
「個人識別番号」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 個人識別番号の意味・解説 > 個人識別番号に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 91


個人識別番号 (HETU) を検証します。例文帳に追加

Validate Personal Identity Number (HETU).  - PEAR


Never tell anyone your secret PIN number. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文







An own station personal identification number management table 101 records a personal identification number corresponding to a transmitter-receiver 100 including an updated history, and a partner station identification number management table 107 records the personal identification number in a partner station to the transmitter-receiver 100. - 特許庁



It is recommended that the personal identification code, a phone number and fax number be included.  - 特許庁


Then, the computer adds, to the identifier A associated with common personal numbers, an identifier A of a small numeric value as an identifier B. - 特許庁


To consistently record face image information with an individual identification number together with document image information including the individual identification number of an issuance requester and to improve reliability in an individual collation processing or the like utilizing the individual identification number. - 特許庁


The system is provided with a living body database 4A for linking a group number, a personal identification number, and living body data to store them, and the living body data of a group are read with the group number, and collated with detected living body data to specify a personal identification number so as to perform access to an personal database (4B). - 特許庁



The center side deciphers the personal integrated password, extracts the personal identification information and collates it with the personal identification information of the received cellular phone number or the like, and identifies a sender as the person. - 特許庁



The user identification server 4, referring to the table B, holds the vending machine discrimination data and personal discrimination data corresponding to the telephone number. - 特許庁


An unauthorized wireless device audibly emits a uniquely identifying secret code (e.g., a personal identification number or PIN). - 特許庁


A database 2-2 of the center 2 stores personal data (living body identification information, account number, and user's name) of users registered therein. - 特許庁


The personal data 30 include individual identification information 31, telephone numbers 34, and mail addresses 35 stored in association with each other. - 特許庁


By the constitution, the situation that the individual identification number ID of someone else is merged to the face image data D1 of an individual or the face image data D1 of someone else is merged to the individual identification number ID of the individual to be recorded is prevented. - 特許庁


A personal identification number permitting only a single registration of personal identification information valid for a prespecified period is set, and when the personal identification number is entered, the personal identification information valid for the specified period is registered in the system. - 特許庁


Recently, possibility that a thief himself possesses an identifying mobile device for transmitting an individual identifying number is high, and possibility that the individual identifying number becomes to be an important clue for specifying the thief individual is large. - 特許庁


In accordance with instructions displayed on a display part 7, the ID number input device 1 reads identification information for identifying an individual from a magnetic card 5, sends this information to the personal information storage device 2, and receives personal information. - 特許庁


With a communicating part 5, specified personal identification information (telephone number) is transmitted to a data base 2 side, a screen design data corresponding to the personal identification information (telephone number) are received from the data base 2, and the received screen design data together with the corresponded personal identification information (telephone number) are stored in a storing part 7. - 特許庁


When incoming rejection is registered for particular individual identification information 31, the control section 20 automatically rejects communication from the telephone number 34 and the mail address 35 associated with the particular individual identification information 31. - 特許庁


The patient sends personal information for identifying oneself to the selected doctor and then the doctor after examining the patient sends a prescription number to the patient and also stores the prescription number, personal information, prescription contents, etc., on the computer of the doctor. - 特許庁

ひとたびこの情報がファイルに入れば, PIN(個人識別番号)を付けて「署名する」だけでオンライン登録でき, ...例文帳に追加

Once this information is on file, you will be able to register online simply by "signing" with your PIN (personal identification number) and ...  - コンピューター用語辞典


The fingerprint input apparatus makes possible the elimination of personal identification numbers (PINs) and signatures in a variety of transactions. - 特許庁


The computer iterates the above process until the combination of the same personal number and identifier B runs out, so that the name sorting can be performed efficiently. - 特許庁


A user ID and the PIN (personal identification number) of the employee are preferably buried in the broadcast message. - 特許庁


Then, an admission ticket 60 with a non-contact IC device in which an identification number is stored is sent on the basis of the personal information. - 特許庁


A management computer adds a common identifier A to a personal number associated with a client attribute common in part. - 特許庁


The device encrypts the information (for example, the user's personal identification number) and sends the encrypted information to a remote processor. - 特許庁


