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However, unlike Michinaga, who had implemented a 'One household, three empresses' policy, Yorimichi was not blessed with any daughters and so, using his wife's connections, he adopted Prince Atsuyasu's daughter, FUJIWARA no Genshi, and had her made consort of Emperor Gosuzaku. 例文帳に追加

だが「一家三立后」を実現した道長と異なり、頼通は子女に恵まれず、やむなく正妻隆姫の縁で敦康親王の娘の藤原嫄子を養女として後朱雀天皇に入内させて中宮となした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Judging from such extremely generous treatment, Michinaga supposedly had schemed to make a further attack on the weakened maternal family of Imperial Prince Atsuyasu immediately before Michinaga's grandson's Investiture of the Crown Prince. 例文帳に追加

このような異常なまでに寛大な処理に照らすと、孫皇子の立太子目前に、道長が敦康親王の外戚家に追い討ちを企んだことが想定される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to 'Toribeno', a series of "Eiga Monogatari (the Tale of Glory)", Teishi who had a premonition that she would die asked her to raise her nephew, Imperial Prince Atsuyasu and upon death of Teishi in Jsanuary 1001, carried out judai (an Imperial Consort's bridal entry into court) to serve as a substitute mother for her three bereaved children. 例文帳に追加

『栄花物語』「鳥辺野」の巻によれば、死を予感した定子より甥の敦康親王の養育を託され、長保2年(1000年)12月に定子が亡くなったのち、3人の遺児の母代として入内した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On September 26, 999, when Chugu (the Empress) of Emperor Ichijo, FUJIWARA no Teishi/ Sadako withdrew from the Imperial Palace, as she was pregnant with Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, she chose Narimasa's residence to give birth. 例文帳に追加

長保元年(999年)8月9日(旧暦)、一条天皇中宮であった藤原定子が敦康親王を懐妊し内裏を退出する際、生昌の邸を行啓先とした - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, Arikuni welcomed this, and it set the stage for him to later on act as the guardian of Imperial Prince Atsuyasu (Michitaka's grandchild by his daughter), despite the fact that Arikuni was Michinaga's aide. 例文帳に追加

しかし、在国はこれを厚遇して、後に道長の側近であるにも関わらず道隆の外孫である敦康親王の後見を務めるきっかけとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When FUJIWARA no Takaie went to Dazai-fu to take the post of sochi during the Chowa period, he left Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, a bereaved child of FUJIWARA no Teishi, to the hands of Tsunefusa, according to "Eiga monogatari" (a Tale of Flowering Fortunes). 例文帳に追加

藤原隆家が長和年間に帥として大宰府に赴く際、経房に藤原定子の遺児敦康親王を託したことが『栄花物語』に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1800, Atsutane came under notice of Tobei HIRATA (Atsuyasu HIRATA), who was a Soko YAMAGA strategist of feudal retainer of Bicchu-Matsuyama Domain and lived in Edo for generations, in hatago (inn with meals), where he was working at age of 25 and became his adopted son. 例文帳に追加

1800年(寛政12年)25歳の折に勤め先の旅籠で備中松山藩藩士代々江戸在住の山鹿素行兵学者であった平田藤兵衛(平田篤穏(あつやす))の目にとまり養子となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One was to set up the practice of 'two empresses for one emperor,' by backing up the daughter of Michinaga, Shoshi, to be a wife of Emperor Ichijo, although the emperor already had a wife, Empress Teishi, and the other was to set up the second Imperial Prince Atsunari (later Emperor Goichijo), who was a grandchild (a son of his daughter) of Michinaga as the next Togu (Crown Prince), in spite of the fact that there was already an Imperial Prince Atsuyasu. 例文帳に追加

中宮定子がいるにも関わらず道長の娘・彰子を一条天皇の后妃に立てて「一帝二后」を実現させたこと、第一皇子の敦康親王がいるにも関わらず道長の外孫である第二皇子の敦成親王(後一条天皇)を次期東宮に擁立したこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, Emperor Ichijo also kept Yukinari close, even on his deathbed, and it was also Yukinari that protected Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, who was excluded from succession to the throne, until the prince's sudden death at the age of 20, while serving as Betto (chief officer) for the Imperial Prince family. 例文帳に追加

