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Mountain Templeの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 462


In addition, this incident led to a higher reputation of Soboshu such as "Bodaisen," "Yamadaru" (literally, barrel in a mountain), and "Tafunomine sake" (sake on Mt. Tafunomine) in Nara, "Hogen sake" (literally, sake of rich field) in Echizen Province, "hyakusaiji sake" (sake of Hyakusai-ji Temple) in Omi Province and "Kanshinji shu" (sake of Kanshin-ji Temple) in Kawachi Province, which were uneventfully produced with no influence from the belligerent merchants in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

またこの事件は、争いに明け暮れる京都市中の商人たちとは無縁に坦々と生産が続けられた、奈良の『菩提泉(ぼだいせん)』『山樽(やまだる)』『大和多武峯(たふのみね)酒』、越前の『豊原(ほうげん)酒』、近江の『百済寺酒』、河内の『観心寺酒』などの僧坊酒がさらに評価を高める原因にもなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiren Sect separated into many religious schools after the beginning of the religion, and one of them is called Kuon-ji Temple on Mt. Minobu, sozan (the mountain of the foundation) Nichiren Sect, where there are many believers from samurai families, and they strengthened their power under the bakufu government and came to control the whole Nichiren Sect. 例文帳に追加

日蓮宗はその開教以降、幾多の宗派に分派したが、その中でも日蓮宗の祖山とされる身延山久遠寺は武家の帰依者が多く、幕府統治下で勢力を拡大し、日蓮宗の総元締といえるほどとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A night in November to December of 1838, priestly Imperial Prince Soncho, who was then the head priest of Chion-in, had a dream in which a bevy of swans flew to the small mountain at the back of Isshin-in; he believed it was a good omen, and thus gave Isshin-in Temple the sango 'Gunsenzan,' since it had no other. 例文帳に追加

天保9年10月(1838年11月~12月)のある夜、時の知恩院門主であった尊超入道親王が、夢の中で白鶴の群れが一心院の裏山に飛来する光景を見て吉祥と感じ、当時山号のなかった一心院に「郡仙山」の山号を名付けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The traditional Saitogoma is said to have been held for the first time by Shobo Rigen Daishi, a disciple of a disciple of Kukai, who established the Shingonshu sect, and it is mostly held by the temples inheriting the lineage of the Tozan school of Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts) including Daigo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

伝統的な柴燈護摩は真言宗を開いた空海の孫弟子に当たる聖宝理源大師が初めて行ったといわれており、醍醐寺をはじめとする真言宗の当山派修験道の法流を継承する寺院で行われる事が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is one of scenes of hatraki-goto in which the shite who plays an role of nonhuman being such as an oni (ogre), a vengeful spirit (vindictive ghost), or an evil spirit is prayed to subjugate by a monk or a yamabushi (a mountain priest) and the inori is included only in "Dojo-ji Temple" (Noh), "Aoi no Ue" (Lady Aoi), and "Kurotsuka" ("Hiun" [a Noh piece] is also included according to styles), and may be called inori in the order of shin-gyo-so (formal, semiformal, informal). 例文帳に追加

鬼、怨霊、悪霊など異類の怒り猛ったシテを僧、山伏などのワキが調伏する闘争のさまを描いた働事で、『道成寺(能)』『葵上』『黒塚』にしかなく(流儀によっては『飛雲』にもある)、順に真行草のイノリとされることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One day his wish came true and he visited the shrine, however he only visited Kora Shrine and Gokurakuji Temple at the bottom of the mountain, believing that they were Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine, not realizing that people were climbing up higher to get to Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

念願叶って石清水八幡宮へ行ったのだが、麓にある高良社や極楽寺などだけを参拝して満足し、他の人が石清水に行こうとして山を登っていたのに、今いる寺社が石清水だと思い込んで山に登らなかったという話。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Hakuun-ji Temple was founded between 701 and 704 by Enno Ozuno, considered to be the founder of Shugendo (mountain ascetism), and Taicho, know founder of the sacred site of Mt. Hakusan, before being restored by Keishun Sozu in 781 and constructed by WAKE no Kiyomaro to enshrine Atago Daigongen on Mt. Atago. 例文帳に追加

