
「公正貿易」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 64



The fairness issue shows up in the unbalanced pattern of trade liberalization, in migration, in the contagion effect of instabilities in capital markets, in commodity prices and ill judged conditionalities. - 厚生労働省


In response to this situation, protectionist bills on foreign investment regulations, trade in technology regulations and import quantity regulations were submitted to Congress, and requirements for applying the escape clause in the Trade Act of 1974 were relaxed. Momentum also gathered toward formulating Section 301 to grant the president the authority to adopt retaliatory measures in response to unfair trade policies by other countries. - 経済産業省

(参考2)「不公正貿易報告書を受けた経済産業省の取組方針」に掲げた個別貿易政策・措置の概要本年の「経済産業省の取組方針」に掲げた優先取組事項の概要を解説するとともに、2005 年4 月及び2006 年4 月発表の同方針で掲載した政策・措置についてフォローアップを行う。例文帳に追加

(ANNEX 2)Overview of Individual Trade Policies and Measures in Recent METI Priorities This overview describes trade policies and measures in METI Priorities in 2007 and also provides follow-up information on the ones in METI Priorities in April 2005 and April 2006. - 経済産業省


The Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA) is aimed at creating a harmonious and free market economy of all East Asia based on fair rules, to be achieved through the conclusion of economic partnership agreements that cover not only trade and investment liberalization, but also a wide range including the smoothening of trade and investment, services and intellectual properties. CEPEA will consist of all ASEAN countries plus Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand. - 経済産業省



It was against this economic backdrop that the Trade Act of 1974 was passed, relaxing the requirements for relief under the escape clause measures and introducing a newSection 301” clause that authorized retaliatory measures against unfair trade policies in foreign countries. - 経済産業省



As for US requests for Japanese companies to buy foreign products, which brought about the Japan-US Auto dispute, refer toData: ‘When Foreign Governments Directly Request Japanese Companies to Buy Foreign products’ (1995 Report on the WTO Inconsistency of Trade Policies by Major Trading Partners, Appendix III)at the end of this chapter. - 経済産業省

WTO 協定は、自由かつ公正貿易ルールを策定すると同時に、加盟国・地域間に通商摩擦・紛争が生じた際にルールの解釈・適用を通じてその解決を図るための、紛争解決手続に係る規律を備えている。例文帳に追加

At the same time as providing free and fair trade rules, the WTO Agreement also provides a forum to settle disputes in case disagreements or trade frictions arise among members. The WTO's Dispute Settlement Body interprets and applies the WTO's rules with the aim of reducing trade frictions. - 経済産業省


US trade policy during this period demonstrated even greater protectionism, evident from its (1) high tariffs, (2) conditional most-favored-nation treatment, (3) strong emphasis on "fairness", and (4)Over this period, industrialization and a high tariff policy in Germany and the United States caused UK exports to decline even as its imports gradually climbed. - 経済産業省


Global Europe indicates the importance of demanding other countries to open up their markets in order to secure grounds for fair trade in addition to the enhancement of the basis of its territorial markets, as stated in the "Lisbon Strategy." - 経済産業省



Second, result-based criteria are an integral part of a "result-oriented" approach toward trade. This approach contains a basic flaw. A country might perceive a specific policy or measure of its trading partner as having brought about that result and, therefore, judge it as "unfair" when trade has produced an undesirable result, even when no causal relationship has been established between the policy and the result. - 経済産業省


すなわち、他国の貿易政策・措置について、WTO協定等の国際的に認知された手続によることなく、自国の基準・判断に基づいて「(WTO協定等)国際的なルール違反である」又は「不公正な措置である」などと一方的に判定し、これに対抗する手段として制裁措置(retaliatory measures)をとり、また、制裁措置の発動という威嚇を背景として他国の政策・措置の変更を迫ってきたのである。例文帳に追加

Section 301 allows the United States to unilaterally determine that a certain trade-related policy or measure of another country isunfair” without following the procedures provided by the relevant international agreements. In the name of rectifyingunfairpractices, the United States has often threatened to use unilateral measures, and occasionally implements such measures to coerce the target country into changing the trade laws or practices at issue. - 経済産業省

WTO 紛争処理手続によって各国の不公正貿易措置を是正させるためには、今後も WTO紛争案件は一貫して重点的に対処すること、WTO 勧告不履行の場合には対抗措置も辞さない態度で手続を進めていくこと、同様の問題意識を有する国々とも連携して圧力を強めていくことなどが重要である。例文帳に追加

When the WTO dispute settlement procedures are used toward correction of unfair trade measures of another country, it is important to make consistent and prioritized efforts for a WTO dispute case in the future as well, to carry forward the procedures without hesitation in using countermeasures in case of non-compliance with a WTO recommendation, and to increase the pressure in cooperation with other countries that share the same problem consciousness. - 経済産業省


The "Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA)" is an initiative designed to create an East Asian-wide market economy based on harmonized, free, and fair rules through economic partnership agreements covering broad sectors, including liberalization and the facilitation of trade and investment, as well as services, intellectual property rights, etc., among 16 countries, comprising 10 ASEAN nations plus Japan, China, Republic of Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand (ASEAN + 6). - 経済産業省


なお、NAFTA 第1105条第1項は、「国際法に従って」公正衡平待遇を与える義務を規定しているが、Pope and Talbot 事件で、NAFTAが北米三国間により一層強固な経済関係を築く目的で締結されたものであることなどから一般国際法上の義務のみでなく、これに付加的なものであるとの判断が下されたこと、また、S.D.Myers事件ではNAFTA 上のこの他の規定に違反している場合、必然的に一般待遇義務にも違反するとの判断が下されたことから、米国を中心にこの規定の解釈について批判の声があがり、これを受ける形で2001年8 月1 日にNAFTA 自由貿易委員会(NAFTA FreeTrade Commission)は、公正衡平待遇義務は慣習国際法上の最低基準を付与するものであり、それ以上の待遇を求めるものではないこと、NAFTA 上又は他の国際協定の公正衡平待遇義務以外の義務違反があったことによって、公正衡平待遇義務違反があったこととはならないことを確認する覚書(Notes of Interpretationof Certain Chapter 11Provisions)を公表し、この義務の範囲に制限をかけた。例文帳に追加

Article 1105, paragraph 1 of NAFTA provides an obligation to accord fair and equitable treatmentin accordance with international law.” However, in the Pope and Talbot case it was held that because NAFTA was entered into for the purpose of building a closer economic relationship between the three countries of North America, there is not only an obligation to provide treatment consistent with the minimum standard under international law, but also obligations in addition to such minimum standard. In addition, in the S.D. Myers case it was held that a breach of other provisions under NAFTA automatically establishes a breach of general treatment obligations. Criticisms regarding the interpretation of this provision were raised mainly in the U.S. With a view to posing limitations on the expansive reading of this obligation, the NAFTA Free Trade Commission, in response to such criticisms, publishedNotes of Interpretation of Certain Chapter 11 Provisionson August 1, 2001 confirming that general treatment obligations do not exceed that which is required by the customary international law minimum standard for treatment of aliens, and a breach of another provision of NAFTA, or of a separate international agreement, does not establish that there has been a breach of the general treatment obligations. - 経済産業省


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