だが、その一方で一条天皇が死の床で最後まで側に置いたのも行成であり、また皇位継承から排除された敦康親王が20歳の若さで急死するまで親王家別当として最後まで親王を庇護したのは行成その人であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When FUJIWARA no Michinaga became a person in paramount authority after the death of Michitaka and the downfall of his legitimate son FUJIWARA no Korechika, Teishi became a powerless empress due to the downfall of her family home, even if she was the mother of Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, the first prince of Ichijo. 例文帳に追加

道隆の死去とその嫡男藤原伊周の失脚により、藤原道長が最高権力者となると、定子は一条の第1皇子敦康親王の母でありながら、実家の没落により後ろ盾のない無力な皇后に転落してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Takaie was known as a person of true moral character, criticizing Emperor Ichijo, who had denied investiture of Imperial Prince Atsuyasu as the crown prince, who was a son of Sadako, Takaie's older sister, as a 'brutish man'; refusing to yield in the face of harassment by the powerful FUJIWARA no Michinaga, and being responsible for the offices of Emperor Sanjo's Empress FUJIWARA no Seishi. 例文帳に追加

姉定子の生んだ敦康親王の立太子を拒否した一条天皇を「人非人」と非難したり、権力者藤原道長の嫌がらせに屈せず三条天皇皇后藤原せい子の皇后宮職を引き受けたりするなど、気骨のある人物として知られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, on December 22, 999, Teishi gave birth to Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, the first Prince, with whom Korechika, in a rapture of delight, put his hope of restoring the family; but on the same day, ironically enough, a senji to become Nyogo was issued to FUJIWARA no Akiko, the first daughter of Michinaga, which was the sixth day after Akiko entered into the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

その後、長保元年(999年)11月7日、定子腹の第一皇子敦康親王が誕生し、伊周は一家再興の望みをかけて狂喜したが、奇しくも同じ日、入内後6日目の道長長女藤原彰子に女御の宣旨が下った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the Choho era to the first year of the Kanko era (from 999 to 1004), Korechika had gradually returned in Byodo (Imperial Court), which was deeply concerned with behind-the-scene circumstances like this: Emperor Ichijo made chugu Akiko, who had yet to give birth to a prince or princess, bring up Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, and Michinaga kept serving the Imperial Prince in case the Imperial Prince succeeded to the throne. 例文帳に追加

長保から寛弘初年にかけて、伊周が徐々に廟堂に復帰して行った背景には、なかなか皇子女を産まない中宮彰子に一条天皇が敦康親王を養わせ、道長もいざという時に備えて親王に奉仕を怠らなかったことが深く関係する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kojidan" (Talks of the Past) written in the Kamakura period, people kept visiting Korechika's residence secretly by night, while serving Michinaga by day, as Korechika was a maternal uncle of Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, who was the first prince in the line of succession to the imperial throne, but once Imperial Prince Atsuhira (later, Emperor Goichijo) was born, nobody visited Korechika's residence. 例文帳に追加

皇位継承の最短路線上にある親王の外舅である伊周に、世人は昼は道長に仕えても、夜は密かにその屋敷へ参上し続け、それが敦成親王(後の後一条天皇)の誕生後は絶えてなかったと、鎌倉時代の説話集『古事談』は伝えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, while Emperor Ichijo hoped that Yukinari would become a conservative by promoting Imperial Prince Atsuyasu as the next Togu (Crown Prince) in his last days, Yukinari dismissed it and demanded Emperor Ichijo to perform the Imperial succession for Imperial Prince Atsuhira (Emperor Goichijo), who was the grandson outside of the Imperial family, by the will of Michinaga. 例文帳に追加

