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Leaving courtの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 21


This Article "Kyokan-joge" (officials in Kyoto, calling on and leaving from the imperial court) specified their service hours to attend the court. 例文帳に追加

京官上下(京官の勤務時間の規定) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

the act of entering and leaving the Imperial Court or the houses of people of rank 例文帳に追加

朝廷や貴人の家などに出入りすること - EDR日英対訳辞書

After leaving his office, he became an imperial court councilor. 例文帳に追加

退任後宮中顧問官に就任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On June 11 of the same year, the Imperial Court ordered Yoritoshi to refrain from leaving Mutsu Province. 例文帳に追加

翌年5月5日、朝廷は頼俊に陸奥での謹慎を言い渡した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Young lady Akashi returns to the Imperial court, leaving Nioumiya whom Murasaki no ue loved for his consolation. 例文帳に追加

明石の姫君は紫の上が可愛がっていた匂宮を源氏の慰めに残し宮中に帰る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


ONO no Komachi, known as a court servant of Emperor Ninmyo and a waka poet, is believed to originate from this area and also to have resided here after leaving the Imperial court. 例文帳に追加

宮中で仁明天皇に仕え歌人として知られる小野小町もこの地の出で宮中を退いて後も過ごしたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Leaving behind a diary was considered, at the time, a requirement for court nobles as a means of leaving behind a reference to duties to be performed by court nobles and for the descendants who would carry on the family name; therefore, his father, Sukemichi, who was given a leisurely post, did not write a diary. 例文帳に追加

日記を残すことは当時の公家が政務を円滑に行い、子孫が家名を維持するためにも必要不可欠な行動であり、閑職に終わった父・資通は日記を残していない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She served at Kamo Shrine as Saiin between 1159 and 1169, then after leaving this position she received the title of Jugo (one of the respectful titles for Imperial family members of court nobles during the Heian period) in 1185. 例文帳に追加

平治元年(1159年)より嘉応元年(1169年)まで斎院として賀茂神社に奉仕し、退下後元暦2年(1185年)准后宣下。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The news of Masakado's insurrection reached Kyoto almost immediately, and at the same time there was another report of a rebellion by FUJIWARA no Sumitomo in the western provinces, leaving the Imperial Court aghast. 例文帳に追加

将門謀反の報はただちに京にもたらされ、また同時期に西国で藤原純友の乱の報告もあり、朝廷は驚愕する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Known as a court noble in the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), he attended the ceremony at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine to celebrate to the nomination of MINAMOTO no Sanetomo, who was assassinated leaving the shrine, to Ududaijin (Minister of the Right). 例文帳に追加

親鎌倉幕府の公家として知られ、源実朝が暗殺された鶴岡八幡宮での右大臣拝賀の儀式にも参列している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Before and after his leaving, not only kobu-gattai (integration of the imperial court and the shogunate) groups but also Sonno and anti-shogunate groups contacted Kashio, and as a patriot he became more widely devoted to the restoration. 例文帳に追加

それと前後し、公武合体派は基より尊皇・倒幕派も柏尾に接近、志士として広く維新に力を注ぐようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 43 When a substituted service under the provision of paragraph (2) of Article 106 (Substituted Service and Service by Leaving Documents) of the Code has been made, a court clerk shall notify the person who received the service to that effect. 例文帳に追加

第四十三条 法第百六条(補充送達及び差置送達)第二項の規定による補充送達がされたときは、裁判所書記官は、その旨を送達を受けた者に通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Yoshiakira escaped, leaving the three Retired Northern Emperors: Emperor Kogon, Emperor Komyo and Emperor Suko, and the Imperial Prince Naohito, who were later taken to Otokoyama by the Southern Court. 例文帳に追加

義詮は光厳天皇・光明天皇・崇光天皇3太上天皇と皇太子直仁親王を置いて逃げ、後に南朝は3上皇と直仁親王を男山に連行する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some argue that togoku geko (leaving the capital to east province) of Sakihisa KONOE, who was her nephew, may have been arranged by Keijuin, who expected Kenshin UESUGI to go to the capital (Kyoto) and restore the Shogun family and the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

更に甥近衛前久の東国下向の背景には将軍家及び朝廷の再興を図るために上杉謙信の上洛に期待する慶寿院の関与もあったとする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And he went on to say that the judgment by the government was not adequate to make ASANO Takumi-no-kami to kill himself, leaving the other party KIRA Kozuke-no-suke non-guilty; the ideal closing should have been to bring the case to the government to resolve by court. 例文帳に追加

さらに、浅野内匠頭が切腹になったのに吉良上野介が無罪になったことの不当性を、本来は幕府に訴えて、裁判により明らかにすべきであると論じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Those including the regent Akiyoshi ICHIJO and the shogun's deputy for Kyoto, Shigemune ITAKURA examined the dispute, but the examination ended leaving the dispute unsettled when an illegal official rank selling of Takasuke MIBU was discovered and Takasuke was dismissed and expelled from the court. 例文帳に追加

