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英訳・英語 rescission upon agreement、Rescission (contract law)
該当件数 : 12件
(D) Cases where the parties agree to the termination Furthermore, if the parties agree to the termination ex post facto, the contract may be terminated.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
(3) Exchange of opinions with external auditors (including request concerning release agreement of outside auditor's confidentiality of information for the target financial institution)発音を聞く - 金融庁
A consumer has the right to terminate the arbitration agreement incorporated into a consumer contract ("Consumer Arbitration Agreement") as defined by the Consumer Contract Act (Supplementary provision of the Arbitration Law6)発音を聞く - 経済産業省
Unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon, parties to the Primary Agreement tacitly agreed on the right of termination. Such agreement by the parties of the right to terminate should still exist, even if it is stated on the outside of the product package that the product is non-returnable after opening.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
For example, a buyer may terminate a contract: if a seller defaults; if a buyer does not perform its obligation; if any latent defects ("kashi") are found in used goods purchased; according to a provision prescribed in the terms and conditions of contract (e.g. exhibition terms and condition) permitting termination in certain circumstances; or, if both parties agree to the termination.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
On submission by the owner of a request for termination of an agreement as referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2), the trademark shall be revoked ipso jure with respect to any use.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Under existing law, a user has the right to return products by way of tacit agreement, where the user does not agree to the license agreement.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「合意解除」に類似した例文 |
to conclude a treaty with a Power
to cancel the prohibition―remove the prohibition―lift the ban―lift the embargo―(on anything)
該当件数 : 12件
With North Korea's announcement on the 26th of its nuclear development plan based upon the agreement stemming from the Six Party Talks, and the United States' commencement of procedures to remove North Korea from its designation on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, the families of abductees have expressed growing unease that it may constitute an abandonment of the abductee issue. - Tatoeba例文
Unless otherwise agreed (for example, by clearly indicating on the outside of the product package a reasonable period during which goods may be returned), the right to return goods can either be exercised for a period of 10 years (Paragraph 1, Article 167 of the Civil Code) or for five years (Article 522 of the Commercial Code).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
このような閉塞的な状況の中、米国及び中南米諸国等の関係国政府間の合意として、1992年に策定されたイルカの年別混獲制限計画を同条約の規制措置とする「パナマ宣言」が採択され、これを受けて、米国は、キハダマグロ禁輸措置を撤廃する「国際イルカ保存計画法(InternationalDolphin Conservation Program Act(Public Law No.105-42))」を1997年8月に成立させ、当該措置の解除を行ったが、環境団体による訴訟の結果、解除が一旦凍結された状態になった。例文帳に追加
In reaction to this deadlock, the United States and the governments of the countries involved, mostly Latin American countries, negotiated the Panama Declaration, which adopts restrictive measures pursuant to the annual plan prepared in 1992 to regulate the incidental taking of dolphins. As a result of the Panama Declaration, the United States enacted the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act (Public Law No. 105-42) in August 1997, which removes the embargo on imports of yellowfin tuna from those countries that participate in a dolphin conservation program formulated under the US law. - 経済産業省
平成16年3月1日に施行された仲裁法においては、仲裁合意は書面によってなされなければならないが(仲裁法第13条第2項 1)、電磁的記録によって仲裁合意がなされた場合も、書面によってなされたものとするという規定が置かれている(同条第4項2)。よって、オンライン上で、電子メール交換など電磁的記録の残る方式によってなされた合意も有効となる。なお、消費者契約法で定める消費者契約においてなされる仲裁合意については、消費者に解除権が付与されている(同法附則 3)。仲裁法第13条第2項仲裁合意は、当事者の全部が署名した文書、当事者が交換した書簡又は電報(ファクシミリ装置その他の隔地者間の通信手段で文字による通信内容の記録が受信者に提供されるものを用いて送信されたものを含む。)その他の書面によってしなければならない。2同法第13条第4項仲裁合意がその内容を記録した電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であって、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう)によってされたときは、その仲裁合意は、書面によってされたものとする。例文帳に追加
Under the Arbitration Law enacted on March 1, 2004, an arbitration agreement must be made in writing (Paragraph 2, Article 13 of the Arbitration Law4). However, it also provides that an arbitration agreement completed by electromagnetic record shall be deemed to have been completed in writing (Paragraph 4 of said Article5). 4 Paragraph 2, Article 13 of the Arbitration Law: The arbitration agreement shall be in the form of a document signed by all the parties, (e.g.) letters, telegrams, or other types of document exchanged between the parties (including those sent by facsimile devices or other communication devices for communication between remote parties, which provide the recipient with a written record of the transmitted content). 5 Paragraph 4, Article 13 of the Arbitration Law: When an arbitration agreement is made by way of electromagnetic record (records produced by electronic, magnetic or any other means unrecognizable by natural sensory functions and used for data-processing by a computer) 6 Paragraph 2, Article 3 of Supplementary Provision of the Arbitration Law: Consumer may rescind an arbitration agreement based on his or her legal status as a consumer (translation omitted) Therefore, an arbitration agreement completed in an online electromagnetic record (e.g. exchanging e-mails), where no written form exists, is considered a valid online transaction.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
WTOのパネル・上級委は、現行のEU バナナ輸入制度が最恵国待遇等に違反するとの判断を下しており、EU は勧告に従って1999年1月1日までに関係する措置を是正する旨を表明したが、EU の提案はいずれも申立国(米国、エクアドル、グアテマラ、ホンデュラス、メキシコ)に受け入れられず、1999年4月から米国による制裁関税が課されていたが、2001年4月の米・EU 及びEU・エクアドル合意により、同年7月より米国による制裁関税は解除された。例文帳に追加
A WTO panel and the Appellate Body both ruled that the EU banana imports regime violated MFN and other WTO obligations. The EU announced that it would rectify the relevant measures by 1 January 1999, but none of the EU proposals to do so were accepted by the complaining parties (the United States, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico). In April 1999, the United States imposed retaliatory tariffs, but agreement between the US and the EU, and the EU and Ecuador, in April 2001 resulted in the elimination of these tariffs in July 2001. - 経済産業省
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