Further fixed memory locations (24) can be read over the air only when the subscriber enters a personal identification number. - 特許庁


Only when a subscriber inputs a subscriber identification number, more fixed stored positions 24 are read out over the antenna. - 特許庁


The partitioned information fragments 26a and 26b can be restored to the original personal information or the like 26 at the time making data according to an identification number. - 特許庁


In a theme park 1, a customer (user) wears a wrist band 11 on which an identification number to identify a person is described. - 特許庁


As identification information of a user, a personal number registered on a basic resident register is to be used for an identification ID and the system issues only a cryptographic key. - 特許庁


This invention is characterized by the use of an individual identifying device such as a magnetic tape, an IC chip, etc., where a unique number or character string is recorded. - 特許庁


To provide an individual identification device capable of requesting the change of a personal identification number every fixed time to an operator. - 特許庁


To provide an ID card or the like with high reliability and high image quality which inhibits writing of character information and face image information or the like related to a wrong personal identification number having no identity with a personal identification number added to the face image information of a publication requesting person. - 特許庁


When a user operates the individual card in the card reader 2a, the card reader 2a reads in the identification data in the individual card, and displays the key content and an array for inputting the personal identification number corresponding to the identification data, on an image screen of a personal identification number input device 2b. - 特許庁


A fingerprint sensor is used to generate fingerprint data, the personal identification number is calculated on the basis of the fingerprint data and the personal identification number is used to encrypt data between the wireless communication units for the transmission reception, so as to solve this above. - 特許庁


To prevent a set operation of character information relating to a false personal identification number not identical with a personal identification added to face image information of a person requesting the issuance and also to provide an IC card or the like of high reliability and a high image quality. - 特許庁


Thereafter, when the person uses a single room, the working environment of the optimum condition can be produced (reproduced) in accordance with working kind when the individual identification number is input. - 特許庁

(1) 被験者等に関する個人情報については、連結可能匿名化(必要な場合に個人識別できるように、その個人と新たに付された符号又は番号の対応表を残す方法による匿名化をいう。)を行った上で取り扱うものとする。例文帳に追加

(1) Personal information linked to research subjects and donors shall be anonymized (when necessary, the information should be labeled with an identifying code to make it possible to distinguish between individuals). - 厚生労働省


The label is sent to a cooperative medical institution 20, and personal information of the subject discriminated by the each-hospital serial number is accepted as a reply, and the accepted personal information is stored in a personal information file in correspondence with the subject ID on reference to the each-hospital serial number. - 特許庁


The personal identification information including the cellular phone number or the like and the parameters indicating the results of the game or the test are ciphered to generate a personal integrated password, and the cellular phone number and the personal integrated password of the person are transmitted to a center side. - 特許庁


When a terminal enters a cell of a personal base station (NBTS) disposed in a certain position area, the terminal receives a position area identifier of a number different from an identifier of the position area and transmits a position updating, request in timing of the reception. - 特許庁


In a case where a terminal enters a cell of a personal base station (NBTS) disposed in a certain location area, the terminal receives a location area identifier of a number different from an identifier of the location area and transmits a location update request in the timing. - 特許庁


When the fingerprint unit 14 discriminates that both the fingerprint data are coincident, a transmission data generating/storing section 16 stores an ID number denoting an identified person, a date, a time and position information when the person is identified as transmission data. - 特許庁


When a terminal enters a cell of a base station for personal use (NBTS) disposed in a certain location area, the terminal receives a location area identifier of a number different from an identifier of the location area and transmits a location updating request in the timing. - 特許庁


When an individual identification terminal apparatus 6 reads the identification number of a transit user, management data are retrieved, and it is determined whether the user has transit right or not, so that entering/leaving is permitted. - 特許庁


A service provider side system (300): previously stores regional information on various regions; accepts input of personal information including information to specify a region associated with a user; performs processing for delivering a storage medium in which an identification number is stored to a user of which the personal information is accepted; and stores the personal information and the identification number associated with each other. - 特許庁



The managing terminal 5 retrieved and correspondingly displays the previously registered user and reply message from the personal authentication number and reply identification number received by the pager receiving controller 9. - 特許庁


Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, All Right reserved.
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 株式会社 高電社 All rights reserved.
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