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On the averageの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 4607


The rule change regarding the capital adequacy ratio was recently decided and announced and is now in the public comment process. The partial introduction of flexibility into the capital adequacy ratio regulation reflects circumstances specific to Japan, as exemplified by Japanese banksrelatively large exposure to stocks. Behind the increasing volatility of Japanese stock prices are foreign investment fundsactivities, as a result of which we are now witnessing seemingly irrational events, such as the average PBR (price-to-book ratio) for stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange dropping below one. Meanwhile, valuation losses on securities holdings are required to be deducted from the Tier 1 capital in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio. We have concluded that for the management of the Japanese economy, it is essential to prevent foreign investment fundsactivities from significantly affecting and undermining the financial intermediary function of Japanese deposit-taking financial institutions, so we have decided on this as an extraordinary measure. 例文帳に追加

先般決定し公表し、現在パブリックコメントにかかっているということだと思いますが、自己資本比率規制の一部弾力化については、我が国にやや特有の事情と申しましょうか、典型的には我が国の銀行が株式へのエクスポージャーが相対的に大きい、その中で、我が国の株式市場において株価が非常にボラティリティが高くなってきている、その背景には海外の投資ファンド等の動きがある、ということで、結果的に、例えば東京証券取引所でPBR(株価純資産倍率)の平均値が1を下回るといったような、必ずしも合理的には理解しにくいような、そういう事態が出てきている、他方で有価証券の評価損というものが自己資本比率の計算上、ティア1(基本的項目)から控除されるという仕組みになっておりますので、その海外の投資ファンドの動きによって我が国の預金取扱金融機関の金融仲介能力というものが大きく振り回されて、仲介能力が損なわれるという、ここの因果関係をどこかで遮断するということが、我が国の経済全体の運営の上で必要性が極めて高いということで取られた臨時の措置ということでございます。 - 金融庁

As you may already be aware, the impact from Greece is spreading across the world, not surprisingly. The primary concern is how the European Union (EU) itself would respond to this, and indeed, the EU is currently working hard on it, but ultimately, it will inevitably affect Japan as well. As to whether or not Japan itself has any means to control such impact, regrettably, it has no means to completely shield itself from it, especially in regard to financial markets. Even today, the Nikkei average plummeted by four hundred yen or more. Given that there has been such an impact, I believe, after all, that Japan must determine ways to strengthen itself from within, and ways to implement efforts that are unique and feasible to Japan, while experiencing such global ups and downs, both big and small. 例文帳に追加

これは、ご案内のように、世界に対して、ギリシャ発のそういう影響というのは、当然ながら及んでいますよね。それに対してユーロ(EU)自体がどう対応するのか、ということで、今、懸命な対応をしてくれているわけですけれども、やはり、日本としてもその影響は受けざるを得ないと思います。その影響を日本自体が制御する方法があるのかというと、残念ながらこれを、特に、金融市場について遮断するという方法はないわけです。今日も、四百何十円か株価が下がっているようですけれども。そうした影響が出ているわけですけれども、やはり、日本としてやるべきことは、そうしたいろいろな大波小波がどんどん被ってくる中で、日本全体をどう強化していくのかという、日本独自の努力、日本でできる努力をどうやっていくのか、ということがないといけないと思いますよ。 - 金融庁

(i) Where the remaining amount after deducting the amount listed in (b) from the amount listed in (a) is equivalent to or less than the amount listed in (c): The amount obtained by calculating the amount of expenses listed in the items of paragraph (15) which the said domestic corporation pays for the relevant business year to a foreign controlling shareholder, etc. (meaning a foreign controlling shareholder, etc. prescribed in Article 66-5(4)(i) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and a fund provider, etc. (meaning a fund provider, etc. prescribed in item (ii) of the said paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) related to the said domestic corporation (such expenses shall be limited to what is to be paid, in the case prescribed in item (ii) or item (iii) of paragraph (13), when the interest on liabilities pertaining to the funds set forth in those items is included in the taxable income (meaning the taxable income prescribed in Article 66-5(4)(ix) of the Act; the same shall apply in (b)) of the person who is to receive payment of the said interest; such amount of expenses shall be referred to as the "amount of guarantee charge, etc. for the taxable income" in the next item) and then multiplying the said amount of expenses by the ratio obtained by dividing the remaining amount after deducting the amount listed in (c) from the amount listed in (a) (such remaining amount shall be referred to as the "amount exceeding the average balance of liabilities" in the next item and the next paragraph) by the amount listed in (b): 例文帳に追加

