該当件数 : 88件
2. Sew together the shoulder of the garment body. - Tatoeba例文
sew together very finely - 日本語WordNet
sew together loosely, with large stitches - 日本語WordNet
stitch or sew together - 日本語WordNet
2. Sew together the shoulder of the garment body. - Tanaka Corpus
in order to prevent mistakes in sewing, marks made on two pieces of cloth that are to be sewn together - EDR日英対訳辞書
the act of sewing something together with its front and back side matching exactly - EDR日英対訳辞書
thread of catgut or silk or wire used by surgeons to stitch tissues together - 日本語WordNet
in dressmaking, to sew a piece of cloth onto what one is sewing in order to make up a design - EDR日英対訳辞書
Hassun (24.24 cm) Nagoya obi (simply folded over and sewn together without an obishin) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The equilateral pentagon sheets 2 and equilateral hexagon sheets are sewn together. - 特許庁
when sewing together two pieces of cloth of differing sizes, the action of tucking up and sewing the longer piece - EDR日英対訳辞書
Holes are made in 2 towels, a stopper is sawn on the inner sides thereof, and 4 balls are contained therein, arranged on the slant and joined by stitching. - 特許庁
Consequently, the work for sewing the main panel 31 and the side panels 32 together while the lid part 35 is opened becomes easy. - 特許庁
A hinge 2 made of textile is formed by sewing an upper cloth 4 onto a lower cloth 3. - 特許庁
This stuffing for quilt is washable because it consists of layered cloths being sewed together. - 特許庁
Thereafter, the ground fabric parts 11, 12 are sewn up with each other along the connecting line 26 positioned on the outer peripheral side of the sealant 40. - 特許庁
Therefore, two edges 31a and 31b are bound together and made endless easily without sewing them. - 特許庁
Setting of the pressing position is performed according to the width of the seam of the produced tucked seam, and the degree of contractile movement on the presser 14 can be adjusted according to the characteristic of each workpiece 86. - 特許庁
A raindrop stopper 2 is provided on the entire surface of the umbrella, with an opening passage 4 prepared in one portion, wherein the raindrop stopper 2 is installed by a method of folding the original umbrella fabric or some other material and sticking to or sewing on a lower part of the rain hitting surface 1. - 特許庁
This heat insulating cover is constituted so that the wire net 3 is arranged on the metallic foil 2 of the inorganic fiber mat 1, and the inorganic fiber mat 1, the metallic foil 2, and the wire net 3 are integrally sewn up by sewing up from an upper surface of the wire net 3 by the metallic sewing thread 4 or the inorganic fiber sewing thread. - 特許庁
On the facing 14 used for the cushion pad of a headrest or the like, a plurality of facing pieces 14a, 14b and 14c are sewn together by a seam 18 along their end edge parts, the seam allowance 19 is turned to the inner side, and the whole is turned to a bag shape. - 特許庁
Stitching the first pleats ("ichi no hida" in Japanese) is a special method used when sewing the cloth to avoid wrinkles or twists when the wearer stands up. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
By sewing the mats 3 and 4 together by using the stopping thread 5, the mats 3 and 4 and the fiber bundle group 2 are bound. - 特許庁
As the fixing means, the cloth 1 and the cloth 2 are sewn up so that a position of the granular magnet 13 is not dislocated. - 特許庁
A bag 11 is formed by stitching three sides of first and second mesh bodies 2, 6 made of high-strength fibers, remaining one side opened. - 特許庁
The replaceable mop is configured to have a shape in which two pieces of cloth having a size matched to a head of the mop are sewn together leaving the center part. - 特許庁
Narrow-cut strips of fabrics are sewed together or bonded to each other with an adhesive to give the objective fabric having widely changeable thickness and easy fabric face-curving treatment. - 特許庁
Then, the envelope body has plural parallel seams formed by sewing the fabric 1, the fabric 3 and the fabric 4 with the cotton body in the state of stripe. - 特許庁
To provide a cloth retaining device for setting a first cloth in a prescribed position, precisely putting a second cloth to be sewed in a prescribed position of the first cloth in a prescribed state, and precisely sewing the first cloth and the second cloth together. - 特許庁
Furthermore, by combining the sliding of the needle bar case 2 (displacement of the position where the needle bar falls down) according to the sewing data and the separate sewing control (e.g. movement of the sewn object, which is an embroidery frame 8) according to the sewing data, the sewing work can be efficiently performed. - 特許庁
In the trim cover of the seat which is attached to the seat structure and formed of a plurality of trim cover pieces, a thin plate-like core material having a seam allowance and overhanging allowance is sewn to one sides of the end portions of the trim cover pieces which are sewn with their surfaces facing each other. - 特許庁
Ushiromigoro generally consists of two pieces of Migoro (right-hand Ushiromigoro and left-hand Ushiromigoro) sewn together at the back seam; but when Nagagi is made of wider cloth like wool, Ushiromigoro consists of a piece of cloth, which means there are two forms of Ushiromigoro. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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