



英和・和英辞典で「こんなとこ いたくない!」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「こんなとこ いたくない!」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15



I don't want to live in a place like this.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


In the meantime, Japan has been affected by the slowdown of the global economy and the surging prices of crude oil and raw materials, as well as by the deterioration of the domestic economy due to the severe conditions of the real estate and housing markets and the ensuing increase in credit-related costs.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To support the retrieval of a program that an operator wishes to view, to reduce a plurality of operations for viewing a mail or data associated with it and to prevent important information from being overlooked. - 特許庁

これはとても燃えやすい物質です。空気中でこんなに燃えやすいなら、酸素中ではどうなると思いますか? これをめいっぱいお見せすると、この装置自体がふっとびかねませんので、控えめにやってみますね。これでもびんが割れたりするかもしれませんが、軽率にものを壊したりしたくないですから。例文帳に追加

This is a very combustible substance; and if it be so combustible in air, what might you expect it would be in oxygen? I am about to shew it to you not in its fullest intensity, for if I did so we should almost blow the apparatus up—I may even now crack the jar, though I do not want to break things carelessly.発音を聞く  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


Although you say the report was made "in consideration of the opinions expressed of the Policy Meeting", some members of the Democratic Party argued in the meeting that there is no point holding such a meeting when a conclusion has already been drawn. The fact that Policy Meetings had been held 9 times was one of the major justifications you mentioned in the postal reform debate, so it seems inevitable that some members of the Democratic Party are expressing their frustration when they think their opinions not being reflected at all in the policy decisions. What are your views on this?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To use a common carriage (base) when a plate-shaped optical element is used and when a cube-shaped optical element is used. - 特許庁

LaTeX ドキュメントクラスとLaTeX2HTML サポートは、いずれもこのドキュメントのために設計された特殊なマークアップを完全に実装しています。 高度にカスタマイズされたマークアップが、ドキュメントを処理するための深遠なる機構と組み合さってしまうと、こんな疑問が出てきます:もっと簡単にできないの? あるいは、もっとましにならないの?コミュニティとのたくさんの議論を重ねた結果、我々は近代的な構造化ドキュメント生成システムの追求にも時間を費やす価値があるという結論に達しました。例文帳に追加

The LaTeX document classes and LaTeX2HTML support are both complete implementations of the specific markup designed for these documents.Combining highly customized markup with the somewhat esotericsystems used to process the documents leads us to ask some questions: Can we do this more easily? and, Can we do this better? - Python


To provide a method for publication on the Internet by which various kinds of procedures concerning a homepage such as setting up of the homepage and registration to a retrieval engine are performed while a burden on a setting up person is reduced. - 特許庁

第十八条 一般委託者が認定商品取引員に対して有する債権(当該一般委託者の委託者資産に係るものに限る。)であつて委託者保護基金が法第三百六条第一項の政令で定めるところにより当該認定商品取引員による円滑な弁済が困難であると認めるものは、当該認定商品取引員の財産の状況及び法第二百十条の規定による保全義務の履行の状況に照らして完全な弁済ができないと認められる債権又は弁済に著しく日数を要すると認められる債権とする。例文帳に追加

Article 18 Claims which a General Customer has on a Recognized Futures Commission Merchant (limited to those pertaining to Customer Assets of said General Customer) and whose smooth repayment by said Recognized Futures Commission Merchant is found difficult by the Consumer Protection Fund pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order as set forth in Article 306, paragraph (1) of the Act shall be claims whose complete repayment is found impossible or requires a considerable number of days in light of the status of the property of said Recognized Futures Commission Merchant and the status of performance of the duty to preserve under Article 210 of the Act.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一般委託者が認定商品取引員に対して有する債権(当該一般委託者の委託者資産に係るものに限る )であつて委託者保護基金が法第三百六条第一項 の政令で定めるところにより当該認定商品取引員による円滑な弁済が困難であると認めるものは、当該認定商品取引員の財産の状況及び法第二百十条 の規定による保全義務の履行の状況に照らして完全な弁済ができないと認められる債権又は弁済に著しく日数を要すると認められる債権とする。例文帳に追加

Claims which a General Customer has on a Recognized Futures Commission Merchant (limited to those pertaining to Customer Assets of said General Customer) and whose smooth repayment by said Recognized Futures Commission Merchant is found difficult by the Consignor Protection Fund pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order as set forth in Article 306, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be claims whose complete repayment is found impossible or requires a considerable number of days in light of the status of the property of said Recognized Futures Commission Merchant and the status of performance of the duty to preserve under Article 210 of the Act.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

民間賃貸住宅、空き家、公営住宅等を借り上げて応急仮設住宅として提供した場合のエアコン等の附帯設備については、① 通常は、家賃等の中で当該費用相当を上乗せすること、② これにより対応が困難な場合で、住宅の所有者管理者に対して相当の設置費用を支出した場合には、国庫負担の対象とすることとして差し支えない旨を、各都道府県あて通知(平成23年5月30日)例文帳に追加

When private apartments, abandoned houses, and public housings were rented out as emergency temporary housings, Prefectural Governments were notified in regard to the accessory equipment, such as air-conditioning, that: 1) Under ordinary circumstances, an amount equivalent to the relevant expense was included in the house rent; and 2) if it was difficult to address the matter by 1) and when a considerable amount was paid to the owners and managers of the houses for installing it, the cost could be funded from tax revenues. (May 30, 2011) - 厚生労働省


To provide a necktie of sophisticated feeling having unconventional reverse face design hard to realize by mass production process so as to strongly appeal to customers in the age of individualism and satisfy them with unconventional luxurious hand-made design and texture. - 特許庁



To provide an aldehyde-scavenger for preparation of a coating-material solution applicable on surfaces of wall and articles to simply impart aldehyde-scavenging function by mixing the aldehyde scavenger with the solution without allowing solutes to invade into porous materials, and provide further an aldehyde-scavenging coating material in which the aldehyde scavenger is used. - 特許庁







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