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In a national survey  - Weblio Email例文集


in a bi-cameral political system, a governmental right extended to both Houses, called House's right to investigate governmental affairs  - EDR日英対訳辞書


The government's official announcement is based on the results of the census.  - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ


According to a report, the number of wetbacks arrested by the U.S. government reached its peak in 1954. This is a very insulting word.  - Weblio英語基本例文集



For the first time, the total population exceeded 100,000. (Over time, the population has slightly decreased.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



According to the Chinese government’s investigation of the current confirmed cases, no case of sustained human-to-human transmission has yet been confirmed. - 厚生労働省


But behind the historic event, American astronauts were conducting a secret investigation under orders from the U.S. government.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The South Korean government has dispatched an investigative team to look into the accident jointly with the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

第六十二条 両議院は、各々国政に関する調査を行ひ、これに関して、証人の出頭及び証言並びに記録の提出を要求することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 62. Each House may conduct investigations in relation to government, and may demand the presence and testimony of witnesses, and the production of records.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



The United States initiated a Section 301 investigation against the Japanese aftermarket for auto parts on 1 October 1994, and announced sanctions on 5 May 1995. The United States proposed unilateral measures that would impose 100-percent import duties on Japanese luxury automobiles. - 経済産業省


第4-3-2-2 図 日本国政府が公表する環境放射能水準調査結果を引用する形での「輸出者宣誓書の雛型」(東京商工会議所作成・公表)例文帳に追加

Figure 4-3-2-2 "Sample of exporter's written oath" in the form quoting the official Environmental Radioactivity Level published by the Japanese government (prepared and published by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry) - 経済産業省


Experts (“Subcommittee on Unfair Trade Policies and Measuresunder the Industrial Structure Council, chaired by Mr. Kazunori Ishiguro, Professor of Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo) analyzed problems with trade policies and measures of major trading partners based on international rules, including WTO agreements.  - 経済産業省


According to a survey carried out by a research institute of the Chinese government, social problems that Chinese people consider to be serious include, in addition to the expanding income disparities, the high medical expenses and problems with employment and unemployment (Table 1-3-47). - 経済産業省


In regard to providing surveys, analysis and results of relatively high risk geological structures, the Japanese government has contributed to reducing the exploration risk through ODA activities and joint implementation with JOGMEC and NEDO. - 経済産業省


The US government initiated countervailing duty and anti-dumping investigations and imposed provisional measures after preliminarily finding that the Canadian industry likely was subsidized, dumping and injuring the US industry. - 経済産業省


According to the United State Geological Survey, China’s rare earth production was 130,000 tons (estimation) at the end of 2010, and this account for approximately 97% of the world production (Column, Table 1-4). What kind of policy is adopted by the Government of China is carefully watched not only by Japan but also by the world. - 経済産業省


In the future, the ERIA is expected to develop into a common regional research establishment that–through close partnership with the ASEAN Secretariat, the governments in the regions, and close cooperation with various research institutesanalyzes and researches a broad range of policies faced in East Asia as well as develops prescriptions to support the implementation of policies. - 経済産業省


With regard to ensuring that beef exported to Japan is free of BSE, the MHLW will continue to verify the status of conformity with an export program for Japan under the control of the governments of exporting countries through on-site inspection and inspections at the time of importation. - 厚生労働省

また、当該期間において、輸出国政府に対する衛生対策の要請を延べ 63 件行ったほか、8月に米国産牛肉の対日輸出処理場 10 施設、10 月にカナダ産牛肉の対日輸出処理場5施設の現地調査を行った。例文帳に追加

In addition, during that period, the MHLW made a total of 63 requests for sanitation measures to the governments of exporting countries, and conducted on-site inspections at 10 facilities for processing U.S. beef to be exported to Japan in August and at 5 facilities for processing Canadian beef to be exported to Japan in October. - 厚生労働省


With regard to ensuring that beef exported to Japan is free of BSE, the MHLW will continue to verify the status of conformity with an export program for Japan under the control of the governments of exporting countries through on-site inspection and inspections at the time of The MHLW will instruct importers. - 厚生労働省


With regard to ensuring that beef exported to Japan is free of BSE, the MHLW will continue to verify the status of conformity with an export program for Japan under the control of governments of exporting countries through on-site inspection and inspections at the time of importation. - 厚生労働省


In addition, during that period, the MHLWmade a total of 47 requests for sanitation measures to the governments of exporting countries,and conducted on-site inspections at 28 facilities for processing U.S. beef to be exported toJapan in May and at 5 facilities for processing Canadian beef to be exported to Japan inSeptember. - 厚生労働省


