
「返還を要求する」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 19



To provide a method for allowing returned result values to be requestable on a field basis in a get_Data operation modified to provide a personalized service, and for thereby returning a client's desired metadata selectively. - 特許庁


On April 23, Russia, France, and Germany apply diplomatic pressure on the Japan government for return of the territory to China (Triple intervention) in exchange.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the PCT requires a fee paid to the Commissioner to be refunded in whole or in part, that fee or that part of the fee must be refunded.  - 特許庁


When the game device 1a receives the return demand of ball master, the game device 1a performs return processing of the ball master right (step 23) and performs the processing for giving the ball master right to the game device 1b (step 24). - 特許庁



This device sets the request torque of the internal combustion engine 10 via processing performed in a predetermined period, and converts the request torque into a value (return request torque) of changing synchronously with the combustion timing in a combustion cycle of the internal combustion engine 10. - 特許庁



First, the progress of a game is stopped (step 21), and return demand for ball master right is given for the game device 1a which is the current ball master (step 22). - 特許庁


Any person who has suffered an infringement of his utility model (Sec. 4) shall be entitled to demand an injunction, elimination, publication of the judgment, reasonable compensation, damages, surrender of the profits realized and accounting; any person who worries that such an infringement might take place may also demand an injunction.  - 特許庁


The right to claim the surrender of unjustified enrichment and to claim the damages shall not be affected.  - 特許庁


A model may be required when the invention sought to be patented cannot be sufficiently described in the application. The Examiner shall notify the applicant of such requirement, which will constitute an official action in the case. When a model has been received in compliance with the official requirement, the date of its filing shall be entered on the file wrapper. Models not required nor admitted will be returned to the applicants. When a model is required, the examination may be suspended until it shall have been filed. - 特許庁


裁判所からの要求があった場合は,OSIM は,委託された訴訟を判断するために必要な法律,書類及び情報を裁判所に提出するものとし,これらの文書類は最終的には返還されるものとする例文帳に追加

Upon request by the law court, OSIM shall submit the acts, documents and information necessary for judging the cause entrusted to the law court, those documents being finally retrieved. - 特許庁



A cooling medium circulation circuit C2 includes a cooler 14 for cooling the medium to a temperature lower than a cooling set temperature required by the load W, and returns the medium supplied to the load W through a fifth return flow path 38. - 特許庁


A heating medium circulation circuit C3 includes a heater 24 for heating the medium to a temperature higher than a heating set temperature required by the load W, supplies a heated medium to the load W through a third supply flow path 26 and returns the medium supplied to the load W through a forth return flow path 37. - 特許庁


any contract concluded prior to the decision on the cancellation request insofar as it has been fulfilled before that decision; however, repayment, to an extent justified by the circumstances, of sums paid under the relevant contract, may be claimed on grounds of equity.  - 特許庁


In case of intentional infringement of the patent, its owner who suffered damage is entitled to demand restitution of the damage or return of the benefits derived from the unfair exploitation of the invention or the payment of an amount equal to the value of the licence for said exploitation.  - 特許庁

原告は,(1)に基づく訴訟と共に,裁判所を通じ,次のことも要求することができる: 原告に,侵害物品を与えること, 原告に,侵害物品の保管及び廃棄に係る費用を返還すること, 裁判所決定の実施部分を,侵害者の費用負担において,裁判所が定める日刊紙2紙に及び全国版テレビ局の放映時間中に発表すること例文帳に追加

Along with the action under paragraph (1), the claimant may likewise request through the court that: (i) (amended - State Gazette No. 73/2006, in force since 06.10.2006) the infringing articles be given to him; (ii) the expenses be refunded to him for keeping and destroying the infringing articles; (iii) the operative part of the court decision be announced, at the expense of the infringer, in two daily publications and during emission time of a national range TV organization as determined by the court.  - 特許庁


Where, before the expiration of the licence contract, any of the following events occur in respect of the patent application or patent referred to in such contract: (a) the patent application is withdrawn; (b) the patent application is finally rejected; (c) the patent is surrendered; (d) the patent is declared invalid; (e) the licence contract is invalidated, [Am. Act A648: s.25] the licensee shall no longer be required to make any payment to the licensor under the licence contract, and shall be entitled to repayment of the payment already made: Provided that the licensor shall not be required to make any repayment, or shall be required to make repayment only in part, to the extent that he can prove that any such repayment would be inequitable under all the circumstances, in particular if the licensee has effectively profited from the licence. - 特許庁

