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該当件数 : 23



bring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation  - 日本語WordNet


The agreed components of the CMIM, which is a framework of mutual assistance among ASEAN+3 countries, are consistent with its two core objectives : (i) to address short-term liquidity difficulties in the region and (ii) to supplement the existing international financial arrangements.  - 財務省

ADB、JICA及び WCOは、各機関のアジェンダとこの我々の目標が相互補完的であると認識し、個別には各機関の専門性を活かしつつ、集合には一体となって、我々の努力を支援する準備があると表明。例文帳に追加

The ADB, JICA and the WCO recognized the complementarity between their respective agendas and our common goals, and expressed their readiness to assist our endeavors, both individually in their respective realms of expertise and collectively as a team. - 財務省


These approaches should be consistent with relevant sectoral policies including health, social welfare and labour and also considered mutually complementary in order to improve the quality of life of the vulnerable; - 厚生労働省



The impact caused by overseas business activities on the country varies depending on whether domestic business and overseas business are complementary or alternative and whether either propensity is strong is an empirical issue. - 経済産業省



Ministers emphasized that countries should ensure that their efforts to expand trade are integrated into a comprehensive framework for development that includes the necessary complementary reforms and investment in institutions, infrastructure and social programs.  - 財務省


EPA/FTAs are excluded from the principle of most-favoured-nation treatment under the WTO agreements. Multilateral free trade systems centered around the WTO and EPA/FTAs mutually complement each other. - 経済産業省

このように、一つの主権国家における財政あるいはより一般に政府、中央銀行、銀行セクターの関係はいわば不即不離であり、一定の距離(arm’s length)を保ちながらも、相互補完し合っていると言える。例文帳に追加

Thus, fiscal authorities or, more generally, the government, the central bank, and the banking sector in a sovereign state are closely tied and complement each other while maintaining an arm’s length relationship.  - 財務省


Although EPA/FTAs and the WTO agreements are complementary with each other, EPA/FTAs can sometimes impede multilateral free trade systems centered around the WTO. In order to avoid such situations, EPA/FTAs should not allow too many exceptions to tariff reduction or abolition or too long a period until tariffs are actually abolished. - 経済産業省



In order to find that inventors are co-inventors, each of the co-inventors is required to perform technical creation activities in a mutually complementary manner and effectively contribute to completion of an invention to at least one to of a process to complete an invention.  - 特許庁



There are thus starting to emerge SMEs that are more efficiently meeting market needs by bringing their own "strengths" to the table and supplementing resources that they lack through collaboration with other companies, rather than trying to innovate by going it alone. - 経済産業省


Increased use of the Chinese renminbi is not inconsistent at all with increased use of Japanese yen. On the contrary, further use of the renminbi between the two countries and in Asia is expected to induce more use of the yen and also to increase business opportunities for the private financial sectors of both countries. As such, wider use of the two currencies should be considered as mutually complementary.  - 財務省


The pharmaceutical preparation or the kit can simultaneously inhibit the necrosis of neurocytes and the apoptosis thereof, and in addition, is very effective for treating or preventing neurocyte death by exerting synergistic effects through the mutual complementary action of the above-mentioned two medicaments. - 特許庁


This situation has led to an increasing necessity to use plurilateral and bilateral frameworks with multilateral frameworks in a mutually complimentary manner, so as to strengthen the protection of intellectual property and to establish an intellectual property protection system (including effective enforcement). Multilateral frameworks are seen as being particularly suitable for rule-making, while bilateral frameworks may allow for a faster negotiation. These approaches must be used with appropriate balance to achieve the objectives thereof. - 経済産業省


Both approaches can function in a mutually complementary manner. For example, (i) as financial innovation advances, it is impossible to forecast all cases so as to have them covered by rules. Principles are therefore expected to fill the gap between the rules. Also, (ii) making appropriate decisions based on principles when applying rules in the context of supervisory response will contribute to ensuring fairness substantively in the area of financial regulation.  - 金融庁