この相論は摂政一条兼遐や京都所司代板倉重宗らによって審議されたが、途中で壬生孝亮による売官問題が発覚、孝亮は解官・追放となったために有耶無耶に終わり、問題は先送りとされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, actual tenkan were rarely issued, therefore, people whose suits were restricted had no other way of making osso by means of jikiso such as kagoso (jikiso to Daikan or Daimyo in a palanquin), kakekomi uttae (direct petition to the supreme court, magistrate's office, influential person of the bakufu and so on), suteso (leaving a petition in front of the gate of the supreme court and so on), hariso (pasting a petition in front of the gate of a roju's [senior councilor] residence or a government office) and so on, and in some cases they had to take hard-line measures by forming a faction for monso (petition by people gathering before the gate of the residence of a feudal lord or Daikan), ikki (uprising), goso (direct petition with the abuse of religious authority by armed priests or jinin [associates of Shinto shrines] to the Imperial Court or the bakufu), uchikowasi (destructive urban riots) and so on. 例文帳に追加

だが、実際に添簡が発給されることは少なく、このため訴訟を起こすことすら抑圧された人々は結果的に駕籠訴・駆込訴・捨訴・張訴などの直訴を用いて越訴を行う他無く、場合によっては門訴・一揆・強訴・打ちこわしなどの徒党を組んだ強硬手段を採らざるを得なくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 244 Where either or both party(ies), on the date for oral argument, does not appear or does not present any oral arguments before leaving the court, the court, when it finds it appropriate while taking into consideration the existing status of the trial and the status of each party's conduct of the suit, may make a final judgment; provided, however, that where either party, on the date for oral argument, does not appear or does not present any oral arguments before leaving the court, this shall apply only upon the request of the opponent who appears on that date. 例文帳に追加

第二百四十四条 裁判所は、当事者の双方又は一方が口頭弁論の期日に出頭せず、又は弁論をしないで退廷をした場合において、審理の現状及び当事者の訴訟追行の状況を考慮して相当と認めるときは、終局判決をすることができる。ただし、当事者の一方が口頭弁論の期日に出頭せず、又は弁論をしないで退廷をした場合には、出頭した相手方の申出があるときに限る。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 263 Where neither party has appeared on the date for oral argument or preparatory proceedings or has not presented any oral arguments or made any statements in preparatory proceedings before leaving the court or their seats, if neither of them files a petition for designation of the date within one month, it shall be deemed that the action has been withdrawn. The same shall apply where neither party, on two consecutive occasions, has appeared on the date for oral argument or preparatory proceedings or has presented any oral arguments or made any statements in preparatory proceedings before leaving the court or their seats. 例文帳に追加

第二百六十三条 当事者双方が、口頭弁論若しくは弁論準備手続の期日に出頭せず、又は弁論若しくは弁論準備手続における申述をしないで退廷若しくは退席をした場合において、一月以内に期日指定の申立てをしないときは、訴えの取下げがあったものとみなす。当事者双方が、連続して二回、口頭弁論若しくは弁論準備手続の期日に出頭せず、又は弁論若しくは弁論準備手続における申述をしないで退廷若しくは退席をしたときも、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Meanwhile, it is believed that the reason why Yorimichi fulfilled his duty as Ichi no kami (the head of high court officials) jointly with Sanesuke without leaving the position of Kanpaku against the court custom of the time and declined to be promoted to the office of Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state), which had remained vacant after the death of FUJIWARA no Kinsue, until after the death of Sanesuke, was that he was afraid of the possibility that Sanesuke, promoted to the office of Sadaijin after Yorimichi, might come into conflict with Yorimichi and lead all ministers as Ichi no kami (the office of Ichi no kami was normally assumed by the Sadaijin, while Kanpaku and Daijo-daijin did not perform the duty as Ichi no kami, and if the Sadaijin also served as Kanpaku, Udaijin was normally appointed as Ichi no kami). 例文帳に追加

その一方で、当時の慣例に反して頼通が関白のまま実資と共同で一上の職務を行い、藤原公季の死去により空席になった太政大臣への昇進を頼通が実資の死後まで控えたのは、実資が頼通の後任の左大臣に昇進することで、一上として太政官を率いて頼通と対抗することを恐れたからだとも言われている(一上には通常左大臣が就任して、関白及び太政大臣はその職務には携わらず、左大臣が関白を兼ねる場合には右大臣が一上となる慣例であった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While there is a theory that such speedy promotion of Suzuka no Okimi was the results of the Imperial Court's influence, who intended to appease the spirit of Nagayao, who died feeling mortified, another theory says that as a plague in 737 killed most members of the Imperial Family and nobles working in the Giseikan (Legislature), leaving very few princes and nobles meeting the requirements to fill ministerial positions, there was a desperate need to quickly fill in the position of Chidaijoikanji whose only requirement was being a member of the Imperial Family and in a position equivalent to the ministers. 例文帳に追加

一説に、こうした鈴鹿王の立身の背景には、無念の思いを抱いて死んだ長屋王の霊を鎮めたいという朝廷の意図が込められていたといわれているが、その一方で天平9年の疫病によって議政官級の皇族・貴族のほとんどが死去してしまい、大臣に就任できる要件を満たした人材がいなくなってしまったために、大臣と同格で皇族であることが唯一の条件であった知太政官事を急遽立てなければならないという切迫した事情も介在していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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