(a)出願人又はその代理人は,礼節をもって庁と業務を行うことが要求される。本条規則に違反して行動し,又は行動することに固執する出願人は,代理人による代理が要求され,本条規則に違反する事項の記載がある提出書類は局長に提出され,その直接命令により,差出人に返還される。 (b)審査官に対する不服申立は別個の書類で行うこと 審査官及び他の上級職員に対する不服申立は,他の書類とは別個の通信においてなされなければならず,かつ,局長により又は局長の指示に基づいて速やかに調査される。例文帳に追加

(a) Applicants, their attorneys or agents are required to conduct their business with the Office with politeness, decorum, and courtesy. Applicants who act or persist in acting in violation of this rule, shall be required to be represented by attorney, and papers presented containing matter in violation of this rule will be submitted to the Director and returned to the sender, by his direct order. (b) Complaints against Examiners to be on Separate Paper. -- Complaints against Examiners and other officers must be made in a communication separate from other papers, and will be promptly investigated by or at the instance of the Director. - 特許庁

4 大臣は、第8条第2項の規定に基づく閲覧要求、第15条第1項の規定に基づく通知、同条第2項の規定に基づく返還命令及び同条第3項の規定に基づく延滞金の納付命令(第17条第3項及び第18条第4項の規定において準用する場合を含む。)、第17条第2項の規定に基づく返還命令、第18条第1項の規定に基づく取消し若しくは変更、同条第2項の規定に基づく返還命令及び同条第3項の規定に基づく納付命令又は第19条第4項の規定に基づく納付命令(第20条第4項において準用する場合を含む。)について、補助事業者が電磁的方法による通知を受けることを申し出たときに限り、当該通知を電磁的方法により行うことができるものとする例文帳に追加

4. The Minister may employ electromagnetic means for sending a notification concerning a request for inspection pursuant to Article 8, Paragraph 2, a notification pursuant to Article 15, Paragraph 1, an order for refund pursuant to Article 15, Paragraph 2, an order for payment of penal interest pursuant to Article 15, Paragraph 3 (including the case applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 17, Paragraph 3 and Article 18, Paragraph 4), an order for refund pursuant to Article 17, Paragraph 2, the revocation or alteration pursuant to Article 18, Paragraph 1, an order for refund pursuant to Article 18, Paragraph 2, an order for payment pursuant to Article 18, Paragraph 3, or an order for payment pursuant to Article 19, Paragraph 4 (including the case applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 20, Paragraph 4), only when a Subsidized Company has requested to receive the said notification by electromagnetic means.  - 経済産業省



Without limiting subsection (1), that subsection includes the power to make regulations: requiring persons to give statutory declarations in relation to applications under the Act or regulations, or in relation to proceedings under the Act (other than court proceedings); and making provision for and in relation to the making of a declaration, or the doing of an act, under this Act on behalf of a person who, because of infancy or physical or mental disability, is unable to make the declaration or do the act; and providing for the refund, in the whole or part of a fee paid under the Act; and providing for the waiver, in whole or part, of a fee that would otherwise be payable under the Act; and making provision for and in relation to the amendment of an entry in the Register to correct a clerical error or an obvious mistake, or for any other purpose; and empowering the Registrar to require a person to inform the Registrar, within the period prescribed by the regulations, whether or not the person wishes to be heard for the purposes of a provision of the Act; and empowering the Registrar to require a person who wishes to be heard for the purposes of a provision of the Act to appear on a day, and at a place and time, specified by the Registrar; and providing for the contents of design applications in which one or more designs are disclosed, including, but not limited to, requirements as to common ownership of the designs; and empowering the Registrar to direct an applicant for registration or publication of a design to do such things as are necessary to ensure that the application is in accordance with the requirements of the regulations for filing and: providing for the lapsing of the application if such a direction is not complied with within the period specified in the regulations; and providing for the restoration of an application that has so lapsed; and providing for appeals against decisions of the Registrar made under the regulations; and making provision for and in relation to the practice and procedure of prescribed courts in proceedings under this Act, including provision prescribing the time within which any proceeding may be started or anything else may be done, and providing for the extension of any such time; and making transitional or consequential provisions as necessary or convenient because of the repeal of the Designs Act 1906 and the enactment of this Act; and provide for regulations under the Designs Act 1906 to continue to have effect (with any prescribed alterations) for specified purposes of this Act; and providing for things to be done for the purposes of this Act or the regulations by means of electronic equipment or communication; and empowering the Registrar to prepare, publish and sell such documents relating to designs as the Registrar thinks fit; and making provision for and in relation to the destruction of documents.  - 特許庁

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