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該当件数 : 74件
to move with lightning speed - 斎藤和英大辞典
The boat scudded along before the rising wind. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
The yacht drove smoothly before the wind. - Eゲイト英和辞典
1番手は ミスターサタンの高弟 疾風のカロニー選手!例文帳に追加
1st is mr. satan's highranking gale kallonie player! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
荒々しく吹き荒れる 疾風と謳われた gのアーチェリー!例文帳に追加
Archery of g which was declared as a violent and blowing gale! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Shingen also wrote `其疾如風 其徐如林 侵掠如火 不動如山' (as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and as immovable as the mountain) on his banner, and fought his battles under it. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
an innovative German literary movement of the latter half of the eighteenth century, called Sturm und Drang - EDR日英対訳辞書
abnormal buildup of uric acid in the body may cause a condition called gout. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
「疾風のゲイル」も「パテーナル・ジャンク」も ともに攻撃力は1300。例文帳に追加
Hurricane gale and paternal junk both have an attack power of 1300 - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
a drug that is used to treat asthma, allergies, and colds, and to relieve itching caused by certain skin disorders. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
To provide a new prophylactic/therapeutic agent for hyperlithic diseases including gout and hyperuricemia. - 特許庁
オレは レベル4の 「黒槍のブラスト」に レベル3の 「疾風のゲイル」をチューニング。例文帳に追加
Then i'm tuning my level 5 gear changer and my level 3 dark resonator! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
風林火山は、孫子(書物)に記された「其疾如風其徐如林侵掠如火不動如山(その疾(はや)きこと風の如く、その徐(しず)かなること林の如く、侵(おか)し掠(かす)めること火の如く、動かざること山の如し)」(孫子ではこの後に「難知如陰 動如雷霆 (知り難きこと陰の如く、動くこと雷霆(らいてい=雷)の如し)」と続く)という語句を略したものである。例文帳に追加
Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan is an abbreviation of the phrase stated in, `Sonshi' (Chinese books about tactics), `其疾如風 其徐如林 侵掠如火 不動如山' (as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and as immovable as the mountain) (In Sonshi, it is followed by the phrase, `as hard as to understand a shade, as fast as thunder') - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan is a common name for the phrase of 'as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and as immovable as the mountain,' written on the hatasashi-mono (battle flags) of Shingen TAKEDA, a daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) in the Sengoku period in the Kai Province (Yamanashi Prefecture). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The phrase was quoted from a part written about the attack/withdrawal of an army in the battle section in "Sonshi" (Chinese books about tactics) which says ''as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, as hard to know as dark, as immovable as the mountain, and the movement is like pealing thunder.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide new medications that can safely, conveniently and effectively treat and prevent disorders related to elevation of blood uric acid such as disorders due to urate crystals such as gouty arthritis, and diseases related to pathological effect of soluble uric acid such as cardiovascular and renal diseases. - 特許庁
The composition comprises biotin for preventing or treating stiffness in the shoulders, neck stiffness, hand and foot numbness, hand and foot chill. - 特許庁
It is said that this was devised so not to lose an arrow from the opposing wind on a running horse. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The survey was not easy and sometimes he had to camp and had to endure gales holding on to trees and plants ("Gunzanki" Volume four). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Therefore, it is interpreted as a drawing depicting a large boat rowed by 14 men sailing with the wind on the sea. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an external composition product for the skin, effective for recovery, relief or the like of various kinds of diseases such as gout, gonalgia, atopic dermatitis, pollinosis and burn. - 特許庁
It is a ritual that takes place along a 500 meter riding ground in the middle of the Tadasuno Mori forest, archers in court noble style official costumes and warrior style hunting costumes try to shoot down three targets from horseback. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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