一 イに掲げる金額からロに掲げる金額を控除した残額がハに掲げる金額以下である場合 当該内国法人が当該事業年度において当該内国法人に係る国外支配株主等(法第六十六条の五第四項第一号に規定する国外支配株主等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)及び資金供与者等(同項第二号に規定する資金供与者等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に支払う第十五項各号に掲げる費用(第十三項第二号又は第三号に規定する場合において、これらの号の資金に係る負債の利子が当該利子の支払を受ける者の課税対象所得(法第六十六条の五第四項第九号に規定する課税対象所得をいう。ロにおいて同じ。)に含まれるときに、支払うものに限る。)の金額(次号において「課税対象所得に係る保証料等の金額」という。)に、イに掲げる金額からハに掲げる金額を控除した残額(次号及び次項において「平均負債残高超過額」という。)をロに掲げる金額で除して得た割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Where the remaining amount after deducting the amount listed in (b) from the amount listed in (a) is equivalent to or less than the amount listed in (c): The amount obtained by calculating the amount of expenses listed in the items of paragraph (14) which the said consolidated corporation pays for the relevant consolidated business year to a foreign controlling shareholder, etc. (meaning a foreign controlling shareholder, etc. prescribed in Article 68-89(4)(i) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and a fund provider, etc. (meaning a fund provider, etc. prescribed in item (ii) of the said paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) related to the said consolidated corporation (such expense shall be limited to what is to be paid, in the case prescribed in item (ii) or item (iii) of paragraph (13), when the interest on liabilities pertaining to the funds set forth in those items is included in the taxable income (meaning the taxable income prescribed in Article 68-89(4)(ix) of the Act; the same shall apply in (b)) of the person who is to receive payment of the said interest; such amount of expenses shall be referred to as the "amount of guarantee charge, etc. for the taxable income" in the next item) and then multiplying the said amount of expenses by the ratio obtained by dividing the remaining amount after deducting the amount listed in (c) from the amount listed in (a) (such remaining amount shall be referred to as the "amount exceeding the average balance of liabilities" in the next item and the next paragraph) by the amount listed in (b): 例文帳に追加

一 イに掲げる金額からロに掲げる金額を控除した残額がハに掲げる金額以下である場合 当該連結法人が当該連結事業年度において当該連結法人に係る国外支配株主等(法第六十八条の八十九第四項第一号に規定する国外支配株主等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)及び資金供与者等(同項第二号に規定する資金供与者等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に支払う第十四項各号に掲げる費用(第十三項第二号又は第三号に規定する場合において、これらの号の資金に係る負債の利子が当該利子の支払を受ける者の課税対象所得(法第六十八条の八十九第四項第九号に規定する課税対象所得をいう。ロにおいて同じ。)に含まれるときに、支払うものに限る。)の金額(次号において「課税対象所得に係る保証料等の金額」という。)に、イに掲げる金額からハに掲げる金額を控除した残額(次号及び次項において「平均負債残高超過額」という。)をロに掲げる金額で除して得た割合を乗じて計算した金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(i) Home-Visit Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Bathing Long-Term Care for Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Nursing for Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, Home-Visit Rehabilitation Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Management and Guidance for In-Home Medical Service for Preventive Long-Term Care, Outpatient Preventive Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation for Preventive Long-Term Care, and Rental Service of Preventive Long-Term Care Covered by Public Aid Equipment: the amount equivalent to 90 percent of the amount calculated by the type of Preventive Service of Long-Term Care and after considering the average expenses necessary for said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care that is calculated after considering the content of the Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care pertaining to the type of said Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, the area where the provider that performs said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care Business is located, etc. (excluding the expenses necessary to provide meals and other expenses as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare as necessary for daily life with regard to the expenses necessary for Outpatient Preventive Long-Term Care and Outpatient Rehabilitation for Preventive Long-Term Care), based on the standards provided by the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare (when said calculated amount exceeds the actual expenses required for said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, said amount shall be the actual expenses that are required for said Designated Preventive Service of Long-Term Care); 例文帳に追加