Withregard to ensuring that beef exported to Japan is free of BSE, the MHLW will ensure anintensive, effective and efficient inspection system in light of the results of on-site inspections,inspections at the time of importation and other inspections, and continue to verify the status ofconformity with an export program for Japan that is under the control of governments ofexporting countries. - 厚生労働省

本法は、米国が不公正と判断する外国政府の行為・政策・慣行に対する制裁措置の発動について、大統領の裁量権を狭め、USTR に権限を大幅に委譲すること、また、いわゆるスーパー301条を新設して、外国の不公正措置に対して調査から制裁発動までの手続を自動化することを規定しており、米国が一方的措置をとりやすくした。例文帳に追加

This law reduced presidential discretion to invoke unilateral trade measures against foreign practices, policies, and customs deemed by the United States to be unfair and, instead, granted wide-ranging authority to the USTR to administer these cases. It also introduced a newSuper 301clause that automated procedures in unfair trade investigations and made it significantly easier for the United States to impose unilateral measures. - 経済産業省

 本件AD措置は、損害・因果関係の認定の誤りや調査手続の瑕疵といった点で、WTO・AD協定に違反する可能性が高く、我が国鉄鋼業界からもWTO紛争解決手続の活用が要望されたことから、2012年12月20日、日本政府としてWTO協定に基づいた二国間協議の実施を中国政府に対して要請。例文帳に追加

 The AD measure is highly likely to be inconsistent with the WTO AD Agreement because of flaws in the determination of injury and causation, and deficiencies in the investigation procedures, and Japanese steel industry requested the Japanese government to bring this case to the WTO dispute settlement mechanism.  - 経済産業省


With regard to ensuring that beef exported to Japan is free of BSE, the MHLW will ensure an intensive, effective and efficient inspection system in light of the results of on-site inspections, inspections at the time of importation and other inspections, and continue to verify the status of conformity with an export program for Japan that is under the control of governments of exporting countries. - 厚生労働省


The EU and the United States initiated countervailing duty investigations on July 25, 2002, and November 27, 2002, respectively, against imports of DRAMs (Dynamic Random Access Memory) manufactured by Hynix and Samsung Corporations of Korea. According to the petitions, Korean DRAM producers benefited from corporate bonds issued by the Korean Development Bank and other institutions, as well as from new investment and debt restructuring measures introduced by the Korean Government in 2001 to help rebuild Korea's industry after the Asian financial crisis. - 経済産業省


The MHLW shall collect information on food-sanitation problems from the governments of the exporting countries in cooperation with related ministries in order to ensure safety of imported foods and publish major cases on its website (hereinafter referred to as “the website”).When it finds that foods violating the Act may be imported into Japan, it shall check the status of their importation into Japan.If such foods are being or actually have been imported, the MHLW shall ask the quarantine stations and/or prefectures concerned to investigate their distribution and inventories in Japan, instruct the importer(s) to inspect and recall them if necessary.The MHLW shall also and instruct the quarantine stations to reinforce inspection of those foods and publish the progress of countermeasures. - 厚生労働省


我が国政府は、ASEANと5か国・地域それぞれの間でのEPA / FTAが間もなく出そろうことを見据え、東アジア経済統合に向けた次のステップとなる枠組みを構築するべく、2007年1月の東アジアサミットで、ASEAN10か国に日本、中国、韓国、インド、オーストラリア・ニュージーランドを加えた計16か国での経済連携協定を結ぶ「東アジアEPA」(CEPEA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia)の民間専門家研究及び東アジア経済統合に向けた域内共通課題に関する調査研究と域内格差是正のための政策提言を行う「東アジア・ASEAN経済研究センター(ERIA:Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia)」の設立を提案し、各国首脳の同意を得た。例文帳に追加

The Government of Japan has anticipated the conclusion of EPAs/FTAs among/between each of ASEAN and the above mentioned countries and thus sought to build a framework for the next steps toward an East Asia economic integration. To this end, on the occasion of an East Asia summit in January 2007, Japan proposed a project of private sector researchers to study the Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA) to be established based on an economic partnership agreement among the 16 countries - ten ASEAN members plus Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand. Japan also proposed the establishment of an Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), designed to research and study issues shared within the region and present policy proposals to narrow intra-regional gaps. These proposals were met with the approval of the heads of the member countries. - 経済産業省


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