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Hands put togetherの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 19


It is one of the forms of inso that may be assumed by Shakyamuni Nyorai, which is formed by both hands turned upward in front of the chest with the tips of the thumbs of both hands put together and the tips of the same fingers of both hands put together to form a circle. 例文帳に追加

釈迦如来の印相の1つで、両手を胸の高さまで上げ、親指と他の指の先を合わせて輪を作る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When putting hands flat together in prayer, a prayer should put both tassels into the palms. 例文帳に追加

合掌するときに、両方の房を手のひらの中に入れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Generally, it is hung on hands that are put flat together on the occasions of Buddhist rites, Buddhist memorial services and/or praying to Buddha, Bodhisattva, memorial tablet of the deceased. 例文帳に追加

一般に仏事・法要の際、仏・菩薩・物故者の霊位などに礼拝するときに、合掌した手にかける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Monto should put the palms of hands together while chanting 'Namu Amidabutsu' even if other sects' main image (such as Dainichi-nyorai and Shakyamuni-nyorai) is enshrined. 例文帳に追加

また、他宗の御本尊(大日如来・釈迦牟尼如来など)であっても、「南無阿弥陀仏」と称え合掌する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Following Daidoshi, Rengyoshu go down from the floor, squat down, put the palms of hands together and swear for every precept, saying "Observe well, observe well, observe well" three times. 例文帳に追加

大導師以下、練行衆は床から降り、しゃがんで合掌し、戒の一つ一つに対して「よく保つ、よく保つ、よく保つ」と三遍誓う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This small stone chamber is a gassho-style (an architect method of beams combined to form a steep roof that resembles two hands together) stone chamber with flagstones jutting into the ceiling, which may have been a subsidiary chamber to put in grave goods. 例文帳に追加

この小石室は、板石が天井の方にせり出した合掌式石室で副葬品埋納の副室と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a method for laser welding by which a put-together hands shaped lapped joints are excellently welded from the outer side of rounded parts, and equipment therefor.例文帳に追加

拝み型継手をR部分の外側から良好に溶接することができるレーザ溶接方法およびその装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

This is the practice in which children are instructed in advance to "put your hands together if they feel distracted or sleepy during zaze" and kyosaku (keisaku) is given only those who make the gassho (hands in prayer position). 例文帳に追加

これは、あらかじめ子どもたちに「坐禅中、心が落ち着かなくなったり、眠くなったりしたら手を合わせなさい」などと指導しておき、合掌した子どもにだけ警策を与えるというものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Clap (Shinto) twice - to say more concretely, put both hands together in front of the chest, slide down the right hand a little (until the first joint of the left hand,) clap the hands twice to make a sound, slide up the right hand to the original place, pray, and drop down both hands. 例文帳に追加

拍手(神道)を二度打つ-より具体的には、両手を胸の高さで揃えて合わせ、右手を下方向に少し(指の第一関節ほど)ずらし、その状態で両手を二度打ち合わせて音を出し、ずらした右手を再び揃えて祈念を込め、最後に両手を下ろす - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"If a photograph of the smiling face of your loved one stands on the altar at the funeral or on the family altar, when you put your hands together to pray, you can hear their voice, I think," he says.例文帳に追加

「大切な人が笑っている写真が祭壇や仏壇に飾られていれば、手を合わせたときに故人の声が聞こえてくると思うんです」と彼は話す。 - Tatoeba例文


After throwing money in Saisenbako, visitors clap their hands at shrines (Shinto) or put their palms together at temples, and then they pray for their wishes or offer their thanks to Shinto and Buddhist deities in their minds while closing their eyes. 例文帳に追加

参拝者は賽銭箱に金銭を投入した後、神社なら拍手(神道)、寺院なら合掌し、目を閉じながら神仏への願い事やお礼を心の中で唱える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The long tableware such as the chopsticks are all put in the bag together and when the user rubs and washes the bag with both hands, the long tableware such as the chopsticks are rubbed against the coarse inside surface of the bag to remove the stain.例文帳に追加