Furthermore, when estimating the likelihood and impact of misstatements in accounts, etc., the focus should be placed on how individual controls interact with each other to mitigate the risk of misstatements, rather than how each control operates on an individual basis. To this end, it is necessary to examine whether there is any internal control that compensates for deficiencies in another control (compensating control), and if there is, to what extent the compensating control can reduce the likelihood of misstatements in accounts, etc. and mitigate the quantitative impact.  - 金融庁


Regarding the relationship between the government (fiscal authorities) and the central bank, the independence of the central bank and a credible monetary policy underpinned by this notion are considered essential for any country today, in terms of maintaining price stability without being influenced by political factors. But at the same time, we should note that the government and the central bank complement each other.  - 財務省


An energy management network system uses multiple sensors to collect environmental information in an area, accurately estimates presence at desk from a time sequence combining obtained variety of detection data, and utilizes a sensor network introduced in an existing building through mutual complementary communication of wired and wireless; thereby can automatically turn off air conditioning and lighting in an area where there is no person. - 特許庁


The recent experience regarding Brazil has reinforced our conviction that, in order to strengthen the international community's capacity to provide liquidity at a time of crisis, it would be appropriate to complement IMF loans through some kind of regional mechanism that is anchored in a sense of solidarity and mutual dialogue among the countries in a region. - 財務省

3. 両国の閣僚は、この協定の効果な実施の重要性を再確認した。また、この協定は日本とマレーシアの間の物品、サービス及び資本の国境を越えた流れや相互に関心のある分野での二国間協力を促進することに貢献するとの見解を共有した。両国の閣僚は、この協定は、両国が有する経済相互補完性を最大限に活用することを可能にし、各々の経済発展を促進し得ることを強調した。例文帳に追加

3. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the effective implementation of the Agreement. They shared the view that the Agreement will contribute toward enhancing the cross-border flow of goods, services and capital between Japan and Malaysia, as well as bilateral cooperation in fields of mutual interest. They underscored that the Agreement will enable both countries to make the most of their economic complementarity and further promote the development of their respective economies.  - 経済産業省

WTO協定上、最恵国待遇の例外とされるEPA /FTAは、WTOによる多 角 貿 易自由 化と異なり、WTO協定上の一定の条件を満たせば、締結相手国・地域、対象分野等を柔軟かつ機動に選択することが可能であり、またWTO協定で定められていない分野などをカバーした協定とすることも可能であることから、WTOを中心とした多角自由貿易体制と相互補完な機能を有しているとされる。例文帳に追加

Under the WTO agreements, EPA/FTAs are regarded as exceptions to the principle of Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) treatment. WTO member countries, when fulfilling certain conditions under the WTO agreements, are able to conclude EPA/FTAs by flexibly and efficiently choosing partner countries, the region and applicable segments of trade, unlike the steps based on WTO multilateral trade liberalization. Member countries are also able to arrange an agreement to cover areas that are not prescribed by any WTO agreement. EPA/FTAs in this way are seen to have functions that can mutually supplement the multilateral free trade system. - 経済産業省


EPAs/FTAs are positioned as an exceptional form of most-favored-nation treatment. Unlike the multilateral trade liberalization efforts by the WTO, under EPAs/FTAs, countries can flexibly and tactfully choose countries, regions, and sectors as long as certain requirements under the WTO agreements are satisfied. It is also possible for them to include sectors not covered by the WTO; thus, as some people say, EPAs/FTAs and the multilateral free trade system advocated by the WTO play mutually complementary roles. - 経済産業省



In order to provide advanced, high-quality components, SMMs in Japan sit down and work together at the shop floor level to combine and integrate the component technologies required in manufacturing. Business collaboration of this kind is not designed simply to mutually complement one another's resources in order to cut costs, and a shift is now underway toward "new business collaboration" that fuses technologies and know-how in different fields-upstream and downstreamto escape the conventional mindset of individual enterprises and researchers. What this means more specifically, as Case 2-1-6 demonstrates, is that enterprises engage in business collaboration with other manufacturers, each with their strengths, to come up with new products. - 経済産業省


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