ただし、晩年一条天皇が次期東宮に敦康親王を擁立して行成にその後見を期待したものの、行成は却って道長の意向を受けてその外孫である敦成親王(後一条天皇)の皇位継承を一条天皇に迫ったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it was long after Sei Shonagon left the Imperial Court that Murasaki Shikibu began to serve Empress Shoshi, so they couldn't have known each other (but Dr. Bunei TSUNODA advocated a different opinion in his thesis 'Sei Shonagon: Her Later Years,' and he pointed to the possibility that she might have continued her service at the Imperial Court after Teishi passed away, with reference to the word 'Shonagon Myobu' of Ichinomiya Atsuyasu Imperial Prince in "Gonki" (FUJIWARA no Yukinari's Diary). 例文帳に追加

しかし、紫式部が中宮彰子に伺候したのは清少納言が宮仕えを退いてからはるか後のことで、二人は一面識さえないはずである(もっとも、角田文衞博士は論文「晩年の清少納言」で異説を提唱し、『権記』に見える一宮敦康親王の「少納言命婦」を手掛かりに、清少納言が定子死後もその所生の皇子女に引き続き仕えた可能性を指摘した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among children of the Imperial Prince, his eldest daughter, MINAMOTO no Takahime (a legal wife of the chancellor, FUJIWARA no Yorimichi), and his third daughter, Princess Senshi (a legal wife of the chancellor, FUJIWARA no Norimichi), were less fortunate not to have any children, and for his second daughter, Princess of Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, her only daughter, FUJIWARA no Genshi (Yorimichi's step daughter, later Emperor Gosuzaku), left two imperial princesses, but the offspring of his eldest son, MINAMOTO no Morofusa, extended his influence as Murakami-Genji (Minamoto clan) during the period of the cloistered government. 例文帳に追加

親王の子女のうち、長女源隆姫(関白藤原頼通の正室)と三女せん子女王(関白藤原教通の正室)は子に恵まれず、次女敦康親王妃も一人娘藤原嫄子(頼通養女、後朱雀天皇中宮)が内親王二人しか残さなかったが、嫡男源師房の子孫は村上源氏として院政期に勢力を拡大した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, there were cases such as the Imperial Prince Tamehira and the Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, who had the advantage over the succession to the Imperial Throne, but they had to give up and they were granted Ippon as a compensation (A case of conferring Ippon to the Imperial Prince Kaneakira [MINAMOTO no Kaneakira, former Minister of the Left] can be said as a similar case that he had to return to the Imperial Family because of the Fujiwara clan's strategy.) 例文帳に追加

また、為平親王や敦康親王のように皇位継承において優位だった親王が皇位を断念せざるを得なくなった代償に授けられるケースが生じた(藤原氏の策動で皇籍に復帰させられた兼明親王(元左大臣源兼明)の一品叙位も近似の例と言える)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, there is an account in "Gonki," a diary of FUJIWARA no Yukinari which is a record from the same period, that notes that Emperor Ichijo, just prior to his death, consulted with Yukinari about supporting Prince Atsuyasu, whom Teishi/Sadako bore, as the next Crown Prince, but Yukinari, who was already deeply connected with Michinaga, instead urged the Emperor and made him agree to support Michinaga's grandson, Prince Atsuhira, whom Shoshi/Akiko bore, as the next Crown Prince. 例文帳に追加

一方、同時代の記録である藤原行成の日記『権記』には、一条天皇が死の直前に側近の行成に定子が生んだ敦康親王の次期東宮擁立の相談を行ったが、既に道長と深く結んでいた行成は却って天皇に迫って、道長の外孫である彰子が生んだ敦成親王の次期東宮擁立を認めさせという経緯が記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, from the Imperial rescript on the incident contained in "Seiji yoryaku" (examples of the politics in the Heian period) in which Emperor Ichijo reprimanded Korechika by mentioning his name, Emperor Ichijo might have had mixed feelings about Korechika, while expecting Imperial Prince Atsuyasu to succeed the throne as Korechika had done, because Emperor Ichijo had had suspicions against Korechika since the Chotoku Incident. 例文帳に追加

その一方で、『政事要略』所収の事件に関する詔勅には一条天皇が名指しで伊周を非難した部分があり、伊周同様に敦康親王への皇位継承を望みながらも伊周に対しては長徳の変以来の不信が積み重ねられた一条天皇の複雑な感情も読み取ることが出来る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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