その中に箸等の長尺食器類をいっぺんに全部入れて袋を両手で揉むようにして洗うと、箸等の長尺食器は袋の内側表面と擦れて汚れが落ちる。 - 特許庁

The vicinity of the rounded parts of the put-together hands shaped lapped joints 5 and 6 is heated with sub-laser beams 20 and 30, layers 21 and 31 in which a change in structure occurs is formed, thus the gap between the joints 5 and 6 is narrowed.例文帳に追加

拝み型継手5、6のR部近傍を副レーザ20、30により加熱し、組織変化層21、31を形成することにより、拝み型継手5、6の隙間を狭くする。 - 特許庁

The strip-like film F fed into bag making means 34 is formed in a cylindrical shape in such a manner that in both the end edges, the coated surfaces of the silicone oil S are overlapped inside, and an overlapping portion 12 resembling palms of two hands put together is formed.例文帳に追加

製袋手段34に供給した帯状フィルムFを、両端縁部がシリコーンオイルSの塗布面を内側で重合するように筒状に成形すると共に合掌状の重合部12を形成する。 - 特許庁

The cylindrical shaft 52 has a pair of cylinder halves 60 formed approximately by dividing one cylinder into two and to be put together by their divisional surfaces in such a way that one joins ones hands in prayer and a ring-shaped coupling 70 provided in ring shape along the peripheral surfaces of the cylinder halves 60 and coupling them together.例文帳に追加

筒軸体52は、略半分割されて形成されかつ相互の分割面において合掌状に合わせられる一対の半筒体60と、一対の半筒体60の外周面に沿って環状に設けられかつこれら一対の半筒体60を結合する環状結合体70と、を有する。 - 特許庁

He said that he was 150 years old, had traveled various places, and there was no place where he had not set his foot, but the beauty of this temple was like no other in man's world, and that something like this could not be found anywhere, however hard anyone searched; he put the palms of his hands together and uttered 'Namu' for a number of days. 例文帳に追加

その自ら言うところでは、齢は150歳で、もろもろの国を歴遊して、足の及ばない所はないが、この永寧寺の素晴らしさは閻浮にはまたと無いもの、たとえ仏国土を隅なく求めても見当たらないと言い、口に「南無」と唱えつつ、幾日も合掌し続けていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Antoku prayed to Amitabha with his little hands put together, but Ni-no Ama said to the Emperor to comfort him, 'There is a city under the waves,' then she jumped into the rapid stream of Dannoura while holding the Emperor against her body, thus ending Emperor Antoku's life at the youngest age among the successive emperors (referred to in "The Tale of the Heike" ('Sentei Minage')). 例文帳に追加

安徳天皇は小さな手を合わせて念仏を唱えると、二位尼は「波の下にも都がございます」と慰め、安徳天皇を抱いたまま壇ノ浦の急流に身を投じ、安徳天皇は歴代最年少の8歳で崩御した(『平家物語』「先帝身投」より)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A scheme to mitigate actual punishments was incorporated, although former regulations on pardon remained as they were, but they were put together with conventional procedures in the hands of the council chamber, and Juveniles younger than fifteen who were formerly given severe punishments like banishment including cases where they were guilty only because of a relative's crime (enza) became eligible for pardon right away. 例文帳に追加

旧来の恩赦規定をそのまま残すものの、より儀式的なものとして手続の主体を評定所に置くとともに、旧来は縁座のケースも含めて15歳以下の未成年にも課されていた追放などの重罰については直ちに恩赦の対象とするなどの事実上の刑罰の緩和策が盛り込まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To enable a seal member for sealing up an opening of a container to be preventive of staining hands and clothes of an operator with a toner adhesive to an opening sealing surface of the seal member, and to manufacture such a seal member efficiently as compared with a case wherein a plurality of sheets are put together on manufacturing.例文帳に追加

容器の開口を封鎖するシール部材の開口封鎖面に付着するトナーによってオペレータの手や衣類等が汚染されないシール部材であって、複数のシートを重ね合わせる場合に比してより効率的に製造することができるシール部材、該シール部材を備えた容器及び該容器の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁


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