the future five years. Also, the leaders of the two countries reached a consensus on the promotion of participation by Japanese enterprises to realize the DMIC plan. - 経済産業省

我々はまた,実際的で費用対効果の高い方法による途上国への気候変動資金の流れを拡大する選択肢を分析するため,とりわけ国連気候変動枠組条約の目的,規定及び原則に一致した気候変動資金に関するハイレベル諮問グループ(AGF)報告書を踏まえつつ,国際通貨基金(IMF),地域開発金融機関,OECD との緊密な連携のもと,世界銀行が調整を行う共同報告書を受け取ることを期待する。例文帳に追加

We also look forward to receiving the joint report on mobilizing climate finance coordinated by the World Bank Group, in close partnership with the IMF, regional development banks and the OECD, aimed at analyzing options for expanding the flow of climate change finance to developing countries in pragmatic and cost-effective ways, drawing inter alia on the AGF report consistent with the objectives, provisions and principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  - 財務省

二階経済産業大臣とカタールのアッティーヤ副首相との共同議長のもと、石油市場の安定化に向けて、商品先物市場の監視の強化や透明性の向上に関し、規制当局に更なる協調した行動をとることを要請することとしたほか、①アジアの需給見通しの策定②省エネ・新エネに関する先進プロジェクト事例の共有 ③相互の研修機会の提供など、具体的なプロジェクトを今後進めることで一致例文帳に追加

Trade and Industry Minister Toshihiro Nikai and Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiya, it was decided to require regulatory authorities to take more cooperative actions concerning reinforced monitoring of commodity futures markets and improvement of transparency thereof for stabilization of oil markets, and it was also agreed to promote specific projects from now on including: 1) formulating the outlook for supply and demand in Asia; 2) sharing examples of advanced projects concerning energy conservation and new energy; and 3) providing opportunities for mutual training. - 経済産業省

2008 年のG8+3 青森エネルギー大臣会合59 においては、①再生可能エネルギー、石炭のクリーン利用、原子力などの低炭素エネルギーの推進、②国別の省エネ目標・行動計画の策定、③セクター別アプローチの実用化に向けた協働、④革新的エネルギー技術開発の重要性の共有のほか、国際省エネ協力パートナーシップ(IPEEC)を立ち上げることで一致し、共同宣言がとりまとめられた。例文帳に追加

At the G8+3 Energy Ministers' Meeting58 that took place in Aomori in 2008,a joint statement was released in which concerned countries reached consensus on: (i) the promotion of low-carbon energies, including renewable energies, cleaner use of coal and nuclear energy; (ii)setting voluntary goals and developing action plans by individual countries; (iii) collaboration on the practical development of sectoral approaches; and, (iv) the importance of developing innovative energy technology, in addition to the establishment of the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC). - 経済産業省


Also, exploration in Uzbekistan and production cooperation, technical cooperation regarding oil and natural gas industries, and acceptance by Japan of trainees through JOGMEC were agreed based on a memorandum between Uzbekistan and JOGMEC. - 経済産業省



2. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the report of the Joint Study Group and expressed their satisfaction over the work undertaken by the Working Group and the Joint Study Group. The two Prime Ministers fully concurred that trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation would help create a larger market which would provide greater opportunities and larger economies of scale for Japanese and Malaysian businesses. The two Prime Ministers acknowledged that meaningful bilateral co-operation in various areas including capacity building through sharing of expertise would further accelerate economic growth. The two Prime Ministers expressed their hope that the JMEPA would have a positive and demonstrative impact on other economies, particularly in East Asia, and that it would help further develop and enhance the comprehensive economic partnership between Japan and ASEAN.  - 経済産業省


Copyright(C) 財務省
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
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原題:”The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor”

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