一 介護予防訪問介護、介護予防訪問入浴介護、介護予防訪問看護、介護予防訪問リハビリテーション、介護予防居宅療養管理指導、介護予防通所介護、介護予防通所リハビリテーション及び介護予防福祉用具貸与 これらの介護予防サービスの種類ごとに、当該介護予防サービスの種類に係る指定介護予防サービスの内容、当該指定介護予防サービスの事業を行う事業所の所在する地域等を勘案して算定される当該指定介護予防サービスに要する平均的な費用(介護予防通所介護及び介護予防通所リハビリテーションに要する費用については、食事の提供に要する費用その他の日常生活に要する費用として厚生労働省令で定める費用を除く。)の額を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める基準により算定した費用の額(その額が現に当該指定介護予防サービスに要した費用の額を超えるときは、当該現に指定介護予防サービスに要した費用の額とする。)の百分の九十に相当する額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As I informed you when I met with US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman Ben Bernanke, the Governor of the People's Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan and other governors of central banks in August 2010, financial institutionsespecially banks engaged in international operations—will certainly become more stable if they have more capital. In Japan, however, both public and private sectors had a very bitter experience during the financial crisis 12 years ago. Looking back, even sustainable companies that would otherwise have been sound were forced into bankruptcy due to the widespread credit crunch and credit withdrawal resulting from financial institutions seeking to secure capital temporarily, and the damage incurred was particularly extensive among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the time, the Nikkei Average looked as though it was about to fall below 7,000 yen, so Japan's argument based on such experience has been reflected in the G20 Summit declarations to date and the agreement announced at the recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision. 例文帳に追加

私が(本年)8月にアメリカのバーナンキ(連邦準備制度理事会議長)、あるいは中国の周小川(中国人民銀行行長)、中央銀行のそれぞれのトップとお会いしてきた時も皆様方にお伝えしましたように、金融機関、特に国際業務をする銀行は、自己資本が高ければ高いほど確かに安定はいたしますけれども、日本でも12年前、大変な金融ショックがあり、官民挙げて非常に苦しい経験があるわけでございますが、あれを振り返っても一時自己資本を確保するために貸し渋り、貸し剥がしが非常に横行しまして、普通であれば健全にやっていける持続可能な企業まで倒産せざるを得ないというような現象が起きまして、特に中小企業にはその被害が大変広く及びまして、もう皆様方もよくお分かりのように、あのとき株価も7,000円を割るかというような状況があったわけでございますから、そういったことを踏まえて、我が国の主張は、これまでのG20の首脳声明や先般の中央銀行総裁・金融監督当局長官会合での合意にもこの前から発表させていただいておりますように、反映されています。 - 金融庁


In the course of examination the Patent Office shall: refuse to recognize the subject matter of the application as an invention, in particular where the Office reveals that it does not concern any tangible creation susceptible of application, determined by means of technical features relating to its structure or composition, nor any particular technical way in which it affects a material, nor new use of a substance comprised in the state of the art; (ii)refuse to recognize the subject matter of the application as a new invention, where it may prove that all the technical features of the technical solution or of a variation of the technical solution contained in the application, taken together, are comprised in the state of the art and are not characterized by the production of unexpected effects; recognize the claimed invention that meets the criterion of novelty as a technical solution not involving an inventive step, where the Office may cite those documents from the state of the art, on the basis of which it may reasonably claim that the invention's capability of being carried out or applied is clearly implied by that state of the art, when taking into account average skills of a person skilled in the art; refuse to recognize the subject matter of the application as a technical solution susceptible of industrial application, in particular when it finds that it is infeasible for that solution to be used for manufacturing of the product or for the claimed process to be used in a technical sense.例文帳に追加

特許庁は,審査の過程において次のことを行う。 特に出願の主題が,構造又は構成に関する技術的特徴から判断して,出願可能な実体的な創造物に関係しておらず,また物質に作用する特定の技術的方法にも,技術水準に含まれる物質の新たな用途にも関係していないことを庁が明らかにした場合は,発明としての出願の主題の認容を拒絶する。出願に含まれる,技術的解決方法又はその変種の技術的特徴のすべてが,全体として技術水準に含まれており,かつ,予期できない効果の出現によって特徴付けられていないことを特許庁が証明することができる場合は,出願の主題を新たな発明として認容することを拒絶する。特許庁が技術水準から書類を引用することができ,その書類を基礎として特許庁が,当該技術の熟練者の平均的熟練度を考慮に入れたときに,発明が実施され又は利用される可能性が当該技術水準に明瞭に示されていることを合理的に主張することができる場合は,新規性の基準に適合するクレームされた発明を,進歩性を含まない技術的解決方法として認容する。 特に,製品の製造のために当該解決方法が実施されること又はクレームされた方法が技術的な意味で実施されることが不可能であることを特許庁が認めたときは,出願の主題を産業上の利用可能性のある技術的解決方法として認容することを拒絶する。 - 特許庁


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