大宝(日本)年間(701年-704年)に、修験道の祖とされる役小角と白山の開祖として知られる泰澄によって創建され、天応(日本)元年(781年)に慶俊僧都によって中興され、和気清麻呂に愛宕山に愛宕大権現を祀る白雲寺を建立したと伝える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, according to the official history book "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), in 728, the 45th emperor, Emperor Shomu and Empress Komyo set up a 'San-so' (mountain retreat) at the foot of Mt. Wakakusa to pray to Buddha for the happiness of the prince who died young, and they made nine priests live there; this is said to be the predecessor of the Konshu-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

一方、正史『続日本紀』によれば、神亀5年(728年)、第45代の天皇である聖武天皇と光明皇后が幼くして亡くなった皇子の菩提のため、若草山麓に「山房」を設け、9人の僧を住まわせたことが知られ、これが金鐘寺の前身と見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In February, 940, when Masakado was defeated and killed in the war against TAIRA no Sadamori and FUJIWARA no Hidesato, his power instantly collapsed, and it is said that Masahira hid himself in the Jomine Mountain in Chichibu County, Saitama Prefecture, and his grave is in Enpuku-ji Temple in Minano-machi Town in the same area. 例文帳に追加

天慶3年(940年)2月、将門が平貞盛・藤原秀郷らとの戦いによって敗死すると勢力は一気に瓦解し、将平は追捕を免れようと埼玉県秩父郡の城峯山中に潜伏したと伝えられ、同地の皆野町にある円福寺に墓が祀られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1097, Shokaku separated Daigo-ji Temple into the upper and lower parts of the mountain, so that in 'Kami-Daigo (the upper part of Daigo),' where Seiryu Gongen is said to have descended; at the front of the Daigo-sui spring stands 'Seiryu-gu Haiden,' a national treasure, which was built during the Muromachi period, and in 'Shimo-Daigo (the lower part of Daigo),' which is at the foot of Mt. Daigo-san, stands 'Seiryu-gu Honden,' a national important cultural property. 例文帳に追加

承徳元年(1097年)、勝覚が醍醐寺の山上と下に分祀し、現在は清瀧権現が降臨したと伝えられる「上醍醐」醍醐水泉の正面に、室町時代に建立された国宝「清瀧宮拝殿」、醍醐山麓に広がる「下醍醐」境内には国の重要文化財「清瀧宮本殿」が建っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the "Inu hariko," when a yamabushi (a mountain priest) stayed at Daizen-in Temple in Gojo Karasuma, Kyoto, there was a very loud noise late at night, and at the same time, a hairy arm stretched from the ceiling and stroked yamabushi's face, so that the yamabushi cut off the arm, and the next morning there was the dead body of the Ogumo as big as about 84 cm by a Buddhist altar there. 例文帳に追加

『狗張子』によれば、京都五条烏丸で、ある山伏が大善院という寺に泊まったところ、夜更けに激しい音とともに、天井から毛むくじゃらの手がのびて山伏の顔をなでたので、刀で斬り落としたところ、翌朝には仏壇のそばに2尺8寸(約84センチメートル)の大蜘蛛の死骸があったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that during the Kyoho era (1716 - 1736), the head monk of Shoren-in Temple at the base of Mt. Kacho, one of Higashiyama mountain range (in Kyoto Prefecture), brought back with him striped potatoes shaped like shrimp when he returned from his travel over Kyushu; the potatoes were given to Gondayu HIRANO who served the monk, and when the potatoes were cultivated in the land of Maruyama, which is a hillock on the western side of the Mt. Kacho, the potatoes harvested were of excellent quality and had warpage and stripe patterns like those of shrimp, and thus were given the name ebiimo. 例文帳に追加

海老芋は、享保(1716~1736)の頃、東山(京都府)の1つ、華頂山麓にある青蓮院の門跡が、九州を巡行し、海老のような縞模様の芋を持ち帰り、その芋を仕えていた平野権太夫が拝領して、同じ華頂山西側の小丘である円山の地で栽培したところ、海老のような反りと縞模様をもった質の良い芋ができたので、その姿から、海老芋と名付けられたと云われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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